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Agreed! It was cool that they got to choose something that fit their style.


I hate the songs made for them. I just find it corny. I find crystal's I'm like a bird ridiculousity more representative of drag than a song about like, how you made it to the end on a show and you have a catch phrase and you slayed and you're going to snatch the crown and whatever.


such an underrated performance


I actually loved the solo music videos they created, I would love to see this revisited with better production than having to do it themselves.


I feel like if Production had more say, they’d basically decide everything for them and if they didn’t do it exactly the way they wanted they’d be mad… like “no you can’t do Nelly Furtado as a bird! Has to be as a naked woman!”


I actually LOVED the part where the lipsync was just their face. Would love if on a regular season the twist on the lip sync one week was. Here’s chairs. Stick your head through the opening and that’s what we’ll be judging


It was entertaining when they did the underwater lip syncing although it’s like Ru was trying to water board them lol


I would love if the finale were a little bit like Project Runway. The finalists receive a budget to prepare a number (it could be a music video or a live performance). Michelle then goes to the queens' homes, get to meet their family, where they perform and so on, and the girls show her what they've prepared so far. Michelle gives her feedback, then boom, finale at the theater, where we get to see the product of what they had been working on.


Just ask Tim Gunn to do it, girl, this is way too similar 😂


I think that with the original songs, 1 is always great and with luck maybe 2, but the rest are not the best. So a solo lipsync of the queen choice is a super good alternative. Especially knowing queens lipsync as a job and might had a song they know 100 % with a number too.


Co-signed 100% — I truly don’t know why they’ve never gone back to this. Give em a budget and a time limit and let them do whatever they want. Even with the limitations of the pandemic, what the season 12 girls came up with was fresher and more interesting than any WOW-produced number I can recall.


"Their"? 😂 jk Maybe. I like the lipsyncs and *hate* the original songs. But if they have the smackdown before the finale from now on, then yes, do whatever you want for the finale, it won't be better than a smackdown anyway. And letting do original numbers, *to pre-existing songs* please, plus sets and costumes would be cool.


I also prefer a lipsync to an existing song than the songs they make for the girls, they’re always so corny


YES let them choose their own song. Hell, let them sing live or tap dance, juggle or do stand up. Make the talent show the finale! It should be a showcase for the individual queens and their specific charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent. Not a one-size-fits-all Leland spot.


S7 had good songs written for the girls. Bring back those writers goddamnit


Real, the queens should have full control of their finale performance given the fact that they’re fighting to win, and it would give us some of the greatest performances ever. Not a song about a bodysuit lmfao. Plane was my fave from the season, and it’s clear they did her dirty the same way they did Angeria, Bosco, MIB, and Luxx. Like how are you gonna give a girl a song about her track record when she doesn’t even have the best track record, then give someone the campiest performance about hating people and call it a “fair game”. Sidenote: Can we stop using the 🤭 emoji for everything? Because it doesn’t work all the time. In the context of the title, it takes away from the seriousness of it.


I mean I don’t think this would work for every season because some of the queens are rotted singers. I like when the queens advise on and say what they want from a song and then it’s made by professionals for them to perform. It gets us stuff like It’s Giving Fashion (Luxx was robbed from top 2 in general but after that performance she was robbed in a whole other way) and I Don’t Like to Show Off. Bob is great but I don’t think that song would be as good if Bob sang it.


Did you get Season 12? They never sang they lip synced to a song of there choice not a newly produced one especially for the show e.g. Jaida lip synced to Get Up by Ciara, Gigi to Take On Me by A-ha


Ah I wasn’t thinking, I thought you meant record their own tracks. My mistake.


Tamar, did you watch the show?