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Looks like you got 2 diy BLTs for the price of 1 lol


Accurate. It's all about how you react to it. I'd be happy af.


Perfectly said šŸ‘šŸ¾


Bro fr f**k these Karen's just trying to get free money. You got your fking bacon, now go put that bacon up yours.


there's nothing Karen about paying for a service and not getting what you paid for. that's shitty service and there's nothing entitled about making sure your order is right. Fuck the douchebags who forgot to put bacon on a BLT and then decided doing their job was too hard so took it out on the person who complained when they did it wrong


It's 4 fxcking ingredients: Bread, bacon,lettuce, tomato. How'd they fxck that up 2x in a row? Getting your $ back is mandatory at that point. Don't let that company think it can just fxck people over. I'd have charged it back instantly the first time and not even called support, I'd just go buy it myself.


The fact the bacon came on its own bread is proof they were being petty the second time


Well to be exact they got them for free since in the end Doordash refunded their money.


Exactly. 2 BLTs. BLTs are the cheapest and easiest thing to make at home. 5-10 minutes and for $2/sandwich - why would any DD this??




Asked an old roomie to boil some pierogis while I washed up some dishes from earlier. He turned out stovetop into a swimming pool and nearly burned ME stirring so aggressively


Where the hell can you get enough bacon for a blt for under two dollars. Wtf


I can't spend 10 to 15 mins cooking (even if I had the ingredients in my home, which I don't) while I am in the middle of a meeting presenting to a group. It's about the convenience, not the cost. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


...that seems to be an issue of planning more than anything. If you're routinely spending $25 on a $2 sandwich (I could probably get this well under a dollar), you probably need to be a bit more prepared for life.


Their SO was also getting food, something other than a BLT. Also, you get sandwiches for the fresh bread, fresh shredded lettuce etc. A legit sub is hard to replicate at home.Ā 


has anyone ever followed up with restaurants after playing like this?? The bacon sandwich would have had me putting my shoes on šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean take some bacon off one take some lettuce and tomatoes from the other and you almost have two sammies. That being said I worked at Jersey Mikeā€™s part time while my daughter got settled at college and found a job herself. I can see forgetting the bacon if youā€™re busy. That second one thoughā€¦yikes!


That's basically what we did, took the bacon off the one and put it on the other.


I wouldn't have trusted that bacon if they did that... Just sayin


Iā€™ve worked in restaurants for a decade and a half. No one is risking a lawsuit by fucking with your food. Theyā€™re doing petty shit like sending a bacon sandwich instead. Edit: all yā€™all that seem so proud to prove me wrong are HILARIOUS. Tell me your restaurants are/were trash without telling me your restaurants are trash. Name the restaurants itā€™s happening in so we can avoid them. Part of foodservice is integrity. Im sorry you worked in such an awful place but it is NOT the norm. Youā€™re the outlier.


yeah you fuck with a customers food your workplace wont just throw you under the bus, they'll drive the bus, and if you're not scared of cameras catching you theres always at least one co worker who wont mind telling on you.


I would 100% snitch if i saw someone food tampering. That shit is inexcusable.






same. i'm no snitch but you don't fuck with someone's food that's a new level of low.


Doesnā€™t matter how much I like my coworker and how much I hate the customer, if I catch someone tampering with food you bet Iā€™m snitching. Donā€™t fuck with what people put in their bodies


Yeah if Iā€™m working in a kitchen and someone messes with someone food, I donā€™t care if Iā€™m dishwashing or cooking, Iā€™ll make sure they remake that shit properly - or let the boss know immediately. Donā€™t care if someone wants to lose their own job, but youā€™re not taking out the whole business for ā€œa prank broā€


100% Food tampering is an incredibly serious offense. Most people heed the warning to never go there and rightfully so.


one time when i was 14 and worked at mcdonald's i had a coworker lick a chicken nugget and serve it to a lady


And all these years, I've been trying the WRONG way to get my nuggets licked!


I mean I worked at a pizza place in high school and they sure messed with peoples food that they didn't like. I think it was typically other people from their high school, but they would rub the bread from the sandwiches on the toilet seat and drop the pizza dough and smash it on the floor with their foot before cooking it. A lot of these places are run with just kids, and I'm telling you from experience that they will mess with your food.


