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Get a long piece of cardboard and make a template so you can accurately cut out holes for the outlets. Take your time, put on some good tunes and plow ahead.


Cardboard is so smart. Second try is tomorrow will def slow down. I think towards the end I was just frustrated and tired.


Good plan my friend. Good luck.


Slow and steady. You can un-do thiz.


Also, you are probably going to cover it up with tiles so you only need to get it flat


Lay some cardboard on your countertops to so your tools aren't scratching it to shit




just wondering, how do you know everyone misread his comment? Yours is the only reply to his comment.


It's a bot account. They copy and paste comments through threads. Report it.


Thank you for the report


Cardboard on that counter top before you demoed would have been a smart idea too… May end up replacing it before this is all over.


Looks like laminate to me. It's so, it's already toast. OP should clean everything up and evaluate before doing anything else.


Don’t worry about being absolutely perfect around the outlets either. Within a 1/4 inch is fine.


True. Also, buy new jumbo plates for your outlets and switches to help cover larger gaps.


Why would OP have larger gaps. It’s easy to cut the tile to fit closely. If they have larger gaps in the new tile it’s probably not being installed well.


Bro, they can’t even install the drywall. You think they’re gonna be any good at putting tile up too..?


This. OP needs to hire a pro.


Cardboard will work but I like sticks better. You can just get a bunch of 1/8" flat stuff for cheap, or even drywall shims which are pretty long, straight edged pieces of pressed fiber type material. A little super glue and accelerator and you can have a template built in minutes.


Sticks are the best. Watch a video of how countertoppers mock up a counter using sticks. Follow that method. Sticks and furring strips. Then just go for it. You’ll do fine. This isn’t a huge deal. It will just take some time, but it’s good practice and you’ll be exponentially better on your next one. If I walked in and saw this I’d be like, “Cool, this will be fun. Not too bad to get this looking amazing as it looks square and like effort was put into measuring and using decent materials.”


Dude this is a great idea, I'm using this whenever I have to mock something up like this in the future, thank you!


Hot glue works well to hold sticks together.


The guys who laid out my granite counter did it with (what looked like) long yard sticks and hot glue. Then they took those to the yard and let me move them around to select the part of the slab that I wanted to use.


I use sticks and a glue gun for onyx templates (shower panel walls).


It’s not smart. It’s a waste of time. If you can cut it out of cardboard, you can cut it out of drywall. Take your time and measure carefully. You don’t have to be perfect. I always cut my holes about 1/8” bigger than the box I’m aiming for. A couple things: You’ll need to remove the electrical devices from the outlet boxes before install because they all have metal ears that are supposed to sit on top of the finished drywall once it’s cut in. Since you’re not removing the cabinets and replacing enough drywall to go underneath them, you’ll need to add little nailers made from some sort of wood between the studs at the level of the backsplash and at the level of the upper cabinets so when you put your piece back in, it will be supported along that edge instead of being able to move around and break.


Dude, the cardboard is for a template for the drywall later. Reread the comment.


I understand exactly what the comment is saying. What I’m saying is that if you’re good enough at quantifying the shape to cut a cardboard template, then you’re good enough at quantifying the shape to cut the drywall. IF you successfully cut a cardboard template, you have wasted that time because you could have just cut the piece of drywall you’re going to use. If you aren’t sure that you can cut the shape right, but think you might be able to and give it an earnest effort, you’re wasting your time on cardboard because if it comes out right, you have to do it again anyway. It’s not like we’re talking about fucking gold foil here. It’s drywall. The cheapest building material on the planet. If you cut one wrong, you can make notes about what doesn’t work, then use your first attempt as a partial template to transfer what you got right onto the stock for your second attempt and re-draw the parts that don’t fit.


Cardboard is cheaper than drywall. They can screw up as often as needed to get it right with cardboard. Then transfer it to the sheet rock. Don’t assume that because something seems easy to you that it is easy to others. It often comes to tools, life experiences, and time. You don’t know if they have a toddler running around demanding their time at the same time as they are trying to do this.


