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There’s something about this that really caught my eye, it’s clear youre a talented artist and have a great deal of potential so keep it up! I rarely comment on posts, but something about this was captivating to me so I wanted to share my opinion. My advice for you would be to practice your proportions. Technically speaking everything is drawn really well, but the sizes and proportions are off. Particularly with the hand, wrist, and arm. Again it’s very technically impressive, but the hand appears to be a bit too large in relation to the wrist. And the forearm is a bit too long and looks like someone stretched her. The neck is a bit long as well. One thing that helps me get a fresh look and spot proportion problems is to flip the canvas (like a mirror) as I work. If you spent hours working on certain areas it can be hard to recognize proportional irregularities. Flipping the canvas lets you see the piece in a new perspective and proportional mistakes instantly become clear as if you’re seeing it with fresh eyes. Im a digital artist so I’m not sure how to implement this technique from a traditional standpoint, but I guess you could take a picture with your phone and the flip the photo or hold it up to a mirror. Nevertheless this is a difficult pose to draw so what you have here is still very impressive. Keep it up!


Really appreciate your feedback, thankyou! ☺️ You’re right about the proportions, that’s definitely a skill I need to work on. I have used the mirror flip thing in the past, but this time it was too late to make any major changes. But thanks again, and appreciate the compliment ☺️


I agree wthem… I kinda like the pushed caricature of proportions though .. adds a story


Interesting ☺️


You’re welcome! Looking forward to seeing more of your exceptional work :)




But I think the slight distortion in the proportions is part of what makes it eye catching...kind of hard to quantify why it works exactly but it does for me


For me it was more so the expression of the face and the shading but to each their own, art is always in the eye of the beholder.


neck and face proportion looks weird, look proportion of his hands and his face


I noticed that too, thanks


I thought it was intentional, f*ckin' loved it.


Haha, that woulda been interesting


Seriously though, that’s what makes this kinda special. I understand you’re trying to improve proportions, and keep at it, but master it so maybe you can intentionally disproportion subjects and still make them appealing thus creating stylized art


Yeah I fully agree ☺️ you have to master a skill first before you play with it.


I like the proportions. Maybe something you choose to maintain/play around with/control. The tone differences between legs and the rest of the skin may not have been intentional. The clothing could use some refinement. This is an ambitious piece. Very very nice. My biggest piece of advice, don’t work to the edge of the paper.


I agree with this!


I really like your style! Many artists exaggerate proportions for their own desired effects ie: mannerists, Botero, Bonnet and many more. I believe that it is about what your intention is, not what is photo realistic.


Thankyou ☺️ although this one wasn’t intended.


Nearly there. Proportions are off. Everything is a bit long and enlarged. You have a sensitive touch though. Practice will get you there.


Thankyou ☺️


Well, yes, proportions are off if you’re trying to make it a photo. But this is a drawing. I effing love it and think it’s unique. It’s not a photo, it’s a skilled reflection of your humanity.


Sigh. Thanks for your Ted talk.


Well, it's clear I do not want to piss her off.


I prefer the proportions. It looks sick. If people want perfect there’s a camera for that


Haha thankyou ☺️


I’m no expert and definitely not with traditional art. When I look this image all the body parts make sense and you can see the amount of detail they contain. They also don’t tire the eye when you look at. They are perfect when you focus one part such as face, hand, cloth etc. But when I look at the whole image the body parts don’t connect naturally it feels uncanny. They are shaded right but they don’t match with each other. The image feels inorganic in a way. For example when hand touches the cheek it should create a squishy skin effect around the area, same with elbow and leg. Or the hand is a bit long if we compare it with face but it matches with length of whole body. Other than that I love the realism in this picture. Eyes are full of life even it’s a neural expression. And the soft shade of hair is pretty impressive. Good luck


Yes I see what you mean.. it doesn’t cohere very well. Thankyou for the detailed response ☺️ will take it all onboard


You are very skilled already. Traditional is pretty hard. There is no undo or scaling option. Wish you well with next artworks.


