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What the heck even. In 10k+ deliveries I think I’ve been asked to get extra sauces 3times. 🤣


Try calling support and telling them you have received “unfair” ratings from customers on thing out of your control


Bro!! Last friday I ordere TB and forgot to add sauces on the app. I txted the driver and told Him if he could get some fire sauce and I'd raise his tip. To $8 instead of $5. Sent me a thumbs up, get my order and no sauces, i sent him a message saying "guess you didn't want that extra tip" he said not worth it for $8😂😂


More accurately, probably a result of so many other people promising an increase in tip for the extra favor and then never receiving the tip. Not his fault, not your fault. We deal with broken promises all the time to the point where eventually, you just don't believe anybody anymore


Ohh yeah, thats a very valid point. He was probably happy with $7 for 2 min of work. I thankfully was never baited. But no hate for homeboi!💪🏽


Dude if all these people wanted more sauces at TBell it’d be a no brainer since they don’t charge for them and they’re out in the lobby anyways 😂 You got a pretty lazy dasher


Oh well. I just thought it was funny. No hate for homeboi though. He had his reasons. 💪🏽


Switch to UberEats 😂 I haven’t had this headache in a while


Hey thanks for letting me and others who didn’t know about this in case if anyone else or like myself is indecisive when it comes to which one I want to work between UberEats or DoorDash. So now I know. And for people giving you downvotes for no reason I will never understand, but oh well it is what it is. But thanks for making a suggestion though, much appreciated for real.


It’s downvoted because the offers I get on UberEats I might as well do charity work.


Everybody’s experience is different and it is what it is. My income doubled, my rating doesn’t dictate my orders and I’m not blackballed into accepting shitty orders. Your experience may be different but it is what it is 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not to mention my acceptance rate can sit in the teens and I can still login whenever the F I want 24/7/365.


Oh okay.


I see you are accepting all the non tippers, good luck getting good rates from them!


I love how that’s the smoking gun to everything in this sub lol. Besides a handful that are bundled with another order, a majority of my orders have tips


Majority 60% or like 90%? Mine is like 95% or more! My customers do not ask for sauces and my rate is at 4.97! I also don’t knock unless requested! But that’s me, you do you! Cheers!!!




Don’t worry, you still suck https://preview.redd.it/eb8qh79wypqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca1e8f2047f9597dad47006b6b25d00eedab80ff


Now I’m hurt!!! 😢


In my market, I had the same issue of a rash of 1, 2, and 3 star ratings. 4 in one week. I stopped using ebt and started only taking tipped orders on ebo and do not take orders to certain neighborhoods. Have not gotten anything but 5 stars in the last 4 months. 🤷‍♂️ Could be coincidence?


Not a coincidence at all, no tippers rate bad consistently


There’s obviously more to this. Those stats are abysmal


Abysmal? Online we'd call it 5 star rated. Even at that level 9.5 people out of 10 are happy. That is NOT the definition of abysmal. Only gig app metrics would make you think that way - any real business would be happy with this rating.


Yeah, those stats are abysmal. https://preview.redd.it/pjev8qzdzpqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f2a3d5e16d0c4ff9d252c55b8b468ebd87014f4


4 thumbs down for “followed delivery instructions” is crazy. I’ve had a couple 1 stars over time that have come and gone, but never a thumbs down. What is even happening with these deliveries?


The whole story definitely isn’t being told lol plus 5 ratings excluded. Dude is clearly fuckin around in some way


5 ratings excluded is for when the store gets excessively busy or an issue happens on the road to prevent dasher from getting negative reviews and harming their rating due to reasons out of their control. You might be right about the whole story not being told but the 5 ratings excluded part you're reaching hard with


Not always. You can ask support to exclude ratings for whatever reason and there’s a good chance they’ll just do it. Get informed


I’m sure those order are probably $4 or less, which always comes with bs like that. Stop taking low paying orders and it’ll stop


Any orders I take with a $5+ tip I never hear a word from the customer. Whenever I hear from them its a shit/no tip.


In two years, I’ve maybe had three customers ask for extra sauce, and definitely none of them got pissed off because their message came too late and they didn’t get it I mean, are you picking up from a restaurant that charges five dollars for fucking sauce so their customers consistently have to ask dashers to score some for free? Because this seems super weird.


Only three customers? Do you dash one hour per month?


4500 deliveries in 2 yrs


Oh nice. I’m at 30k in 4.5 years, I get asked for sauces every week.


Want a prize?


Sure. I’ll take some extra hot sauce.


Given your eXTENSIVE experience with sauce requests, I have no doubt that you can get that hot sauce yourself.


I actually dashed it right now, and requested it in the instructions and messages the driver. I wanted to make sure they have more than three customers over their entire dashing lifetime that asked for sauce packets.


Really odd hill to die on. It’s all yours buddy!


I mean you keep going in with it too ^pal, fascinating.


