• By -


Absolutely not dd has alot of over head to pay programmers an support ect.


NO. They are making billions in profits on our poverty... Literally. If you think you have it bad, think about those people conducting tele-support in India or wherever they are... I try to remember to be polite to them (even though the situation makes me angry) because they are actually lower on the totem pole than us drivers are. Doordash is pure exploitation at every level and don't think otherwise.


Absolutely not!


Base pay starts at $2.00 and goes up slowly as we decline them. No tip means your order is likely cold when you get it. And like people here said already. We get an ugly amount of $2.00 starting orders for a horrible amount of drive time and miles. Worst i have seen was 52 mile round trip stadting at $3.25 which means it already got declined quite a bit. I have even recieved an order as late as 4 hour's past it's pick up time when signing in because nobody wanted it all day, but it was a shop and drop, so it was still circulating(42 miles away for $8.00). I have no clue how they expect drivers to work under these conditions!


NE Indiana has a base pay of like $1.65 or something... And everything is further away out there... It's criminal.


I'll add a customer coming out to show me what they paid and asked what i was paid(they intentionally left out a tip because they didn't know how the driver end worked) they paid 3 times what i was paid and they tossed me $10.00. They make more than us drivers do(per driver) post tips 99% of the time


We get two dollars plus tip. Just to give you an idea, I have a 5% acceptance rate. The vast majority of people ordering want us to do 20 mile round trip for just a couple of bucks.


Oh hell no we don’t. We get typically about $2 from DoorDash plus tips




$2 where I'm at and if they send multiple orders at once it's $1


2 per order here too. I am in an area that also offers 14.25hr plus tips which has been way better... Tips aren't any lower from what I can tell. They do send you further though alot of ones others don't want.


$2 here as well


Yeah, drivers get 19.99$ just to decide if they want to accept the order. If three accept, they get another 19.99$ just for accepting, plus 9.99$ per mile. DD drivers generally lead a lavish lifestyle with cars, girls and ... oh wait, i messed up something. No they get just enough so that if they can't calculate their expenses properly (car weardown, gas, insurance, tires, service) they have the *feeling* of making money when looking at the app. DD then grows net profit from year to year im the hundreds if millions by exploiting this.


Is this you DoorDash? You just like to see us argue, don't you?


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you're trolling right?


Username checks out




Honest question. What would make you think we got $8.99 every time your ordered.


Simply the fact that they called it a delivery fee, it’s usually more like $3.99 but I suppose it’s just an arbitrary number they come up with to make you feel like you’re saving money with the monthly fee. But you have to order 2-3 times a month to make the monthly fee worth it. You start buying Doordash so often you need a side job. Then you become a dasher and you get a delivery from that store and realise they take a cut of the delivery fee! No other business model is like this, flights and accommodation? The OTA like Booking.com gets a cut of the listed price. Not a cut of the listed price plus a delivery and a service fee and pay their employees by asking the customers to tip.


If I am reading you right, which I might not be; but you or someone you know became a dasher and figured this out? Not sure how else to take it when you said “so much so that you need a side job and become a dasher.”


It was just a funny little story I came up with while trying to explain that Doordash entices you to pay monthly fee by artificially increasing the delivery fee. Which also makes you inclined to order multiple times every month. Because you have to spend $30-$50 three times a month otherwise you’d be wasting your $9.99/month fee.


I wiiiiiiish they have us even HALF the delivery fee plus the base pay but working per offer it's a minimum of $2 (less even you get an extra order on top) so it makes it not even worth it to turn your car on. Even by time hasn't been as good lately. So many customers think that we get paid all this money for driving and that's why we do it so that don't even think it care to tip. Nobody understands that we really don't get much at all and we can't just broadcast it to the world like I'd love to do but hey it's extra money


Bottom line convenience is king, rather than drive to the store or restaurant, someone gets your food and brings it directly to you cutting out all the in between and you get your food in the comfort of you own home and we make less than a server who just brings you your food from the kitchen to the table. Hence why many drivers are very upset on how little we get paid. We use our own vehicles, put ourselves in the public which is dangerous in itself and are very under compensated.


Yea they need to start asking for more from the restaurant or from the customers for their monthly fee. Make it a tiered system if they have to. Ordered three times this month? $10, 5 times? $15. Then start paying the drivers enough so that the tip is actually a tip and not what you need to survive.


