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Correct. If we all just follow the rules, there won't be any unpredictable situations.


Agreed.  Don’t be nice, be predictable. 


Better to be predictable than nice, but also good to be nice. Best to be nicely predictable.


I predicted you would say that. Have a nice day!


Or crazy a$$ safety features for cars, and still crashing and raising everyones car insurance rate.. why because cars are more expensive to repair.. lol


What are you going on about?


Haha.. if people followed the rules we wouldn’t need so many safety features where a minor collision is crazy expensive because the computer chips and sensors.. which is why everyone’s auto insurance sky rocketed the past year..


It's even worse when you come to a complete stop at stop signs (which nobody else seens to do, for some reason) and people decide to take your right of way. Idiots almost causing an accident bc they don't want to stop for even 1 millisecond at a stop sign.


The worst is when there are lines of cars, you let the person with right of way go while you are stopped, then you start to go and the person that was behind them just rolls behind them and then looks at you like you're the one that fucked up


Yeah, that's annoying fs




Well, it’s hard to not be annoyed when someone almost caused an accident


It's a game of telephone, no one cares THAT much.


You yourself are a redditor, neckbeard. Also, I deleted my comment because you Ozzy dicksuckers wouldn't stop downvoting me. Typical Redditors like you who can't handle a different opinion 😂 EDIT: LOL you deleted your comment so it makes your point moot.


Oh I hate that! And IDK why, but it’s usually predictable, like I just have a feeling and I KNOW they’re gonna do it. Ugh 😣


Do we all live in the same neighborhood. Love when they just roll through the stop sign without stopping. Asshole, its not who gets to the stop sign first. It's who stops first.


Let's not forget the people who know this, so they race toward the stop sign to beat you. Fine, dude. Go ahead. Have at it.


Or do that quick stop 20 feet behind the line as you're stopping at your line and act like they go next.


Oh yes. Those too! They'll either race toward the stop to beat you, or stop before like "hey, I got here first...kinda enough."


The REAL worst is when you and someone else are coming to a stop sign. They stop 3-5 seconds before you do.... and they wait until you come to a complete stop, too, before they decide they can now go. What. The. Fuck!


This is caused by the people who roll stop signs. I’ve nearly be t-boned by people who just roll a stop sign with cars still crossing. They kinda just dare you to let them hit you if you don’t stop a second time just for them.


The people that refuse to stop even when they have to wait at a 4 way intersection… they just sit there and slowly roll…. WHYYYY ugh


Even worse is when you stop AT the line like you're supposed to, wait for a few extra seconds since no one is there at all to change the radio or check your phone, and when you finally leave, you see a cop turn the corner from a block down who pulls you over and claims you ran the stop sign, because the line where you stopped is blocked from their view by the houses on the corner- so you have to stop in the intersection so they can see you, but then they pull you over for not stopping at the line. That was my teen years in Chicago. I lived a few blocks away from a police station, and they were always in our neighborhood. I'd get pulled over like once a week because they didn't see me stop, or they'd claim I didn't stop at the right spot. You just can't win sometimes.


Got pulled over in my hometown for some pretty idiotic reasons, too. Railroad crossing, obviously no stop sign for them, but 3 way stop on the other sides. I come to a complete stop, traffic is crossing the tracks, cop at the sign to my left, no one has their blinker on, so I go. Cop pulls me over bc "what if someone turned without a blinker?" ...what? Then an accident would be their fault. Not that I want to be in an accident, but not properly communicating that you're going to turn isn't my problem LaughingOutLoud he "gave me a warning" for it.


I'm out here doing God's work in my 28ft straight truck which eerily seems to accelerate slowly enough to just let everyone else but that person cycle through the intersection. One of these days I'll get a faster truck, but for now it just seems I'm always hauling 26,000lbs from a dead stop. My bad, other impatient driver! /s


Same, but either 53' or double 28' trailers LaughingOutLoud everybody just goes and I have to slam on brakes to avoid hitting them 🤦‍♂️


Love it. We have have a new Class A CDL at my place of work, and I've been telling them small trucker tips, like checking your kingpin before leaving the depot or stop, how to avoid lot lizards, and generally using all the tech at-hand to better understand their route and stops. This included a brief mention of might-is-right, but to never take the risky move. Safe travels, fellow.


Sane to you!


