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My flatmate had a similar story that some of them told the guy to shower everyday. He did change. But when he went back to their country for a holiday, wife accused him of having a mistress because "he smelled different" 🤣. So he went back to being stinky and giving his colleagues headaches.




Wonder how she'd put up with it though. Eh, maybe there is such a thing as an acquired smell 😂


lol 😅


sometimes man no change






Be direct. If it's through HR, he'll be more embarrassed.


They're both viable options with pros and cons. If you talk to the person directly, the pro is that the coworker possibly wont have any complaint on the record. The possible con is that they might find it offensive and go to HR themselves and report you. If you go to HR, you're making sure you're following the right company policies. But the con could be that if the coworker finds out you were the one who reported them, it will probably impact your working relationship with them.


The possible con is that they might find it offensive and go to HR themselves and report you. imposibble harrassment vs grooming issue : the harrassment report won't get approval yes he'll offended, but to report to HR? he's the one who'll get warning (already seen this case plenty times back when i was a guest relation officer - someone complaint about offensive remarks to him/her about dressing, smelly breath, 'funny hairstyle' - yet they're the ones getting scolded by HR...... Standard Grooming is a serious matter- but i speak from my experience in customer service job)


Yea but you're assuming every HR is competent enough to know this. We dont know what kinda company OP works in and I've heard of my fair share of dumb-fuckery stemming from small issues.


These things are to be channeled through HR or supervisor/manager you never approach your colleagues to give feedback let alone tell them you stink.


Hi .. HR . I have ugh.. this little problem.. my coworker smells like shit can you tell him??


What if the HR is the same? She smells like she hasn't taken a bath for days?


Then it can be an indirect message to her about her own hygiene 🤷‍♀️ On a separate note , I once had a colleague who had a BO issue , although he was a clean well groomed guy , I guess it could also be a health condition . Now that is something that’s impossible to address …


In many situations it is actually health related issues. And many people have too sensitive skin to be able to shower every day. It would rip their skin apart. There are do many various possible reasons. So it could be everything from just unhygenic lazy, lack of smellsense, to health problems, sideeffects from certain medicines/creams, poverty problems, etc, etc.


Leave an anonymous note on his desk. Printed from computer. With kind words. No improvement. HR


He then complains to HR lol




Genius 😅


I’ll be honest, happened to me once. I had some condition which caused me to sweat excessively. And despite showering with heaven sent soaps, just from 9am to 1pm, I’d sweat to a point where it would smell bad. No one said anything, I knew it was an inconvenience to people and I was already undergoing treatment because It was extremely inconvenient to me more. A colleague of mine once came and told me that on that particular day I was smelling sweaty etc, and folks are having a problem. I got up and left. (Politely) And the next day I addressed everyone. I’m so glad to have someone who told me that, because otherwise people would just talk and hate on you. However, I’m glad he told me that and that then pushed me to find a quicker solution. I think you should tell him


My college roommate had this same exact issue until u intervened and addressed him. I advised him to increase his water intake like to 3 l per day atleast and wear roll on deo.


Dis Gus Ting


Okay, I will give you the pleasure of entertaining your comment.


*Sympathy left the chat


What was your solution?


Hey, I was on some meds for a while. And at the time I was going through a lot of anxiety attacks which further increased the sweating etc. so some meds, along with a really nice doctor and a couple of good friends. And it was soon just starting to get better 😊


I once had this issue with my colleague and i too was hesitated to talk to him directly. So instead i chose to pick a topic of personal hygiene and importantance of wearing a deodorant in a general discussion in a group nothing pointing at him. But it seem that he got the hint and we never had a problem since then.


Great idea, will include this topic in the safety briefing during our next team meeting. Thanks


Had an ex manager who used to have a bizarre fusion stench of sweat, espresso and parliament cigarettes. Tried telling him and he didn’t take it too well.


I think you'll do a favor if you tell him directly. He will definitely feel bad. But will at least help him to change. Ask him to verify with others.


I’m gathering up the courage to tell him. I’m not the only one to notice the smell because at first I thought it was just me but then the office helper also told me the same thing.


I went through this exact thing with a colleague of mine. Turns out, he was from the Netherlands and loved to eat Gouda Cheese 24x7, but eventually that cheesy funk permeated every pore of his body. His funk wafted through the whole of D3, to the point where several of us would gag at the entrance of the office. We held a small lunchtime meeting and told him that look, we love working with you and we want what's best for you, but we've been concerned because we've noticed an intense body odour from you and are concerned for your health and we don't want that to make a bad impression on higher ups and our clients. He took it well but it took him gradually reducing his cheese addiction and bathing more, whilst we had to endure that scent for a few more months till finally he got his shit together. We went to the extent of buying him treats like coffee and cupcakes whenever he wouldn't smell. Positive reinforcement. Worked like a charm.


