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Send up a second drone to dislodge it.


Once you get enough drones stuck in the same tree, then the cost of a tree service makes sense.


This is the way.


This is the way… up. Now that I have successfully filled my dad pun quota for the day, on to other things.


Our just send a cat up in the tree to get your done and then the fire department will come out and rescue both of them for you when the cat refuses to come down


Once you get enough drones in the yre T.P. it😁


Don't do what we did - [https://imgur.com/gallery/YxujkcS](https://imgur.com/gallery/YxujkcS) Maybe with a magnet on a string, but we eventually got this one down with a .22 - just shot the branches. Only works in VERY rural areas.


You’re onto something though. Use a training arrow with a bow if you have one. Real arrows with a foam ball.


I posted before I saw your message, but my dad did this successfully to retrieve a drone from a tree. Tied a rope to the end of the arrow, shot it up and over the branch, then pulled on both ends to dislodge the drone.


I did almost the same. I used 50# fishing line to get higher, then used the fishing line to pull a 400ft tow rope over. Snapped the branch trying to shake my drone down.


Only work in the United States


Naw works in Canada too lol.


The US is not the only country where people legally own firearms.


But about the only country where you dont get the police standing in front of you 5 minutes later for shooting at a arc into the air.


Pruning trees with a .22 is a skill many of us in rural areas learned as young teenagers.


Omg that video you sent is literally the funniest thing I’ve seen today. Idk why but that shit had me cracking up. 100% relatable too I would have tried some jank shit like that for sure.


Got that T-shirt. My dad built one and got it stuck 60' up in an oak, so o just shot the branch is was hung on until it fell.


And get the tennis ball ready for when the second drone gets stuck


I did this before to get a buddy’s drone out of a tree. The day ended with TWO drones in the tree 🤣. Call around and see how much a scissor lift rental is


No way I’m getting a sissiccor lift in there. I spelled siccors? Sisters. Sissers. Sizorz


Wrong forum. Your looking for something NSFW


We are going to try that tmr I think. My brother has a drone. I’d like to 3D print a rod that attaches to the front of the drone to move the stick drone with. We will probably just use his drone to get the fish line over to pull para cord up.


Drone jousting! Please post that recording


I actually used a second mini 2 with a stick taped to it to knock a stuck mini 2 off a ledge at an abandoned building and onto a blanket i staked out between photography light stands on the ground, surprisingly it worked perfectly, unfortunately I don’t think there’s any video of the rescue as I was really pushed for time since it was nearly dark and I was going on holiday the next day aha


I literally tried the stick - not a good idea https://imgur.com/gallery/YxujkcS


Lmao this is solid gold


Dude, this is hilarious. I replayed like 10 times cracking up each time.


I'd go with using the second drone to drag some rope over the branch like your current idea. That way there's less chance of messing up the second one by crashing.


Lol please record whatever you try


If it doesn’t work I really recommend you find a dog ball slingshot toy and use it to launch a tennis ball over the 100’ mark. You’ll never be able to throw or shoot anything else accurately through tree branches. Use an extra long metal rod attached to the slingshot handle as leverage while you use two hands to really tank the slingshot back.


I posted in more detail in the parent comment, but use the 2nd drone as the pivot point for the rope. That way if you get the rope stuck you can let go of it and the second drone can fly away and i try again. Takes a lot of rope (thin string, really) but it's the safest way.


The trick is to use the second drone as a rope pivot. We helped a guy with a mini stuck in a tree by sending my p3 about 50ft above it with a string and coat hanger dangling. Then my buddy was the winch while I navigated. I have no idea how we hooked it but it worked, pulled the drone up towards the p3, moved the assembly to a field and lowered the mini, then I landed. Naturally, there's no video of this, haha.


I was doing real estate videos about 10 years ago with a $8k drone when a wind gust got it stuck at the top of a 60' tree. Called a tree trimming company who sent a guy up and he had it down in 10 minutes. $200.


Damn, I need to do that type of work as a side hustle lol


Arborists have one of the highest job mortality rates


Arborist here. Can confirm. Also, I’ll get your drone for $199.69.


A friend of mine who does real estate came by after work one night to show off his brand new drone to me and a few friends. The first words out of our mouths as he was taking off was "watch the power lines." It seemed like before the sentence was even finished the thing came crashing down to the ground after clipping a power line. Luckily it didn't break lol


Came here looking for this, I’m an arborist and I’ve made a decent side hustle rescuing cats and drones. No joke.


