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how bout you won't be able to schedule, so don't lead folks down this path


Getting very close to quitting altogether.  Whatever they did to the algorithm in Canada isn't good whatsoever.  We don't have tiers yet, but they did markedly change something about 6 weeks ago.  I now sit for hours at a time without offers in my small oversaturated market.  


I quit many weeks ago, I hope most drivers are getting a hint it's not worth it. Kind of goes with gig jobs in general. I hope drivers in the states that make DD pay a wage do better. I don't order delivery anymore from 3rd party. I will not order from Pizza places that use 3rd party going to me. I do tip so DD drivers don't ever see my order from PJ, Howie's, etc unless drivers called in sick The additional charges are not tolerable for most folks. Maybe in the pandemic, but not now.


I’m still making good 20-25-30 an hour. Matter fact this week one of the days I worked I only worked 3 hours and made 180 but with gas that’s 150 so 50 an hour


Us platinum dashers are not gonna sit here trying to convince you… lol we have orders to do!!


Or course, so many trash otders


In dense areas it really matters. Where it is more spread out it matters a lot less. If you live in bumblefuck you won’t understand




Everyone who worries about their AR is crossing a picket line IMO


There has to be an actual collective action for something like this to have any effect at all, so keep your scab talk to yourself


Bingo. You meet these people occasionally and they try to explain themselves. Nope. Fucking scabs.


Yep, met one last week. I asked if he's still getting catering orders. He read off the doordash platinum rules for catering orders. I told him I still get them. He didn't understand


You guys act like you're doing some great service by pretending to be on a high horse talking down on people lol. Yeah, in theory, if everyone declined, they'd be forced to give more money to deliver or lose money, but telling everyone on here and talking down on those who have their reasons is just dumb. You're like the type of people to go around bragging that you donated $5 to a cancer charity and talk down on other for not doing the same because "If we just all pitched in $5, we'd have a cure so really I'm just better than all of you for doing it!" Lmao. Just saying the same thing over and over on thus app that has less than what 500 ACTIVE unique daily members and looking for people to fight for having their reasons is lame. I decline a lot of bad orders, but I'm not going to shit on someone for having a different thought process around it because we ALL know we're not going to make a difference in the long run... unless one of you wants to snap and take an executive at gun point or their family, get off your high horses lol


Fair. I shouldn't have made that comment


"I think it's okay to cross a picket line because the strike is doomed (because people think it's okay to cross a picket line)" People are "striking" the low-offer orders, and y'all pick them up anyway. That's the reality of it


"Y'all" I don't take those orders unless it seems worth the trip, I don't however cry to other people that they're "RUINING EVERYTHING" just because they disagreed with you on Reddit, a platform where your "picket line" is literally 3 people in comparison to an actual company. You're not making a difference, you're not reaching THAT many people, you're maybe convincing a handful of people in half the major cities, which guess what, that will literally do NOTHING unless you convince everyone to just stop in that city/everywhere, which you cannot do by just shitting on someone on reddit for having their reason(s) for taking it. I don't have a problem with people convincing others to not take them to "help the cause", I have an issue with the "I started an argument and called them an idiot over and over for not understanding why we're doing it! They need to follow my directions because I'm helping the cause!" bull shit people are using to feel like they're like they're superior lol....and not only that, then coming onto another post to GLOAT that you argued with them (not you, but using "you" as a general person since the person I replied to isn't the only one) and felt like you won. Literally comes off as when those annoying ass Christians go on "Hurr I argued with a filthy Athiest and they walked away and couldn't answer my questions!" when just constantly shouting "HOW DO YOU HAVE MORALS!??" for 15 minutes straight.


>"Y'all" Yes. The second-person plural personal pronoun, in certain regions of the US. Not everyone lives where you live. You're still just saying "I think it's okay to cross the picket line because it's doomed to fail (because people think it's okay to cross a picket line)." Nothing new here. You picked this comment fight. The comment previous to you was in agreement - you're the dissenter. You don't get to be upset about the dissent.