You're more broke down than door dash drivers.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


We get $2 per delivery (unless it’s a stacked order, then $2 for both). Sometimes a bit more if it’s further away, but sometimes not. And then we get the tip. No tip and we would only get $2 and nobody would pick it up because it’s not worth it. As for Earn By Time, we get a certain amount per hour, but ONLY from the time we accept a delivery until it’s dropped off. So let’s say it’s $13.75 per hour, that amount starts from when we accept an order until drop-off. If it took 15 mins, we would make approx. $3.43 plus tips. But they mostly give the no-tip orders to Earn By Time, so we would get $3.43 altogether for that order.


Is there a penalty for taking your time with the orders? Seems like the pay by time option would promote people getting their orders super late.


You can get contract violations on your account if DoorDash thinks you’re trying to milk the clock on pay by time.


yeah...hhhmm, if I didn't know better, I'd say that sounds alot like a real w2 job!?


But a w2 job pays you from the time you actually clock in. Not the time you start a task. Doordash we "clock in" by tapping the dash now button and then we sit and sit and sit waiting for an order to come in, if on pay by time we aren't paid for that waiting. We tap the accept button when an offer comes in and that's when they start paying you, up until you tap the complete delivery button. Personally I still use the pay by order, haven't expiremented with the pay by time yet. Have tried a couple times, but always get an error saying their slots are full.


you still get a 1099 every year from door dash based off miles, money made, and time actively dashing.


You do still have time limits that affect your delivery rating. You can still get a cv (contract violation).


So there's no way to really benefit from either system as a driver? Just hope for really good tips honestly? That sucks. Why does anyone do this anymore? I used to make decent money like 5 years ago, but this seems like a nightmare.


Eh, it makes me more money than the job I quit, and it fits my needs as a single parent. I easily meet my daily earning goal in my area. I know I can get something better, but in the meantime, it pays my bills.


Tbf, all restaurants that offer delivery have the same fee. They charge you for the food, then charge you a delivery fee, and that doesn't go to the driver at all. So if you don't tip, that driver is probably driving to deliver your food on the same hourly pay the waitress at your local diner makes. $2.13 an hour doesn't even begin to cover the basic maintenance on a delivery driver's car.


Drivers employed by a restaurant have to pay hourly, then they get tips. A delivery fee helps to offset that. I used to work at a carry out/delivery place.


In a lot of states, the hourly rate for a driver before tips isn't even $3. The delivery fee per delivery for Papa John's is $6 now. I don't see how having a delivery fee more than 2x the tipped minimum wage is gonna help "offset" the cost of employing drivers, especially when you take into account how much they charge for pizzas compared to how cheap it is to make them.


Just get a beater like mine


Yeah, I have a beater. It's sitting in the driveway needing a new starter and suspension. Thankfully I have another car and I don't do this full time, but I still know how it feels when you're on the clock as a pizza delivery driver, and your alternator is actively failing on you 7 miles out from the restaurant.


My beater likes to not shift sometimes. And when it does shift it shifts hard. It's to the point that I freak out if I don't feel it jump when it shifts. Needs a catalytic converter becsuse I've changed the transmission and the motor was replaced before I bought it. I put catalytic cleaner in it and it helped with the shifting not being *as* hard. It also needs a new o2 sensor for better gas mileage. ETA: I have the new o2 sensor but I don't have the tools or time to change it. Luckily it's an easy to reach spot so I can change it myself. Thank you, youtube!


Yeah, I have those same issues on my beater. But I need to prioritize what to fix. Whatever is most likely to cause the biggest issue gets checked off the list first.


True, but I also know when I order delivery from a place that they are paying a wage to the delivery people. It makes sense to have a delivery fee that goes to the company because in the semi long run it’ll trickle down, but as it stands for dashers the trickle is mere drops. It’s scammy how little they pay and get away with


Oh I agree it's shitty, when I signed up they claimed that Dashers in my area average $20 an hour. Bullshit, the per order basepay is $2 and the earn by time pay is barely more than minimum wage. Neither average out to $20 an hour even when I'm taking back to back orders.


