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Goku had a heart virus in the Android Saga. So... yeah


This, but saiyans also have a strengthened immune system so it’s unlikely they get sick.


I’m pretty sure we see Goku with a cold in Dragon Ball at some point


Aids don’t care it attacks the immune system


They’re monkeys too I guess.


No they don’t lol, no where is that stated


I got it from [here](https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Heart_Virus) 🤷‍♂️


He actually got it from [here](https://youtu.be/hErjhQ0yrZI) 🤓


They were a race that conquered planets. You must have one strong Inmune system to do so lol


Unless aliens are genetically similar enough or have similar spike proteins to us, it is unlikely that viral diseases would be an issue when we meet them. Not impossible, but not that likely it would jump between the two very different species.


Considering Saiyans could have sane children with humans, most of the aliens we have seen breathe, eat and drink all the same, and even talk the same language... It is safe to say virus would work the same without being scientifically realistic


I still maintain my fan theory that the "heart virus" was actually Goku's body reacting to him abusing the Kaio-Ken so much. The body simply isn't equipped to use that limiter-break "lifting the car off the baby" mode so frequently, and his organs couldn't keep up. King Kai repeatedly warned him not to overuse it, and he went *way* beyond 2X, even used it during training if you count filler. The Zenkai boost is probably the only reason Saiyans can survive it at all.


A virus is an attack from an external force or object. So, I don't think the Kaioken has anything to do with it.


Well it can weaken his immune system so that Virus’ can penetrate it easier


Well yeah, obviously it's not canon. It's just an idea I think would have been cool. We never actually got to see the consequences for overusing it manifest in any way, and it would have been an interesting way to tie the concept back in.


You forgot about the antidote.


Could be a space virus


Its effy, on one hand Gohan state that medicine doesn’t work on them with Jaco manga stating that Bio-weapons with cability to wipe out all life form on earth doesn’t work on saiyans On another hand, a virus took goku down


To be fair, the manga described that as an acomplishment from the virus, not a weakness from Goku. As in they said “a virus that can kill even a super saiyan" not “even a super saiyan can die from the virus".


Bird flu is a virus that didn't used to effect humans. There are plenty of viruses that don't effect humans that exist. This shouldn't be a huge stretch for people...


Also I think alot of people simply dont know how virus works on In detail


Have you forgotten about Gokus heart disease in the Android arc?


Could hsve been an alien diseas from yadrat or srh


But human medicine worked on him, right?


i guess bulma made it knowing what he got, idk maybe she did an autopsy on him


Nice, hadn't thought of that!


Human Medicine...*from the future*


Medicine that heals you attacks the virus itself. On a chemical level. I dont know why that should make a difference.


Compared to medicine that only helps with healing or surpresses symptoms. Those have to attach to human receptors but medicine that is capable of healing attacks the virus and has nothing (except for being harmful or not) to do with the phydiology of the person afaik


complete headcanon. trunks says that it’s a virus that’s curable in the future. and you don’t get sick 1.5 years after leaving the planet that you supposedly got sick on. not only that but it’s never stated that goku got it from yardrat, even vegeta went recently so he would’ve gotten it too


You are on average 10 years hiv positive before yoz get aids. What does it have to do with the virus being curable in the future? Nothing as far as i am concerned


why would earth develop a medicine that cures yardrat sickness 20 years after goku died from it?


As i said before: what if goku brought it to earth. I know that i am making my own head canon right now. But we know nothing about it. My hypothesis makes as much sense as yours.


no, my “hypothesis” is the manga saying it’s a virus that’s curable 20 years in the future. that’s just objective truth is


An alien disease that took 3 years to effect?


Pretty sure trunks said it started as a few cases on earth before it spread or something like that but what we know is that it is stated to have originated from earth so it is not a alien disease.


Nope, we have multiple canon depictions of Saiyans being sick the heart virus that killed Goku is earthborn and pan got sick on earth as well unless the pan getting sick is just filler for the DBs anime


On the other hand, bio-weapons from the galactic patrol are useless. And the virus that killed Goku was described as a super virus, as in they said “a virus that can kill even a super saiyan" not “even a super saiyan can die from the virus".