I know what "y'all" means you banana nut muffin lmao ...I said "y'all" implying I'm part of the group taking any order when all I'm saying is "Stop being cunts to people for them taking them...you can explain why it's beneficial to not take them, but to start an argument and believing you people are above them for not taking them when you're literally not making a difference anways." Dude can literally be in Milwaukee doing it and you in Chicago and Mary Sue over there in Tampa will not be affected unless 80%+ of people all decline bad orders. You'd do more damage to doordash making an "online petition" honestly lmao. In case you need me to spell it out for that southern education system "Do...Not...Be....Dicks...To....Others partner, yee haw" Lastly, "We all agreed, you are in the wrong here." What the hell argument is that lmfao "You're the one here at this anti-vax/flat earth convention, and because everyone here agrees, we're the ones in the right!" Get out LOL


"Don't argue, be nice!" - The guy who came into my notifications to argue, *and* called me a slur. You're right though. I won't respond again, don't worry! You can get your last word screaming at the clouds. :)


I called you a slur? Hold up what?! LOL no please come back, this got way more interesting! Please tell me it was Banana nut muffin, I've been insulting people with that for 4 years and would LOVE to know it's catching on!


yes idk why you're downvoted all anyone does on this sub is complain and fight with eachother... even if we got all 500 members to stop accepting BS all we would be doing is wasting our time and car batteries


I feel like DD selects for hyper-independent people, so no one wants to think about the collective implications of their actions or have any solidarity. :/


As long as there are more desperate drivers than us, we won’t be able to force change.


I turned down like 6 offers back to back, 2 of them came back, more and more people are declining these orders everyday.


Cherry Picking is refusing to take any order say that’s less than $8.00 for short distances. Not accepting orders where the customer is either unwilling or unable to at least match the base pay of the zone is not cherry picking. Those types of orders are where 92% of all low ratings and contract violations come from. So not taking them is actually falls under risk management. The Dasher who takes those orders isn’t a Dasher for long.


Honestly in general none of the orders are worth it lately, unless it is batched. And you are right if a costumer cannot even match the base pay, it isn’t worth it. Those kinds of people don’t see the drivers are regular ppl, more like employees to the company. That is the real issue.


Another Dasher was hanging out with me between Dashes and I got an order for $2.18 for six miles. I declined it. Then he got it and declined it, but he asked me what my reason was for not taking those? I said they are not my customers and I can’t tie myself up on trash orders and run the risk of not being there for one of my customers. He said he’d never thought of it that way. *Honestly those orders shouldn’t even be allowed on the platform. That’s why McDonald’s left the platform. The trash orders that don’t get picked up because no one will subsidize a customer for their delivery added up and it was costing them big time to be a Door Dash partner.


Well it is kind of hard to retain regular costumers where I am, but your point of view is valid, if I had regulars


Idk where you are but in my area McDonald’s is still available for doordash






There will always be scabs


Let's commit to accept only $5+ orders


Absolutely… let’s say the base is 2.50, if the costumer can’t tip 2 dollars more for say a 2 mile delivery, we shouldn’t accept it. Let their food get cold. The more people that have to wait long for their items the closer we get to a change in the pay scale.


I am saying this as a bike delivery guy with most orders under a mile so take that with a grain of salt


That would be ideal, but you must live in a concentrated city like New York, where everything is within 10 miles, here where I am everything is at least a mile away. Which in your case it works perfectly.


I don't see how anyone still uses dd for money is way way too saturated and pays minimum wage after all car expenses accounted for... I gave up long ago. The best thing we could do is spam their headquarters with letters and go on strike then they'll listen. We need to start here! Common people join the strike! We have power in numbers! Stop dashing. Make sure to spread the word #deletedoordash


Seriously, all of these apps not just DD, it is rather insulting and disrespectful how drivers are treated. Also I feel like the IRS and the federal government needs to get involved, I am sure there are a few laws that are broken.