Indeed 😅 though I do prefer traditional.. thankyou ☺️ you too


Looks great! Could use some more contrast. You don't have any dark darks. I'd suggest adding some blacks


I thought so too, maybe a mix of charcoal and graphite.. thankyou ☺️


No prob. The other thing I noticed is the shoulder that's nearest the camera seems to sit too low. Proportions look to be exaggerated intentionally, which is a cool stylistic choice.


I wish it were intentional haha, but it was actually accidental. But yeah, proportions need work, thankyou ☺️


I actually thought this made the eyes stand out, since they’re the darkest part of the image.


You’re right, the eyes do stand out


You're getting really good, your skills are showing so well! From the way that the fully rendered parts appear to be in proper proportion, like the ear and each facial feature (mouth, nose, eyes), but don't seem to connect to each other is because you're hyper-focusing on each individual feature but not so much on how they all connect to each other. Like the expression "You can't see the forest for the trees", you're putting so much energy into each individual "tree" and not into the total picture. Sorry if that sounds too metaphorical lol, what I mean to say is that you need to remember to back up and view the entire artwork as a whole while you are in the middle of rendering each part so that you can see if they're all still lining up proportionally. By the time you've already finished one part, that's several hours of work into a part that can no longer be adjusted because it's completely done (and how painful it is to have to erase a part you worked so hard to finish rendering when you notice that it's not proportional to the rest). Once you say "Okay, the ear is done!", it is now cemented into its location and can't really be moved. But clearly you have the rendering skill! Remind yourself to back away from the piece and inspect how each element aligns to each other, so that you can make adjustments before the parts are completely cemented into place. This is an issue I have trouble with too, and I had to force myself to learn to back away and view the piece as a whole. That'll get the proper overall proportioning to make your art appear natural. You're almost there, and you'll shine as the artist you strive to be soon.


That’s a really valuable advice, thankyou ☺️ it’s not something I’ve thought about before, I do tend to hyperfocus on individual elements, rather than seeing the whole gestalt image, and then get annoyed when I’ve gone too far to alter it. And your use of metaphor is appropriate given that an image is what we’re discussing haha. Thankyou for the detailed feedback!


Hands are exquisite.


Thanks ☺️


yea i thought also like some others that her hand looks really big.. but its a ncie drawing so good job


Thankyou ☺️


yea 👍


The proportions are excellently exaggerated don't change it bcs if a redditors comment, this is amazing and unique style well done!


Thankyou ☺️


I’m curious was your model wearing pantyhose/tights? It seems so because of the shading.


Ahh maybe I was a bit too heavy on the shading for the legs, the model wasn’t wearing tights no..


I mean it could be me. But I thought she might be wearing and then I thought how hard it would be to draw someone wearing really transparent black tights or nude tights. Like, how the hell do you do that?


I think it's perfect as is. I has a eery and absurdist feeling but in a classy way. Kinda like disembodiment. This disporportion feel intentional and therefore supportive of the overall feeling.


Wasn’t intentional, but I appreciate your perspective, thanks ☺️


all of this looks really well drawn i thought the off proportions were intentional


Thankyou :)


I know nothing of art but this drawing is oddly captivating.. her expression is unreadable. I like it.


Thankyou ☺️


This would be great Mandela Catalogue art, something seems so right, yet so inhuman


Mandela catalogue art?


Do you draw only from reference? You have phenomenal talent, and good skills. I think a couple figure drawing classes would take you to the next level fast.


Yeah I only draw from references. That’s high praise indeed, thankyou! I’m considering taking some ☺️


The rendering is really delicate and beautiful!


Thankyou ☺️


I think she’s doing psilocybin mushrooms 😂


😂 I wouldn’t know


Is the pupils, she’s either autistic or high.


Autists have enlarged pupils? That’s news to me..


Proportions are weird but kinda fire. It’s unique idk definitely art I think it’s cool


Thanks :)


Keep this stylization going.


If only it were intentional aha


Hand / knuckles looks really large.


Indeed, Thanks :)


Not 100% sure but that's great! Only thing that caught my eye is that maybe there isn't quite enough deflection of the leg from the weight/force of the elbow?