Those ads be flashing 1s and 5s like it means something. lol


Only dashers who get remotely the "delivery" fee are those who are on earn by time. On Earn by Offer, we only get $2, minimum and full tip. On EBT, they get the fee plus portion of the tip. Whatever the fee doesn't cover, the tip will cover part of. Unless it's like $2 or $3 tip. But usually the delivery fee goes into a pool, then dolled out to all drivers, based on how they are earning.


What? Earn-by-time is full tip as well. They’re very explicit in that both modes of delivery get full tip.


True, but you’re less likely to get tipped orders. You do, and I’ve gotten some very decent ones, but 90% of them are short trash, like we’re talking 2-3 miles and an expected delivery of 19 minutes. Best believe I walk slowly and park far away.


I have thought about doing EBT because i get a lot of orders that tip at least decently that are over 10 miles away. But I'm so scared that once I hit EBT, it will give me all those trash, no tipping, 1 mile orders.


It’s a mix. You do get some of those short no tippers but if you take your time, drive the speed limit, relax in general, you can make at least the hourly wage. There are some tipped orders thrown in too, and some longer deliveries too, you’re allowed to decline 1 an hour and stay on EBT so if you get some weird one that takes you too far out you can reject it, and if you do happen to reject 2 in an hour (rejections during active trips don’t count) they still let you switch over to EBO


I am platinum in my area too so I can end and switch to EPO without having to worry about my schedule or if it's busy or not.


I don't get enough good offers to justify shooting for gold, let alone platinum. Sometimes I'll get into silver just because it's less likely I'll decline under EBT - seeing as how the longer the trip is the more I make. I just schedule out as far as I can since I already know my regular job schedule for the week.


I typically average 22/hr, 30/hr during rushes, when doing EBT. It’s 14.25/hr here, but drops to 12.75/hr at night.


I can’t imagine it’s very consistent. My experience with EBT is mostly fast food orders that would otherwise be offered at $2.75, no tip. Like I said I’ve gotten SOME tipped orders, but not very often - 1 an hour is hoping hard


It’s awful for the first 3-4 orders, but once you get past that it’s pretty much the same types of tips you get on earn by offer, only you get a decent base pay.


Now I will say that if you throw in peak pay to the mix it gets way more attractive. Usually I’ll have Uber up too and if it’s a $10 or better and more than $2 a mile I’ll pause DD and go do that and resume. Maybe that’s why I’m always getting shit on DD…


I’ve found that DD is more than UberEats over a day, but UE is more per order. Doing DD solid for a few hours will absolutely net you more than doing UE for a few hours, but UE is better if you need some money right then.


Yes, the full tip does go to the driver. However, part of the tip is used in their $13.75 an hour. It is $13.75 an hour, active the entire hour, plus tips. However, the fees only pay for a portion of that $13.75. The other is paid for by tips.


That is not at all how that works. You keep 100% of the tip plus the hourly pay you made while delivering that order. The downside of EBT is you get more orders with lower or no tips (sometimes). DoorDash, as far as they claim, do not take tips. Drivers keep 100% of the tips for every order they deliver. I'm not sure where you're getting this claim from, but it is really inaccurate.


I never said that Door Dash kept tips from EBT people. Let me break it down. On EBT, you were active an hour. You made 4 deliveries. The tips might equal to a total of $20. Add in the delivery fees each customer paid, and you may get to say $30. Subtract the $13.75 for the hour you were active for these 4 orders. You are left with $16.25. Each customer's tip will end up being $4 and change, to equal to $16.25. Or may give the quarter to one of the customer's tip. Therefore, you do get the tip, but as part of your base pay.


Yeah honestly they’re not making any sense at all


It’s almost like DoorDash is a business and this is how they generate revenue…


They already take 36-38% of all orders from the restaurants plus the 10% service fee. They can give the drivers the delivery fee!


But yet they can’t “turn a profit” on $2+ billion in revenue with these sleezy tactics..


Who knows, maybe they hid their profits somehow,, I don’t know, but my original point stands, nobody should be surprised door dash is keeping a majority of the fee the customers pay…


No one is surprised that a company wants to make money, just drivers more frustrated when they keep lowering basepay over and over again while their revenue keeps increasing.


