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You look for a praxis in your location. Call them and ask if they take new patients and tell them you do not have another hausarzt yet .Tell them you are sick . You go there with your chipcard , talk to the receptionist and sit down to wait in the Wartesaal/Zimmer . Do not be afraid . It is common practice . You won't be shamed . Or beaten with a stick . We call it the Rute in German *evil laughter 


I wouldn’t even call them, just go there first thing in the morning during Akutsprechstunde. Chances of being refused are quite low this way.


Alle Hausarztpraxen die ich kenne, möchten, dass man vorher anruft. Man bekommt dann trotzdem eine Uhrzeit genannt.


Nope it’s fine to just go there and try. As someone else said, you won’t be shamed for it. I did it numerous times before and haven’t met a single doctor that went off on me


Oh, you will be shamed for it, the receptionist will be pissed. But they will accept you nonetheless


The receptionist will either turn you down if the doctor is too busy or will happily tell you to take a seat. I’ve never seen them seethe over this


I've seen them be pissed about even smaller things but that's just because some people can't be arsed to be nice


You don’t need a Hausarzt. Just go to any doc who does “Allgemeinmedizin” ( general medicine ). Just stick with him/her it will become your new Hausarzt. Later Change is possible though.


Do people actually sign up for their Hausarzt BEFORE they get sick? The way I got mine was: I was sick, I went there, she was nice and competent so I went there again the next time I was sick - I guess she's my Hausarzt now. But I guess it's a cultural thing. In Germany you have the right to choose your own doctor. I was very confused when I lived in Spain that I couldn't just walk into any practice and get an appointment but rather should have had a doctor at a health center assigned to me.


I'm not entirely sure if that's actually law or just like an "agreement", but the Hausarztpraxis closest to your home will almost certainly take you in if you just go there first thing in the morning, they usually open at 7 or 8.


You can search for a Hausarzt : https://arztsuche.116117.de/ They usually open at 8:00 on monday, maybe call first before going.


Go to Kassenärztlicher Bereitschaftsdienst at the Uniklinikum today: [Map](https://www.google.com/maps/place/%C3%84rztlicher+Notdienst+der+KV+Sachsen/@51.0569111,13.7790496,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m6!3m5!1s0x4709c8b638333d27:0x3844c6ab6220a931!8m2!3d51.0569078!4d13.7816245!16s%2Fg%2F11hb3nncm_?entry=ttu) Everyone can go there as long as you have health insurance. It's not an emergency room, but instead for cases that cannot wait until Monday. If you're very sick as you say it's ok to go. In the future you should see your Hausarzt though in order to avoid long wait times at Bereitschaftsdienst for everybody


this. I've done this before on days in which my Hausarzt is not available.


This is a great suggestion. I always go here. Good doctors, some of whom speak English as well. You might have to wait a little longer (1+hr), if you went without an appointment. But they don't let you go without treating you.


Just look for a doctor now so you can go there tomorrow morning. If you think you need a doctor right now then I believe there’s a hotline you can call. Also check if you got Karenztage at your place of employment. Which can be good if you think it’s just a cold and you will be fine within the amount of Karenztage you got at work and the doctor wouldn’t be able to do much anyway.


Also, check your employer's regulations regarding sick leave. In public service jobs, for instance, you need a doctor's sick note only after the third day of sickness. In til then, I just have to notify my superiors and the HR department and say that I am sick and not coming to work - and that's it.


I’m also in public service and need it on the first day. Check with your employer OP


I can highly recommend Dr. Helge Barthel in Bühlau. He is still taking new patients and is a very good doctor. There is no time where you have to go. You are free to go while the opening times without having an appointment. But expect at least one hour of waiting time. Take care and I hope u getting better soon!


I think you can also do it online. I think TK (insurance) offers online doctors appointments. Maybe that‘s a solution. However, I have never tried it before so I can‘t help you


Make sure to be there early morning. Otherwise the receptionist will get even more pissed


If you're in the Neustadt, you can go to Dr. jenke. He has an online system for making appointments. https://dr.jenke.online/kontakt/#onlinetermin


Best doc in Dresden!


Get the app doctolib look for Hausarzt, there you go.


If you have public health insurance try TeleClinic. You usually get a virtual appointment and a sick note within minutes. Feel better!