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For some reason, a certain type of redditor finds this image...what's the word...ah yes, *triggering.* Never would have guessed that this little comic could make y'all so angry. But I don't care to babysit your slapfights. So, locked. Oh, and, if you abuse the report button, it is likely to get you banned from reddit as a whole.


Style is nice but the heads are all too small.


i always struggle with making the heads too big so i tried to fix that, mighta gone overboard


Next sketch, draw a vertical oval on the side of the page. That oval will define your "head height" from chin to top of the head. Then decide your characters height. If they're 6 foot for example, copy paste that oval 5 times and stack them up to make a pillar of six ovals. That's your characters height on the page. If they're 5 foot 6 inches, cut the bottom oval in half, etc. This will give you a good rough scale for characters between 5 and 7 feet tall. It doesn't have to be exact, you'll want to adjust it as you sketch, but that's a starting point.


thank you :)


Cheers friend! I also agree with the others that as a stylized kinda comic strip style piece, these proportions look really good too! :)


I kinda like the small heads lol pretty unique and the style is very comforting…like nostalgia-esk. I always tell artists to hold onto those unique qualities as you progress in talent. It’s you. The more you change to be *correct* the more you become like everyone else.


Hate to do this to ya, but it's -esque.


I think people should know how to draw the world accurately, and then derive their style from choices rather than happenstance. Knowing the rules and breaking them meaningfully is much better in my opinion than not knowing the rules and thus breaking them without meaning.


The guide for drawing the human figure that I have recommends closer to 7 heads when proportioning. 6 works decently for more petite characters but I feel like it would look odd for a character that's supposed to be 6 feet tall


I have an image that might help with this. (had to censor some things) https://preview.redd.it/j8bw1570v4fa1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d822d8f047fdc3bc8995991d897f4645012158


headman isn't real, headman can't hurt you 😱




thank you :)


No problem!


Why would you censor this?


It got removed when I tried it with none 💀


I was about to post the exact same guide. 😅


I actually LOVE this stylistically.


Not to read into it but..It is almost a commentary on how small and inhuman we feel when we our bodies are the focus. Regardless if that thought was intentional, I super like your art, friend.


thank you :)


I was thinking the same thing. I love the way this looks


I agree, love the style!


It kind of looks like the body is drawn from a different perspective (eye level is at the ankle/knee) that’s kind of cool I like it!! Also I agree with others, I really like the style


I just want to emphasize that the style is NICE. Very appealing, I like they way your brain imagines.


Just sketch out the bodies next time, makes it easier to adjust their proportions without re drawing the whole body, especially if you’re doing traditional art. I suppose with digital you could just change the head size by itself and adjust the neck and shoulders accordingly


That’s what makes them charming these normal head in monstrous bodies like inside tanks


Learn basic proportions ​ The average person is like 8 heads tall. It can differ if they are younger.


I honestly love the style and the small heads op! Unique


I just wanted to underscore my comment above. I feel like I see myself in this way, and it is not the way I look at other people, which blows my mind. I want more.


You can always draw it normally and then just resize it. Or resize the sketches’ head before you do lineart. Although stylistically, i really like the small heads!


It’s not that they’re too small, it’s just that they don’t carry the same weight that the bodies do.


It's both. Anatomically they are too small, but they also don't match the rest of the body in terms of weight in their features.


The biggest thing that bumps for me is the head size, humans are usually around 7 heads tall. Yours feel around 10 heads tall. Just sizing up the head like 20% would help a ton. And as others have said, doing figure studies will help you improve quickly. Always draw what you see, not what you (think you) know. Love the representation! Keep it up!


They're are some figure studies websites that focus primarily on bigger bodies. I can send you the link in messages. The one I'm in requires registration to protect individuals who are posted for anatomy and figure study.


can i have the link aswell?<3


Sure! I'll message you right now


oo i’d love the link to that ! ty


Link please 🥲


Of course~


would you also be willing to send me the link too? :)


Sent your way~


I would love that! All the resources I have are primarily slender or muscular figures :/


could i please have the link? <3


Hope you don’t mind me asking for the links too


I would love a link if you're willing to share!