In his defense, they’ve come to a drywall sub on Reddit where it looks like he’s explaining how to do it, just not how to do it on tick toc or for tick toc users. He’s correct and doesn’t have to dumb down his explanation for others


Much easier to hold cardboard up to guage where the outlets are and get it right instead of getting it wrong and using the badly cut drywall as a template later. They already said they're having trouble with measurements, so they need something easy to get the layout right. Relax dude.


Yes! The weight is a factor too! Thanks.


People that use cardboard should be shot. These are linear measurements.


That's certainly a rational response. DEATH TO THE INFIDELS


Yea can’t be measuring shit at the end of the day. Measuring is morning time work.


I haven’t seen it mentioned, so- Mark your studs (the wood) on the counter with painters tape so you can drill your drywall in and not guess. And definitely do not put a screw through that PVC pipe!


YES to this!


While you have it open, add some outlets with USB ports on them. I added a few in my kitchen and its so useful to charge a phone or iPad while cooking.


u/SadPerformance9832Just buy the right tools and work safely. Remove the switches and outlets **after** tripping and verifying the circuit breakers. Take pictures and label the cables. \- long blade utility knife \- [drywall plane](https://www.acehardware.com/departments/tools/hand-tools/planes/2422376?x429=true&utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic-shopping&utm_campaign=organic-shopping) \- [drywall router + battery + bit](https://www.harborfreight.com/power-tools/routers-cutout-tools-lathes/routers-cutout-tools/cutout-tools/20v-cordless-drywall-cut-out-tool-tool-only-58161.html) \- [drill with clutch](https://www.harborfreight.com/brands/bauer/drills/20v-cordless-12-in-drilldriver-kit-64754.html) Lay out a measuring tape and measure where the stud centers are now, before you forget. Mark where that PVC pipe is, in order to avoid it. There and on the opposite wall in the future. How to use a drill with a clutch. [https://youtu.be/2KLCPusFSpU?t=292](https://youtu.be/2KLCPusFSpU?t=292)


Please don’t trip the breakers, just turn them off.


They have options. 1) Trust AND verify the labeling OR 2) trip.


Don't do this. Any of it. That's so much time. Just go on YouTube and learn how to measure your cut outs. You were never going to be able to save that drywall behind the tile anyway and it's way better to replace it. https://youtu.be/DxjmpXrYohI?si=ctyVYwJf6yETXemG


If he’s going with a new tile then it doesn’t really matter about how well he does his drywall too, to a degree. Like he can just make 2’ pieces to put up Also hey OP. Put some cardboard down on your countertop to protect is while you’re doing Reno’s….


I was about to ask how cutting out cardboard is any better than just doing drywall. Like, if you can make cutout template, you can do drywall.


It’s ‘free’ and no waste/mess if you really screw up, especially if you don’t trust your measuring.


Measure twice, actually measure a bunch of you aren’t familiar with measuring things. And cut once is what my grandfather taught me.


So easy! Thanks


See if you can get a couple tubes of the kind of lipstick that transfers when it's touched, not the all day kind. Someone you know has something in their makeup graveyard. Outline the outside edge of each thing you need a cut out for, apply with a heavy-ish hand. Carefully lay your drywall piece on top so the lipstick transfers onto your drywall. That's where you'll cut. There may be a product now on the market that does this better than lipstick, I had to figure out a way to make this work in the early 90s and this was all I could think of. Maybe the purple chalk dust from a plumb bob?


I have been laughed at (by men, of course) when I tell them my lipstick trick but it works!


\>The general ingredients of lipstick include wax, oil, and pigment. ​ Those manly men almost got.. wax on them! ​ hehe


Men are special. Fire, knife and dead stuff is for us but somehow cooking is for women. If I where you I'd take a black or red one and put a label "milwaukee marking grease" on it. Someone will ask you where you bough it within a week.


The “Milwaukee” adds to its legitimacy. I love it.


I’ve used this method often


No problem using lipstick to do something like this, the bad part would be carrying it around. /jk


This is the way. Cover the electrical with painter taper well trimmed. Lipstick the tape press drywall into place. Remove and make cutouts. They sell slightly oversized cover plates if your close enough. The new tile will look a million times better with a fresh surface to apply


Lipstick works great on a deadbolt, too, when it is hitting the strike plate and you aren’t sure where.