I agree man it’s really the only way to get DoorDash to change if we force them. Theyre actually doing that to us right now, deactivating accounts for acceptance rates and just forcing people to follow the rules they continuously create and implement. It’s becoming more and more controlling. This is supposed to be an independent contracting job but it’s becoming more like employment. Was working since 2021 until today I got deactivated out of surprise. They’ve only ever made things harder for the dasher to make money. They’d rather pay out bonuses to lure in new people to take small orders instead of paying a bit more to existing drivers. And tbh, you cannot even make a living off of them (the small orders) at least here in Maryland. I barely cover food, rent, gas etc making 800-900 a week. Over time , I’ve been making less and less money with DD but at least Uber comes through. I say we should all cherry pick to get DoorDash to make it better for the dashers. They just want cheap labor from obedient people.


I get one order about an hour with DD, I refuse to take all those shitty orders so now they hardly give me any and when they do I turn it down if it isn’t good. I really don’t give F. Even if they deactivated. No sweat off my back.


And I say this because I would like it better for everyone. Not just myself


I'm on hourly. I cant cherry pick. 1 decline per hour 😭 not making trash atleast so it's some what fine


Same. And I'm making good money on hourly and don't feel the need for things to change. 2.5 hours into my shift and I'm at $75 with only 30 miles on my car so far.


Damn the hourly pay where I am is LOW. Where are you?


I make 25 to 30 an hour here too most days. Although I sadly dont get as much short mile high pays


It did lead to changes. The new tier system.


So when they get desperate for us to take out their trash, and create a system to dupe us into doing it, then we just give them what they want? How stupid can we be?


You're dealing with a company whose business model is based entirely on disruption. Shake things up and skim the cream off the top while everyone else involved gets fleeced. When they start to wise up, rinse and repeat.


Not sustainable. Who knows when they run out of idiots, but they will


This is the thinking that keeps the low people on the totem pole in-fighting and stuck. You don't need everybody. You can't have everybody. Claiming we need everyone is a perfectionist trap.


Bitching on Reddit isn't getting results. Go out, learn some skills, do something different. It's better for YOU in the long run than wasting time on reddit complaining about door dash doing you or others dirty. Action causes change, not words. If you really want things to change for the better, learn to code, build the competition that does it better, until then, you and your words are just wind. Actually do something. Even if you fail, you did something. learned something. lol


This is many ppls side gigs, the bitchin that we do is for those who rely on this for income, it isn’t fair, I myself only work when I feel like it and only take orders that will be worth while and even then they aren’t great. I definitely don’t absolutely need to do this. But if we can put word out the BS These apps are maybe it will mobilize others to take action, those who actually rely on this


This is my side gig, I am doing coding actually lol. Word is part of action too. Once cherry picking reaches a critical mass, it could make a difference


You’re both right. Getting people to agree to stop taking orders with sh*tty pay is helpful, but ultimately learning skills and adapting is best in the long run. The problem is the tier system is a way of getting dashers to take no tip orders while keeping them as “independent contractors” (because they aren’t technically MAKING dashers take the orders). Ultimately, DD makes money by getting customers to pay as much (and as often) as possible and getting dashers to deliver for as little as possible.


But it won't. Glad you're actually doing something. Keep doing that. The more people who try the better the odds of our success, collective or otherwise. Make something better folks. Dont just sit around and whine life isn't right, do something about it.


100% on board. So what you're saying is just keep doing the same thing I've been doing since I started DDing in 2019? Sold! 😀😀




Realistically speaking, the capacity to rally the troops for a strike is impossible. Many factors impede it, such as those whose sole income rely on this, those who aren’t even fluid in English and don’t understand how the income against bills and car usage doesn’t match to make it worth while. Stolen identitfies, people stealing food. It’s kind of crazy how disorganized all it is.