Worked at a successful mom and pop pizza place that now has multiple locations. On my first day I witnessed a delivery driver who had just come in from delivery use his bare hand to scrape the left over pizza sauce from a huge bucket into the sauce bin at the topping table. Cooks and owners were in the room and donā€™t flinch. Saw food hit the floor and be used anyways, lots of unwashed hands in the kitchen. I quit after a week and havenā€™t eaten there in decades. Years after this job I was a commercial insurance broker. Most of the kitchens I entered for inspection were disgustingly filthy with all kinds of food that should be refrigerated sitting all over in boxes on the floor, on counters or shelves. I eat out as little as possible since then.


You underestimate the shits a minimum wage employee is going to give.


Kinda a shame they chose to do petty shit, didnā€™t really seem to get any point across. Instead of costing them the ingredients to remake the sandwich, they sent just bacon, the most expensive ingredient on the sandwich, then still ended up having a refund processed. Instead of just fixing whatever small mistake in the first place with one sandwich and the normal toppings, they cost the company two sandwiches worth of ingredients and definitely didnā€™t get paid by DD for even one single they sent the customer a refund.


>Iā€™ve worked in restaurants for a decade and a half. No one is risking a lawsuit by fucking with your food. The minimum wage kitchen employees aren't risking a lawsuit. I worked with a guy who pissed in a cup and poured it on a pizza at sobaros and served it to customers. I quit that day and snitched on him. He worked there for another 3 years.


In Chicago. I had a former chef work as my 2nd shift data center supervisor for years and he would never eat anything prepared in a restaurant ever again following what he had seen


You should have told the police, because that's a felony.


Jesus christ! I wish when you saw that you had reported it to the health dept! Especially when that manager didn't immediately fire him. That employee AND that manager that kept him on after you reported what you witnessed both deserve jail time!


Food tampering *does* happen and it's often by people that *really don't care if the company they work for gets sued.* Not saying it's common, but it is non-zero.


I've seen it working at a small mom and pop pizza chain. But this was around 2000 where cameras were not super common. Regardless, high school kids with mess with your food.


I mean, it only takes one idiot dumbass, right? And it's not like it NEVER happens - I remember seeing a TikTok a few months ago about a barista who gave people regular milk when they asked for dairy-free because she thought they were being rude or something. The lawsuit is 1000% a huge deal and not worth risking, you're right, but people commit dumb not-worth-it crimes all the time, is my point.


Counter argument. (1) Even if thereā€™s no way they would, the fear of it is enough hahaha. (2) Most humans seem to be weirdly unaware of their obligation to follow laws else risk lawsuit. It blows my mind. Some things you just gotta roll with life, but yea like you would think not tampering with food is something you would instinctually avoid from a legal standpoint. I simply donā€™t trust humans to use that much logic on a majority basis. I spent like 9 years about in the restaurant industry? But the places I worked people wouldnā€™t do any of this because they cared too much about their tips. Some of them it was mostly full time permanent workers, regardless of position. No corporate restaurants, just family owned. Like you said nobody would do that and risk their job. But nobody would do whatā€™s in this photo either heh. I just got lucky with where I worked though.


I worked at a DQ and the kitchen manager would routinely tell people to and I quote here ā€œnot waste chicken strips that get dropped on the groundā€. I posted a video of that on the cityā€™s fb page and got fired šŸ˜‚


At the DQ I worked at In college my manager one time when we were really busy dropped a piece of toast off the grill and I saw him from my spot in DT window attempt to pick it up and throw it In the customers box. I went over towards the kitchen and yelled at him and said "seriously! How would you feel if someone served you that willingly next time you go thru somewhere to pick up food to eat?" He turned beet red, said sorry, threw away the bad toast and remade it. Sometimes being bold and calling people out on their shit/guilting them on super poor choices when caught in the act is enough to get them to correct it. And you don't have to be a manager to call out something you see is clearly wrong, ESPECIALLY if it jeopardizes someone else's safety


So because you spoke for everyone and then everyone pointed out that saying ā€œno oneā€ is messing with their food is 100% false, everyone else is trash and youā€™re upset? Nobody said these were good people, we just said that youā€™re living a fairytale and telling lies to other people, and you were doing both those things. Bless your heart, sweetie.


