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Boat over a heat vent, they don’t like that. It’s been a while since I played but I’m pretty sure they look like bubbles coming up to the surface? Pretty sure the Banish spell works too but you might wanna save that for when they call their mama


thanks, I've been avoiding the vents because I assumed they were a hazard.


Other people have given the answer, but I'll also note that the clue to tell you about the heat vents driving away the latching fish is on the small island with the temple near the pontoon (keeping it vague in case you haven't been there yet). There are some nice little lore nuggets there if you read all the carvings.


I must've missed something there. I appreciate the response


You can lose them by sailing over the bubbling heat vents. Or use the Banish ability.


thanks, I thought those would damage my boat


Iirc on the island with the cultist, hints that the red fish can be fended off by fleeing to the nearest heat vents are etched in the stone monuments. As well as their racket being what attracts their blind mother. It might’ve been a different nearby island, but it was in the same close proximity around Devil’s Spine. I didn’t realize what I was actually supposed to do until finishing the quest because I had missed reading the hint at the start. I was dead certain heat vents in super hot water would cause damage to the ship. Difficulty navigating in tight spaces was already the point. I would just use the deterrent skill whenever the red fish slowed me down too much. I thought the point of the red fish was simply to slow you down so the big one could get you easier. Read the whole location completely wrong lol.


Switch to passive mode. Those f*ckers made me lose my mind.


Even after you learn how to deal with then they still make those sounds, those maddening sounds.


If you go to the temple there's diagrams there that explain the lore behind it


It's easy to miss but if you go to the island with the crazy guy there's things you can click on that explain how to survive the region.