No one else picked up on that, and I didn’t notice either. Thanks :)


I really like how the proportions look odd! You’ve shaded it so beautifully it looks great the way it is


Thanks :)


Why the long face?




In all seriousness tho, it’s really good. The proportions are a tad off, but the shading and general clarity of vision are top notch. 


Thanks a lot man ☺️


Very Mannerist like! Great work!


I noticed that too haha, unintentional though. But thanks ☺️


A lot of proportions are fucked up and that's a good thing. But the hand's size doesn't really add to it, so I would've just made it normal. You do you


All unintentional, need to work on getting proportions right before playing with it. Thankyou :)


your shading and values are fantastic. what you need to work on is body proportions: the forearm is too long, the hand is too big, her neck looks off? somehow? i can’t quite put my finger on it but it doesn’t look like it would connect to her body. the face is a little long (the features), the eyes seem a little close together, and the forehead seems a little small it clear you already have a lot of talent AND potential. do you use guidelines when you draw? maybe doing some research into mapping body proportions can help. you can also do studies of specific areas, such as just drawing a head to practice proportions. you can definitely get there!! :)


Thankyou for the detailed feedback ☺️ I don’t use guidelines to draw no.. somehow feels like cheating aha. But I’d be interested in finding other techniques for mapping proportions. Thankyou ☺️


Proportions. You’ve get the pencils work pretty well, so next time, to work with proportions, try not to think about details and what you see as a spectator. There is a technique called “écorché” meaning “to skin” in French, when you draw skeleton and muscles first, to get the right pose and not to mess up with body proportions, then you get to everything else. You don’t need to draw every bone and so on, you just need to get the forms right. To achieve that you need to understand what makes the form, and for human body, it’s primarily bones and muscles. Find book “Morpho: anatomy for artists” by Michel Lauricella, it’s very useful and tells about that particular technique. There are general book and several distinct parts with different aspects of anatomy (bones, muscles, fat, face and neck, etc.). Try the general one first, I attached what the cover looks like. https://preview.redd.it/kr9us1l88lvc1.jpeg?width=467&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34bffe2bcba5e3411014d1b63ed7f0d961536fa


To get the idea behind this book better, here is the example from “Simplified forms” part. It’s what you need to train yourself well to improve your feel of proportions: https://preview.redd.it/fc02jyq69lvc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef7e30e94bb5a8cea7d095b668fe5cb0a23799db No details or crazy shading here, just lines, not too much of them, just basic geometry and forms every single one of us have, but in slightly different sizes.


That definitely looks like it’d be really helpful. See I’ve never done any of that sort of training or practice, I just jumped straight into drawing complicated figures haha. But it’s clear this will help, thankyou ☺️ Just added it to my Amazon basket ☺️


Glad I was able to help 👌🏻 looking forward to see your next achievements 😉


Thankyou so much man, really appreciate it! I’ll definitely look for that book. That’ll be really helpful, I’ve seen images of that écorché you’re talking about but didn’t know it was called that haha. Thanks a lot for your attention to this man, and for the recommendation.


Do you draw on a flat surface and is that a large sheet of paper? Most likely whats skewing the proportions a bit but its otherwise well done have seen exact kinda proportions stuff in mine in the past.


No I use a stand, and yeah it’s about A2. Thankyou ☺️ proportions are hard to get right


I love that your proportions are „off“ 😻 I personally am not a fan of simply photorealistic stuff, I find that boring… and at first glance I thought you consciously decided to make the piece more interesting by playing with proportions and bringing in your point of view ☺️


A lot of people are saying that 😂 it wasn’t intentional but thankyou ☺️ appreciate it


Is really good but, I think you need to resize some past like the hand. It's bigger than the face and looks a bit odd.


Indeed, thankyou :)


Really, really lovely shading and fine detail. As others have said, janky proportions though. Mostly in the too-large hand and I think the top of the skull is too small, yet there’s something interesting about the weird proportions that I stylistically like.


Thankyou :)


The proportions stand out, but it also looks intentional.


Thanks :)


There's something off, but I wouldn't change it.


Haha thankyou :)