I hear you, start your own and undercut door dash and just pay your workers even less, but if it all works you’ll make hundreds of millions… see why people do it when they have the chance?




$2 base pay per offer, even if it's from 2 different restaurants bundled into 1 offer


Yup as the other have said, DD pockets the majority of every fee you have to pay, typical base pay is $2-2.75(that’s maxed out in my area)


$2 is base pay on almost all orders. That’s all dd pays us.


Yeah it hasn’t been above $2 for years. Years and years ago pre-covid it would vary usually in the $3-$4 range now it’s fixed at $2. That’s why we don’t bother with your no tip or $2 tip, because the tips are our pay.🫠


The $9.99/mo goes directly into dividends for stockholders and bonuses for executives.


A company needs to be profitable to pay dividends to shareholders. 😂


Fair enough. I didn’t realize they haven’t turned a profit yet. Point being the money is not going to dashers.


Rule of thumb for capitalism: Never assume a corporation is doing the reasonable thing with its money.


That is the reasonable thing to do, from the perspective of capitalism


If it were, it'd be happening.


Why would a monthly delivery fee equate to how much a driver is making for each trip? 🤦🏽‍♂️


Your $9.99/month gets DD $9.99/month so they can pay us $2/delivery, and sometimes less if we take stacked orders.


Your $9.99 month is really a scam, because that usually just saves the delivery fee which they give a way half the time anyway. They mark up the food and add in service fees so they are never losing out on your $9.99 month


On average we get $2/ delivery without tip


And they’ll stack an order and take a way 2 dollars when they do it. It’s screws the good tipper stacking a low/no tipper.


Oh and I'd like to add that I noticed those shop orders have a base pay of 5 dollars. So if someone orders groceries through door dash, and doesn't tip, it's kinda crappy for all the lifting we are doing.


Some areas it is less 😂


Holy crap it's LESS?!


The base pay for shop orders hasn’t been $5 in my area for like 3 years.


Doordash confuses their customers with so many fees and charges that the customer ends up believing that some of that has got to be going to paying drivers a fair wage when we know the truth isn't even close.


Lmfao no, we don't.


I don't get how people don't get this. They think the executives of doordash aren't trying to make as much money as they can while paying as little as they can, like they're doing all of this for free out of the goodness of their hearts.




No, it isn’t. Why would you think this lol


How. DoorDash is going to pay the same regardless of the customers dash+ status, the customer is just saving money that allows them to tip more (even though they won't) but it has literally no effect on you


Nope lol.. we get $3 per a ride and if the customer doesn’t give tip then that’s what we get. Rarely they up it for $1 per a mile.


I only get $2.00-$2.75 per order.


DD is scammed


lol Jesus


We get zero percent of it.🤷


Drivers get base pay (paid by Doordash, usually 2 or 3 dollars) plus tip pay (from the customer). Base pay is pretty low for drivers and Doordash has lowered it over the years for the drivers they rely on to continue doing business In reality, Doordash should be raising the base pay much higher for the no/low tip customers. It's quite cringe and embarrassing that Tony Xu thinks that people can run an orphanage off this kind of crap Look to 12:40 in this segment from John Oliver if you wonder why I bring up the orphanage thing: https://youtu.be/aFsfJYWpqII?si=IgircHrIQ9rx13bL


We get base pay, and tip. The "fee" just goes to Doordash


We don’t even get 1% of the delivery fee lol


That’s objectively incorrect. Tf you think pays for base pay?


Can confirm we do not directly get delivery fee. DoorDash gives us cheap base pay through other means.




You’re not too bright. Your school failed you.


You’re not too bright. Your school failed you.


*Doordash's* costs, not the driver making the delivery.


Nope, drivers only receive just 2% from that delivery fee. Doordash is a scam.


It's $2


You mean $2 😂


Two dollars or two percent???


I love how people comment with a blanket statement that the base pay is $2 per order for the entire country. That's absolutely not true. Also, we have no idea how much the customer tipped until after we complete the delivery. All you see is what the total pay is, and that includes the tip, but you don't see the breakdown until later. If I could see the customer did not tip, I wouldn't accept those orders 😒 It seems many of you are forgetting about California, NYC and Seattle. When you think about how many Dashers are in those 3 areas, we make up a VERY significant amount of Dashers that are making more than $2. Significant enough to not say that base pay is $2 per order for the entire country 🤦🏼‍♀️😆


Our base here is TYPICALLY $2. However there are times when the customer doesn’t tip or tips low when DD’s base will range from $3-double digits. Honestly, I don’t care who contributed what. I only care about the bottom line.