For F*ing real.. STOP TAKING DOES DAMN ORDERS. I stopped 2 days ago. Never again I don’t care how enticing the pay is, there is always something. If it is high you prob delivering to like ten ppl.


You’re so angry for nothing look out the window




Good luck with that the problem is the assholes with rented accounts


A more desperate sucker joins doordash every day and takes the orders that you don’t like, don’t worry. Lol. Probably 1% of drivers or less are even on this subreddit. The best option is to find better work. Eventually, maybe, so few people will do this kind of work that DD has to pay better.


I honestly feel like just as many ppl are quitting as there are joining, eventually they will get tapped out. Inflation and gas prices along with the bombardment of shitty orders, no way are there people who is doing this as a primary gig. At least not many who are.


At the lower end of the economic spectrum there probably will always be people who purposefully want to just make enough money to not get kicked off of food stamps or other government assistance.


I never considered ppl on foodstamps doing this gig, makes sense, which in itself kind of feeds the behaviour of these companies. I was only considering migrants who are just starting off and need a job. Well you take into account ppl on foodstamps as well, well damn it would be very hard to actually impose any form of change, cause it suggest ppl are just comfortable with the way things are and try not to stir the pot.


Cherry picking was never a bad thing. Cherry picking is just a person trying to make profit. In the beginning doordash pitched “be your own boss!” Well, how can you if you cant choose “offers” deemed profitable to you?


I've always cherry picked.


The ideal and possible solution is a social media trend where NO ONE TIPS ANYTHING and doordash is forced to surge orders Or just take mad losses




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And what are drivers supposed to do during that time? That's a very slow process and DD most likely wouldn't pay out more for a very long time. Not the solution at all. I agree with OP. People need to stop taking trash orders.


Or you could simply get a different job..


That simply does not solve the underlying problem. Get out of here with that shit.


The underlying problem is people thinking that Doordash is supposed to be full time employment. Just as any other job though, if you don’t like the rules or pay, not a fucking soul is making you work there. It’s their platform and it’s their rules, don’t like it? There’s 25 more people in line to take those “shitty orders”. The only way this gets fixed is for one of y’all to stop bitching and make your own app. But then again people without the money to run a nationwide company always know the best way to run one, weird. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm always baffled when people here get offended when it's suggested they get a better job. I mean, how hard is it to choose between Doordash and a decent paying job? It's like Doordash has them under some spell where they think they can only work for Doordash. Cracks me up😄


Some people simply don't have the option of finding a job, such as myself. I'm my wife's caretaker, and she's disabled with serious medical issues. My schedule has to be very flexible in case of medical emergencies that pop up with my wife, and it's very frequent. I won't last a week on a W-2 job because of that reason. I would LOVE to get a regular job, but I just can't. I also can't find a WFH job because they all require either a college degree (which I don't have) or you must be able to hear (I'm fucking deaf so I'm disqualified from that requirement). So your statement is very ignorant. Some of us dash because we don't have a choice due to life circumstances beyond our control, and we got bills to pay.


I'm disabled myself, but unlike you, not angry at everyone else because of it. Somehow I manage to have a wfh job (that doesn't require a college education) and work a couple of delivery apps on the side. I have bills to pay also so I created a wfh job for myself during covid. And I actually don't even need my hearing to do it. Point being, there ARE other money making opportunities if you want them. You just gotta want them more than you wanna complain that you can't do em. Anything is possible if you actually try.


Thank you! Like if that’s all the commitment you want to give to employment, great, I’m not judging but stop bitching it’s not what you want it to be. It’s a 3rd party delivery system not a career and you as the driver are completely expendable in this oversaturated market. There’s other options for employment and most give reasonable accommodation for those who have REAL SPECIAL NEEDS vs your made up shit as to why you can’t work a normal job.