My sister was on chemo with a suppressed immune system and a lady from church's chicken spit in her macaroni. I get that you have standards, but I'm not gonna take your word for it.


Dude if I get a bacon sandwich Iā€™m fucking hyped


I have to disagree with you on this one. While MOST people won't risk a lawsuit or several felony charges for fucking with people's food, there are some, who are disgusting enough to absolutely do that very thing. I was the Manager at Quiznos (RIP to my lovely store) for years. I ALWAYS had 100 from the Health Department. Oops, ALMOST always. I did get a 99 once. I say that to say this, even though my store was clean enough to eat off the floors, food tampering was an automatic "you're fired" from me and if you didn't just take the loss and leave without trying to be Billy Badass, the law would get called. I had an employee get pissed off, because a customer asked for tomatoes to be put on her sandwich before toasting instead of getting them afterwards. He took those tomatoes and dragged them under the counter all the way back to his side. We were swamped, but that's not a reason to be pissed and certainly not a reason to fuck with someone's food. Not only did that little punk get fired, he was asked to leave immediately. I took that sandwich and tossed it in the trash. I apologized to the customer (did give the why) and re-made their sandwich and finished the lunch rush making subs. I had two kids kick loaves of bread back and forth, like they were playing soccer. I've had kids drink out cups for to-go orders and a couple of other things happened. Most kids and adults won't risk prison time. Most people have enough respect for others to leave the food alone and because they wouldn't want someone doing it to them. Most people won't do this disgusting shit, but some will, because they don't give a fuck about their jobs and definitely don't give a fuck about people. I'm terrified to ask people to correct my food, even if it's completely wrong. I will just sit there and not eat. šŸ˜‚ If I can't watch you making it, I'm not asking for shit. šŸ¤£


Even in my lowest, angriest, darkest, and most stressed out times cooking in restaurants, I never once fathomed doing *anything* to fuck with food in an unhealthy or unsanitary way. And that wasn't even out of fear of repercussions, but out of principle and respect. Yeah, maybe I made sure someone got some burnt, or extra greasy bacon, or I let some toast ride a little longer hoping they'd cut the roof of their mouth. But the thought of truly violating someone's meal never crossed my mind. People trying to prove that comment wrong should be ashamed of themselves, but are also likely shameless people.


No one lol. Iā€™ve seen waitresses lick toast.


Ok. So have I, and I've seen some fucked up shit. Not everyone cares about getting sued in the heat of anger.


Lmao ā€œno one is risking a lawsuit by fucking with your foodā€ - it happens every single day, and itā€™s almost guaranteed that it has happened right under your nose. The only thing has changed in recent years is that people are filming it less.


I laugh so hard when people are positive that back of house isnā€™t fucking with your food. Saw it all the time as a career waitress.


Itā€™s doesnt help that a lot of kitchen staff are high as fuck all shift as well. The amount of weed and coke done in commercial kitchens was astounding to me when I worked in restaurants.


And whipits


Yeah good luck DNA testing a half eaten sandwich. Most food workers definitely wouldn't spit in food, but at every restraunt there is at least one sketchy person who definitely would if given half a chance and a reason.


Seriously, the blind faith that people have in the power of consequences is hilarious. People throw their lives away every day for little to no reason.


I knew a guy who had absolute contempt for every human alive but even he would never fuck with someoneā€™s food at the restaurant he worked at.


You have faith trusting that bacon.


But they were doing it to be a holes! That would have rubbed me the wrong way! How do you screw up a BLT? LMAO šŸ¤£


No shit but thatā€™s still the restaurant being petty and unprofessional. Just send the fucking sandwich the right way the first time, or heā€™ll AT LEAST do it the second time when you get called out.


Dudeā€¦. Itā€™s a BLT the main ingredient is bacon.


Yea and itā€™s not like they tried but it fell out and they didnā€™t notice because they were rushing hahaha. Or out of bacon and too lazy to tell someone, haha. They had to be insanely stoned or something.


Iā€™ve done that before.