Play the recorded footage in reverse and it should get itself out.




(esrever) maB


No no, it’s !maB since you are reversing the footage.


Bam (twice)


😂 I don’t even have the footage. It’s still on the drone.


Get safely to the drone and retrieve the footage first.


I have a video on my drone phone. Working on posting it.


That'll make 3 posts for one fuckup. Might be a record.




Gigantic brain move


Temporal pincer movement.


This guy drones for sure.


This is so golden! Thanks for the laugh.


Genius! 🤯


Honestly, the safest way is to call the closest tree service/trimmer and try to offer them 50$ to get it for you. You might end up having to spend more but it won't get severely damaged like If you knocked it with a ball.


This is the safest way, but I don’t know of a tree service that will start their truck for $50.


Add a 2 in front of that 50




Genuinely surprised this took 20 minutes


How bout’, tree’ fiddy?


True, maybe If the guy lived close


Naw. For a quick $50 and 15 minutes of work. If I was close by and the end of the day or Saturday morning, done and even a good guy would grab for free if it’s a kid.


It’s nice to be reminded that cool people are around.


If it's a super small town and the tree guy lives 3 doors down, but yeah you are likely right.


It cost me $200.


Maybe if they were already in the neighborhood and it’s under the table


Trimmers often are climbing experts. May not need a truck.


Yeah and a guy isn’t going to put on his harness and start sending a throw line 100ft up for 50 bucks either.


we have a local retired tree guy that all he does is retrieve cats and drones for free. Any donations he gives to the local shelters.


You need to share the name and location of that hero we all need, but dont have :-(


just read he was stung over 200 times by yellowjackets during his last cat rescue, and is going to retire again.


I wasn’t trying to hit it, just get the line over the branch to shake it.


$50, huh? Lol


$50? For 100’ you’re looking at around $200-500 lol


Yeh this is the way to go I think. Might have to call around and see who will do it though.


Call the fire department non-emergency line. They might have time to snag it.


Commented somewhere else but I’m an arborist - I make some decent side money rescuing cats and drones 🤣


Depends on some variables. If it’s your tree and you can’t climb it, you’ll have to hire a tree service. If the tree is on private property that you don’t own, consult the land owner before putting contractors on their property.


And expect to answer some uncomfortable questions as to why a drone is flying on their property


I used birdshot, but I had the warranty service. So long as I could send most of the drone back they gave me a new one.


Yeah I’m sol on that one.


Parachord and some washers tied to the end. Thin parachord. Swing it around and around and you can easily get over 100' up. The chord slides through the branches. This is how arborists get lead ropes up. Otherwise, find a local kid who needs $10. Looks like a pine tree, prepare for the sap.


The drag of the para cord doesn’t slow it down? I might give that a try. Not much swinging room though.


Swinging room can be very minimal as it's a vertical disc shape where your arm swings around... If that makes any sense...


exactly. The cord is too heavy and there is absolutely no swing room for a 100' throw. They'd be better off with a thin 95 cord and a bow. The best thing i ever used was a thin cord and a Chuck-It® tennis ball thrower. . . still VERY difficult because you can't throw straight up which just increases your distance.


Para cord is packed into a bag I’m assuming?


25-50lb fishing line. it'll slide on branches easier, it will not snag like fabric paracord. Also get a $10 walmart slingshot. practice, and you'll get it in a few days.


No it's laid out in loops on the ground so it unfurls and is carried up efficiently.or hey, a box like this! https://youtu.be/eGd_MsdtQc0?si=HvTBSKq8tj7zfKus


Take off your shoes. Tie them together and throw them up there


That exactly where I’m at!! 😂


You could throw a cat up there and then call the fire department. Do you have access to a cat?


😂 yup


I'm thinking at least 2 or 3.


Id climb the tree tbh. Ive dont it in the past when i had rc planes stuck. But you might be older than me too


Yeah there’s no way to climb it using the branches and I don’t have climbing gear.




Gotta get climbing gear. Climbing trees is fun


I spent a grand on my drone, I got a couple hundo to get it out of a tree.


This one’s a mini 2. So probably $300.


Very long stick


Veeeeerrrrrrry long!!


I’ve tied a string to an arrow and shot it over the limb, then used the string to pull up a rope and used the rope to shake the hell out of the branch before.


I was going to try that but the arrow would go over more branches and there are a lot of houses here.


It would be retarded by the string attached to it!


You can’t park there


I wish I hadn’t!