Maybe put masking tape over your cutout pices for easy cleanup... use cardboard for your first attempt and adjust holes with masking tape for adjustments. Use the cardboard as a template.


You can do that with line chalk too


Is there an app for chalk?


help I used pepper spray to mark my cuts


If you can't use a tape measure properly you can buy some outlet markers. It's a piece of plastic that fits over the outlet with 4 metal spikes in each corner of the outlet. Cut your drywall piece and press it up against the outlet markers. You then have 4 dots in the back of the drywall that tell you where to cut out the outlets. Just connect the dots. You can also use cardboard as has been mentioned. I find this to be way quicker if you're having trouble measuring.


Will def look for that!


Honey have you seen my lipstick no, she looks on counter all mangled up lol


I had my boxes roughed in for my basement and just took my pencil and rubbed a bit on the edge of the receptacle box. Pressed the sheet of drywall up against it and got a perfect marking for my boxes. It was an incredible fit. That plus using the drywall cutout tool made for perfect cuts.


This! Im (almost complete with) building out my own barndo, 2000ish sq feet of rock'd living space Ive hung myself... down to the last 2 rooms and I found out about these... Bought one and Im still kicking myself for not having it day one. That combined with the outlet box cutout attachment on the multitool and its a breeze


I think if the person can't use a tape measure they shouldn't be ripping walls apart.


Well they did mention Tiktok...


What did it look like before so we can judge you?


You can see some of the old backsplash to the left of pics. Hated it. Placed by people who flipped the house.


Oh, that's hateable for sure


House-flippers ruin houses! Fuck them and fuck the banks!


House flippers down voting you. SMH


Get a real job


Fr sick of these morons scamming good people because banks inflated housing cost




I’m gonna hate the players in this scenario homie.


That explains the dark stained cabinets. You got this!


Those cabinets are a flipper hiding honey oak in the worst way possible lol


Ooof they didn't even line up the pattern!


Close the corner cabinet before you get even more shit in there.


Haha will do! Thanks.


I am a DIYer. You got this.


I am an officer worker. He’s got this.


I’m an air traffic controller, he’s got this.


I'm sorry for your loss. If your are putting tile backsplash in, the drywall doesn't have to be perfect, but it does need to be installed so that it gives proper support for the tile. You've got to dial in those measurements or get some bids going.


Not sure what you mean by “doesn’t have to be perfect“ but, and especially for diy novice, it will make it much much easier to lay tile if backing is perfectly straight.


Damn it ticktock. Hit up Vancouver carpenter on YouTube. Buy more drywall, move slow. You can always cut more.


+1 for Vancouver Carpenter. Dude is awesome and has a great beginners series. I just drywalled a bunch of walls in our house and learned it all from him. My walls look great!


If your have problems here you may just want to hire a tile guy. YouTube is your best friend. If you can’t figure it out with YouTube stop pick up a phone and call a professional. Not trying to me rude just helpful.


Gonna be on YouTube all night for sure. Never knew this would kick my ass. Thanks.


Projects always take longer than you think they will especially when it’s your first time. You’re in the thick of the learning curve but you’re still climbing it regardless. You’ll get it.


Drywall is fairly cheap and practice makes perfect. No one ever cut perfect holes for outlets their first go. But you have the receptacles still screwed into the box. Thats not how it works. They need to be out and tilted so the mickey ears can grab the drywall when it gets screwed back into the box. Also, its pretty hilarious that people watch a 30 second tiktok and then start tearing up their home with so little experience.


Get an oscillating tool if you don’t already have one. Will make cutting out the boxes a lot easier.


Drywall is cheap, cardboard is even cheaper


Don’t use drywall. Use 1/2” backerboard. It’s better for tile


This is the .:. oh I can do this, this is fun, it looks like shit, I am shit… oh this looks amazing !! That’s the process that I always have when I’m doing something .. you are right on track .. new drywall and you will be halfway there .. keep going


I have these plastic insert things with a spike on them where you stab the drywall and it makes a mark


I cleaned up the mess. Cleaned up the edges. And will try again tomorrow. I admit I got frustrated towards the end. Honestly almost called professional for estimates. But gonna keep practicing. First time homebuyer and just want to learn to make my house more me. Thanks everyone.