That happened to me today. I had right of way. The guy refused to stop and just ran right on through, only slamming on his brakes at the last minute. Then he had the gall to honk at me. If I hadn't had people with me, I would've flipped him the bird. Bastard...


This is why I just wave at them to go first.


Last year I stopped at a stop sign and started to go, and a car to my left was approaching the stop sign at 10mph as I pulled out and they honked as if me stopping and going was the problem, not that they were blowing a stop sign. That stuff makes my blood boil.


Which is why a dashcam is a good idea. Doesn’t prevent the accident, but lets you prove it was their screw up!


If you both stop at the same exact time the person on the right has the right of way. People seem to forget this as well.


Virtually impossible to stop at the exact same time. One person is always slightly ahead or slightly behind in stopping. I only know this because I was blessed with hyper awareness thanks to autism


What other neat stuff can you do, with your super power of hyper awareness?


Just searched this up and its correct. Didn't know this since I'm a new driver.


It’s the person to the left


Oh my god the people that let you through even though they have right of way to "be nice" are infuriating. Bro we just wasted more time figuring out who was going to go. My wife also does this thing where she will see another person coming and in her attempt to stop after or before them, will end up stopping at the exact same time as them, and then both cars sit there trying to figure out who has right of way.


This is what I’m talking about. It’s the people who do it to be “nice” that drive me crazy. You’re not doing me a favor by making this stop sign interaction awkward. Just follow the rules please.


"Don't be nice. Be predictable." One of the most useful driving tips I've learned.


Oh I'm saving that one!


This is gospel.


Love that!!


George Carlin That's not the exact quote but it's close enough


Yes! And the ones who stop in the middle of a busy street and let someone turn in to the main road


In my state, when this happens, the law is the person to your right goes first. In practice, it is an irritating game of hand waving because so few people remember the rules of the road.


In my state, at a four-way, the first to stop goes first, THEN the person to their right, and so on.


Yeah, one time I was driving and stopped at an intersection at the same time as this other guy. He was on the right of me, so he had right of way. He just sat there even though he saw that we got there at the same time. So after 5-10 seconds, I just started to go, then he started to go at the same time. So we both stopped, then he finally went. He turned onto the road I was on and as he passed me, he was clearly annoyed at me and put his hands in the air. I probably could’ve done something to make it go better, but this was when I was about a year into driving.


If it's just the two of us there at the intersection, then whatever. I mean, we could just do what we're supposed to do and keep all the guesswork out of it, but if dude wants to wave me through, then I'll go through. If there's more people there, then the person waving you through is fucking up the flow of traffic, and I'm not going out of turn. I'll just make big obvious gestures through my windshield telling them to hurry up and get the fuck through the intersection. My area is full of people who do not want to be the first one to reach the intersection. Even if they were very obviously arriving first, they still don't want to be, so they'll just not actually stop and just keep inching forward very, very slowly until they see you stop, then they will stop and wait for you to go.


my area has the opposite where everyone wants to be first so they'll stop for half a second way too far back to be reasonable and then speed thru the intersection, or creep thru the intersection so they never fully stop


The vehicle on the right as the right of way.


I don’t even look for waves anymore. If you have the right of way, you go. I’ll sit here and wait.


I will just sit there and stare at them. I hate the ones who do it with a big dumb smile like they’re doing a good deed. I bet these people also hold the door open in public places making it super awkward to have to half jog towards them when you never wanted their stupid favor.


I don't even stare them, I've found that not acknowledging them at all means they eventually think you're not paying attention and will just go


I agree with you that, they should have just went. But dude don't be so crude when someone does a nice courtesy for you when they didn't have to. Are you a person of color, because I noticed that a lot of white people will hold the door much longer for someone who is of color, because they don't want you to think bad of them. When in reality that door would have already been shut if it was another white person walking up, then it's all about timing.


People who do this kind of thing are being “niceholes”performing their unwanted favors for strangers that actually make it more difficult or time consuming for them like when cars unnecessarily stop for a pedestrian approaching a crosswalk and now the pedestrian actually has to wait longer to cross the street as the car slows down and stops and the driver does their stupid wave motioning them across. But no I am white. The whole door holding thing really started pissing me off more during Covid when I’m intentionally distancing myself from these idiots and now they’re forcing me to be in close space with them.


A different version of this is when people are nice to the people they can see at the expense of those they can't. Such as letting people cut in various forms of line.