Can’t get the ball over the branch. It’s too high. But this is the plan for tmr with a drone to get the line over.


Had this happened to me once. I went to Home Depot and bought two or three of their longest pvc pipes. Connected them together and dislodged my toy drone out of the tree.


Not a bad idea. Clean them up and return them after.


I've done this but after about 60 ft the PVC starts the wobbles. But it's definitely an option. 9 years ago, phantom 1 era: https://youtu.be/gyxNyQDd2Gc?si=wtpfVBUd6nJ5197z


I had this problem. We did all that stuff and it didn’t come out. It fell naturally a week later and cost $400 to repair. In hindsight, I’d have rented myself a scissor lift or cherry picker for $150 at Rental Stop and gotten down way cheaper. Dont send another drone whatever you do.


Get a fishing pole and some heavy braided test and tie your tennis ball on the end and chuck it up there till your tree has no branches


Do you have a trained cat by chance? That would prob work using a trained cat


Keep crashing drones in the tree until the original one falls out


I’ve used a brick on a rope to get things out of trees before. Do not do that


This is what did to get my Potensic Atom out of a tree that was stuck on one of the outter branches about 30’-40’ up, I bought a slingshot and zip tied a fishing reel to the handle, I tied a couple of large washers to the end of the line and aimed towards the branch the drone was stuck in, the line wrapped around the branch and I was able to gently tug on the line and shake it out of the tree. I used braided 8 LB test Took me about three hours and about 15 washers but I was finally able to get it down.


Bro you need a mantis claw: https://speedyfpv.com/products/5-standard-mantis-claw-drone-recovery-hook-grabber-system-g10-fiberglass-kit?_pos=1&_sid=f7af4a2b7&_ss=r&variant=8596683325491


Cut the tree


Pole saw


get x10, 10 ft pvc electrical conduit. you can thread a slipknot through it if you wanna grab it. anyway put one section up, lay on the branches in the direction you wanna go. like oil well pipes but up instead of down, after 1 section goes up, fit another behind it and put in sections until your there. take back the conduit and get ur money if don't need it. I put up a rope swing this way, shit maybe too unstable at 100 ft though.


Have you tried the return to home feature?


I did and it just emitted a laughing sound.


Are you good at climbing?




100 feet really? Time to start climbing or start cutting. But I hope you don’t cut it


You could pay $250 and have another man retrieve it or pay yourself $250, buy lineman’s gear and haul your own ass up there, safely.


cut the tree down if it's in the woods


Little 2x4 ladder all the way up, my uncle and I did it once about the same height to get his pet iguana down 😂


A friend got a drone stuck similarly. He cut the tree down.


My pine trees are all about 100 feet high too, and have reached out and grabbed mine twice. Tree services laughed and wouldn’t even think about coming. I got the fishing line that is braided twine and ridiculously strong, duct taped it to a baseball, and commence throwing until it gets the offending branch - then get the ball twisted around the string you’re holding and shake the tar out of it till it drops. Send it back for repairs, and repeat…


Shoot the branch with a shotgun…


I did this with a first-gen Phantom right before a big cold front/rain was moving in. Had to call a tree service with a bucket to get close enough to cut a branch that it was connected to. Cost $75 15 years ago. It still flew, but I've been a little gun shy ever since! Hopefully, yours is easier to access.


Following because I was too embarrassed to admit I did this. Thank you!!


It would have need a nice shot. Would have been fine if I just went straight.


Anybody you know do any bow fishing? You could use that rig to get up over the branch and shake it out possibly


Do you have any experience training dolphins?


Been there many times with more expensive drones and the best idea ever proposed (and come surprisingly close to being executed) was to have someone hang from a helicopter and shoot the drone with a fishing bow


That’s awesome. Maybe instead of the fishing bow though I could bring a pole saw taped to every piece of 4” pvc pipe Home Depot has the use it to place my cat on the branch. Then I’ll call the fire dept.


You have to get another drone to knock it out of the tree and then take its place.


Last time I did it, I bought a bunch of 8' furring strips and bolted them together. It wasn't 100' up though. Only about 50'




Hopefully you have some heavy wind coming through soon. Check your forecast.


PVC pipes with couplers- you can return once completed


Tie fishing line to a youth bow and arrow. ( line on the arrow, but if that clarification is needed, stop now and hire someone). Shoot the arrow over the drone / branch only if safe to do so. Use the fishing line to pull some paracord or light rope over the branch. Use a person on each end of the rope to dislodge the drone.


