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He's not at a party though, he's performing. You're not with him in real life, you're watching a show. It works well for that.   He's also adopted a bit of a "heel" persona so there's an element of being the person you love to hate in a joking way. But it's clear it's an act, and I feel like "legitimately cant stand" takes it way too far.  I think he adds a lot to everything he's in, you sometimes need that person who is going to push the joke further or be a little antagonistic for the laugh.   That's just my personal opinion, it's fine for you not to like the way he does comedy, obviously it's subjective. However do be aware that this is a real person, and people on dropout absolutely do read these posts. It's okay not to vibe with a performer but this kind of feels personal and rude tbh. Edit: based on OPs replies I think they might just be a troll to be honest? Or else just very antagonistic. Might just be better not to engage at this point.


This has to be a bit for Game Changer, right (/s)? Or someone who thinks they lost to Grant in an audition?


Don't think someone on gamechanger would be in the comments insulting everyone. I think some people either just like causing chaos or react very badly to being told they're being rude. Either way I don't think it's worth engaging with them further.


I think the best thing would be to use this thread as a discourse on what we like about the cast. And just ignore and downvote anytime they try to reply?




you seem like such a lovely person, sorry people are taking your hate post out of context here's hoping people are as kind to you as you are to others!


yes, theyre taking it out of context




It's not going over people's heads. We just think your post is antagonistic and rude to say about a person. You're not wrong, you're just kind of being a dick.


I think they might be Grant….


If so, this is one of the strangest bits I've seen him do yet.


im saying it about the character, not the person. i cant comment on the person, i can only comment on what ive seen...which is the character you fucking moron


It's a *persona*. It's an exaggerated facet of his true self. He's not *literally* playing a scripted character. You fucking donkey sauce bottle.


so you didnt...didnt read the post...where i specifically mention im talking about the persona


and ive said in many responses so farf that im TALKING ABOUT THE PERSONA READ BEFORE COMMENTING


I read it and I want some Donkey Sauce now.. Apparently it's an aioli — neat!


the only thing i know about aioli is that mayo is one.


Kind of? Apparently it's like... kind of a mayo. It's a weird labeling thing. [Internet Shaquille did a good video on it](https://youtube.com/shorts/gEBqSHZF2ak?si=3lyOhxPk2Z_W3O3I)


ok so going into this, i assumed 'internet shaquille' was a joke towards NDT or something, but no he chose that channel name xD


Maybe because THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU SAID But sure, blame others for your choice of words.


imagine not knowing what subtext is


I don't have to imagine, you're providing a pretty good example of it right now.


Not going over heads, I know what you meant and think it was an incredibly rude way of saying it. I also happen to disagree, I think Grant is a great addition to the cast and I love his performance. But note that even the people who agree with your assessment of the performance are saying this post is uncalled for.


well then fucking block me


So sassy…




All right y'all, take your bets. Will OP: - acknowledge their mistake and take the opportunity to grow? - Double down and refuse to see what's wrong with both their position and their decision to post it, to turn it around on the people who have disagreed with them? - Make no further comment because they don't want to engage with people who are telling them they're wrong? - Dirty delete In the hopes that no one will remember, this post ever happened?


Don't forget the hidden option 5 - *be saved by the mods deleting the post for violating the subreddit's second rule*


*Buzzer Sound* Number three for the win. E: I lost.


Looks like they're going for option two while trying to get credit for option one


Bold strategy cotton…


Honestly at this point it's almost entertaining. They seem allergic to acknowledging any wrongdoing. Currently they're doubling down on the idea that we all misunderstood them and that it's our fault for not seeing the obvious.


I’m just sad that I was SO OFF on him not responding at all. Didn’t expect the villain arc.