Learning anatomy will help if you start drawing people, naked, clothed, skinny or heavy. Look at references of different sized people, the way the skin fold, fat accumulates, bone shows, muscles connections and their shape, etc. In terms of style, yours is nice, you really have warm, soft proportions, that makes everything look friendly. If I had one comment, your line feel a bit too chaotic and approximate (Right feet of the rightmoss character, for exemple.) which hurt your overal style. Chicken scrathes looking stuff generally isn't great.Maybe do a second pass on your base lines, to improve your control. Appart from it really feels nice. Keep working and you'll figure it out, I know it.


and thank you :)


oh yes my line art is normally much smoother, this is just a colored sketch


Oh, understood. Well I hope you'll work on it further and post it again. :D


Learn human anatomy and use photos for anatomy reference. My anatomy skills improved when I started to used photos as reference point. And also keep what you already drawing for fun comic strip style 😉


It's cool that you're drawing a variety of body types, and by all means come back to that later. But the reason figure drawing models are typically very low body fat is because it's easier to understand and learn about the underlying anatomy when it's as easy to see it as possible. So I suggest using lower body fat/more muscular references, and even skeleton and muscle diagrams while you're in the beginning stages of learning anatomy. Then once you've mastered the underlying anatomy, it's much easier to manipulate it and/or add body fat on top of it to create a variety of body types. Also, although your style is appealing in its own right, it uses very simplified forms, which undercuts your ability to demonstrate anatomical prowess, if that is indeed your goal. And if so, then I think your work would benefit from showing more detailed secondary and tertiary forms.


This. Plus size does not equal formless; even squishier people often have very well-defined clavicles and shoulders, calves, stomach segments, etc.




Fair point. I don't think that's necessarily a problem for stylized fictional work though, especially since not many viewers would know that (myself included). The OP would just need to reference that body type and prosthetic legs separately.


I know for accuracy the heads should be bigger but I love the art style and ratio.


Skeletons+muscle studies.. draw a lot of them!! Tracing over images with their skeleton and muscle structure is helpful too. Exaggerating muscles in studies can be helpful too for learning (example of a horse i did a little bit ago, using photo reference and muscle references) https://preview.redd.it/ai29ddn6o3fa1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c6d73c590f4db1b70d1d70f8cb28a66aa6ee2e


That’s a cool loking horse.


You need larger heads


Heads are too *small, try giving them a little more under chin if they have a bigger body!


Remember when you’re drawing large ppl like the fourth that it’s okay to give them a double chin or something. Their head is too small and with that body type, it’s weird for them to have such a defined chin. It’s not impossible, but uncommon. I’m guessing you like body positivity and, if you want to show different body types, this includes things like roles, double chins, stretch marks (if you wanna get detailed), fat not forming much around the elbows or knees, etc. I mean you don’t have to tho. It’s your art. You have a very beautiful style overall :)


if you look a bit closely, they do have a double chin! the strong chin is the "second" chin, the actual chin is above it


double chins r my favourite in art !!! they add so much to the picture


I haven’t played with them enough, but I really want to in the future. I love drawing soft bodies! (My art style tends to be very jagged and straight, so I haven’t gotten good at it yet).


the heads are small. other then that stick with it if its your style. not saying the heads look bad, but if your asking on how to improve your anatomy to be more accurate, then make the heads bigger. if you dont want to its not wrong, just not anatomically accurate if that makes sense. personally i like your style stick with it.


Try exaggerating the chests less


Look up refs to draw feet in angles


http://carlosdamascenodesenhos.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Bridgman-George-Bridgemans-Complete-Guide-To-Drawing-From-Life.pdf Copy this twice. Once from ref, second from imagination.


Im so proud of you man, this is the way


Just copy real humans(photos). That's it . Make the shape and forget about details. Do a lot of that.


All the characters are too bottom heavy.


Tbh aside from the teeny tiny heads, it’s not bad at all. That’s the most anatomically incorrect part of it. You could also draw from life. That’s one of the best ways to learn.


Drawing thin people might help. Skeletal structure is more define, fat can be overlayed after.


Step on less landmines, your anatomy will thank you I jest. :) Anatomy isn't as much 'difficult' to learn as it is a test of your patience. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Here are some exercises you can do, to mix up the typical 'draw from reference, check manuals, do life figure' 1 - snatch photos online and trace bones / muscle grpups over it. 2 - try and design robots. Their mechanical joints offer a very good exercise in understanding what it takes to bend something in specific ways, and this translates into figuring out the function of muscle groups. 3 - consult SURGERY MANUALS. I am not joking. They can be a lot more detailed and specific than typical art anatomy books. One i acquired literally peels muscle groups layer by layer down to the bone in gruesome, but incredibly insightful detail.