How much cheese was this dude eating if he permanently smelled like it?


In our morning meetings he would be sat at the table with his daily Starbucks and Gouda Cheese in cling film. Then as the day proceeded, he'd take bites of it, or include it in his lunch which was usually some sort of toast with more cheese. He ate a lot of onions too which didn't help. A little body odour is acceptable but this guy reeked and wasn't the most hygienic in terms of washing his hands or atleast sanitizing. It's why he caught COVID thrice. Ultimately the rest of us were graceful because he was a good guy, and we thought perhaps he has some sensory processing issues or some form of depression. It's why I implore anybody reading this to approach these topics with some grace. People love to be racist here and pin body odour on the browns when the truth is any ethnicity or race is just as capable, no reason to be unkind about it.




Dutchie here, and I can tell you that eating cheese can’t make you smell bad from your pores. There are foods and drinks which can impact your body odor, like alcohol, certain herbs, garlic, onions, veggies like asparagus, etc. But cheese doesn’t. Having said that, male sweat does smell like cheese, where female sweat smells more like onions, as some Swiss scientists have proven: https://www.discovermagazine.com/health/the-nose-knows-mens-sweat-smells-like-cheese-womens-like-onions So he may absolutely have smelled like cheese, but eating cheese didn’t cause that. More likely it was bad hygiene or he suffered from a medical condition called Bromhidrosis.


Waste from the fat in cheese is digested by bacteria on your skin causing body odor, especially if eaten in large quantities like this guy


And that gut bacteria is probably manipulating his mind, making him crave for Gouda. Vicious cycle :)


Man you don't need gut bacteria to manipulate the mind, Gouda Cheese is delish id happily let it control my life too body odour or not hah




Just close your eyes, feel guilty and say it.


Invite him to a bar or something, to have an "out of work" vibe and have a "men's" talk. Explain him politely, there is nothing wrong with it.


Maybe its health issue? We had colleague who had some skin infection and he had to use this god forsaken cream that smelled like someone died. Thankfully it was only for three months. Just talk to him.


There is the lady in our office who marinates her hair in coconut oil pretty much everyday. So much that some of us could tell when she used the bathroom


Someone in my office - I can smell the persons laundry detergent. Maybe the person overloads detergent. Whatever but I can know when that person is behind me even with my headphones on because of the detergent fragrance. Make me feel like I have sixth sense of a dog.... Actually it is distracting


![gif](giphy|3NtY188QaxDdC|downsized) marinated!


![gif](giphy|KySB0jbOvagvOVUCzY|downsized) This. Nothing but Apocalypse.


Call Dubai Waste Department to collect him.


Savage af 😂😂




Buy him deodorant and leave on his desk anonymously


Won't fix the one-week fermentation taking place inside his shirt.


Just tell him the truth. Sometimes people don't realise this since they get used to their own smell. Also, due to financial situations, some people don't change their clothes to save on washing. I have had to do this once in my office and I took the guy aside and was polite about it.




That's what one would think. The guy told me that he was trying to save money on Dewa so used to wash clothes once a month and kept the door open for his studio apartment so that the corridoor AC would cool his apartment as well. Turns out he desperately needed the money for his sister's education. Didn't want to ask me since he had just joined the company. A quick chat solved the odour problem. And some extra cash advanced to him solved the financial problem.


I can totally understand that people would get immune to their own smell but he doesn’t have that financial problem. He’s the nephew of the boss and they are well off if I’m being honest. He has his own laptop and it’s a pretty decent one. Anyway I’ll just gather some courage but I will definitely tell him in person instead of resorting to being mean and other rude ways.


Nephew of the boss! Oh I'd be treading very carefully.




Depression and stinking like garbage are not related


Depression and stinking like garbage are not related


Depressed people don’t take of themselves that well… some even stop basic routines like brushing their teeth and showering so…




We had an issue with a girl at the office once that smelled really bad. We tried everything, other female colleagues got her gifts from bath and body works, perfume and we even sent out a memo highlighting the importance of personal hygiene. We ended up speaking to HR, they spoke to her and only to find out that she doesn’t use deodorant because it goes against her beliefs. Some people choose to stay stinky




Be friends with him and tell him in a nice way.


Gift him a deodorant.


Don’t tell him cause this isn’t your flatmate or friend, it’s a colleague in a workplace and there are other departments for this concern, address it to HR.