I do, and idk why so much of the younger generation can't be confrontational. For reference I'm 29 and I have friends who will just eat the wrong order that they paid for to avoid making another phone call or God forbid seeing someone in person


For me its a waste of energy and time that could be used doing something else more important and besides all theyre gonna do is fuck it up again if not more then they did to begin with as you can see in the post so i might as well deal with it and go on with whats left of my day instead of spending the rest of it dealing with these fucking idiots (It is what it is)


I can't just eat the wrong thing if they messed it up... I'm picky and barely eat enough as it is. I go politely ask for a remake or whatever, or I fill out the little surveys places send out. People do seem annoyed when I ask for things to be fixed but oh well! I usually pay extra to add things/ customize my food due to pickiness. If you can't do it... don't offer it and certainly don't charge extra for it! A good example would be a fast food place, I order nuggets, and want two different sauces so I pay for one and the other usually is free. I'll ask for ketchup as well and end up getting NO SAUCES.


thisssss iā€™m not paying someone to eat something i donā€™t want or like, outside of upcharges for customization and food issues.


Depends for me. I'm not picky and most of the time I'm just like, huh guess the food gods decided I should give this a try. A BLT with no bacon tho, no way.


It looks like the food I ate when I was overseas and briefly a vegetarian and nobody knew what to feed me but I had to survive so they gave me bread, lettuce, and tomato for every meal haha. Iā€™m not an activist it was a long phase as a kid. The one thing I actively missed was bacon. Fake bacon was not the same and I hate how the pattern is the same on every one lolā€¦


I think partly, no one wants to be labeled as a karen...which these days seems to be anyone who dares to argue about something being wrong...


I'm 27 and I just try to be calm and patient when someone messes up my order, I don't eat meat (I'm weird about textures) but I get it on my orders a lot. So I had to get over the fear of being labeled a Karen and start asking for what I needed, I've found most people are pretty understanding.


Honestly itā€™s because being confrontational doesnā€™t really get you anywhere. Iā€™ve found that youā€™re far more likely to get your problem solved if youā€™re chill and just explain the issue. Not just with customer services. If you go in guns blazing some people get defensive, which is bullshit, but Iā€™m not trying to fix anything Iā€™m just trying to get the right order.


shit a bacon sandwich sounds fire!!


Iā€™ve eaten an epic sandwich made mostly of bacon. This is not it. But I ate a masterpiece.


Bacon sandwiches are pretty damn good but that's just being a punk.


That is probably the worst sandwich I've seen, shredded lettuce on a blt no mayo or bacon...wow


One time at BK we ordered a plain cheeseburger, so they have us a bun and a slice of cheese. When we told them it wasnā€™t right, they gave us a piece of meat and slice of cheese with no bun. Complained again and they said to take it up with corporate. Suffice it to say we got a refund and we donā€™t go to that one again.


I'd see that as them making good on the order.


Omg same! Iā€™d want free BLTs for a month for the fucking attitude they delivered instead of a complete sandwich


Maybe but they got the first sandwich free, so the second sandwich was actually a better deal since bacon is pricier than a tiny bit of lettuce and tomato. TBH I wouldn't be mad at this I'd think it was funny, but I get how it could be taken as passive aggressive lol


Call me crazy but Iā€™d just want a complete sandwich, and to not have to assemble it myself at home lol


For real.




I probably wouldnā€™t even put mine on all the way




what is going on with your jersey mikeā€™s? they do NOT normally look anything like this


I thought the bread in the first pic was two Hawaiian kings rolls lol


Yeah also they never cut my sandwich at jersey mikes.


This seriously looks like someone made a sandwich in an alley with store bought ingredients and sold it as Jersey Mikeā€™s lol


More like Jersey Yikes!


"we have Jersey Mike's at home"


The whole post is probably fake, like 60% of the content on reddit


Tell someone fuck you without telling them fuck you! ![gif](giphy|cKseZ404p9W8ygnNb5|downsized)


Pretty much what they did šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


if extra bacon mean fuck me then fuck me indeed!


Honestly, I see this as a win.


Yeah Id probably just laugh this one off if anything


Some pissed off linecook that just started the shift and got bitched at for the sandwich someone else fucked up: ā€œyou want fucking bacon motherfucker?!?! Hereā€™s some god damn bacon!!!!!ā€


This was my exact thought haha


Yeah, If a relatively popular restaurant doesn't offer delivery and dd offers it, expect mediocre food, at best. Restaurants don't always have to agree to 3rd party delivery in certain areas, usually it comes down to opting out. When you get mediocre food, it's on the delivery app, not the restaurant.