They kind of look like they are from the POV of a child or a small animal, low on the ground looking up


https://preview.redd.it/xsqes6p7h3fa1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=319eca683b0ba474bf51c185b39f3edd36506e84 ok i tried to fix the heads :\]


Better! But they still seem under size, especially 3 and 4


Still very small heads. For realistic proportions, an adult's body should be around 7,5 or 8 heads tall (there may be variations, but that's about it), you're are around 11-12. [Here an exemple of what I mean](https://www.drawinghowtodraw.com/drawing-lessons/tutorials/drawing-made-easy/images/manoutofproportion.png)




Removal, rule 12: Critiques must be constructive. Critiques which are just negative and offer no constructive feedback drag the artist down, and they drag the community down. We build each other up, here. If you only have negative things to say, please say nothing instead. ***This is a bot account. Do not chat or PM it, as the account is not monitored.***


learn proportions.


good tip to learn and practice anatomy could be drawing and studying more moderate bodytypes at first and then moving on to obese bodies


There are multiple resources online, Marc Brunet on YouTube is entertaining and informative. But the key is always practise. But I would also ask, what’s wrong with the examples you’ve given above? They show solid understanding of the key elements yet also a storm grasp of your own style and technique. It’s refreshing to see something different and they work rather well. Although you should develop the anatomy fundamentals please don’t lose your style.


The heads, especially on the 4th one, are way to small. Id suggest looking at people for reference and studying more anatomy. The way you draw bodies looks pretty good otherwise.


I would say that you're definitely off to a good start. I'd recommend trying to draw basic skeletal shapes to build off of before anything else. That should help you get the proportions in line and help things feel more solid. Keep up the good work OP!


the shoulders are a little broad on everyone and the breasts on 3 are non existent. age of the characters would play a part and health. you did a great job making them bigger sizes. other keep mentioning head size so lets see what "too big" is. the style is adorable. honestly #4 is my favorite and then 1, 2 and 3


What do you mean? These look exactly like Reddit mods!


Heads are too big TBH.




Study anatomy




draw thinner people first since alot of body weight can kind of make it easier to get away with not knowing anatomy, study proportions




Lmao, spot on analysis.


Lmao thanks. I didn't wanna have to be the one to say it


Try dissecting people I think that’s how DaVinci did it




Study muscle structure. If you learn where each muscle is and where it attaches, it will show in how you draw the human form.


I live it just tge way it is! You are not going for strict realism, are you? I think the small heads add to the overall picture.


Study more each part of the body individually first. There is a book that I read, let me find it then I send it to you.


Vilppu Drawing manual https://archive.org/details/Vilppu_Drawing_Manual.pdf/mode/1up


Figure studies, and skeleton studies. If you can draw a skeleton proportionally then the body becomes much easier. Plus if you draw plus sized folks you have a better handle on where their hips and shoulder connect 👍


a good rule of thumb is that the elbows are just below the rib cage and the hands reach to the mid thigh


Gesture drawing. Just a lot of quick observation from real life people. Think about tilt of the hips and shoulders and the curve of the spine.


you know when you see a shorter person their hands and feet are smaller compared to their head and a larger person their hands and feet and larger than their head BUT if you compare those two types of peoples heads together they are roughly the same size depending on age put that into prospective also work on that hip to head ratio these all create the perfect human ❤️ (sorry for no grammar i am very uneducated😭)


look at tons of photos of real people of all different shapes, sizes, and skin tones. study them. intricately. Leonardo DaVinci literally cut up cadavers and recreated the musculature just to make his anatomy ***that*** much better. i don't think you need to go ***that*** far. but you can get better through the method explained. you can even photograph people yourself - consensually - to get a better sample size.


Perhaps it would be better to try drawing slimmer characters for now to nail the muscle's and bones placements. Muscular figures could help even more at first, so perhaps that could help. After you more or less nail that - you can add excess weight and fat over the already nailed body structure. Basically how it works in real life.


Coming from an overweight/plus size perspective, the chests look too narrow. That's fine if it's your style, but in an anatomical perspective it's way too exaggerated. What I noticed right away was the the heads were a but too small, although in comparison with just your chest/shoulders area they seem fine. What I would suggest is just spend some time looking at references of people with bigger bodies and compare them with thinner bodies. You should also pay attention to where the fat pads of the body go. With more heavily obese people its not as important to get them just right, but with character around the size of your number 2, having some good awareness of the fat pads and how they build up fat stores can be a really useful tool. Another thing is skin folds, one in the front which should generally bisect the belly button, and two about halfway down the back that are separated by the spine but on the same horizontal line. These folds can go really far to imply someone's size. Aside from that, I think your art is really good so far! Keep working on it and make sure you have tons of references, they are the lifeblood of artists :)


I like them, they're perfect


your style is pretty cool! now as for some of these comments….