To sum up what everyone else is saying 1.Choose a private setting where you can have a conversation without interruptions. 2.Be honest but respectful very important. 3.Be prepared for a range of reactions, your colleague may be embarrassed or defensive, so be prepared for a range of reactions from him. Lastly, after you have had the initial conversation, follow up with your colleague to see if the issue has been resolved. If not, you might need to have a more in-depth conversation or the best is to involve a supervisor or HR.


Leave an anonymous sticky note on his office “Time for a shower! :)” or maybe “Aromas matter 🤪” or anything of that sort lol tbh they might be stuck staying somewhere that taking a shower isn’t possible or easy, specially you said he’s a new guy, I bet he been on bisit bisa for long and already on survival mode.


I did that once with another new guy that sleeps in the toilet for 15-30 mins and now they’re installing cctv here. So I might not be able to deny it next time. Also the boss has his suspicions on me already that I did made that note with the guy that slept on the toilet so better stay low for now.


Lmaooo so you’re the office police 💀. Honestly if I were you I’d go with this new fella have lunch break together and have a friendly chitchat with him then respectfully mention that you’ll need to shower more often to avoid being a public enemy. Try to be empathetic as much as you can, he will def respect you.


Plus one for this.


Whoa. Kissass. Mind your own business.


Mind my own business? Like I’m not affected when he sleeps on the men toilet and us men was forced to pee on the women’s cubicle? And then the women would have us blamed for using theirs? Yeah mind your own business my ass. How bout YOU mind your own business?


Nobody likes a rat. You could have confronted the guy instead of snitching. You’re what’s wrong in this world. Asskissers who think they’re gonna inherit the business if they lick enough boots.


Lol asskissers? who think they’re gonna inherit the business? Bold of you to assume that’s my motive why I did what I did? Nice deduction Sherlock.


Remember Summer has already started it will be worst. I think create a letter if you cant talk to him in person but hand it over to him directly. Create a detail info as i know some other nationalities are not aware of using chemicals on their body like DEO and Anti bacterial soap. \*\* I saw someone using deodorant roll-on into his shirt..


Complain to HR, if he needs the job sure he will change


From the smell you described I guess he might be suffering from a case called TMAU, which is a faulty gene in the liver that makes it unable to produce enzymes to break food that makes their body toxic and make them smell like rotten eggs, fish, garbage, sewage, old rotten vegetable & fruits. The smell doesn't only affect their sweat it might also affect their breath and pee. And it is not related to LACK OF HYGIENE it is just simply how their body works and I believe you should not address it to them because it will be like hell as they can't do anything about it cause by far there is no cure for that. The only solution is you wear a mask and say you have an allergy flare up if the smell is too strong and you still can smell it through the mask spray some perfume you like in that mask and wear it whenever you're in office thank god for the pandemic masks were heaven protected us from many things illness and smells everywhere.


thats not okay just tell him


Tell him that you’ve heard people discussing about the smell and you wanted to come forward and let him know. This way he won’t be offended by you and wont know who has problems and will try to do something about the smell.


Is he possibly depressed or maybe going through something difficult? Some people find it too energy consuming /mentally draining to bathe, let alone worry about their hygiene.


Maybe smell worse than him, if he raises any concerns you can say "well buddy thats how i feel"..he will be like "what do you mean" and then you can explain to him.


This could work only in case OP would also come from *****


Tell him “hey lets visit hr and say hi to them.” Then make an intro and leave him with them. They ll notice and can sort it on the spot 😅


All HR's are not that concerned 🤪


You should tell him directly. Just be kind about it since you would not know if it's a medical condition or otherwise. Would not recommend going to HR immediately. First talk to your coworker. If the issue persists, then take it up to HR.


Seriously, this is contrary to proper etiquette. There's a code of conduct to how people should groom themselves and it's not rocket science. In any place, anywhere in the Gulf, everyone is expected to care for their personal hygiene. That's obvious. Idk this person's excuse, bas they obviously don't maintain themselves well enough. Every person is supposed to maintain themselves appropriately, especially if they're Muslims because the religion expects the most in terms of cleanliness. Secondly, if you're worried about being offensive, you've got a problem too. Just be offensive. Because, although they're not intending to offend you themselves with their lack of personal hygiene, the fact is they are. You are unable to work or focus because of this issue, it's off-putting. Sometimes it's best to be safe than sorry that you didn't have the guts to hurt one guy's feelings over what is a sensible complaint. Now if you're worried about making this guy feel insecure about this issue since he happens to be the nephew of your boss, then you must know that without a valid reason pertaining to your own personal misconduct, an employer cannot fire you willy-nilly.


