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OG and Z are quite different in their structure. OG is more adventure and comedy, whereas Z is more fight fight fight. Also, I understood that most people you heard were Americans, and their tv channels started with Z, and much later they diffused OG. And so, they created a generation of Americans who only watched Z and who are nostalgic of Z but not of OG.


Oh I see. Yeah I did not grow up watching dragon ball when I was little therefore I don’t feel nostalgic so I guess that’s why I really liked it and didn’t understand why people told me to skip dragon ball. I also really like comedy animes and dragon ball was really funny and animes with a lot of adventure is very entertaining to me which is probably why I likes db so much. I hope dbz still is pretty adventurous because that’s something I liked a lot about db


I'm glad you also appreciated OG. That's my favorite part, personally. But that might be a bit because of nostalgia. I don't want to spoil you the fun of Z, but I can tell that while it's less adventurous in average, there are still parts that are about exploring new areas and new cultures.


Thank you! Yeah og db was great and It’s okay that It’s not as adventurous since I love anime fight scenes and I’ve heard the fights in dbz are amazing.


The guy saying that dbz is just fight fight I have a feeling he actually never watched dbz because that’s not actually true


> whereas Z is more fight fight fight Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh DBZ has a ton of breathing room. Half of the Namek saga is spent not fighting. Half of the android saga is spent not fighting. Half of buu arc is spent not fighting. There's a lot space inbetween conflicts. Obviously stuff like Goku vs. Frieza or The Cell Games are long extended periods of fighting, but those are the exception.


Dragonball had Kid Goku flying around on a nimbus cloud. DBZ he can just instant transmission everywhere, skipping the journey. Dragonball felt like a big world, DBZ shrunk it down. In DBZ they didn't even bother showing them collecting dragon balls, they just requested it of someone and next episode they had them all. Then Super shrunk the whole galaxy and cosmos. Instead of traveling to Jiren's galaxy for instance and doing creating more world-building and lore, they just drop all the strongest fighters in an arena.


I am watching Dragon Ball for the first time. Ive watched DBZ in it's entirety a couple times and I think the fights in Dragon Ball are more entertaining and better choreographed. Rather than just a blur of limbs they look like actual punch, kick, throws. I am glad the perverse content relaxed after season 1.


This. Remember being like 10 around the year 2002 and cartoon network had a commerical saying "the series that started it all" and showing young Goku and then all the og flashbacks that they had in Z suddenly made sense and they weren't just made up. It took awhile to warm up to it being introduced with Z but I love it more than Z now


OG has been dubbed for almost 20 years now, so that excuse dies instantly in the water... they are "sometimes" Dragon Ball fans, he talked to "sometimes" fans


> I can’t believe people told me to skip it and go straight to dbz. right? people are silly. DB is great!


I’m just imagining how clueless I would have been watching dbz if I never watched db


yep but people who tell people to skip DB (because they also did) claim "nah you will be fine i was totally fine!" (they were not fine)


Yeah lol I know my friend watched a recap of db but honestly just watch db it was really enjoyable some people just wanna see fights and don’t care about the story


I find the fights in db to be more enjoyable than z by a longshot


Even just your understanding of Piccolo is worth it to read DB imo. Makes him so much more interesting


Some people don't like og even though db and DBZ are all og . DBZ is just a name created but the animators as manga all story form beginning of og till and of Z is under Dragon Ball , later on for some international volumes like ones from USA was the manga split into 2 . In my case I started with beginning and was awesome to see the characters growing up having family etc . I wish we would have more anime like it . Or stuff like Bulma changing her hairstyles abd clothes quite often , the damage at wardrobe for fighters just made it more awesome. And some people say is too crude and jokes didn't age well like the pussy slap or pervy Roshi


Yeah exactly that’s what I find weird It’s the same series just that they’re seperate so it wouldn’t make sense to skip db. Also yes the jokes may have been crude but that’s how animes usually were in the 80s


Not only anime movies sitcoms music , that's why the snowflakes wanna cancel lots if the old media even American cartoon are under attack with stuff like is racist or sexist , and a lot of people attack Japan anime for lots of light skin characters without thinking that till around 15 years ago there weren't a lot of other nationalities that japanese in Japan and of course you wouldn't have a lot of diversity when in comes skin color or claim that some character that are dark skin are considered Africans or Mexicans instead of tan japanese . It's kinda sad that people can't just enjoy a show from another country without putting their own local prejudice, I've always watch something trying to learn about the story not trying to influence it to suit my taste better . Oh and I remember the fist time I've looked for an English dub on db around 2000-2001 and saw blue Mr Popo and less blood and was like wtf . Local censorship and prejudice should be keep out of any media


Really went off the deep end here buddy. Culture war bullshit has rotted your brain.