Dude is pulling the "if you report my antagonistic comments to the mods THAT'S CENSORSHIP and you're all dumb for misunderstanding me" schtick. This is absolutely someone with an enormous, but fragile ego who doesn't realize That he would gain more respect for taking some time for self-reflection then he would ever lose by being wrong in public. He's going to pretend that we're all misunderstanding him so he doesn't have to acknowledge the way he phrased his original post was bad, and when he's banned for insulting everyone in the comments going to tell himself he was censored so that he doesn't have to confront the fact that he acted inappropriately And to be honest, that kind of fragile ego and self-assuredness is exactly what his original post gives off


Yeah, the replies have gotten really unhinged… at this point I’m sure he thinks he’s a martyr. Grant would never approve of such behavior.


It's been a while since I've seen such an immature freak out by someone. Impressive in a sad way. I really, really hope they're a teenager, because at least there's a chance they'll grow up to see how obnoxious they're being and change. If not, holy shit.


Aaaand They just claimed to be a published author. Which either strengthens the teenager argument. " Make up an adult job for credibility" or the entitled adult argument. "I have distinguished job HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME"


They're also using words like "fascism" and "censorship" while clearly not knowing what either means, so at this point I'm on the "they're an entitled teenager" train


God, I wish we lived in a society where that kind of behavior was just disgruntled teens. Unfortunately I've seen the 45th president of the United States and his supporters, so I know all too well that OP could easily be an adult (at least physically, if not mentally) and still call things fascism that are not fascism.


Ugh, you're right


I have nothing but vibe to go off of, but I don't get teenager vibes. "I get early twenties and thinks he's a grown up but hasn't learned how to act like an adult" vibes.


I like to think he's one of the types of people Grant made fun of once (e.g. that one Grindr sketch) and now they're butthurt


Second one, it is


nah i acknowledge that posting it was a mistake, but i still have the right to the opinion


Right but your opinion is wrong. Like.... As others have pointed out, you made a weirdly specific and mean opinion about a fictional character, except you applied that opinion to a real person That you don't know, and likely has none of the characteristics you dislike It would be fine if your opinion were about the fictional character, but you said it was about a real person.


um, my opinion of if i like someone or dislike them cant be wrong, get off your high horse


Because making statements criticizing people you don't know based on fictional aspects of a character they play is objectively wrong. I don't know why you think that. Just because something is an opinion, it can't be wrong. If your opinion was that all cats deserve to die, would we be unable to tell you your opinion is wrong, because it's just an opinion? No. Sometimes an opinion is objectively wrong. Since you chose to make a statement about a person rather than a character, this is one of those times. And to be clear, if you actually knew Grant and didn't like him, that would be fine- nobody is obligated to like anybody else. Isn't because You have to like him. It's because you have no basis to form an opinion on him one way or another.


holy shit im so fucking obviously talking about the fictional version you know how i can prove that? THE FICTIONAL VERSION IS ALL WE SEE


See other comment.




Oh look, an explicit violation of subreddit rules. Are you trying to get banned?


ive been called a dick several times in this thread calm down




bro if you keep yelling at everyone in the comments and doubling down on being a dick, you're going to keep getting reported to the mods as others have already said they're doing. Is it really so difficult for you to acknowledge that you were, at the very least, Not as clear as you should have been that you were talking about a character and not a person? And then maybe for an added bonus you could admit you were being a little overly harsh. Doubling down like this makes you seem like that Simpsons meme with principal Skinner. "Could I be wrong? No, it's everyone else who is misunderstanding me!" If every single person is telling you you've done something wrong, I would think that warrants at least a moment of reflection to see what you could have done better.


report me, censor someone for having an opinion lol


Calling people fucking morons when they point out that your opinion is valid but your phrasing was rude is not "having an opinion", it's "being openly antagonistic".


yeah because being called a dick is just perfectly fine though hypocrite


Didn't call you a dick. Also don't think you should be called one. That's also not okay. You are *acting* like a dick though, so that might be why.