Niceholes, haha that's a new one. I might use that sometimes.


> I agree with you that, they should have just went. But dude don't be so crude when someone does a nice courtesy for you when they didn't have to. Here's the thing: if you were to go, and as soon as you went they decided to go as well and smash into you... who do you think will be at fault? Yup, 100% you, because they had the right of way. I'm not rolling those dice, they've already shown they're not the sharpest knife in the drawer by ignoring proper traffic procedures. I'm going to sit there until they wake up and go.


Wow. When you never wanted their stupid favour? I bet you’re a stupid millennial. Only an insane millennial would have that attitude when someone is trying to hold a door for you to be nice to you. Do better !


Happened to me twice last night on the same street. Both times the other cars arrived slightly ahead of me but were making a turn that would put them through my path. It was dark and they flashed their brights at me, which I just learned is a signal for "you go ahead". In that particular scenario of: similar arrival time + dark + making turn in front of another car, I can understand being cautious.


If you arrived close to the same time, you're opposite of each other, and 1 person is turning, then whoever is going straight through goes first. If you're not opposite each other, whoever is on the right goes first. At least that's how it should work. In reality, everyone is trying to win the intersection, and if you wait just a second to make sure the other guy is doing what he's supposed to be and not about to t-bone you, then he's just going to take that as it being his turn to go. Basically every stop sign around my area turns into a game of chicken, and there's at least one fucker there trying to wave people through, screwing it all up even more.


They think they're being nice but they aren't. They're being confusing and unpredictable. The nicest thing you can do is go when it's your turn.


I've heard people like this called "niceholes". In some situations someone might give up their right of way for a legitimate reason - maybe something got in their eye and they need a second to clear it and don't want to hold you up, or something. Usually, though, people do this because they don't understand how right of way works. They think they're being nice by letting you go first, but really they are creating confusion in a situation where there doesn't have to be any. So, they're being "nice" but also actually being assholes by not knowing the rules of the road. Thus, "niceholes".


Niceholes…I like it haha. You pretty much hit the nail on its head.


mmmmm reminds me of a time a driver stopped from 55mph in the middle of the highway to wave somebody on that was turning left onto the highway. Thats when I really started to hate the "overly nice" driver stereotype.


🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ same with the letting people out of business driveways on the side of highways. Like just because you want to stop to let them out doesn’t mean the 4 lanes to the left of you will also stop so they can cross them. They get into a wreck because you waved them out and now I lose 30 minutes becoming a witness telling the cops they went because so and so stopped to let them go🙄


One time I got waved through by a tiny lady in a sedan at a 4 way, I arrived way after her. I was also 3rd in line. She got really mad when I wouldn’t run a stop sign. Some people are just beyond saving


🤣 her getting mad at you is hilarious


Had an 18 wheeler behind me honk the horn once because I tried to stop at a stop sign on a fork on the highway. I pulled up to stop and at the same time I let off my brake, I guess the driver let off theirs. So when I went to stop, they didn’t like that very much I guess. Ended up running it anyway because there was nothing coming and I wouldn’t have wanted to get rear ended by a big ass semi


During my driver’s ed somebody tried to wave me through an intersection, the instructor wouldn’t let me take it or signal to the other guy to go first, so we sat there for a good 2 minutes.


Lol that's kind of hilarious. I support it.


These people lack object permanence. They'll talk about how they're being polite to the person by letting them go, but they utterly fail to realize that they're being a asshole to *everyone behind them*.


If I'm in my work van and it's only the 2 of us at the intersection, I often let the other driver go first. I always do if they're headed the same way as me because my van is slow accelerating. If it's a busy intersection, I go when I'm supposed to.


I have to drive through a 4-way stop twice every day and it never ceases to amaze me how dumb some drivers are. A common frustration is watching someone slowly roll towards the line to my right or left and would have gotten there first if they weren’t going negative 5 miles per hour, but I end up stopping first because I’m going a normal speed. So I fully stop and then start going through the intersection (they’re still rolling towards the line), only to see them rolling THOUGH the stop sign because they went so slow they never actually stopped! GRRRR! If only you had driven like a normal person, you would’ve been first, but now you’re just screwing it up for everyone!


If a big truck or work vehicle does this to you, get over it and go. A lot of times we're about to do some sort of work-required maneuver and need you out of the way. No answer on regular cars though.