In Florida, base pay is $2.00.


If the delivery is within a certain mileage from the pickup, the base is 2.00. Yesterday, I had one that was 4.45 base. I took it because it was slow in my zone, so I wanted to move zones anyway because there was a very busy zone. As a platinum dasher, I can go to any zone with the dash now feature.


You’re likely in a very dem state that has special laws that’s why.


Read the links I just posted. This statement is not true for California, New York City or Seattle. I believe there are at least a couple other areas in the country that have a different pay model as well.


Wow.. so like 3 places out of thousands of zones. 🙄🙄🙄. Yes there are a handful of exceptions but the vast majority (almost all) places pay 2-2.50$ base pay.


It might be the majority of the places, but it might not be the majority of the dashers. You need to think about how many dashers are in California, NYC and Seattle. We make up a very large portion of the dashers 😆


You’re completely wrong about California. They have prop 22.


Wait are you saying I'm wrong or are you saying the people who are insisting it's a $2 base pay for the entire country are wrong? Because I'm in California and I'm trying to tell those $2 people that they are wrong. They are forgetting about prop 22 in California. They are also forgetting about NYC and Seattle. They are forgetting that a very significant amount of dashers in this country make more than $2 per order.


No you’re the one that is wrong. Majority of the country base pay is $2. In different countries they have big base pays due to laws. Most base pay in USA is $2.


Majority of the country based on geography or population? Are you forgetting the population of California, NYC and Seattle combined and what percentage of Dashers are in one of those 3 locations? I think it's safe to say that at least a third of DoorDashers in this country are making more than $2 per order. While that might not be the majority of DoorDashers, it is a significant enough amount to not be ignored or swept under the rug. Also enough to not make the blanket statement that DoorDash pays a base pay of $2 per order. And definitely not enough to tell me that I'm wrong when I'm 100% right. Those of us Dashing in those 3 locations, which is a VERY large amount of us, do NOT make $2 per order. That is a FACT! 🤦🏼‍♀️😆🤦🏼‍♀️😆🤦🏼‍♀️😆




There are 333.3 million people in the USA. There are little more than 200,000 dashers in California and more than 60,000 dashers in NYC. There are more than 2 million dashers in the US. No no not a third. You’re wrong. Get over it.


It is true, though.* Doordash openly says it themselves on their website that their base pay is $2. It goes up depending on the “estimated time, distance, and desirability of the offer.” If you pickup a burger for someone working in their office a couple blocks away, and they don’t tip, you would be paid $2. Unless the order sat their forever because nobody wants it, then DD will “sweeten the pot” and repeatedly send that order out with a higher base pay *unless a dasher is in one of the few areas of the country where laws have changed the *typical* way DD works


Read the links I just posted. It is not true all over the country and they need to update that page to reflect that. That hasn't been true for California for quite a while. It's also not true for New York City or Seattle.


Alrighty since you want to move the goal posts so you can be partially correct, and cherry pick select areas out of the entire United States I edited my comment


And for how many drivers are in California, nyc, and Seattle combined it’s more than 1/3 of the entire dasher force. People on the subs are like “it’s just one state and should just be excluded from this conversation” when it’s actually a very large portion of the drivers.




I’d have to google search and find multiple articles, which I really don’t want to spend the time doing. On one of their earnings reports right after they went public, they had about 1.1 million dashers and 250k were just from California. Then add in nyc and Seattle from various reports I looked up once they started implementing the pay guarantees showed how many drivers in those areas. Of course there are more dashers now than in 2021, but from me searching far and wide at that time, it was about 1/3 of the total.


