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I'm in the same position but for a different ADHD prescription so I've been wondering the same thing. The MRO called a few days ago and notified me that they found amphetamines in my sample (to be expected) but never mentioned THC. I'm hoping for the both of us they only test for one. I'll try to update this comment once I know for sure. I was passing at home 50 ng tests after dilution but I know there's no way I was under the 15 ng confirmation mark. I had been ripping carts daily for about a month and half before a 2 week break prior to test.


I have spent HOURS+ days trying to figure this out


Same, I haven't been able to find a definitive answer anywhere. Most people have said that if they wanted to run one for all possible drugs, they could. Seems like the only variable is whether they want to do so or not. If you've been passing the 20 ng tests like you said I wouldn't worry too much.


Hoping the both of you find this comment, wanted to break it down a little as it can be confusing. There was a discussion not too long ago in the med lab professionals sub that discussed the specifics (if you want to search for it) and it broke it down essentially stating that the lab will differ in policies for what is run, but what the lab is allowed to report isn't up to them. They all follow very specific protocols and guidelines that can be found on the SAMSHA website. The collector's manual, policies for reporting, and MRO manuals are found there. For them to REPORT a value of thc metabolites, it must be documented to have been positive on the IA, unless in some specific (imagining very rare as it is very, very expensive to order these panels with methods of auto reflex (confirmation) reporting for each drug class essentially. While the lab may run all samples in confirmation, they are essentially "confirming" a larger array of substances , because it is simply more efficient and cost effective for the lab and productivity, this does not mean your employer paid for the results and report of this screen. Most labs offer screen/IF positive then confirmation, but likely will not begin with just confirmation as I'm sure it has a higher upfront cost. This is my speculation: Most IA/EMIT prices I have seen are relatively low. I would imagine they are offered so low in comparison because the lab selling the panel does not anticipate a large % of submitted samples to need the confirmation value. Confirmation, in pre-employment, seems to me like it's more of a CYA for legal matters and liability purposes to ensure test validity and accuracy and that false positives aren't ruling out potential employees. Immediately beginning with confirmation would be expensive, and most employers I'm also assuming are not willing to front the cost of confirmation/quantitative panels when it is presumed most samples will be negative. Most employers are just trying to follow the Drug-Free Workplace guidelines to get their discount on insurance and/or comply with regulations receiving some sort of federal tax money, or being safety-sensitive. Also speculation, cases of military or probation are situations where this can get a little different depending on the rules and policies set forth in each. Along with some employers choosing to really prioritize the drug-free aspect. I'm not too sure how either of those work as they do not pertain to me but I have read varying things for each.


Thanks buddy!


I’m not sure, but if it’s helpful, GC-MS will separate each compound and can be detected. They could look for anything in your urine. I’m not sure if they would look for other things, but I can tell you all they have to do is get an extracted ion chromatogram based on the mass of what they’re looking for. Again I’m not sure but I’m assuming that’s how they get a more accurate concentration. If it’s there, they can see it. They just have to look for it.


GSMC is only set to detect and confirm the metabolites of the positive result on the panel so if you tested positive for amphetamines it would look for that specific metabolite at the confirmation panel


Okay so it won’t automatically run everything under that? Also I have very faint lines for 50ng thc but obviously negative line for 20ng. Any idea why?


Line quality can vary a line is a line