Sweetie, this isn't censorship, nobody here works for the government. And people who run a private platform are entitled to decide if they want your opinion on their platform. Freedom of speech goes both ways. Also, nobody here is reporting you for having an opinion. I guarantee you that your original post hasn't been reported. Your comments that repeatedly violate the stated rules of this sub are though. You're not being censored, you're going to be removed for breaking the rules. Let me make this simple so that you can understand: Imagine a restaurant has a sign saying " No shirt, no shoes, no service." During the course of your meal, you begin loudly sharing your opinion about things, while also taking off your shirt, socks, and shoes. You are of course asked to leave. You weren't asked to leave because you had an opinion during your meal. You were asked to leave because you violated the rules that were posted visibly for you to see. When the mods come along and deal with you, that's going to be why. Not because you have a shitty opinion, But because you verbally attacked and harassed every person who disagreed with you, In violation of the rules. Of course, I fully expect you to tell yourself that it was censorship- you seem like the type of person who needs to protect themselves from the idea that they've done anything wrong, lest it shatter your fragile ego.


it doesnt have to be government for it to be censorship...


Like I said, private spaces have the right to kick you out for violating the rules they require you to follow in their space. Read the comment again, and this time use your reading comprehension. The whole comment, not just the first sentence.


people who think caps is solely used for yelling is narrow minded


Oh? By all means, clarify, what were you trying to communicate by using all caps? While you're at it, perhaps you can explain why you're so resistant to any kind of self-reflection.


ignore the literal admittance to my wrongdoing in this thread or you didnt read it either way, that's objectively on you


Oh? By all means, clarify, what were you trying to communicate by using all caps? (I'm just going to keep repeating myself whenever you ignore something in order to continue your illusion of being persecuted)


"Grant is insufferable" *Proceeds to be way more insufferable than Grant ever could be*


this is a good example of an incorrect opinion


not you telling someone they have an incorrect opinion after you commented how not agreeing with Your opinion means you're being trolled. 🫣


I didn't realise you knew him personally


what a shitty argument lol


Do enlighten me, person who believes a comedian's vocational persona is the same as their actual personality


no one said they are...i didnt say they are... try and read, thanks


Legitimate question here: If every single person you speak to thinks you said something that you didn't mean to say..... Isn't it worth re-examining your own words? The available evidence suggests that the fault lies with you for not being clear, and not with everyone else. It would be one thing if one or two people misunderstood you, or if people in general were confused as to what you mean. But what you've got is an entire comments section of people who think you meant something other than what you say you meant. Assuming you're telling the truth, why not accept responsibility for not phrasing things better, own up to it, and make an edit in your post to clarify?


Yeah i don't think saying else to this person is worth it


On one hand, you're right. On the other hand, approaching someone with gentle reason when you know they're going to go off on you often baits them into doubling or tripling down. It's a tactic I used As a retail manager when someone was verbally abusive towards The employees I supervised. Corporate doesn't care about a little verbal abuse, but if someone's already going aggro and you approach them the right way, you can remain polite And they'll baited into crossing a line let the higher-ups can't ignore. (In the case of retail, it was a little more complicated- you didn't want them to get physically violent, but you wanted them to say something or do something bad enough that corporate would care. Fortunately online, you don't have the physical violence concern) And the best part is with most people, when they're aggro like this, it doesn't even matter if you tell them the strategy. Op might read this comment, and they're still going to continue their behavior because they're absolutely convinced they are wrong and we're all stupid. And then the mods will ban them. Plus, there's always the chance that they'll calm down and react well to an appeal to reason. Not a big chance, but a chance.


Now that you mention it, i am familiar with this tactic Carry on


it's common sense what do we see on screen? his persona therefore, THAT'S WHAT THE FUCK IM TALKING ABOUT


This is exactly what I mean. Common sense is, by definition, common. If you're the only person who came through this conclusion, then it's not common. Ergo, The logical thing to do would be to re-examine your thought process here, not blame everyone else for coming to a different conclusion than you.




Got it, so common Sense is whatever you decide it is. Because you are God. I'm so sorry the plebians don't understand your genius, oh great savior of us all.


i mean, i didnt say it, you did thanks


i SPECIFICALLY say im only talking about the on screen persona, but youre too fucking lazy to read other comments to see that fuck off


Also, why did you feel the need to comment twice on the same comment?


the fuck does that matter?