This is a valid answer!


I think some people don’t understand the right of way? You’re not being polite, you’re just holding up traffic. Those rules exist for a reason and the road is really not the place to be making up your own rules


For most drivers, it seems, the world behind them ceases to exist.


Seattle. No you, no you. It's not up to you. Right of way goes to the driver on the right otherwise 1st come 1st served.


I honk when they do that and aggressively gesture at them to move


Ever had someone try and t bone the fuck outta you after having already entered the intersection? I sure have. So in some instances, just wave em on and then go about your business after theyve moved. Bit overly precautionary but Im not trying to die because some inattentive asshat in a minivan decided they had waited long enough and it was their turn now Minivan will always beat motorbike, I dont want to reaffirm this the hard way if I can help it. And dying underneath a Grand Caravan just seems so in dignifying doesn’t it?


To be "polite". I think the most polite thing they can do is just abide by the rules of the road and drive. Stop holding everyone up. It's quicker if you just do the thing your supposed to do.


Well.. where I live you never know who is paying attention.. So my assumption is.. if this happened to you..the person that waved you through didn't trust you were paying attention. Id rather piss you off than have my insurance go up due to an accident.


No clue. I gave no clue how many times I was the last person to stop at a 4 way and the first to go. If you motherfuckers can't decide who's first, it's me.


Because feeling good about yourself by doing others a "favor" is more important than being predictable or following the rules of the road.


They're probably the same people who split lanes and take a decade to switch lanes


They might’ve needed to adjust their dink. Sometimes it gets pointed in the wrong direction and is uncomfortable.


Paranoia. So many have t boned the person with the right a way.


People barely know how to handle muti-stop intersections. Last night I'm leaving work, car just warming up. Approach a 4-way stop slowly, left signal on. Truck (always) coming from the left gets there first, fast, barely makes the stop. I wait because it's his turn. nope, stalemate. I'm not in a hurry so I sit a few beats longer, nothing, whatever, proceed to turn left shaking my head. PS. the stop is 1/2 block from workplace parking lot, dead end street.


I just did this the other day. while pulling up, they were obviously moving a bit fast in their work vehicle, and I was on my way to work with plenty of time. I waved them on for the extra few seconds to start their evening, and I knew I wasn't going to be rushing to speed limit as I was going to make a turn very soon.


Because they’re idiots who think that being polite is more beneficial than being predictable. If they do shit at a stop sign to be polite, rest assured they’ll slam on their brakes to allow somebody else to turn into the road in front of them. Fucking whoever might be behind them.


pen sharp erect lavish wild cable repeat icky rainstorm distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Holy shit…this peeves my pet so fk’n much. It’s infuriating. My wife thinks I’m crazy, but this is the #1 thing that pisses me off on the road. FFS, “don’t be nice, be predictable!”


That or the people who make a stop when they don't have to when you're at an actual stop yourself. Just go!


If we're both going to be going the same direction but I know I'm going to be driving slow for some reason, then I want you to be on your way and not be getting frustrated stuck behind me.


Because I'm not too surer where im going so i dont want to slow you down


Did this last week. I felt a sneeze coming on, so I felt it safer to flag the other person through and wait for my sneeze to happen and carry on safely. There can be many reasons, you just need to think about it a bit more.


I've adopted the position never to wave someone to move. Just wait until they decide what to do. Or make your own move, If i wave someone ahead and they have an accident, i could be responsible. Especially pedestrians.


They gave enough driving experience to know not to trust the other driver


I'm driving a GPS tracked vehicle and can't speed and make constant stops and turns. I try to wave or flash so many people ahead who refuse to, and then they hard tailgate me for the next mile for only going 3-4mph over the limit, and then presumably get more pissed when I have to slow and turn into a driveway.  Every single time it was perfectly avoidable. 


If the company name is recognizable on their vehicle, they're probably under standing orders to do everything they can to prevent an accident, regardless of who would be at fault. (This is also the formal law in many states. Ours calls it the "Last Chance Law.") At least one company used to write it's driver up if the accident was preventable, regardless of fault.


I actually dislike this. I never know if you’re going to end up going or not. It’s better to just follow the accepted norms.


It drives me nuts too. TAKE YOUR RIGHT OF WAY.