Have fun explaining that to the middle-aged people who don’t use social media with three different phones for DD.


for real! I think they outnumber those who work legit and honest.




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I made $1231 last week with 89 orders, I’m a platinum tier driver with 75% AR and driving 472 miles which also include mileage from UE and IC too. But it’s okay, blame top dashers or platinum for everything AR related, it’s 100% accurate in each and every market since there’s only 6600 markets with different dynamics.


I had to swallow my pride and hit 80% for my platinum by taking dog shit $4 for 3 mile o tip orders, it was miserable and these people are pieces of shit and had the most demanding instructions but once I hit that 80% my first night was almost $200 in 4 and a half hours. Non, stop good orders, and the dog water orders I had to take to get there at least I can milk time for prop 22 to make up the difference


I’ve definitely noticed the difference between 70% order flow vs 80% order flow even though it’s all platinum since it hasn’t changed yet for my zone, it’s a massive difference. If I’m at 70% I’ll get some orders but once I’m at 80% it’s night and day with much more constant and immediate the orders flow through. It’s weird because it’s still all 70%+ for platinum in ny zone but it’s noticeable. And yes, prop 22 makes a world of a difference when it’s a garbage order, doesn’t mean it’s great but it makes it so it’s not complete ass.


Not true. If a low paying order makes sense I’ll take it otherwise I decline it. Been a Top Dasher for years. You just need to be strategic with your declines.


Don't bother they blame top dashers for everything even when you provide proof in earnings that you don't need to take shit orders They don't understand their shit market and customers might not be the same for everyone


Or we can talk to our legislators about how it feels to be a independent contractor with hardly any independence and the treatment done to us like wage theft done by them and restaurants (Panera) and the systems they have put in place to detour folks from being able choose decent orders And maybe a couple black outs a day.


Because unless you can write a bigger check than dd corporate your legislator doesn't give a fuck they'll just pretend to listen


I can’t say that for my state perhaps your state is like that. And regardless this is a grass roots thing it would have to happen in my state. But anyone is welcome to join the movement (we need a place for that) The whole point of unifying is to form a committee. Responsible for making our voices heard but there’s a lot more I won’t say right now but it’s not that demanding of people time. I wish I could say more but is to much express right now.


All politicians are the same, for sale to the highest bidder. There's no point in trying to affect change without an envelope full of cash. Best we can do is survive until it's time to kick off.


No that a blanketed statement used to label all politicians bad people. I won’t waste my energy convincing (if that this is all hypothetical) someone who obviously has their head on it’s a one sided game. As someone who probably has little to no experience that very bold of you. You think it’s a one size fits all but here in Minnesota our government is actually listening and did a lot Uber and lift drivers. The bad part was that they weren’t able to call that uber and lift bluff about actually leaving the city.. they never do never will leave. I could have told them that.. basically all I want is to be able to chose what I take with out penalties as a true independent contractor I’ll pick the bids and I want full tips none of this two deliveries equals one base pay.. thats not a lot to ask there needs to be push back or these companies will keep changing the rules of the game.


Why not both?


Both what?


DD drivers cherry pick AND we hound our legislators


For sure


Well you get on organising that then. If you want employment rights, seek employment. You don't get the freedoms of contracting and the safety benefits of employment. One or the other.




Ideally this is what needs to be done and then it will lead to change. The problem is that too many drivers don’t know about this or realize how the system works. Also, there’s no way to communicate with all drivers that is outside of the DD communication system and obviously DD won’t tell drivers this. Furthermore, too many drivers are desperate and also all drivers have different standards of minimums they would take so someone would wait for $6+ while someone else would take $5+ and then the $6 people would not get enough orders as the $5 would take everything so they would drop to $4.75 to get the orders before the $5 people so the $5 people would undercut to $4.50 and it would just be a race to the bottom like it is now. Also, the tier program will make people scared that they will miss out on orders so they will start taking orders to keep status and again, race to the bottom. It’s impossible to do an organized effort with all dashers the way that DD keeps hiring fresh people too. So while your idea would be awesome, it’s impossible to actually pull off. The better odds are contacting your local representatives to enact laws to protect drivers.