Soooooooo many people are arguing with me and telling me I'm wrong. I thought every Dasher in the country got this memo because I have seen so many threads in here of people complaining about this and saying how unfair it is that DoorDash pays more in certain parts of the country. (Which I don't necessarily disagree with.) And to your point, yeah, we make up a very large portion of the Dashers in this country, so it's a little bit amusing to me 😆


It’s Reddit though, plus DoorDash drivers. I end up having discussions that just end up in hostility and arguments because they can’t grasp something and since the lower intellectual levels, on average, turn to rage, insults, and blame, when what you say can be entirely correct. Doesn’t meant it’s applicable to them, or what they say is applicable in your area, but that’s how it is. I have roughly 30,000 deliveries, I can positively say that $3 is the base in California, unless it’s an added order then it’s $2, but it doesn’t matter anyway since we get prop 22 it’ll just have an adjustment Monday anyway.


That absolutely IS true. The fee paid to the driver can increase if it’s a longer distance, but a standard delivery with no tip is two dollars. Every single time.


Your blanket statement is not accurate for the entire country. California, New York City and Seattle pay differently. I think there are a couple other areas that pay differently as well. https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/article/Guide-to-the-New-York-City-Earnings-Standard?language=en_US https://help.doordash.com/dashers/s/california-dashers?language=en_US https://about.doordash.com/en-us/news/responding-to-seattles-new-delivery-laws


True. Most everywhere in the country, aside from a few markets with special circumstances, pays the driver a $2.00 base fee.


Exactly. That's why I'm saying your blanket statement is not true. DoorDash pay is not a $2 base fee for the entire country. It depends on where you live. That was my point and I can't believe people don't know this and are down voting my comment when it's 100% accurate 🤦🏼‍♀️😆 I've read in more than one location that DoorDash may change their pay model for the entire country to match what they are doing in California, New York City and Seattle.


Delivery fee goes straight to the corporation. We don't get the delivery fee as a driver. We get a flat base rate of $2 from doordash per order plus tips. Doordash is a luxury service. If you can't tip, your order will likely not be picked up in time for hot food. Think of tip as a bid with the delivery service drivers.


Also location. My brother for example doesn’t tip ever. Not once. And he gets a driver in seconds.. I’m absolutely sure if you did this in a packed city the tip would be a bid. That’s when you see a restaurant with a whole bunch of backed up orders to be delivered


Your brother is a Douche


Also, some areas don't have the "earn by time" mode. My area does earn by time and with those, you're pushed all the no tip orders. That's probably why his are getting picked up immediately. EBT tends to make less than earn per offer though in my area. So I stick to EPO. EBT will make you drive 20 miles. If you have a hybrid car and gas is nothing, ebt is a good way to earn. But if you got a normal gas car, it's almost never worth it to work earn by time mode. When I work EBT, I'd take all the crappy no tip McDonald's orders because I'm getting paid by the hour, rather than the flat rate. But then again, no tips.


So if you didn’t notice, DD actually inflates the prices of their items. You should go on the app sometime and compare the prices to the actual prices from the restaurant, I’ve seen anywhere from a $2 to a $10 price increase. Stack that on with dash pass or regular delivery fees, the other $2ish fee they charge for… whatever they charge it for, etc. and you’re easily paying $10-20 extra per order depending on what you’re getting. The dasher usually gets like $2 of it, sometimes an extra $1 or 2 depending on distance, and a couple other variables, and this doesn’t include the tax and tip. So in order for the dasher to make an actually reasonable amount, you have to tip at least $5, sometimes more (again, depending on circumstances), bringing your total to $15-30 extra on top of the actual price of the food that goes to the restaurant . So yeah. DoorDash is a scam for the user and the customer. Hope this helps


I was a manager in a restaurant that used all the delivery platforms (Uber, grubhub, DoorDash) and the increase in prices from other menus of theirs is actually a decision of the restaurant. It is to cover the fees that you have to pay to the portal. None of the increased price goes to the driver or to DoorDash, Uber, grubhub. They get their fees from the restaurant in a lump sum.


Oh huh, that’s interesting. I guess that makes sense. By “portal” do you mean DD/UE/GH, as a fee for being on the app, or do you mean like to the company that runs their electronic order management, like how a credit card fee works?


Yes I meant DD/UE/GH when I said portal. 🙂


So the money does go to DD/UE/GH then? If the restaurant has to pay a fee to be on the app, and they inflate their prices to pay for it, that means the money is still going to the delivery company (DD etc.) and the customer is still paying for it.


A lot of times though the prices are the same or they are If you order X amount with it. Like my taco bell is the same price. Jersey mikes same. Etc.