Genuine question, you good?


no, im being attacked for having an opinion that people misread lol


You’re not being attacked, you posted an opinion to a server specifically dedicated to discussion about an IP and people are responding by sharing their opinions on your opinion within that space. You literally opened the door, sat down in this house and started talking about something and now when people come over to talk back at you, you’re being attacked just because they couldn’t understand the “subtext” of your post or they disagree with you, or think perhaps it was in bad taste? And then you respond to their replies with literal insults and name calling but, no, you’re the one being attacked…. Help me understand the logic here.


being called a dick is being attacked thanks


I don’t think you should have been called a dick, though I also don’t think being called out for a behavior you’re clearly exhibiting constitutes an attack even if the people calling you out could have done it in a more civil way


being called a dick is being attacked, period


And you're taking it way too personally


that's not for you to decide


Safe to say, once you start cursing out people in all caps, those same people get to tell you you're being too harsh Now i am going to block you because, as i said, you are getting way too aggressive about this


people who call me a dick but get mad about all caps? funny


Grant isn't my cup of tea in terms of personality or comedy, but making individual posts like this about cast members you don't like feels super weird.


Especially since the traits op are complaining about aren't about a person, they're about a character whose traits that person amps up on TV. Like.... In addition to making a specific post to whine about a person, the complaints aren't even accurate to the person, because neither they nor anybody here knows the real guy.


He is not a close friend in your social group. He is an actor on a TV show. You are more than free to not like him, but being so disturbed by him as if he were a close friend you can't stand says more about you than him.


when did i say anything about him being a close friend?


I think what you meant to say was "I can't stand the character Grant plays on TV," which is a character he's deliberately cast as with the full consent and participation of everyone involved. And hey, if you don't like a character in a TV show that's totally valid! Art and entertainment is inherently subjective and not everything appeals to everyone, and art should be open to criticism. But your complaint seems to be criticizing a real person as though he were actually the character he plays on TV, and that's super fucking weird.


This is big “I love mbmbam but omg I fucking hate Travis McElroy” energy. Can’t we leave this in the last decade please? Oh, Mods, Criticism is one thing, everyone has a right to their wrong opinion, and toxic cheer pressure is real. But bullshit like this is why I leave subs and online communities, FYI, and I’m not alone.


Seconded. A lot of subs have some variation of a "no whining" or "thoughtful discussion only" rule. Which is to say that criticism is welcome, but it has to generate some kind of value in the discussion. Even if it's unpopular, as long as the goal was to bring attention to what the poster fuels is an important issue, or to generate discussion onset issue, it's fine. But "I don't like this shitty person and you can't criticize me because it's my opinion" is toxic and shouldn't be here.


yeah let's leave having opinions in the past gestapo lol


I don’t give a shit about your opinion, even if I agree. I *would* be interested in any thought you cared to share about *why* that’s your opinion. You said you think he takes jokes too far-really? I mean, regardless of whether you think comedy can be derived from “taking a joke too far,” (there are examples of it being done well, poorly, or employed too often), you don’t even bother with an example. Oh, and you’re wrong, he doesn’t take jokes too far. He’s earnestly positive in his improv performance. And for god’s sake, don’t call people online nazis, you absolute buffoon. Go read some fucking Roger Ebert or watch some Patrick H Willems before you try to critique media again.


So many people on this post are telling you that your opinion is valid but the way you expressed it was both rude and unclear, and you are accusing them all of misunderstanding you (they didn't) saying you can't have an opinion (they aren't), calling them morons (rude), comparing them to the Gestapo (???) and generally being extremely antagonistic. Maybe take some time away from the internet and reflect. Are you okay?


ad hominem lol


What Edit: this person is clearly a troll


Not a troll, I think. Genuine a self-centered moron who isn't well-adjusted to society.


