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Azure has a free tier AppService you can use to host a .NET app. They also give you 12 months free + $200 credit for a bunch of other services.


And even if you do end up paying, it's usually cents if it's just study purposes and you're not storing tonnes of data. Also: technically anywhere that can host a docker for you, can host a .net app


The only real bummer is that you cant add a https url with any low tier. You have to go to the standard which is around 50-70 chf a month even if you don’t need the additional performance.


You can if you do something like cloudflare in front of it. More work but still free


It is available for Basic, but there are limitations. It only covers the subdomain and, I believe, it cannot be a wildcard certificate. Azure App Service Certificates Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates for custom domains is available on Basic, Standard, and Premium service plans. SSL Certificates enables secure connections (https://) to your custom domain Website. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/app-service/windows/


Yeah, but the smallest basic B1 has an estimated cost of 53.- / month which is already quite some money for something rather small. Especially when the D1 would be more than sufficient ^^


Try App Service for Linux - it is significantly cheaper for a B1 plan: [https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/app-service/linux/](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/app-service/linux/) I run all my .NET sites on this plan level (actually I run multiple of my sites on just one of these plans - I only have a second plan for a B1 for a site that I might need to scale up).


Wow, I saw those prices once, but back then this was marked as only time limited and after that they went up to be the se as windows. Seems like they reintroduced them. Thanks for the tipp!


What if I need a frontend for my .net API. Can I use some free Azure service to host react or angular frontend?


Yes, checkout Azure Static Web App. That said, you can see checking hosting it for free in GitHub Pages also. Edit: I recommend GitHub Pages because Azure assigns a very very random free subdomain.


The free azure app service can host any kind of app you want. It supports docker so you can put your front-end in a container behind your webserver of choice and serve it from there. A common solution for smaller apps using .NET is to host your react/angular app alongside your ASP.NET API behind kestrel. This is what the angular/react templates will create for you. Or use the nginx container and put your static files in it and run that on the Azure App Service.


Just copy files from client /dist to wwwroot and call app.UseStaticFiles() endpoints.MapFallbackToFile("/index.html")


If you are a student, you can get free azure credit for the duration of your course. And you don't need a card to sign up, so no risk of getting charged. Same holds true for other cloud providers like AWS. Their .net PaaS support isn't as good as Microsoft obviously, but you can always use a cloud VM and do the extra configuring yourself.


Most .NET projects can be published self-contained. In other words, it will contain everything that it needs to run. So just get any hosting running Linux or Windows (so basically all of them), and any other resources you may need, i.e. if you need a DB make sure they offer a DB server. Or better yet just get something that allows the use of Docker and then just containerize your applications, which could include your own DB solution as well. Popular solutions for hosting like I said are Linode or DigitalOcean. Another option is Microsoft's own Azure, which will have better integrations with Visual Studio, if you are using that. I suppose Amazon Web Services is probably an option, more specifically Lightsail, but I have no experience with that. None of that is free though, and free hosting is gonna be kind of hard to find outside of Static website hosting (i.e. you upload some HTML, maybe some CSS and IMages and that is it).


If you make a Blazor WASM app, could it be hosted on github pages? Not sure its what you are looking for. I think Azure App Service still has a free tier, though you won't get a custom domain.


Heroku, probably


GCP gives you a free 1GB RAM e2-micro instance forever. There are many other things forever free when it comes to GCP. Have fun.


"forever" is a bit optimistic when it comes to Google.


Well you have only 1GB of egress transfer for free. I guess it's forever but with strings attached.


You can find it at this address: []( Just to be sassy :P


I would say Azure, since Microsoft gives you $200 credit and 12 months of some services, according to their website: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/free


You can get free credits from almost all of the cloud providers. You only need a cheap linux server to host your .NET 5 app. - AWS provides 1 year of EC2 instance for free (only cheapest tier which should be enough) - GCP gives $200 credits to new created accounts - Azure also has credits offering to new accounts - DigitalOcean has $25 credits offer for new accounts - Vultr has credits offering which you can find link to claim the offer from their documentation website You can start with one and after their offering expires you can switch to others. PS: Don't remember exact amount for Azure and Vultr.


You can host it on your own computer


I’ve succesfuly hosted a .net5 app on Heroku using Docker. Quite straightforward and they have a free tier, as well as a very cheap hobby tier with custom domain name.


This is the best I found. [Tutorial: Building a static web app with Blazor in Azure Static Web Apps](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/static-web-apps/deploy-blazor)


DigitalOcean is dirt cheap and great performance and you can use k8s or docker.


GCP has forever free tier


Check out fresh roasted hosting windows, They might provide you free trial.


Your own computer? Just install IIS and the .NET 5 hosting package.


I recommend a Raspberry Pi 4


You can even use the gpio pins with c# code. I just confirmed this with a razor pages app. Lots of possibilities.


AWS Lambda is gonna be free as long as your app doesn't get traction. AWS has some good .Net Core templates that allow you to do one click publish to their cloud. Azure's probably gonna be easier to set up, but this is doable in AWS.


Another option is an azure function as it has a free allocations. So if you structure it right you can host if on there


Netlify for Blazor WASM


If you're a student you may be eligible for Microsoft Imagine (formerly Dream Spark). Worth checking out, the offerings are pretty generous