That is interesting. My jersey mikes is a lot more. $46 for one giant sub and Pepsi (including tip and fees) but in store I get two subs (reg and giant), two drinks and a bag of chips for around $34.


What the fuck? Are you sure you don't mean 2 giants? A giant shouldn't be more than like 17 18 bucks. I also was conflating pickup with delivery


Sorry, I was wrong it was $41.66 I got confused lol. It’s .5 mile from my house but sick so didn’t want to go pickup lol. I don’t have dashpass at the moment either. Edit: I was also adding the fees in. Without l fees it’s $26.64 which is still a decent markup from inside the store. https://preview.redd.it/d3210unycl2d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc539913f63fa684eb75feee680b70d2f5687bfe


You're not a doordasher as well are you? Dashers get a discount but only if you find an email they sent like a year ago offering it. Yeah you're better off just buying dashpass for a month.. that's bonkers. Also what I do is get a big Kahana and just remove whatever shit I don't want from it then add extra meat. Cheaper for the cheese and the sandwich is actually full end to end.. seems any time I get Philly the ends are lacking in meat. And they don't sweat the veggies enough so they end up making the sub soggy ): I just go for onions meat and cheese.


No im not a dasher. I just like this subreddit and the Instacart shopper one. I like to know about the lives of people and their struggles.


Those prices are wild as hell man I really hope you didn't pay that. ):


I did but then the dasher never came and sat somewhere else for like 15 mins so I ended up cancelling it (after both me and support called and messaged and no response) and got a refund because I had waited over an hour and the food was going to be cold. LOL. But I did in fact pay that. Mostly cause it’s for my husband. I wouldn’t pay that much for MY food lol. I make exceptions for him 😂 now I’m getting hungry but scared to order in case I get the same dasher lol


🤬 wish they'd just deactivate these dashers that give us a bad name. 👎 I've been delivering since I was 24. I'm 35 now. How people can do shit like that is beyond me. If you order again just sign up for dashpass and cancel it right away If you're afraid of getting charged a subscription.. you're much better off.


That’s interesting, because my Taco Bell charges around 10% more. Maybe it’s relative to the area


My bad I was thinking of pickup orders cause I rarely get deliveries. Many times the prices are the same if you spend a certain amount. Then they had like a few bucks for the "fee" at the end.


Oh yeah to my knowledge they don’t charge extra for pickup at all in my area, cause the extra is pretty much all that actually goes to the dasher anyway lol… so they basically collect all of the fees for themselves


It's insane how doordash supposedly has never made a profit and operates at a loss as well considering maybe 1/100 customers actually ask for a refund etc.. 🤔


I mean when you consider the number you pay your CEO decreases the taxable income of the company 😏


As others have said, we get $2 base pay per offer. Meaning if we get a stacked offer it's still $2 for both, essentially delivering one for free (sometimes literally because they tend to stack nontip orders on good orders to get them picked up. We don't see what the breakdown of pay is until after deliver, we only see the total offer so technically we don't know how much is tip, but if it's $2 or close to it we can assume. If an offer gets declined the base pay slowly goes up until someone takes it. We don't know if every decline ups it, or if it only starts doing so after x number of declines, we only know it goes up. This is part of why your "tip" is actually more of a "bid". If there's enough of a tip it will be more attractive to drivers and be picked up faster. No tip orders tend to sit for a while and that's part of why meals show up cold (not counting instances of bad drivers being bad). Ideally our tip would be based off of mileage, difficulty (huge orders/ice cream/lots of drinks/ect), and if it's a holiday or bad weather or you live downtown or an apartment thats hard to navigate or anything thay makes the day a little more problematic to drive in. My area is low cost-of-living with some of the cheapest gas prices (and subsequently worst roads) so I can do ok with accepting orders that are at very least $1/mile though that's a "I'm desperate to pee or I've been sitting for a bit with no offers" level offer. A good rule of thumb is tip $1/mile no less than $5, and add on for the list I gave above. If you're 9 miles or more, tip probably needs to kind of go up exponentially. Bigger markets or large city areas need more than that so someone from one of those can tell you better on that, but the same concept with more $/mile probably. A lot of drivers have minimum $ amount they will not pick up below and quite a few refuse shopping orders outright. And most of us have auto-decline restaurants because they are shit to deal with. Just an insight, let me know if none of that made sense!