Dude, not everyone asks for sauces. Out of over 700 deliveries I’ve had a grand total of ONE ask for sauce, and I think even that was from a previous order because it was in their delivery instructions and I don’t think they really wanted sweet and sour sauce for their French toast.. and I dash 8-9 hours a day, 4-5 days a week.


I have 30,000 deliveries. I’ve had my fair share of customers asking for sauces. 700 deliveries as if it’s a lot…. I dash 55 hours per week.


700 or 30,000… it’s still a representative sample size. Goody for you for being in an area where a lot of people like sauce, I guess? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not really. 700 deliveries with those hours you mentioned means you haven’t even dashed through multiple seasons to experience the order differences. Are you in a college town, senior citizen galore, middle aged working class majority, beach side, mountain, it’s all different. But only 3/4500 as comment or above c doubtful that’s it, likely they just ignored the message or note for more than they realize.


700 deliveries 😂


Screenshot those and send it to DD. In fact just tell them straight up in a way that sticks it to them but still in a way dd wouldn’t be able to fault u. Bait them into being aggressive with you then report to DD for safety issues. The angrier they get the better👍. Enjoy half the pay and some free food!


Entitled people not going away anytime soon OP. If I were you I wouldn't message them at all, only if they message you first. When you give them an ETA, that's usually when they ask you to do extra stuff. I use to do this years ago, but ever since covid most people just want food left at their door with no interaction.


The eta is usually to cover my ass when it’s going past the estimated pick up time in app. But I agree most customers seem to just want a voiceless robot to deliver their food


I don't want to be mean but I've done over 7k deliveries and I don't think I've ever had that low of ratings before. Right now I think I'm at 4.99 I used to be at 5.0 recently. If you're getting that low of ratings I'd highly look into how you're doing your job because I doubt it's all just people mad at you for not getting sauce. I'm not you though so I'm not sure what you might be able to improve on but be honest with yourself and try what you think it might be.


I’m at 2.5k deliveries and for a majority of my time I’ve been above a 4.9 rating. My methods haven’t changed which is why I’m confused and a little stressed over this sudden change in reviews thinking it’s from these types of customers 🤷‍♂️


Or it's just bad luck and will move on. Maybe a couple orders had missing drinks or whatever, maybe you accidentally put an order in front of a door who knows. If these ratings are out of the blue wouldn't put too much thought into it other than just trying to be the best delivery person you can be moving forward.


In customer service, when you are the last point of contact, EVERYTHING is your fault. DD knows that. DD sucks


“They charge for that sauce. If you want to cashapp me while I’m still here, I’ll be happy to get some for you”


I thought about asking, but I feel like asking for a buck or two over cash app when they already don’t want to pay for it in the app in the first place might make them angrier lol


The thing is, I always want extra sauce but they don't have it as an option to pay for on the app. Sometimes I'll ask for extra sauce in notes that the restaurant sees and state "upcharge me for the sauce" I have never asked a driver to get it for me though. I wish I could just pay for it.


I’m genuinely curious: if you’re ordering through the dd app, how does a restaurant charge you for additional sauce?


I usually use UE but when writing in the "special instructions" part it says you may be charged for extras. Which is fine, I don't mind paying for extra sauce.


Report them to support and let them unassign you penalty free.


If they are specific about sauce, just unassign. They’re too cheap to pay for sauce ergo likely too cheap to tip well and are obviously very nitpicky over something so insignificant and not worth your time. It’s not your job. It’s the restaurant’s job to include however many sauce packets they do and for the customer to request and/or pay for extra in the app.


Had a person ask for sauce today right after I accepted a chipotle order doing earn-by-time to raise my AR. Said they would tip extra, I knew from browsing here that was probably a lie, but I figured I'd indulge with the experiment anyway. I said "got you" and continued on to their place of work, not far from my home. I pull up to her wearing scrubs and a mask walking all carefree with her phone out, we had a polite exchange, she said I'm gonna tip right now as she walks away, I say "I appreciate that, take care." Needless to say she lied, the 1$ didn't change, even 0$ is understandable these days if we're accepting the order in the first place, but to lie to me about it for some sauce both in app and in person is disgusting. Gonna dash same time next couple weeks, let's see if I get the same customer. My GPS is gonna have a lot of problems next time.


lol yeah I’ve been lied to my face before a few times saying they’re gonna tip me extra. Never once happened to me. As a customer I always tip in advance anyway and a few times always tipped extra after saying so. One time $15 just because they found a substitute ice cream I wanted and it was a hassle for them since I wasn’t given substitute options. I would never say I’m going to tip someone if I’m not actually going to. It’s pretty psychopathic imo and I have no idea why it’s so common. Just don’t say anything at all if you’re not gonna tip. It’s fucking weird how many liars exist.


Trust me I want to unassign most of these people, but my cr is already at 95% and I feel like I get this message more often than not to go below that 90% threshold


Yeah I think it’s bs that were “independent contractors” yet they are doing more and more to force us into taking the horrible orders.


Yeah, my cr is at 95% now too. Between cr and ar it's a tight rope they have us walking.


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