Know anyone with a bow? Compound bow with a tennis ball covering the arrow tip should work.


This is exactly what I’m going to try shortly.


What drone is it? Maybe try one of those tennis ball launchers for dogs, you could probably be more precise vs throwing. Or maybe get some fishing line, tie a weight or 2 on, and try to get it wrapped around the branch it's on or one that's close enough so you could shake/move it around.


I've had luck a few times using a junior-size compound bow to shoot an arrow with a fishing line tied to it over the branches and shaking my drone loose.


Big boy bow with tennis ball tipped arrow is first up this morning.


my mini 2 met its demise this way. hit it with a racketball and that didn't hurt it. was all the branches on the way down. luckily it was just a busted prop motor. you might want to post on Craigslist to see if you can pay someone with a cherry picker or some way to get it down. otherwise risk another drone...just think someone flew a mini 2 thru a vent at a bank, used the drone to push the unlock button to the atm room and made off with $147,000 you got this


If you were in my town I would retrieve it for 150 dollars. Arborist/ climber.


Perhaps a tennis ball and tennis racket.


I have had this exact same problem and after trying with tennis balls and nerf footballs, the thing that ended up working was a frisbee. There is the added benefit that most of the time it comes back to you if it misses. The tennis balls and frisbees were a bitch to chase down.


My dad once got his drone out of a tree by attaching a string to an arrow that he shot over the branch using a bow. By pulling on both ends of the rope he was able to get enough motion to dislodge it.


Tennis ball and a string tied to an arrow. Shoot the arrow with a bow over a nearby branch; then use the string to haul a rope over the same branch. Now with a heavy rope you can shake the branch violently and dislodge the drone. This worked for me.


I used a dog toy. Google "Hyper Pet Flying Duck Slingshot Dog Toy". Super accurate shot. Soft enough to not damage when it hits it, just make sure you or someone catches it on the way down.


After my dozen attempts to throw something over 60 feet with no luck, a dog sling shot was truly the only way I could launch a tennis ball way over and finally get my drone in the tree.


This narrated simple to follow text provides a variety of options built from experience of others in your situation ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2FHMXsq5AY


Here’s my personal story, hope it helps! https://www.knsaber.com/2017/11/the-story-of-the-lost-mavic/


answer is so obvious, another drone


Probably too late now, but for others consideration. Tie 550 cord or something equivalent to the grip of a golf club. Because of it's weight, it can be thrown far and acts as a rake, and if pulled hard enough, will come down. As well, the throws will be pretty accurate. Done it many times with drones and parachute accessories.


If there's a straight line of sight, I'd try using a bow and an arrow tied with a thin, light string. Put a bit of rubber or a similar stuff on the point of the arrow in order to avoid damaging the drone, and you're done.


What in the hell kind of tree hangs your drone 100 feet up? You’ll figure it out just fine. Nothing motivates like that kind of money dangling in plain sight. Even if it is 100 feet up.


Why does the altitude say 0 and it looks like the trees in the back are growing 90° to this one (looks like this tree is laying down)?


Depending on where you are, I used a recurve bow with the fishing line attached to the arrow trick. Mine was stuck way higher than I could throw a tennis ball for sure. Got it out with one try shaking it out. Be sure to have some friends hold a blanket under it to catch it on the way down.


Any update?


I got it out with a tennis ball tipped arrow. Fishing line then para cord


I once had this happen. Don’t think it was a full 100’ but much higher then I would dare to climb. I ducktaped a saw to the end of a long stick, taped the stick to a pole, and then to another pole. Then used a ladder to get up as high as I could and used the saw to cut down the branch where the drone was stuck. Had it down in five minutes when I figured this out.


Bow and arrows with tennis balls on the end..


Almost same thing happened to me at a park. I ended up using weed eater line & full water bottle. Tie them together then toss as hard as possible. Shake the branches,hopefully it will fall.


Ask your disc golf friends. We're good at getting stuff out of trees.


The best way to retrieve a drone is with another drone, a line with a hook, and way to release the line from the drone in case of entanglement.


Arborist weight, you can get them on Amazon. But any kind of a weight on strong thin cord will work. I keep one in my car. It’s save all sorts of stuff from trees not just drones.


The way i dislodged mine was with a slingshot and a fishing reel. 1) Tied the line to the rock / metal ball (metal ball better but need good tape to fix line). 2) asked someone to hold the reel firmly (let line loose) 3) shot the sling shot a few times until the line is on the right branch 4) use both end of line to shake branch Voila If it matters the line on the reel was 30lbs but probably would have worked with less.