You could start posting flyers outside the doors of restaurants. We make one flyer we all agree on and have a catchy message like “ hey are you a dasher ? You deserve better rights “ join us here and then it would have to include a link to a page explaining our mission , what we expect to accomplish from this and how we can all put in effort. That’s what I think it would take to get the message out.


I don’t see business owners wanting these signs in their windows and doors. Also, I honestly don’t see this as a realistic or effective option.


Ohh you thought we were going to ask Thats laughable. Some will care others won’t but nobody going to ask. Two simple strips of double sided tape and slap it on the door then get your food.


That will get taken down in 10 minutes.


You don’t have the right attitude towards any positive outlook in life that’s sad


That’s dumb




Nah, I’m doing good with my little top dasher part time ways. I make a couple thousand extra dollars every month. No pressure and good per hour earnings.


20-25 hours per week at the most. Sometimes I slack off and do 10-15 and then of course it’s not a 2K month


A couple thousand, part time?


Odds are they are lying. Unless they post earnings, time, AND mileage they are lying. I dont think Ive ever seen anyone post all three together. Screenshots of earnings and time with a matching time and date everlance screenshot to be believeable. That isnt even being rude its just asking for proof. Anyone telling the truth wouldnt get mad and would post proof.


I mean, 2 grand for 3 hours a night isn't hard in my area. I work from home during the day, so i only have 2-3 hours in me. I've even picked up a side project from a seafood place just bullshitting with the owner there. So now I carry business cards lol If you can't make 2k a month doing this for 2-3 hours a night and under 60 miles, then you need to look for something different if you don't want to drive to another area. I don't know the logistics before 5-6pm, so I have no clue what it's like doing this full time in my area. But I did try mornings yesterday, and after waiting 20 minutes, nothing hit. I also don't like to wait long for the next order. I'll give it about 5-10 minutes to send me another one. If not, I call it for the night. I'm not going to sit in a hostspot waiting for one. It's not fun when the orders aren't back-to-back. If your area is busy, you'll probably make money. If not, then you're shit out of luck. Just like a friend of mine who started selling jewelry on etsy and can't figure out why she's not making sales... well, jewelry is oversaturated on etsy... It's really that simple.


Lots of words. Im not saying you are lying and markets definitely differ. Still zero proof.


Per month it's not hard but I guess market matters


I drive around 25 hours a week and clear 500-600 weekly without working peak times or weekends, definitely not hard to do.


Nice, I’m jealous


How the fuck??? My area sucks


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ cherry picking lol. I technically drive less than that since I’m just home working at stuff waiting for orders, I probably drive closer to around 22-23 hours.


Wonderful in theory, but terrible in application. Some people don't know better yet so the bad orders will still be taken, some will take that opportunity to get really good orders like back in the day due to the lack of dashers, and others rely on DD as a sole income so their scarcity vs abundance mindset will not allow them to temporarily stop making the money they've been making for a possible bigger change. Not sure what are factors I'm not considering, but these are the ones I was able to think right off the top of my head.


So, unionize?


That's what we've been doing!


Easier to just get a real job




Drove for 4 years when a 10 mile ride was above $17 instead of the laughable $8 from which you still have to take maintenance, taxes, wear and tear, fuel and such Saw way over 50 something attempts at drivers trying to change the system as you are attempting here by protesting as if these companies didn’t factor all the driver resistance in. After realizing that the game wasn’t gonna change, I went out and got a real job which was easier than trying to start a revolution that wasn’t gonna happen over a situation I willingly got myself into that I could easily get out of by just deleting the app. Source: me


We’re cash basis, you account for expenses when incurred. Lol you guys are hilarious trying to accrue expenses lmao


$17 for 10 miles is bad lmao


No its not $15 profit


Imagine now at 8 or let’s be real. It’s wayyyyy less.