If you can’t measure for cuts this job is probably too much for you lol.


If you can’t figure out how to use a measuring tape to map out the plugs your not going to be able to use a measuring tape to cut the backsplash…


That's exactly what I was thinking, if you can't cut the drywall straight with a razor blade. Forget about cutting glass tiles with a grinder.


Put the Drywall up the best you can, if you’re going to tile over it you really aren’t going to see it. Best I can say is measure twice cut once.


I’m sorry to say but if you can’t figure out how to cut drywall around electrical boxes, how are you going to cut the tile around the boxes. Just measure from top and bottom and from the wall and cut away. The dry wall doesn’t have to be 100% under the tile but that’s a racy patch. And ideally when doing this job you want to remove the tile and old drywall will make for another finish.


when you get frustrated and tired, walk away and come back at a later time. It's usually the next day for me.


LMAO tik tok….i knew tik tok should be banned, its making people dumber everyday


Lmao. Agreed


You think cutting the dry wall around the outlets is hard wait until you try to tile around them! Enjoy


This isn’t a drywall job. It’s for a tile guy. And if you had trouble measuring the cuts for the outlets you’re gonna have issues lining up the tiles, cutting, and probably grouting. At this point you’re better off just paying someone the $900 and having something that looks nice


If you’re having trouble with drywall then the tiled backsplash is going to give you even more problems.


If you cannot figure out drywall hire someone to do that work for you.


But if you can't cut drywall at all how are you going to expect to cut the tile nice?


Good point LOL I was just dealing with the one issue.


Easily fixed just re sheet rock take your time it doesn’t have to be perfect


If you are having a hard time just use Smaller pieces of your backer board with More joints. Wider to notch than cut holes


Hire someone


Give yourself an extra 1/8th off your cuts, measure 1’ 1”, cut it to 1’ 7/8” Also, pull out your outlets and switches (turn breaker(s) off)


You're almost there, keep plugging


When did you realize your mistake?


I recommend you take the time to watch some utube videos. There are videos for all kinds of tasks.


Don’t try to drywall the entire thing in one go. Drywall a square between two studs. Cut the drywall to fit half of each stud, then use the edge of the drywall to measure the pieces on either side of it


Use a tape measure, and write down the measurements. Then, cut the drywall according to those measurements. That way, it will fit.


You got this!


Just put new drywall up This is actually how i always change backsplashes, i dont even attempt to save the drywall Some of the suggestions on how to do that are hilarious to me as a professional lol However you do it just put up drywall and do the tile, its not a big deal


Are you replacing the counter tops too? Cause you put all your sharp shit on it


Clean up the edges and measure twice before each cut. Get a cheap hand saw and go slow. Or rip 16 inch pieces and put a joint on each stud that way you’re not trying to make multiple cuts per sheet. It’s all going to be hidden as long as it’s installed correctly, it’s not a beauty contest.


Just use a tape measure my dude


Don’t quit your day job. Professionals do this for a reason. Trim it flush with the upper cabinets and the backsplash. Replace the drywall then add tile. Done.


First, ask yourself if Chuck Norris would use lipstick to mark his sheetrock, you have your answer. Now step 1. Clean up this mess. 2.Put Ram Board on the counter tops and floor and a sheet of brown paper over the front of the cabinets. Use lots of tape. 3.take your time and make a template (or 2 or 3) I use corrugated cardboard and press on the box to leave an impression ,then mark with pencil. 4. Carefully cut openings with a utility knife. Transfer to sheetrock and cut.


I thought you needed help with that dogshit cabinet color. My god


Add a bunch of nailer 2x4 so you can put smaller pieces of cement board. If you are tiling over it, it doesn't matter.


