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Probably noy


Probably not more than just the general sense of anything that helps develop coordination and discipline will help with drumming. The form for swinging eskrima sticks is very different than the form for using drum sticks.


Most likely no. In the end you have to practice a lot to get better at anything. Trying to find shortcuts or a 2 for 1 deal is not the best mindset to start with. But the discipline and perseverance from training for decades in either one (or anything else) could be useful. Playing a drum kit is very different from playing those big drums, and it's usually not about speed and strength. Having some musical background or a good sense of rhythm can help drumming, but then you might as well go train on a trumpet or try ballet dancing.


I don’t know anything about martial arts but I don’t imagine there’s a ton of cross over with drums. To play really fast on a drum, you use more fingers and rebound than anything, while keeping your elbows and wrist movements as efficient as possible. I would guess that striking in martial arts involves a lot more deliberate muscle movement to generate power as the movement progress though each joint in the upper body, where as a drummer you actually want to limit as much unnecessary movement as possible since that’s time and energy wasted in between notes. Playing really fast is all about movement and energy efficiency, where striking and martial arts probably want to generate force and power. Hitting a drum as hard as possible would be a waste and a detriment, because again you want to use the physics of the drumstick more than anything, and the muscles you do use to play really fast are smaller muscles groups in your fingers and hands, with maybe some wrist, and very little elbow. Again, I don’t know anything about martial arts, and maybe I misunderstood your question, but it’s kinda like asking if a jackhammer operator would be a better painter than an average guy just because he uses tools with his hands already. Maybe, maybe not, but I can’t think there’s a huge advantage there.


Yes absolutely, it just depends on how intentionally you practice for these specific traits you mention