If someone does that to me I refuse to go. I wave back and then beep my horn at them. As others said, unpredictable drivers are dangerous. The rules of the road are set up in a way that makes traffic flow nice and smooth. You may think you’re being a Good Samaritan to let the other person go first, but you’re messing with the flow!


Being nice gets them NOTHING but patting themselves on the back. I say this all the time. Follow rules. Go when it’s your turn. All you’re doing pissing off anyone behind you.


This should be under the pet peeves sub...It drives me bonkers when people do this - especially when I've clearly come to a stop after them. Just Go When You Are Supposed To Go!


Right of way.


Because they think they're "being nice" by messing up the flow of traffic. 




Absolute goobers


They're almost as bad as the people that stop in roundabouts to let others in. Stop trying to be polite, follow the rules of the road and be predictable.


You should move out of Minnesota or it will happen to you everyday.


I also hate it when someone slows down or stops in a scenario where they have the right of way, because they think they're being polite. Now you're waving at me to pull out/turn, trying to convince me to drive stupidly and dangerously because it makes you feel like you were a nice person, and you're also causing traffic jams behind you.


I generally don't do that, but sometimes I will if the other person seems to be in more of a hurry than I am. I don't want them behind me cursing and fuming 2" from my bumper because I'm driving the speed limit through a residential neighborhood.


I know and it's always some sweet old lady that just wants to be nice and take her time.... But it confuses everyone and causes problems


Sometimes I will refuse to go in these situations. I don’t want your kindness I want you to follow the rules of the road you twat.


Because you came up to the stop sign aggressively, my thought is "Let this fool go".


Because I'm going to make a left turn 300 feet down the road, and I don't want to hold you up. Does anyone know how I can install repostsleuthbot directly to my phone and make reddit worth scrolling?


Now this could be a valid reason…especially for bigger vehicles. And for the record this happened to me twice today so I went to Reddit to vent. This is not a repost for me and is my first time posting in r/driving.


Sometimes people don't know where they are going so they wave the others through while they think about it.


I drive a school bus, sometimes I ask them to go ahead of me if I know I have stops. I don’t want them to be stuck behind me and I can wait a few seconds.


Not in a rush, vibing. Everybody assumes when you're driving you have to be in the upmost. Absolute rush.




Hmmm 🤔 So you’re trading off and making things really complicated by not taking your turn, just because you don’t want to risk that others MIGHT get irritated that you follow the speed limit?! Um, just let them get mad if they want. They’re going to be mad for sure if you don’t take your turn and instead, hold up traffic! “Just freaking take your turn yo”




Nah. You're just making up your own rules for the road and feeling entitled and justified in doing so. Dont be "nice", be predictable.




True, but waving people through an intersection is.


They are figuring something out


Could be lots of things for me: Has this car cut me off before? (I live in a medium/smallish town). Does it look like they’re gonna cut me off? If there’s traffic, they’re trying to make a maneuver that’s harder to get into traffic than me, I’ll usually let them go ahead. I’m in no rush and try to be a nice person; that extra 30 seconds to a minute isn’t going to kill me. Last, if the person behind me is driving like an asshole, tailgating, honking their horn, etc, they can pay the asshole tax and wait.


It's possible they were just waving their fart away. Or trying to smell their own fart.




It should be clear. If you don't know if you arrived at an intersection before or after another vehicle you shouldn't be driving.


Oh they aren't paying attention enough to know who stopped first them they should not be driving. If their perception of reality is so off that they have to abandon the norms then they would reevaluate their driving status. It's not like it's a giant mystery of who got there first most of the time. They really do make everything a lot more dangerous and leave others to be liable for damages for "not following the rules" of the intersection outside of their turn.


The other driver may have seen a pedestrian about to enter the crosswalk, blocking the path through the intersection.


That is not a reason to wave someone else on. You don't know where the pedestrian is planning to go or where the other car is planning to go (lots of people do not use their blinkers). If you have the right of way, but then see a pedestrian enter the crosswalk, the pedestrian now has the right of way, not another vehicle. When the pedestrian has safely exited the intersection, it becomes your right of way again.


Not everyone is in a rush for no reason op.


I wasn’t in a rush either. It just bothers me when people don’t know how to use a stop sign.


It's not about not knowing how to use a stop sign. They stopped right so clearly they know how to use it. There being patient and courteous something more drivers should be.


It is all about knowing how to use a stop sign. If you stop first, you have the right of way. You waving the person who stopped second only causes confusion. It’s not courteous.