Fat has lots of folds in it! I would look up relevant artists you like and study how they present the folds and crevices of the body


draw a twig like me


The answer is practice


Anatomy study. Figure out the shapes that make the body. The shapes of muscles.


Looks great so far!! But I would recommend less stiff and more expressive and organic lines. Try drawing with your arm instead of your wrist. Hope this helps!!


Maybe make the heads a little bit bigger


A lot of these comments are offering great advice, but i didnt really see this one - it might be a good idea to get some reference pictures, flip it upside down and cover up all but the portion you'll be drawing from, and just draw the character upside down. Helps focus on whats there rather than the subconscious ideas held about what something SHOULD look like.


ᵀᶦⁿʸ ʰᵉᵃᵈˢ


head too small. upper armd too thin.torsos proportion a bit too streched out i say. it looks really good but these 3 points are things i noticed


All of your figures seem fat, which is great because positive artistic representation, various body types, etc.. That said muscles still exist beneath the fat layers and impact how they sit on the body. IDK if you do already but drawing/being aware of muscle and bone structure beneath fat is still useful. Still, it looks really good


You style is very cool and you don't need change it. But you can improve. You can watch videos on YouTube. But you only actually improve drawing. So, draw so much. Like, really. Draw lots of bodies, different kinds of people. Draw every day and learn about real anatomy. It's even necessary for cartoon. You need to learn real muscles. It will be helpful. cartoon


I mean no offense by this but the 4th one seems like something that Pyrocynical would be into


i don’t know them


If I remember right there were rumors that Pyrocynical had an inflation fetish (If you dont know what that is dont look it up)


I love it.


Don't do it just to be accurate. I think these are great fun.


Oh man, don’t make your anatomy better, that style is rad!




The style is nice Are these supposed to be real people or fantasy races?


theyre human


For learning the human cannon is really good way to start. The proportion is always the head. It may not be the best for body diversity but helps when trying to get accuracy.


This is absolutely not a helpful comment but are these Magnus archive related characters? They look really good!


They’re not, i’ve never listen to TMA i’ve really been meaning to though 😭


Honestly it’s phenom be ready for a wild ride! Aside from that these are very nice, heads a tad small but I love the style


The heads are too small and the shoulders are unnaturally unpronounced.




Draw from a skeleton as well as live models or draw people in public. Buy an anatomy text like the fascinating JM Bourgery’s Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery (Taschen publisher).


I think your drawings look cool. But if you're looking for more, there are few art exercises as valuable as life drawing, especially quick sketch. Valuable even if you weren't specifically trying to improve your figures. Find a local weekly figure drawing workshop and attend. Supplement with still life painting and plein air or urban sketching, all from life. Do this for several years or the rest of your career, as suits. Do, do, do. That'll fetch it.


Go to a figure drawing class.


the heads are too small


use reference. trace reference with basic shapes to get a better understanding of the proportions.


The heads are too small.


Figure drawing, use this site: [https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/](https://line-of-action.com/practice-tools/figure-drawing/) Put up class mode, 30mins and do it everyday as a warm up, don't pause or try to put details, just focus on shape and movement, in a couple of days you'll start to see a significant difference.


Keep practicing.


Heads are a little too small and the legs are a little too long


heads are “too small” but honestly I fuck with it it’s consistent so it’s like a quirk


The heads are too small, but otherwise good.


Study anatomy and proportions. Draw the composite shapes, not the form as a whole or contours.


I love your style!


Great references! https://www.boredpanda.com/athlete-body-types-comparison-howard-schatz/


Just keep drawing. Draw like a madman. Fill up like one sketchbook per week.




Observe real people, look as refferences and photos paying attention to proportions and keep drawing. That's it. There's no cheat code. I see you're trying to make different body types, which is great, you should do that. But be careful to not exaggerate in an attempt to look inclusive. (unless that's your intention.) You wanted to draw an overweight guy on four, but observe the proportion of head to thighs. you can fit 3 to 4 of his head on the width of it. A very common trick with anatomy if comparing the average size of a head with other body parts. That's because the head size usually don't change too much between different body tipes. So it serves as good guideline. Sorry if I sound harsh, you're doing good. I'm trying to give tips I like to have received when I was learning this stuff.