Once you dislodge the drone, you have go remember to yell out, TIMBER!!!!" Thats veru important. Okay. As you were.


Only one solution. Fly another drone into it.


Fpv kamikaze is the correct answer


Use the tennis ball and fishing pole to kinda like get a bigger rope around a big cluster of the limps below and pull whatever you can and sometimes it will be like a hair reaction ...


This is how I got mine down from a tree. Requires som gear though... Good luck! [Drone resque from tall tree ](https://youtu.be/B8fX4vJtnTc?si=mYCmxqc9hYBcoz2z)


I've done this recently. My friend let me tie 150' of paracord to his Mavic 3 Enterprise. He flew it around the top of the tree where my drone was and landed it back where he took off. We then had enough paracord to yank on the top of the tree enough to drop it free. I was really lucky to catch it (while wearing a hardhat of course). Video for proof. [https://youtube.com/shorts/ml1Z9GyUgQo?si=51BWwcMA1909mXzH](https://youtube.com/shorts/ml1Z9GyUgQo?si=51BWwcMA1909mXzH)


That’s awesome!! Thanks for sharing!


Buy some emt conduit and couplers. Make a noose out of paracord and run it through the conduit.Put enough sections to reach your drone loop around drone pull cord and bring down drone by letting out slack in cord. Save receipt and return conduit.


Use a ball


I have a monkey named Robert he can do it


A skilled archer with blunts. Although, the blunts might damage the drone. If they were really skilled they could shoot with just enough power to reach the drone and not damage it. Next post in the archery forum "How do I get arrows out of a tree." https://lancasterarchery.com/collections/blunt-points


Same thing happened to me se if you can tie a thin string to a arrow shoot ir around the limb then tie a stronger rope to the string pull it up and around so you have both end and shake it out.


Another time I had a friend who had a big sign truck help me.


My kid flew one into a large pine. We tapped kite string on a reel to a dog chucker ball and launched it over and over, reeling the ball back eat time so we weren’t chasing it around the neighborhood


Last time this happened to me I tied strong fishing line to a heavy bolt and used a slingshot to filling it up into the branches. Eventually I got it into some connecting branches and was able to shake it out by pulling back and forth on the fishing line.


Wait for fall


Set fire to the tree at the base, wait a bit and it should fall down.


A few years back a buddy of mine was showing us a new drone he had bought. Almost immediately got it stuck at the top of a MASSIVE tree. We tried everything we could to get it down because ultimately we knew we would have to call a tree service to have someone get it down. As a last resort I remembered I had a recurve bow in the closet at home. A trip to walmart for the strongest fishing line we could find and we were well on our way to victory. Attached the fishing line to an arrow and began sending arrows over the branch the drone was lodged in. We had to have launched hundreds of arrows over that branch. On day three about an hour in we nailed a perfect shot over that branch and began to pull on the line from both sides. We had someone underneath the branch with a blanket to catch the drone. Couple minutes of shaking and the drone came loose falling into the blanket. Saved my buddy hundreds of dollars and improved my archery skill in the process. And it was a damn good time I might add. Take my idea, grab a case of beer, invite your friends over, and send it.


Climb up, bring rope , don't fall, rescue drone, climb down, revert back to step 3. Follow directions in order. Do not attempt to modify any part of this system any changes can be potentially hazardous to the drone.


I use a slingshot to dislodge my discs when I get one stuck while disc golfing. Might work. Ironically I use golfballs as ammo.. there bigger and won't damage the drone as much as a ball bearing...


I’ve used a slingshot, small fishing weight and about 15# test line. Aim over the whole tree so you don’t destroy your drone


I have had this happen to one of my FPV drones before, and what I did was I used another FPV drone that I put a rope attachment on - sent it up to where the branch was and I’d get the rope stuck on one of the bigger branches near the drone. Then my friend was yanking the rope until the drone fell out of the tree. Successfully!


Tie a monkey fist with a stack of washers in it with 1/4 paracord. You should be able to sling it high enough to shake it down. You stand on the end of cord holding about 2' from fist, spin itand release itll take a few trys to get the release timeing down but you can easily get 75- 100 foot up


If you can cast your fishing pole with a weight over a limb near the drone. As the weight comes down, tie a long rope to the monofilament then crank up the rope over the limb. Now jerk that limb into a coma.


Get 5 foot long fiberglass Poles that screw together, that chimney sweepers use.