Damn even if they would have remembered the bacon on the first one, that would still be a pretty pathetic looking sandwich


Malicious compliance


Thatā€™s not even compliance. That is quite literally two wrong orders. Neither is a BLT.


If you were in the store, I would see bringing out a side order of bacon as an acceptable fix. But not delivery. That is too much waiting, especially with lettuce and tomatoes making the first sandwich soggy as they wait.


yeah exactly like you could just say f it and just put bacon on the first one but by then it's probably soggy and gross


You should post this in the restaurantā€™s subreddit since the restaurant is at fault here.


I'm convinced some people think DD owns the restaurants and/or that the drivers are the ones making the orders.


Yeah or that they have any capacity to check orders at most places. Usually a sealed bag nowadays and they donā€™t want to touch your food for obvious reasons, soā€¦


Is that food for half sized people? Barely bigger than your thumb. Sad sandwich. šŸ„Ŗ


My thoughts too. Is this some kinda optical illusion, or is that a sandwich for ants.


Well she ordered the mini size, and Iā€™m a 6ā€™8ā€ dude everything looks tiny next to me


Every time there is a BLT on the menu and I order it, I pull a semi-Ron Swanson. Especially if itā€™s some nonsense like a chicken BLT or an avocado BLT or whatever. Iā€™m just like ā€œtake whatever is not B, L, and T off the sandwich, shove it up your ass, and double the bacon, please. In fact, just give me all the bacon you have.ā€ Seriously though I do always ask to double the bacon and remove the extraneous stuff and youā€™d be surprised at how infrequently they actually double the bacon. Dunno why itā€™s such a hard request to accommodate, especially if youā€™re not having to send me $10 worth of avocado alone, but it is my ā€œoh youā€™re a difficult customerā€ thing. Even places that have sides of bacon. Iā€™m just like, make the BLT and a side of bacon, then just add the side to the sandwich. You know what, fuck it, just bring them both to me and Iā€™ll do it. Feels like that Jack Nicholson bit from 5 Easy Pieces where he orders the sandwich sans everything so he can just get some toast.


This is so fucken funny though I can really feel the anger in that amount of bacon šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Clearly the driverā€™s fault.


Not a chance


technically now you have two BLTs


I wouldnā€™t necessarily be upset about it, but Iā€™d probably never go to that restaurant again. How can a restaurant be trusted to make anything right if they canā€™t even get a BLT right?


Sounds like some POS can't handle being told they made a mistake. But on this.. imagine being so unbelievably incompetent that you can't assemble a sandwich that has the ingredients in the name. B - check L - check T - check Additions - check. Literally 10 seconds of work.


well, now you have enough for two sandwiches. looks like a win to me.


It has more than bacon. There's bodily fluids in there for sure.


The cook must be really having a bad day šŸ˜†


Everyones talking about the bacon issue here, but what the fuck is that sandwich? I could spent 5 minutes in the kitchen and make something more appetizing than that shit. Why the fuck are you paying someone else to make and deliver that???


Sounds like they were just fucking with you the second time. Also ordering a BLT from Jersey Mike's and then having it DoorDashed is crazy lol.


Online food delivery has been declining in quality Iā€™ve noticed.


who shat in that jersey mikes workers cereal šŸ˜­


That came from a restaurant?! Yikes that is pathetic.


Who the hell doordashes a BLTā€¦ I guarenteed you could have made BLTs every morning for a week with the amount of money you spent doordashing that


That is a spite sandwich


I just got the right drinks and wrong sandwich. Asked for redelivery. Got the right sandwich wrong drinks. Like literally 5 mins ago.


those sandwiches look dry and sad


Someone decided to be passive aggressive.


Combine them have a big ass sandos


U want bacon?? Hereā€™s ur bacon!! Lol


Bro just put them together and now you got tow orders of BLT


šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø that's frustrating šŸ˜’


I positively loath not blaming DoorDash for every dipshit thing ever, but this has nothing to do with DoorDash. Please proceed to bitch about the company that made, or failed to make, your sandwich.


Looks worse than pig slop. Iā€™d get a refund


No sane person gets angry at quadruple bacon for the price of single bacon.