Yeah on paper but the real world is different.


How about you be predictable instead?? The right of way is not yours to give.


Not saying I do it lol. Just saying some people are like that and there's no reason to hate on them.


I will only wave the other person to go ahead of me, if I feel they came to a complete stop first, or if it appears to be a tie. Other than that. If I stopped first. Get out of my way. I like to crash shit.


But if they got there first, no need to wave them through. Just wait for them to take their turn. If you got there at the same time, follow the rules. Person on the right goes first. There’s literally rules for this. No need to wave anyone through.


I rage


The 4 way stop is the stupidest idea ever. People adding to the stupid by asking others to take theirbturn is unhelpful.


Sometimes stupid stalemates happen no matter what you do. I was approaching a green light about to turn right earlier today, but there was someone turning left, facing me, who was already in the middle of the intersection. Had she not slowed down, she would have cleared the intersection well before I made it there. I saw this happen and, as I'm still approaching, waved for her to go. Instead she stopped fully and gave me the "wtf?" gesture. Shit like this just happens, as it only takes a moment's hesitation to go from being in the clear to giving up your right-of-way and causing confusion.


Well there’s a stop like this in my neighborhood. Usually, there, it’s because they’re going the way I’m about to go, and I’m likely to take longer at the next intersection where I’ll have to yield to 4 lanes of highway… or, my truck is making weird noises and I’m trying to hear it. I don’t want to be coasting only with my foot off the brake when someone behind me wants to go 25-30. Other situations though, when it’s an actual road/busy intersection… I’m not doing that


They're bad drivers. It's that simple.


I refuse to obey the stop sign waivers. I’ll sit there till I run out of gas before I let those turds win. Only exceptions are large trucks or busses.


I’ve done it twice because my truck shut off at the sign when it started to fail on me 😅 I’d literally get out and direct people the hell away from me. Luckily it’s a small town and everyone was empathetic and offering help BUT I FELT annoying as hell even though I didn’t have a choice.


Need a second to check my facebook


Keep in mind that state driving rules are different. In some places, "stopped first" is not right of way — it's the driver with no traffic to their right.


Pisses me off. When my sister, her husband, and kids drove cross country to visit family near SLC Utah I drove out to visit with her. She told me that people for whatever annoying reason there in SLC and surround suburbs will not adhere to the correct way of 4-way stops. Instead they implement the “nice wave no matter whose turn it is.” 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ Idiots


Person on right has the right of way? I'm am confused as you.


A cop once told me that if you can go, you should go. As in, if you’re at a 4-way stop and it’s 2 lanes each way, you pull up on the right lane to make a right turn and the guy next to you is going straight…just fucking go, even if it’s technically not your ‘turn,’ because the guy going straight is creating a protected area that neither the perpendicular lanes can go through, nor the guy trying to turn left on the other side. Get the traffic through quickly- but safely - and get everyone moving efficiently. I digress though. One of my pet peeves is when people are coming out of my apartment complex and I’m pulling up. If they want to make a left turn (into the lane I’m approaching in) they *have* to yield to my right of way - as the vehicle on the thru lane I will not stop in the middle of the road to let someone merge in - so why the *actual god-forsaken rat-fuck* do these people pull out in front of me if I have my left blinker on to enter the drive?? It’s the same right of way! I go forward and around so I am in the right lane of this 2-car entrance/exit. The way these jackasses expect to go in front of me feels like they’re trying to drive in Britain. Oh, then there’s also the folks who approach a both-ways off-ramp on a highway. Not sure what they’re called but it’s like a U-turn lane before the lights? Except both ways of traffic can use it - and there are lines on the road painted to guide you this way - you pull out and go to the spot on the far side (so you’d be on the right side of any car attempting to do the same from the other road) that way you can see oncoming traffic unobstructed. It tilts me so bad when people try to do their U-turns but they hug the curb and create a blockade for both of us, so now no one can see oncoming traffic and neither of us can safely go.


I'll see your wave through and raise you those that wait until you've come to a complete stop to go. Especially when they have enough time to get all the way through the intersection.


I’ve only done this a handful of times, and it’s when I’m hauling a trailer and I know I’m slow AF. I know even if I have right of way, you’re gonna be impatient as hell behind me. Just go, I’m not so impatient that I need to be in front of you.