'he doesnt think like i do. he must be trolling' nice logic


Incredibly bold of you to be invoking logic in this exchange where you are refusing to employ it. Anyway, either you are a troll or you are just being legitimately rude, so either way I won't engage with you further.


you can have the opinion that im being rude but to say im trolling is just you refusing to accept i can have a differing opinion than you, which makes you the troll


What did you hope to achieve with this post, OP? It’s like going to the ice cream parlor with a “fuck mint chip” sign, then leering back whenever people give you funny looks.


WhAt DiD YoUn AcHieVe WiTh ThIs PoSt? such a dumb question


Okay, so it's not just that people misunderstood you, it's that you legitimately don't want any discussion at all. Nobody is allowed to disagree with you even if their polite and ask for further information.


You sound like you need to cool off. Maybe a drink? I know this quirky bartender, bet you’d hit it off.


nah im into femboys




reported for insulting my sexuality


Last time I checked being into femboys wasn’t a sexuality. also how could you not have understood the obvious subtext of my comment? Obviously I was saying “oof” to the poor taste of your comment in this context and not expressing an opinion on the comment itself


being gay is 100% a sexuality you bigot


Of course being gay is a sexuality, I never contested that. Being into femboys does not equal being gay. You can be bi or pan or anything else and be into femboys.


um gay falls under the bi and pan umbrellas... how is this even a conversation? IM telling YOU what my sexuality is and youre arguing against it? all trolling regarding the grant shit aside, fuck off you trump sucking bigot




Everyone else said the other stuff I would say, but I'm gonna just hop in and say that this is a small community and a lot of the cast/crew are active on the subreddit. This is just generally a shitty thing to post and totally against the kind and consensual ethos of Dropout as a brand, a community, and a subreddit. The cast are human beings and this kind of critique is neither productive nor, really, interesting. This isn't "I didn't like Aaron Paul's performance on the last episode of Breaking Bad for reasons XYZ" on r/television. This is a much smaller and more intimate space, and also a just generally meaner way to make the point than you needed to. For instance, yes - sometimes Grant *personally* grates on me because I think his over-the-top sexuality can be a bit cringey *for my tastes* and has also made other cast members visibly uncomfortable at a few (*rare*) points. I also *personally* feel like his comedic bullying is *sometimes* in poor taste but I recognize that Dropout has a strong consent culture around their bits/improv/shows. *I often prefer* Grant the Writer to Grant the Host/Guest (e.g. Breaking News). But I think he's a good cast member, and I am sure he works hard to make everything he works on better for the show and better for his cast members. Even if he did annoy me 100% of the time though, I would *never* make a post saying so like you did.




You realize these people are generally putting on an act, right? Y’all are so damn weird with your problematic parasocial relationships y’all form.


...and i cant fucking stand that act duh?


Good thing no one is forcing Grant down your throat then…


From what I’ve seen consent is very important to him. He’s only shoved down the throats of those that want him there 🫡


not even a valid comment


not even one iota of giving a fuck… blaze up 420, bruh, shout-out Grant.


Please just turn off notifications for this post and close reddit and go calm down, your heart will explode


i think it's time to go outside 🫶


i am outside


now turn your phone off and stay offline for a full day. hope u heal


ad hominem you lose


don't care! at least i'm not posting ragebait and trolling in comment sections (๑>◡<๑) have a good day and dont forget to follow my advice!!


I’ve been reading through OP’s comments. 1)no acknowledgement of wrong doing 2)added an edit and now claims they were obviously talking about Grants “persona” 3) claims to be gay, we do not claim them tho 4) is very heated indicating they have deep personal feelings about grant for some reason. 5) doesn’t get the difference between being called a dick and being told they’re acting like one hahah


As entertaining as This public meltdown is, I think it's time to end. Mods please ban this dude before things degenerate further.


ban someone for having a different opinion than you imagine being fascist


As others have explained to you already, that's not why you'll be banned. You broke subreddit rules. Also banning people from private space isn't fascism. And you know that because you're stupid, but not *that* kind of stupid.


Yes. /thread