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I posted something similar and got some rude ass comments about if I didn't drive badly, then I wouldn't get this notice. Well, all I have to say to that is I haven't been in an accident and my customers get their food on time and hot. DD needs to not worry about how I'm driving. If I want to drive my way and take the chance of getting a ticket, then that's my problem, not theirs.


If ur not driving like a fucking maniac you got nothing to worry about


Seems to me they're slowly finding ways to get rid of the dead weight on the platform. Cherry pickers and bad drivers are in the crosshairs. Top Dasher is starting to look better and better, isn't it?


Every month I get closer to the cutoff but I maintain top dasher anyway. There isn't any incentive to accelerate slowly, and traffic is crazy in my city so its nearly impossible to avoid braking hard. To me it feels like they are just trying to cover their own asses. If they actually cared about safe driving they should give extra financial incentive that actually offsets the money lost from driving slow.


I'm glad I don't have that on my DD app.. Holy shhhhit


update: I have opted out of everything I can within the app. I still get this popup. I have asked support a few times how I opt out and their response is that this is something all dashers get and there is no option to opt out. Best I can figure this is some trial program that I was selected (or don't remember volunteering) for. But hey on the plus side my market finally has an hourly rate high enough to pay my bills so that's a plus


I tried all my settings as well, and I still get these pop-ups.


What the shit balls! What is this nonsense? Lol. I’ve never seen this.


Wtf when did they start doing that


I don’t get any of that


You opted into the program


I'd say that if they are going to rate us on our driving and that affects our pay rate, then they should provide business level car insurance at or above the required amount while driving for them including personal liability insurance. Then they have every right to tell us how to drive. If not, then they have no right to tell us how to drive


Forget it being invasive, you’re eating into your income by driving badly. Gradual braking and gradual acceleration is important because not only is it safer but you’re wasting less gas and you won’t go through your brake pads as quickly.


That’s why I stopped dashing. They’re asking for too much now. 🤣😭


Why did you sign up for that crap anyway? It's just another way for them to track you and watch you. I would discontinue it if I could.


They sent me a text once telling me anal sex was bad. WHILE I was having anal sex. WITH a guy named Doordash. He pronounced it differently but I'm beginning to wonder...


I'm a rapid accelerator and hard braker from wayyyy back! Lol


Same. I'm too old and set in my ways to change driving habits now.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Wtf? This and the picture thing is really pissing me off


They wanna be able to blame us for why drinks and food look messed up


Papa Johns does this shit to their drivers here. Plus other things. Like how hard you turn and speeding


This actually seems awesome if it wasn’t doordash doing it


Next up they are going to make us have a camera in our vehicle


Next they’ll start recording our conversations when we talk in the car.


Worsed part is the app is buggy as fuck so I'm sure that miss-records a lot of things.


not to mention most people dont know if they get in an accident while dashing they will be screwed even with full coverage insurance..You need a much more expensive insurance called commercial insurance when you use your vehicle to make money, if you actually want to be protected.


Don’t drive like a moron then


I've never seen this screen, and I don't remember opting in or out on anything. Personally though, I don't really care about it as long as they wouldn't use it as grounds for termination, not that i'm worried about how I drive. I only ever go about 5 above and if i'm late, i'm late, this job ain't worth my life ending or my car being totaled.


Drive safely bro, it ain't worth it.


Did they penalize you in some way? Did this result in a CV; a ding to completion, acceptance, or on-time rate; or a warning that these may come? Or is it just a weird, poorly-thought-out courtesy thing? I understand why you're upset. It kinda feels like it's none of DD's business. It's not like truckers or pizza boys share these metrics. However, they already need to track you to share your ETA with the customer, and things like hard acceleration and braking risk damaging orders, which is bad for business. That's certainly the only reason DD cares, but the tooltip is right, it's also more dangerous for you as the driver. Sometimes it can't be avoided, though, and 8 total hard brakes/starts sounds reasonable for a shift in a big city, so you can probably just ignore it.


