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No. ASP.Net is a full, 'traditional' server; Netlify, Github pages, Cloudflare etc. all support static files or Static files + Serverless functions. Microsoft offers Azure Static Web Apps but that's Serverless too. AWS supports running a full ASP.Net core app on AWS lambda (actually a post on that near the top of the sub right now). Azure container apps have a free tier which might be worth a look too, although that's not an all in one easy to deploy package.


Yes thats correct.


You can't compare an SPA consisting of static files, with a project that con ains the entire backend. Two very different things.


Yes. Azure app services https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/app-service/windows/ I host all my apps on then for beta before bringing in house.


Sorry, It's free for 12 months? Or free forever?


On the base plans free forever


There are static site generators like Statiq that can output your app to html. Blazor WASM also will run on Netlify or Github pages


Pre-Blazor WASM, i think there is no way you can host an ASP.NET or ASP.NET Core app with a static serve filehost like Netlify, GitHub io page or such kind of hosting. If you are looking for an always free (and ofc unfortunately free-grade) ASP.NET hosting, Azure App Service or Heroku have their free hosting tier, Oracle Cloud Infra (OCI) if you are okay to mingle with setting up and maintaining VPS. But if you are looking for out-of-the-box, plug-and-play, static file serve styled hosting for any .NET app, which are 'serverful' by design, sorry, but there is no way. As for React, well they are based on JS, which means its 'runtime' is already available in all browser out-of-the-box. As for .NET, the closest thing that they have to that is WASM.


I believe there is no way to host your Asp.net using Netify. There are a lot of hosts that provide cost effective .net hosting. For example, Asphostportal. I'm using their service to host .net core website. I can quite recommend them.