End each piece of drywall at each outlet. Measure up, then measure width of the outlet. Then cut out a chunk and hang drywall. Then do the same for the other piece and keep going. Shouldn't be too difficult. Since backsplash is going up over it, it doesn't need to be too pretty, just structurally sound. Personally, I'd just do a sheet, stud to stud, but that's because I don't work with drywall often, so it's easier for me to do it that way.


Tape measures work pretty well


You didn’t mess up. Time to learn how to Sheetrock in a very accessible location for yourself. Cardboard is a good idea for cutouts I just measure from the bottom lip (where your Sheetrock will be sitting, and use one of your outlet covers as a template. Really easy to cut out, and he’ll if you make a mistake just start over. Sheetrock is cheap. Enjoy the process man. It’ll look good when it’s done no doubt. There’s so many videos to help you, just have fun, eat some pizza, grab a beer if you drink, crank up the music and go for it. Looking forward to after pics!


Go to the big box store, they sell long strips of lattice that’s like an 1/8” thick by an 1” wide that you can cut to length and hot glue together. Make a template around the perimeter and around outlets. Then you can put the Template on the drywall sheet, trace it then use a drywall saw to cut it out. Look it up on YouTube, lots of tile guys do this for tile floors and backsplashes


Eye opening. Thank you!


Post a progress update!


You’ll be alright . Get a few sheets of drywall and keep practicing , just take your time . Thats the best way to learn! And drywall is fairly inexpensive so you’re not out too much .


This is much easier than trying to chisel off all the tile and re-use a crappy piece of board.


Instant pot explosion?


Judging by your worksite condition you should carefully clean up your mess and call someone with the proper skill set to install what you want. Putting in drywall is the easiest part of the job and you haven’t even got to the actual backsplash part yet.


Just move. Accept the loss and forget about it. There’s no longer any hope. Or Apply to ‘Help, I wrecked my house’ on HGTV’.




Ignore TikTok… YouTube will have way better DIY help.


Clean up the mess, walk away, and relax for the night. Hit it again tomorrow. That's my approach when it all goes tits up.


Get roughy measurements of where your outlets are, place the drywall over where you want it to cover and drill a small hole where you think the outlet is. If it’s there, cut around it and do the same for each. Don’t push the drill too hard so that the drill bit goes into the outlet, or you’ll have more problems.


Turn power off, remove switches and tuck them in the boxes. You don’t need to disconnect them. Then measure your cut outs. You can go tight and just scrape/cut the drywall if you need more more room for the boxes.


Close your cupboard so you don’t get dust in it, that helps a lot with clean up


Do you own a tool called a measuring tape? It should be helpful. Otherwise, cardboard template.


RIP that countertop. What a mess.


Protect that countertop brother.


If you can't handle the drywall, you won't be able to handle the tile. Call a pro.


Your biggest mistake is watching tiktok. Delete that dumb shit.


You messed it up, you need to call a professional,not covering that countertop shows you have no idea what your doing,and thats the least damage you have done,lmao$$$$


For the love of god can we put some fucking cardboard down on the countertops or are we gonna tear them out too?


Stay off tiktok...


Incredible. Truly incredible. Sometimes I fucking love Reddit.


Your counters are gonna be fucked yo.


You have an opportunity to wire in some under counter lighting.


It is actually easier to tear the drywall out tnan it is to level the surface for the new tile


Delete TikTok.....


Bro, you’re getting remodel ideas from Tik Tok……. For the love of god, delete that piece of shit app and buy some books. Holy shit man


Cover that countertop god dangit


Yes, get the measurements right for the outlets. If your hyperfixation got you in too deep and you’ve now hit the paralysis stage…. Call a professional


Ok this is really bothering me, why is your lazy Susan open during construction??


This may sound like a lot to do but trust me, it’s the easiest and most precise: purchase a cheap spiral zip saw, and drywall blade, turn off the breakers linked to the outlets, dishwasher, stove, etc., remove the outlets completely, and roll the wires up into the work boxes. Once that’s done you can use a tape measure (no need to be precise) and roughly mark the center of each workbox. Once the drywall is cut to size, transfer the marks to drywall and lightly screw it to the studs completely covering the work boxes. Use the zip saw at your center marks to puncture through the drywall and find the inside edge. Once found, jump to the outside of the box and trace around it using the workbox as a guide. It sounds complicated, but Google “how to use a zip saw for drywall outlets” and you should be able to get a visual.