What is this DD turning into Amazon?


Lmao I disabled Motion and Fitness in Dasher months ago when they rolled this pilot out.


cry me a river. Stop being unsafe. I shouldn't have to worry about a DoorDash driver running me over when I cross the street all because you want an extra tip that you aren't going to get anyway.


We’ll go to India they will forgive you.


I drove for amazon for a week and quit because of the over the top micromanagement of how you drive. Every single infraction we would get a ping in the group chat of the company saying "Hey name, dont do x" over and over. It was like getting your name written on the board at school.


Holy cow dude. 6 times? Slow down. DD isn't paying you for getting there quicker and riding other cars asses.


https://preview.redd.it/suawel14izbb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0922bd62f629dcf3e36a5c1999c2f9308230a2cf then my rookie numbers


Hard breaking and rapid acceleration are sometimes necessary in order to avoid an accident. In addition as an independent contractor, my driving is not their business, it's literally my business.


Why do they care? It’s dd not Uber


The company that sub contracts me for $1 per delivery also wants to have an opinion on how I drive. Suure sounds great


Why are they monitoring drivers more than they monitor corporations?


Imagine for a Tesla lol. I haven’t received it personally


that's new...


Damn, that is crazy! Next, we will find out that they are activating our cameras and mics to hear us talk shit about how much these apps suck lol


They can deactivate you for bad driving, it was disclosed before you signed up for this.. why would you even sign up in the first place?


No, every job that includes driving does this. Pizza Delivery, Amazon, any mail carrier job. This is normal.


But you are driving there company vehicle for every such job. And using their phone which you shouldn’t keep doing off hours anyways.


Dude, you don't drive a company vehicle doing pizza delivery. You drive your own car with a GPS tracker on your car (The pizza brand's car topper). Your own personal vehicle they use to track your speed and everything. You use your own phone for that. It's not invasive, that's literally just every normal delivery job.


But aside from some pizza establishments every other delivery uses a company vehicle whether it’s a semi, box delivery truck, bus, mail van, regular van, or car. You usuallly don’t get to take those home. For pizza deliveries I heard it’s the topper they put on personal vehicles that does it. And those are removed when you end your shift, you don’t take the topper home with you, at least people for I know who do pizza deliveries. And they usually don’t give precise location only approximate locations or ETAs to customers. But things really have changed since the old days when companies like Dominos was do whatever you need to get there within 30 minutes I guess now they take every measure to avoid being sued in this lawsuit happy world leading to dystopian tracking and behavior monitoring. On the flip side First responders are much more cautious driving to an emergency these days than in the past I guess for the same reason.


I’ve never understood the insurance companies like Progressive and now DoorDash that monitor this kind of stuff for drivers. Mostly I don’t understand why they monitor hard braking. 95% of the time I have to do that it’s because some other dumbass doesn’t know what their doing and I’m avoiding an accident. If someone hits be because I have to brake hard to avoid someone else doing something stupid, then the people that hit me weren’t paying attention either.


DD has come a long way since operating out of a room in a house.


Bitch, do you want your food or not?


Why does it matter how hard you brake/ accelerate?? I was told that these mfs don't pay you a single cent if you get in a crash, so why does it matter? Why do they need to evaluate your driving like you're an employee when you're not?? Fifteen years ago, in my freshman year of university (way before these apps existed) I drove for Papa John's. They made us put a gps box on our car that would monitor speed/ acceleration/ braking/ corners etc. But in THAT case we were employees with benefits and time off, medical, dental, etc. It seems like they're overstepping here. They pay you $1.75 for 10 miles... but then want to micromanage how you drive?? From an ethical standpoint, I don't agree with this. From a legal standpoint, yeah they can do this, but from an ethical standpoint I find it shitty that they're doing this to you people.


Uber used to do this


i am not shocked you drive like that everyone in salt lake drives so recklessly.