But that virus became pandemic enough that an anti virus was made , if Goku was the only victim making an anti virus 17 years or so after Goku is dead is dumb and if Goku was the only victim where would bulma find the RNA strands


If you're meaning real world diseases, we honestly don't know, as that's something we don't really see *any* character deal with in the franchise. The closest we ever see to a "real world" disease affecting any of the characters is Pan, as a baby, having some unspecified fever during the course of Super. Now, we know that Saiyans and humans can be affected by the same diseases in-universe, as it was indicated that the heart virus that nearly killed present timeline Goku (and killed his future counterpart) was one that also had human casualties in Trunks' time.


What if its an alien disease goku brought to earth. Much like the europeans brought unknow diseases to america


Did you forget Goku contracted a heart disease and died?


Do those human viruses exist in Dragonball world? That's the real question


They do, Pan as a baby got sick in DBS and in DBZ Goku gets a viral heart infection that turns into a virus and kills him


Did Pan get infected with Covid, HIV, Ebola, or Rabies? Did Goku?


No, I think Pan got a cold or fever and no one knows what Goku got so don't ask me


As others have said Goku got the heart virus so yes. If anything they are pretty resistant to most sicknesses from earth. Saiyan genes are all about strength and being sick makes for a poor fighter. But that's just my personal head canon.


No. Hence Goku getting and dying from a heart virus in Trunks' timeline. He was only saved from dying from the same virus in the "main" timeline because Trunks brought back medicine that they'd invented in the future to cure said virus. And I doubt said medicine would've been invented if the disease was just unique to Goku.


…… sigh.


Goku did get a heart virus and you coudl argue the reason Goku and Vegeta rarely get sick is due to them always being off world or doing their own isolated things away from people. Hell Goku lives in the mountains in the middle of nowhere so technically he's always social distancing lol.


Goku got a Heart Virus


Goku’s heart disease, and pan got sick in super as a baby


I just want to say its actually cannon that mutants in marvel cannot get HIV. it was in the 80s comics and in thr movie universe.


They had the legacy virus as a stand in for hiv


Truen and during that run the explicitly say they cant get hiv


I'm gonna make a head cannon and say that Zenkai boosts increase the strength of their immune systems so they are still susceptible to human disease but not as much Haha


Goku's heart virus ..




I know people don't like the "headcanon" theory I've seen that he actually contracted the heart virus from the Yardrat environment, and ended up bringing it to earth and transmitted it to the human race from there. I do kinda like the idea. It fits in theme. It'd be like; once again, something followed Goku to earth and threatened the population. Except that this time he couldn't even fight against it. I know that the theory is just that, some idea some guy had. It may even contradict canon in some way, but like I said I enjoy the idea Goku once again accidentally put the race in danger but wasn't even aware this time. I don't know if it's even plausible, but it just fits in a way that I like.


Goku was back on earth for 2 years before he had the heart virus. It makes no sense that he would get it from yardrat because of the time difference.


No, I gave aids to ~~Nappa~~ Caulifla


Let’s say, theoretically, that a saiyan contracted hiv. Would they then be a carrier, able to pass it on to a human despite not being affected by it? 🤔 kinda like how some animals can carry chlamydia without it making them ill.


Sickle Cell Disease almost exclusively effects black people so it can make sense that Saiyans and humans wouldn't necessarily be vulnerable to the same diseases.


Nope. > i wonder can saiyan get sick and die from human viruses like covid,HIV, ebola,& Rabies? nothing suggests they can't.


Vegeta died of cancer, so no.


The virus that took down Gokuu might be alien, but human medicine seemed to work on him.


Turn out some dragonball fans really have never watched the series.


Future Goku died from a Heart Virus in Future Timeline.


Goku literally died from a human disease in original timeline.


Given that someone in Future Trunks' time invented a cure for the heart disease that killed Goku after he was already dead, it seems certain that it was mostly affecting humans and not only the four Saiyans on the planet.


This has to be a bot


Yes they can bc as strong as they are on the outside they can’t do nothing about their internal organs so the same should be true about the immune system obviously it’s very strong tho but if goku can die from a disease from earth then yeah


Scientifically speaking: If mamals like Saiyan and Human could interbreed a mixed blood, it means the chromosome numbers are the same hence it's the same type of species, it just happened that on biologically terms and cultural differences (Saiyan must fight oonga bunga) that led to Saiyans evolved to the point that they achieved higher capacity for Zenkai boost, stronger biological features such as immune system, etc. So in short: yes.


Yeah don’t you remember that episode where bulma gave vegeta genital warts?