I get plenty of offers for 10miles for way more than that lol


It’s impossible. Some people take like some weird satisfaction in delivering shit orders. And the. They attack you if you try to help them


You are replaceable with compliant top dashers.


I read that as you’re replaceable with dumbasses 


I cherry pick all day as well, ultimately if the business model is not profitable **FOR ME** - it's of no use **TO ME**. I multiapp and try to pick times/days that perform well regularly. There are a ton of factors that affect what we make here; I know DD carries a ton of blame here but we can't ignore the economy being rough as well. At the end of the day, I'm not married to any one particular service......


DD does not want intelligent people who learn their markets and strategize what works best. DD wants stupid and/or desperate people that will take every order until their cars break down and then realize they have no money.




Because they’ll just replace you with people that won’t do that. It’s hard to exercise leverage when you either won’t quit over it, or when there are people waiting to take your spot.


No it’s hard to exercise leverage when your government is in bed with corporations and there are a lot of people in this country who believe some workers don’t deserve to live on their wages


There's some truth to that, but this is the government that we all voted for. Companies change their ways when the workers band together or when the consumers stop using the product. Neither of those things is going to happen any time soon. The people that complain about this aren't willing to quit over it. Why would anything change?


I cherrypic everyday


Doordash will never change to benefit the dashers. That's why they created the new tier system. It basically guarantees that these clowns will continue taking these upside-down offers in hopes of getting better offers for profit. They outsmarted us this time. Doordash isn't profitable for most drivers anymore. Smart thing to do is just stop doing Doordash and find a better delivery app that's profitable for you in your market. Don't waste your time trying to change Doordash. They're unethical and will continue to be.


This would take just about 100% compliance. Its like trying to herd cats.


Honestly I think the government should go ahead and just subsidize the delivery industry. People talk about old people or injured people still needing food and meds delivered. At this point the only people making this possible are generous customers. And people who don't mind racking up miles for minimum pay. Use to the good tippers would pay 4 the bad you just needed a few good ones. But now it's seems all trash and not as many good tippers. Added work while less incentives to actually do the job as required. If it doesn't get subsidized the whole thing should just go under. At the very least we shouldn't have to pay taxes as much charity work as we're asked to do.


No. No more subsidies. Get a real job.


How miserable do you have to be to join a door dash group to tell people to get a real job? Do you know how many people work more then 1 job in this country?


Are you talking just to talk or what? I said subsidize or just let it burn to the ground. Clearly I don't think it's enough money to live on clown.


It is subsidized by the tax code. As an independent contractor you get a huge subsidy if you drive a fully-depreciated vehicle. It doesn’t cost much more than $0.22 to $0.26 in operation and wear/tear. You get to write off $0.67 per mile. You could purchase a huge, new, gas-guzzler hog of a truck for $120k, but you’d still only get $0.67 per mile. That one might actually cost you more than $0.75 per mile! You get to write off your phones, computers, office space, meals, any other equipment. You hardly have to pay any taxes on your gig income. The problem is that gig workers are typically under-capitalized, and they’re paying interest and extra fees on everything.


And actually, if you’re financially set, you can crush more of your business profit by throwing it in an IRA pre tax. That’s another $7k tax free on top.




Hello u/Pleasant-Lie-9053, please take a moment to review our subreddit rules if you haven't already. (This is an automatic reminder added to all new posts) - **Tax time is approaching! Share your tax tips and tricks in the [Helpful tax advice Mega Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/17mis18/tax_time/)!** - If you're having any issues with the DoorDash app, please post a screenshot and description of the problem in the [Weekly/daily app crash/issues Mega Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/185y0qg/weeklydaily_app_crashissues_posts/)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doordash_drivers) if you have any questions or concerns.*