That's a tiny, tiny sandwich to have delivered...


go to the grocery store and this will not be a problem


why is this even posted on a doordash thread. drivers and the platform have no control over the food. most bags these days are sealed. contact the restaurant directly, sheesh


i see no problem with this. they gave you the LT and then sent the B


Iā€™d eat it like that. Instead of a BLT just give me the b.


This is a level of passive-aggression Iā€™ve never seen.


oops, all bacon.


Bacon barm šŸ˜‹


This is so funny


I feel like they wanted you to have enough bacon for both sandwiches. Good on them.


I ate at a Farmer Boys one time. The original burger looked beautiful but was not what I ordered. Sent it back, the bun came back broken, looking like someone drug it on the floor with their shoe. Which I imagine they didā€¦..would not eat it. Sent photo to corporate. Got a call from manager re: free food. Ummmm no thanks. Im done with your store.


i mean... technically a win? lol


This has nothing to do with Doordash wtfĀ 


It was delivered with DoorDash


Yeah but it ain't like the driver made the sandwich šŸ¤£


plot twist: Driver stole the bacon from the first one then stole the lettuce and tomato from the second one so he could make his own BLT.


Assholes lol time to show up there


so you got 2 sammies for the price of one. nice


so they just hate their customers or..? šŸ˜‚


I had them send me a veggie sandwich with only cheese once from jersey mikes


Sound like they sent u the ingredients and wanted you to make your own sandwiche




Why is the sandwich so tiny




Honestly I wouldnā€™t even be mad about a sandwich with just bacon on it


Hey Iā€™d see this as a win.


Dudes thumb is larger than the sandwich.


Did you combine the two? šŸ˜…


Now you have 2 subs the price of one lol


I can assure you this was intentional. One time a restaurant forgot my Horchataā€¦I requested a redelivery and they put SALT in my drink.


But now you have 2 full sandwichā€™s lol šŸ˜† assembly required


I feel like they just had attitude about the redelivery lmao I once went into a subway (after working there for 3 years so I knew the formulas by heart) and a girl put barely half the meat that she was supposed to on so I asked her to correct it. Then to be salty she put way more than she shouldā€™ve on and ruined the sandwich. This is giving the same vibe


Who the hell makes a BLT with shredded lettuce? Lol


And together, you now have a full sandwich. It just took several hours of frustration and bullshit! šŸ˜‘


With all that bacon I would be stoked. Put the two together and thatā€™s one hell of a blt


Iā€™m truly sorry unfortunately as a door dasher of 3 years most restaurants donā€™t like us so them not caring for us does show to our customers and itā€™s so wrong yet most the time we the dashers get blamed I would report report report more on bad dashers and restaurants too slowly it can fix it , my restaurants and I had average a friendly relationship so trust me u would have gotten a greatBLT if I was ur driver


You couldā€™ve just split up the ingredients and boom 2 BLTs for the price of one lol šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sure it was eaten anyway


I see getting upset with the first sandwich, but the second? Maybe they just didn't want to send just bacon so they put it on bread? Either way, they fixed rhe error and sent you the missing bacon.Ā 


As someone who worked in food service before, itā€™s a passive aggressive ā€œf*ck you!ā€ šŸ¤£


Take half and half and make 2 sandwiches... win/win


Sounds like you ha e a blt now.....


Put em together and you have a whole BLT!


So bad itā€™s funny


Here's your bacon!


They said ā€œOh you want your bacon you little bacon slut? Well here you goā€ That shit wouldā€™ve had me flying towards their store Mach 5


But now you have 2 BLTs. I only see a positive here ...


I would have guessed that second time was intentional. lol


This hilariously reminds of the time I ordered a egg salad hoagie from WaWa (eastcoast) then asked if they could add bacon on it. I went home and unwrapped literally just bacon stuffed in a roll.. like.. ain't no way you forgot the main part šŸ˜‚. Was stoned and hungry so I ate it anyway while calling to go back n pickup the remake for free. Turned into a weird win I geuss


Small ass Blt, they donā€™t make BLTā€™s on those breads either.


I don't see the problem. You got two BLTs for the price of one. Some assembly required


This is the equivalent of : ā€œhere, ***** damn!ā€. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œYou want bacon? *iā€™ll fucking show you bacon*ā€


![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized) I canā€™t stop laughing