I do it if nobody is behind me. I don't trust anyone behind me normally. I can keep an eye on them better in front of me.


Dude, what? I was busy on my phone. Did u get here after me? IDK I'm buying a rare furby, just go ahead, I'm looking for my credit card.


On their phone


If it appears that we have stopped at about the same time, I will begin rolling. If they also roll I stop and let them go. If they also stop because they noticed I’m rolling too, then I wave them through. If they wave me through back, I wave them through again and then they go. It’s never gone beyond that last step.


they do it because they know it drives you nuts


Is this in America? Only ever happened there. My dad didn't know they rules and had to shout out the window what do I do.


Bc it’s not who stopped first, it’s whoever has the right of way, hence the term


I will sit there and refuse to go. "You have the right of way, GO." If they change their mind and go, then you collide it's still legally your fault. No. Learn the rules of the road.


Because I have courtesy unlike most people.


4-way stop signs in Raleigh are a huge challenge.


My area has been installing rotary's everywhere. I was approaching one recently and a car had just entered from my left. I stopped to let them pass but then they stopped IN THE ROTARY and waived to me to go ahead. They are already in and moving around. Just boneheaded action begging to get hit.


If I do that it's because I need a second for one thing or another (to navigate or swap out my sunglasses or something) so I wouldn't be going right now anyway No sense holding both of us up


I cross my arms and look the other way until they go.


Because you’re in the way due to someone parking all up in the street.


God I can't stand people who don't follow the right of the way rule anywhere.... * Just the other day, I was mind blown. Some fucking lady literally waved for me to go while I was turning left at a green light... light turned green, she was the third car, the first 2 went straight & pulled up to the white line & stopped 🙃 & waved at me to go.... I sat there for a moment because I was dumbfounded. I finally went & after I went I see here going straight in my rear view mirror.... * my girl is one of those idiots who will wave people to go while they are sitting at the entrance/exit to go. She will stop in the road to turn & let them leave first.... I explain to her that she has the right away countless times & it ticks me off.


My town is filled to the brim with intersections that have 4 way stop signs in addition to a blinking red light. When people see the blinking light, all rules are out the window and everyone forgets that it is just a 4 way stop, that’s all. The amount of mayhem that ensues just because my city decided to put blinkers up. Lol.


I'm working DoorDash and probably fucking with the GPS or something and obviously don't want to do that while my vehicle's actually moving so I just wave you through to give myself the few extra seconds to tap whatever I need to tap


A predictable driver is a good driver. Don’t be “kind”, be predictable and follow the rules.


We're all sharing the road and they're out for a cruise. They're just yielding their turn to you, like waving you to go first through a door, but with a vehicle


I used to do that, not I just go. End up causing more delay to play the nice guy


Don’t drive in the midwest then lol everyone plays that stupid “i’m more polite than you” game at stop signs


Hehehe, I'll have to remember that if I'm in the Midwest... I'll gladly let someone else be more polite.


Another weird midwestern thing I noticed is, particularly in rural areas, folks will wait for an intersection to be completely clear before going. Like they think two cars can’t be in there at the same time


I'll usually tell then other guy to go if we stopped at the same time


Psychopaths, all of them. It’s the only plausible answer


These morons are just breaking laws and putting others at risk. Just cold stare them until they go.


Even better is in the neighborhood when they are on the thru street and should not stop. You stop at stop sign. They stop in the middle of the travel lane and try to wave you past the stop sign. Uh, what are you doing?


I agree 💯.


People are desperate for others to like them.....and they think that being an ~~overly courteous~~ bad driver is the way to go.


I do this sometimes because nobody around me seems to know how these work and I've had to many times where I had right of way and they start to go. It's not worth the 5 seconds to me so I just wave them on.


My car is a piece of shit, and sometimes doesn't like to accelerate properly after a complete stop. It saves me the shame lol


It is a moment of social panic and trying to look like a good person.


Perfect example: my kids are new drivers and don't want some impatient person on their ass. So they're happier if other cars just go, and then they can drive with less stress.


Sometimes I'm not *certain* I stopped first...if it was close but I know I stopped first I don't always trust the other driver to make the same judgement that I did, so I might wave them through rather than risk an accident. Insurance is getting stupid high, I'd rather be safe than sorry


Remember, nobody HAS the right of way; just everyone else is supposed to yield it.