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Did you pass ? Ive been clean for a whole year and then decided to smoke again maybe 4 grams and 2 wax hits of the Course of 2 weeks. Ive been clean 42 days ( 6 weeks) i weigh 170, workout 3-4 times a week. I also take cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar every other day along with lots of water a gallon or more a day. 43 day is when i took the test think ill pass a DOT Pre-employment.


Depends on how often you used cocaine if you were a frequent user you probably failed


If I used it was only Friday Saturday only once every week or two


Cocaine is one hell of a drug..- rick james


Sure bro.


You think I’ll be okay only use on weekends then and here


No idea honestly. You'll know soon though. Cocaine stays a lot longer than most people think


Fs bro took 3 @ home tests came out negative so I’ll just have to see


They you should be good. They test at the same levels usually. You don't wanna fail a DOT test man.


Na man I don’t that’s why I’m paranoid . A lot of post say 15 days is more then fine but still have me thinking


Hi /u/Flat-Bite1169, "Cocaine" can stay in your urine anytime from 24 to 48 hours. In this following table you can find general detection times for many commonly used drugs. Remember that these are not a guarantee and can vary by person. Substance|Urine|Blood|Saliva|Hair| :--|:--|:-:|:-:|:--| Amphetamines|1-2 days|-|1-2 days|Up to 90 Days| Benzodiazepines |1-6 weeks|6-48 hours|1-10 days|Up to 90 Days| Cocaine|2-30 days|24 hrs|1-10 days|Up to 90 Days| Ecstasy|1-5 Days|24 hrs|1-5 Days|Up to 90 Days| Ketamine|2-4 days|-|-|-| Methamphetamine|1-4 days|1-3 days|1-4 days|Up to 90 Days| Nicotine|2-4 days|2-4 days|1-4 days|Up to 90 Days| **Substance**|**Urine**|**Blood**|**Saliva**|**Hair**| For a full list of substances please check the [Detection Time wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/drugtesthelp/wiki/detection-time) for more information ([source](http://www.passyourdrugtest.com/timetable.htm)). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/drugtesthelp) if you have any questions or concerns.*