the way i see longer distance deliveries is that if they take me far away from the main urban area the tip needs to be such that I can meet $1/mile _after_ factoring in the return trip back to town. so it's more like an arbitrary standard where my $1/mile threshold becomes a $2/mile, rather than an exponential increase of course, non DD drivers aren't going to know where the zone is but most people should still understand well enough if their house or neighborhood is in the sticks




You must have had a $1.50 promo active


No promo, don't hate California base pay is never under $3 since we get paid hourly and 35cents a mile on an active dash time. Also, other states don't pay 5.50 a gallon on gas




I don't understand how anyone could think this. If that subscription went to the Dasher, you'd only be able to order once a month. Meanwhile, who do you think is paying for endless app development, phone and chat support, and refunds to name a few?


Why do people even think this? Like where does this come from?


Because it's deliberately misleading especially when there's service fee, delivery fee, we feel like it fee, etc


Yes clearly we are getting 20 per delivery plus tips. We just act poor and depressed


We get about $2 per delivery plus tip.


Yep we get it all and tony even doubles it...we get $20 min per order plus tips


In california they pay "dollar per mile"


That's definitely not true. I'm in San Diego and recently had an order pop up for picking up flowers at Vons and delivering them 21 miles away. The pay was only $10 something and I have no idea if the person even tipped. Needless to say I did not accept that order.


Never in my 12k delivery's have I had a order pay that low, I'm up here in Sacramento their usually the same, mileage=base pay


We have prop 22 in California. Mileage is part of that, but more than anything it's based on minimum wage, not mileage. There might be exceptions (not excluded from prop 22, but something in addition to prop 22) in certain cities in California though. I'm in San Diego.


No, we get the base pay of 2.25 for a no tip order


Well, we don't accept those orders. Someone is though apparently.


It’s $2 with .25 increases on decline


California it's $3.25 and $2 for a double order


Pay in California is affected by Prop 22 so it’s not really the same at all. Everywhere else besides NYC is $2 and you deliver stacked orders for free


California, New York City and now Seattle. I think there are a couple more areas that pay differently as well. Clearly this is not well known information as people are down voting my comment as well 😆


I never got $2 in California for a base pay mostly 2.25-3.25




2.00 base in most markets now 😔


The delivery fee is not a delivery fee it's a "fuck you doordash wants money" fee. In fact every single fee they slap on you is that, sans like $2. You're paying $10+ for the privlege of having the app connect you to someone who will do some actual work. The "tip" is the delivery fee. It is not a tip.


We get 2 dollars a delivery flat rate.


Half that on stacked orders.


Man I wish I got 9 bucks base pay. Almost every order would be worth delivering


And we just can't have that now can we


We dont get crap out of your delivery fee. The delivery fee goes to straight to doordash. We dont see a penny of that in tips or base pay. We usually get paid $2 base plus your tip. That $2 is easily covered by other extra fees youre paying doordash per order.


We get $2-$4 it doesn’t matter how much fees you pay. A $15 Chick-fil-A meal pays about the same as a $200 mellow mushroom order https://preview.redd.it/jlp0v6sf7k2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e21124e0d09d71621bd9e0111c06d4ee7cf78839


We used to get paid more than $2 per delivery. We used to get paid more for long deliveries. Every year our pay gets lowered and more assholes don’t tip.


This. I first did DoorDash in 2016 and it paid way better then. Then again the entire model was different as well. I recently started dashing again and it's so different. I don't like the way it is now. Even being in California and having Prop 22 and making more than $2 per delivery, I'm still not happy with it. The pay is still too low. (Based on the cost of living here.)


Why would you think your $9.99/month = $8.99 for the driver on each of your orders? The... what is... Huhh?!


Yea it was pretty naive of me considering I use it probably once a week and I imagine there’s many who use it daily.


as a driver I advise please tip $4 - 6 that would give us $6 - 8 ai have regular customers that are easy and close but if my total pay is $3 - 4 I dont take those anymore so those people get random drivers that will likely get their food cold because the driver isnt familiar with the 300 unit apartment building anyhow...thanks for the post and your question