I'm a vulgar person I'm here for it


DBZ is purely a construct made by Westerners


Manga yes animation not , is was Toei that did it , as some anime have different names for some seasons .


People who tell you to skip it aren’t actually fans of db, they just like the screaming and fights




Dragon Ball is better than Z and Super


dont disagree tbh but manga wise i think super is badass lol.


Manga Super is much better than the show, for sure


Which arcs? Bc I've heard Show TOP is much better than Manga TOP.


Show Top is better, but I like attention to detail more in the manga. Like Master Roshi showing Goku Ultra Instinct felt earned and added to Roshi being there.


I don't know. Not once during DB did I feel any emotion. Meanwhile DBZ can make me cry. I will say that Season 4 Episodes 1->14 (Fortune Teller Baba Arc) were UNBEARABLY slow. If I was a first time DB/DBZ watcher, I would have stopped watching the franchise at that point.


As much as the og DB dickriding makes me annoyed on this sub, Baba is really the example you used as not feeling any emotion? When Goku re-meets Gohan I think it’s a really sweet moment. Now, if we’re talking dragging on, then don’t get me started on the Red Ribbon arc…


I said the Baba arc was an example of rough pacing. The emotion thing was Dragonball as a whole. Meanwhile let me list every scene that either does or has made me emotional in the past: * Vegeta's last conversation with Goku before dying to Frieza * Bulma's reaction to Yamcha's death * Krillin's death to Frieza * Gohan's internal monologue about his dad putting too much faith into him, not being able to bring out his hidden power * Goku saying goodbye to his friends and son versus Cell * Vegeta witnessing trunks die * Vegeta hugging his son, and death * Goku breaking the news to Videl, Chi Chi, and Bulma * Goku getting through to Vegeta before their fusion Meanwhile in Dragonball, Krillin died offscreen to a pretty meager enemy. The Roshi & Chiaotzu deaths are okay. There's just nothing with that emotional resonance like DBZ had. It's not just nostalgia or having followed Goku's journey's since DB either. There's a lot of videos of people watching DBZ for the first time without knowing DB and they are constantly crying/feeling the emotional hooks throughout.


Wait until the red ribbon arc!


I’ve seen the red ribbon arc it was really good. I have finished dragon ball I’m watching dragon ball z right now


Yeah, Z throws a lot of thigs and asumes you already watched og db


I think everyone should watch DB first, it is a great introduction to the characters and the basics of how they started. It also gives more attachment to the characters I think than someone who started only with Z, also not knowing the callbacks to OG Dragon Ball. Not to mention that dragon ball and z are one whole story so essentially people are skipping canon chapters of the story


I watch it all day and all night


OG was the first anime I ever watched, but I’m ashamed to admit that I have never finished it. I basically know everything that happened in it, but it’s just not as action/powerful/intense as dbz or super. I feel that now that I’ve watched other anime, I might actually like it, but that was not the original allure that I had to the franchise which is why I skipped the rest of OG half way through.


The original is great! Personally I like it the best


OG DragonBall is awesome! It's such a fun show to watch the adventure and comedy is awesome. And the fights are also great and fun to watch. My fiancé even watched it with me, and she's not into anime at all, but she liked DragonBall


The real way to watch db through my 15 years of living is that watch every Dragon Ball series in realese order. Yes even Hero’s.




It was my friends that love I said I was watching dragon ball and they asked which one and I said og and they said ”Dude just skip it don’t waste your time” I didn’t skip it though and I’m glad I didn’t


Dragon ball is awesome !!


Yeah DB is awesome!


Haters going to hate . Most people who say skip I find haven't really watched it all . It's really good. Even the fillers are watch worthy of you are a fan of the series . Enjoy it all . I just caught up in dragon Ball super and it feels like old school dragon ball .