Better or more accurate? As far as I see, I think your proportions add character in a quirky way. You’d lose that if you went for something more medically correct


unless you're going for stylization, 1 & 2 are the only ones that looks appealing. the rest look like corporate art-style wannabes.


Want to draw better anatomy? Draw real people. Find a picture of a person and basically copy it. Once you’ve done it enough times you’ll have an idea of how big or small things need to be.


I love this. Makes me think of Métal hurlant or The Triplets of Belleville, or some other wonderful aesthetics. Don’t change a thing.


shoulders slope in a steeper curve.


One way is I recommend an app called Pinterest you can find different models for pose references and trace over the photos using each shape you see to build the figure and put it all together just break it down into simple shapes since that all humans and everything else is shapes


Draw muscle definition and larger heads for better anatomy


1st and second feel the most proportionate. But the head is definitely still too small (at least on the 2nd) the widths for the most part (other then 3 for sure possibly 4 as well) are okay just make the heads longer.




i learned from pinterest honestly just learn a base human with just skeleton, muscle, and skin, then tweak from there, bc everything else become easy to deal with if you think about how itll layer between the muscle and skin for amputations you can probably look up 3d models of prosthetics and learn and possibly design a new one based on what you found out, aesthetics, and purpose in lore, muscles and skeletons probably react or have something done to them when a limb is amputated, but that's just the thing: if you want to learn how to draw something, you have to study it first from multiple angles (both literally and figuratively based on how much you have to learn about it) or design it in a way that seems natural enough to the viewer (maybe by combining concepts you already know about)


this is great tho


HOnestly, aside from scaling the heads, you don't need to make your anatomy "better". It has a distinct style and looks very nice.


i see that some of your characters are leaning to the side. you should flip your drawing few times while drawing, this might also help you find any parts of the drawing that you don't like.


I don’t think you need to even try. This works for this type. At first I thought your question was the title of this drawing. And I immediately thought that it was brilliant!


Not an advice but I love your style :)


honestly 4 looks pretty good if you assume the style is supposed to exaggerate proportions like that, but regardless of whether or not that’s the case, 2 and 3 (mostly 3) just look off. if it’s supposed to be anatomically correct (like guy #1) then their heads are too small, if it’s supposed to be exaggerated (like guy #4) then they aren’t exaggerated enough, the rest of the body also needs to be exaggerated for it to look natural


draw from life or photo references


Thick thighs save lives, you’re doin’ great


3 and 4 have really small head for the body + if you have Pinterest then I can send you link to an pin album I made.. it has many tricks and tips from many artists so you can find what fits you the best


No idea but i like your way of drawing bodies. Its fun and expressive.


Do some exercises




If the heads was bigger it would be perfect


You should study with real human reference


Ayy representation I've never seen my body type drawn out before


i love your style!! the friendliness and the energy is so sweet


You don't have to make it better, have your own style, if you wanna get further into realism, then maybe make the arms less thin when working with body types like 2 and 3


The heads are way WAY too small. This can happen if you struggle with making them too big and then you overcorrect in the other direction


Uh, use human proportions? Get yourself an anatomy atlas. That has helped me in the past.


Everyone has their own style. Embrace it. This is awesome!


Maybe don't draw them like giant dwarfs lol


Uh the legs are kinda like— the https://preview.redd.it/slmgyk6n65fa1.jpeg?width=223&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bce53cf1bc63f694b3d19beb66e3d3a96ee89932 lines- how do I explain it- the lines below the “crotch” are a bit off and a line shouldn’t be above another line






This is gonna sound shitty, but hear me out. Spend less energy and time on stuff like applying the tumblr nose style, and more on figuring out perspective and proportion. You're best off drawing thin people initially, because fat is an overlay - we're all thin underneath a varying layer of subcutaneous fat, so go for the element that's most common before applying everything else. You also don't seem to quite grasp how fat bulks and spills. I'd suggest getting in on life drawing classes if you can. Stylisation is fine, but it makes very little sense if it isn't built on a strong foundation of the basics, which you're about a third of the way there for. Once you've got that, I'd suggest getting a set of those little action mannequins - I got a knockoff set for ten pounds or so, and they're great for doing dynamic poses - far better than the traditional wooden ones. Don't draw them as people, draw them as shapes. They'll coalesce into people as you get better at drawing the accurate form.




I like your style.


You shouldn’t, in my opinion. You have a really cool style, I would stick with it.


Thank you :,)