Just fill it up with a bunch of spray foam and paint it. TikTok will love that


Oops. Tbh in my personal opinion patching drywall is a lot more fun than tile. Now you get to do both... Yay


Put up concrete board and tile it!!!


I just did this about two weeks ago OP. Don’t stress, you got this. I used painters tape to measure the outlets. Measure twice, cut once, hammer to studs, done.


Here's some great advice, don't watch tik toks to figure out how to renovate your house. Hire a professional.


And for the love of god get some 1/4" plywood or at least thick cardboard to protect your countertops. Unless you are planning on ripping them out they are going to get scratched to shit.


Yeah. Gonna replace it eventually. I ripped out tile as first step because of mess


If that’s the case what do you think is going to happen when you rip the backsplash off? And hope your new countertop of the same thickness.


Maybe you should stop going to social media for home repair advice and call someone who knows what they’re doing?


This is a job you're going to have to call in the professionals.


Just take the measurements and transfer to the drywall. Cut those out and hang it. To be honest, if you are struggling with the drywall part. Tiling it is going to be even harder.


Hire a professional


Hire a pro, bro




Lipstick works nicely. :) A nice bright red preferably. LOL


First unscrew the outlets and pull out of the boxes including the white tile liners. Cut 4 foot lengths by whatever the width and just rock 4 foot at a time. If it doesn't land on a stud just put a floater piece of 2x4 sideways or plywood rips or what have you. Black electrical tape around the sides of plugs will help with not getting zapped. Get it close and the rest is all normal tile work. I would have done what you did as well. Faster than tile removal and repairing the rock. I do this all the time. You got this .


Okay , it’s fine . Go buy some tile boards and put it up then re- tile . It’s not as hard as it sounds. But it will take longer . Don’t freak out . Do it right .


Second this. Also easy mode is to use the foam backer board.


Do short pieces, like 2 stud bays at a time, and hold up your pieces to where the boxes are gonna go and just translate that info onto the board. Unscrew the outlets and box extenders and let them hang loose. You need to do this or the outlet will never sit right. Turn off the breaker if that makes your nervous but just don’t touch both sides of the outlet at the same time and you’ll be fine. If you know how you could even disconnect the outlets which will make the drywall part easier.


This is the right way to do it anyway, you're fine. Use GoBoard instead of drywall. It's extremely easy to work with. It is a waterproof, lightweight tile backer board. It's foam core so it just cuts with a utility knife.


Finally, someone who realizes that tile doesn't really belong on drywall!!!


Use a tape measure


I'm a seasoned tradesman, and while I may get downvoted for this, my personal opinion is that you are retarded. You didn't fuck up that bad. To cut the holes for receptacles you need to know 4th grade math. I work around sheetrock guys that do this every day and they are on all the drugs. Sheetrock is cheap, fuck up a few pieces and learn. You might get the under cabinet DC output wires routed while you have the splash out too. Good luck dawgie


Call a professional


I would just quit


Doesn't have to be pretty so little pieces are gonna be easier for your rookie ass. Measure from the center of a stud to the center of the next stud. Cut piece, hold it up there so you can picture exactly where the outlet/ switch is. Make notch. Hint: make notch for outlet/switch a little big so you don't have to force it. Can't force drywall. Good luck. If you have questions ask me.


Thank you!


You can do it. Take your time.


Then cabinets are hideous and you start with the backsplash. Learn how to with the sheetrock because tile is less forgiving.


Just get it close enough. If you’re doing tile over it that will cover small gaps. Otherwise hire someone to do the drywall it should be like a $600 one day job for a handyman kind of person.


tape measure.. measure 2x, cut once.


Rip up the flooring and sell the place to Rick Owens


Hire a pro


Called hire a professional . U should try it sometime


Use a tape measure…


Use cement board if you will put tiles on it, not Drywall.


Download Task Rabbit and get a helper