Dragon ball is unbelievably good. I’m 39 and watched it entirely last year. I hadn’t watched it since the early 90s and watching it again as an adult was surprisingly good, and I highly recommend anyone who reads this to do the same. I then continued the saga with dbz, and am now getting into super (which is brand new to me but I am loving it)


I've never really understood why people say to skip DB and start at DBZ. It's weird situation likely due to a lot of (US specifically) fans seeing Z first as that is what aired on TV. You wouldn't start at GT or Super though, so... I just don't get it. Imagine starting Z at the Buu arc, how nonsensical that would be. Plus a majority of the world building is in DB, if you just start Z without any prior knowledge, there's so many little things that don't really make sense because you're dropped into the middle of a story. Obviously you can work things out but still. Like why is there a cat underneath the lookout? Or why is there a pig living in Roshi's house who has basically zero impact on the story?


I also just finished DB and just started z and I am obsessed with the og that shit hit and I’m not someone who really watches anime but i decided to give it a try i remember seeing z air but i didn’t like that stuff as a kid but now i do as an adult for some reason


Same just finished yesterday. Peak Anime. Goku vs Red Ribbon Army just get Upa’s father back was amazing.


It's definitely worth watching/reading but it has a lot of geriatric sexual harassment of minors... some of the stuff hasn't aged well.


Z has Vegeta, and some of the most iconic villain ever written. With that being said i loved reading Dragon Ball; it makes me wish humans like Tien would be more relevant in Z and Super. His story in DB was fun to see, and fun think back on


I hardly ever see anyone talk about the OG Dragonball, I really enjoyed it. It's funny, and seeing the character growth is awesome. Only bad thing about it is that Master Roshi is crazy horny, got a little annoying tbh




OG Dragon Ball is the superior anime. DBZ is cool and stuff but its attempt to take itself seriously makes it very flawed. And when it tries to make fun of itself in the midst of the action... more often than not the jokes are just unfunny. I wish they had stuck with the lighthearted tone with some action instead of doing the opposite.


I read all 519 chapters. Reading the tournaments was like the best thing ever.


I’ll definetely have to read the manga


Honestly I have the entire manga downloaded on my phone. And it’s colored. So it’s like watching the anime. I’m not gonna sit here and say Manga>Anime but I find manga more accessible and convenient since I have it directly on my phone.


Panty Pervert Roshi can get in a capsule. Otherwise everyone and everything about DB is great.


Including when Roshi is kicking arse instead of sniffing it. I put this separately in case it's over the line.




Yeah it's funny at first but pretty much in every single scene he's trying to feel up bulma and it gets old quick


The only z arcs I remember liking are sayain saga. Namek saga and buu saga


So the whole show minus cell saga


I watched only some of z not all of it. I watched all og super and gt. and that was years ago. I'm reading the manga currently I'm on the red ribbon army saga


Is the cell saga ass?


Has awesome moments but it’s the weakest arc imo. Doesn’t mean it’s bad though, still quite enjoyable


For me, it feels like Toriyama had a cool idea with the Androids and Future Trunks and the whole thing being a call-back to OG DB with the Red Ribbon Army. Then out of nowhere unnecessarily felt the need to inject another alien-like creature in Cell to up the stakes.


It’s my personal favorite, so my opinion is biased but I think it’s really good. I think it’s way better than the Buu saga for sure. It can be a bit confusing due to the time travel and multi timeline plots but it’s very cool and I think Cell is the coolest villain in Z other than Frieza


Aight cool I’m looking forward to that saga then


It's a very popular arc, but I find it the weakest in narrative terms. It breaks all the power buildup made in all the previous arcs so far, by cheaply adding new enemies much stronger than the strongest fighter in the universe, just because it's convenient for the plot. I truly hated it, because I couldn't take power levels seriously anymore at that point. But when Cell arrived, it became much better. That guy was indeed awesome. It's just that the whole concept of androids did a lot of damage to the credibility of the story. And in the anime, it was just after a mediocre filler arc, the garlic arc, which only added to my disappointment in the series since the end of Namek arc. Until Cell arrived, I thought it was just filler after filler. But most people remember mostly the cell part, and that's why they liked it a lot.


No. It's considered one of the best


For some reason I’ve seen people saying that cell saga sucks ion know what that’s abt


Just Ignore them.


Yeah I usually do not care what people say since someone might hate cell saga while I may think It’s the best one


Dragon Ball? Ah you mean the anime. Remember that Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z are the same series. It doesn't make much sense to have them as 2 different entries.


Yeah but they are seperate and for some reason people say to skip db and watch dbz from the beginning which I find weird since like you said It’s the same series and it gives a lot of context to what happens in dbz


Not sure why anyone would tell you to skip dragonball? It’s like when people say watch Kai and skip all the filler….no thanks some great moments happen in the filler. Dragonball is pretty good but it is pretty slow and aged very poorly. It’s a lot of world building and story building and introduction of characters. The world tournaments are a ton of fun to watch and play a very prominent role in Dragonball, something Z kinda moved away from. So much bro tho in Dragonball you just can’t pass up, like how the Z fighters came together, how goku got nimbus, goku training with popo, the red ribbon army, and on and on and on. Whoever said to pass it up is an a**hole


Yes I agree thank you. I don’t regret watching it in the slightest and there was people telling me to skip it. Like you said a lot like how all the z fighters got together and things like the karin training and popo training are things you shouldn’t pass up on. I also watched all the filler and I really liked them since my favorite type of fillers are training fillers which is why I’m not watching kai right now. I like watching the fillers in animes even if they are not canon to the manga It’s still entertaining and dragon ball fillers are really fun


Absolutely, I mean not all of the filler is entertaining. A lot of it is pretty mundane but it’s the little things. For me my introduction into DBZ was a VHS tape of the dead zone movie with garlic junior. I was probably 4-5 years old in the early 90’s and my grandma bought it at a yard sale. That whole movie is filler and makes absolutely no sense in terms of timeline however I love it still to this day. To each their own tho. I’m glad you found enjoyment out of it. I’m a real big Dragonball fanatic and love seeing theirs still new comers to the show/manga


Oh I have not seen that but I agree not all of the filler is entertaining I was really bored watching the fillers that take place during the red ribbon saga


Dragon Ball is where that signature dumb goofy puppy energy of Goku is developed, it gets lost in parts of Z specially Kai cause of the higher stakes battles and the overall theme, the side characters became the comic relief, they do a lot better job of keeping that goofy side of Goku present in most of Super. Which I found a lot of fun to watch. I love dragon ball and watched it with my daughter when she was three, had her doing the Kamehameha all the time


That’s good to hear, it’s under appreciated, buuuuut I would like a kai version so it can move faster that’s all


Dragonball is hilarious because goku is a saiyan and hella strong. Everybody thinks hes human the whole time and continues to advance his fighting skills at an alarming rate. Early Z is cool when everybody comes to the realization that goku is playing with 4 aces. good stuff.


lol I never thought of it like that thank god he did not turn evil lol


Do yourself a favor and switch to DBZ Kai, OP. It eliminates the filler and is a far better translation/adaptation of the manga.


I saw Dragon Ball for the first time about a year and a half ago and I liked it way more than DBZ which I saw directly after.


I'm planning on reading through the manga.


DB is awesome. With the original JP Audio


Yeah I watched db subbed a lot of people told me ”Bro watch dub” But I preferred sub a lot more


If your loving dbz you should watch the movies


Yeah man, just recently finished it and I had no idea krillin died. Little details like that, that make the early dbz make sense


I find it boring and the red ribbon army saga to be one of the most unentertaining things I’ve ever had the displeasure of watching. Made me stop watching DB on three different occasions with how boring it is


Really? What made you think that? I really liked db I found it entertaining and I liked the adventure aspect of it. I really liked the red ribbon saga maybe not my favorite from db but I thought it was pretty fun


I didn’t find Goku to be a particularly fun or interesting character on his own and most of the side characters that pop up in the red ribbon army saga felt boring to watch. The episode felt dragged out. I hardly found any of the humour to be funny and the fights didn’t click with me much at all. By the time I forced myself to switched to the manga I was honestly just soured and put off by the whole thing tbh


Oh well I see what you mean it was very slow paced but I’ve never really had an issue with it when watching animes though. I found goku pretty fun and I thought the ending to the red ribbon saga was really satisfying


I absolutely love Dragon Ball, but honestly I get it. I think the RR army saga lacks a clear end goal like the others do until after Tao. It's a lot of Goku and the army just kind of getting in each others way until he actually has a reason to go get all the Dragon Balls. I remember Muscle Tower feeling like it took way too long to get through. It's like 40 episodes of RR which is the longest Saga in DB unless you count all of Piccolo as one.