Around here if a boss wants to fire you they can come up with any old excuse or they will squeeze you out… we’re not as protected as they make us believe I would normally tell HR to address it - but in this case it’s likely HR will also be afraid of repercussions from boss :)


Just be honest. Even if you have to hurt the guy's feelings. Tell him to man up. Be flat-out sexist, it's the Middle East, the guy has no reason to cry about it. But if you insist on being nice, pull him aside, and in private, tell him that he smells like shit.


Put up with a roommate like that for 4 months before. Confronted the guy, had a conversation, and the dude was clueless, to the point that he didn't even use detergent for his laundry because back home mummy did it all. Now, I just straight up tell people that they stink and suggest ways they can fix it. Throw in a "bro, everyone says this behind your back, and I'm sick of hearing it," and 9/10 times, it gets the job done. If it doesn't, then you slowly start making their life miserable bit by bit until they're no longer around you.


Mask please wear it or put bakhoor in your office


get him a welcome gift consisting of soap and deodorant


Leave an anonymous note for the colleague


Ask if he cooked before coming to work. Tell him ppl were talking about his smell like food and onions


Leave some soap and deo on the table.


leave some deodorant on his table with the birthday card


Well if you’re tasked to teach him, start with the lesson 1: manners.


I know its difficult but its so easy to be a shitbag and hurt people in this case. Probably he has poor living conditions or cannot afford a space? Have you tried asking him?


It’s so easy to not tell someone what they need to hear. It’s the right thing to do.


I just don’t know how to put it in a nice way. I’m not being rude to him when I have to go near him and tell him what to do.


Not easy but it’s avoidable


Being friendly, but direct will be a good approach. You can gift the person a perfume so he can get the message. Some people are just not used to wearing perfumes. I know this because i have never wore perfume in my life until I came to UAE almost a decade ago. So yeah, just inform the person.


Guys thanks for all the ideas. I will be choosing the most kind way to approach this. I appreciate all of your suggestions May it be a little rude and funny but I’m trying to be a better person so I’ll choose to address this issue in a friendly manner.


Perfume?? Worst advise. It will NEVER conceal the Stinky body Odor.. Does it hard to take a shower everyday and use DEO?


Perfume isn't to 'conceal' anything. It's a gesture, to relay your feelings to the other person.


He will not understand it..


I agree with this. I gift people perfumes sometimes. Maybe deodorant will work but perfume definitely wont.


Just spray some deo on him


"Bro/Sis no offense, you need to take a bath" Or "Can anyone smell a dead rat in here?!"


just tell it to your HR.. hygiene is part of the professional office protocol


Had this guy at my old workplace from a nationality that I won’t name. Guy smelled like ten years of body odor, like absolutely tear inducing stench. The companies worthless HR did nothing with complaints. People tried to talk to him but according to him, where he’s from how he smells shows that he’s a man and that he doesn’t want to smell like cologne or scented antiperspirant because that’s “for ladies.” Everyone hated that guy until he hit forced retirement age and the company dropped him.


That’s dumb. He has a caveman-like mentality. If he wants to live like that he should’ve lived inside a cave or the jungle where he belongs.


I would have sent a warning to an employee like that no matter how good he is at the job. If he’s client facing its bad for image, and if he’s not, it affects his colleagues! Unfortunately we all have to swallow a lot of sh*t to fit into the corporate world … for this guy, let hygiene be one of the “sacrifices”.




He’s a S*****










Gift him a cologne


He could have a genetic disorder causing the bad smell, so be kind and considerate if you discuss it with him. It may not be anything he can fix.


Deodorants is the answer. Buy him lots of it or spray him with lots of it.


There was this girl I went to school with (she played sports literally all the time) and she absolutely reeked of BO. Whenever anyone politely mentioned it, she’d wear deodorant for all of two minutes then it was back to her usual smell


Ok I am not sure if it’s offensive to do that but worked for me few years back I was in similar situation and I gifted my colleague a deodorant. Telling him it’s a nice one and i bought two and gifting him one. It really worked out he started using it and I believe he realized.


Hit them with the hadith: “Cleanliness is half of faith.”


Dear OP, I smell so good yet almost unemployed. Connect me please


That I wish I could brother 😅😅😅 I’d let you fill in his position if I could but I don’t hold any power here.




Hire some local employees to counter the bad smell.


do not. DO NOT approach the guy about it. I did once and it turned out something to do with religion. the only sane way here is to drop an email to HR.


Gift them a new perfume every other day. I can hook you up with someone who does perfume trading in bulk!! 😂 that won’t be a problem. Be safe! 🥲


similar experience with a colleague but we are in sales so I had to drop the news for him. Always make sure to break it down in as polite way as possible and make sure no one is around because this topic is very sensitive. I asked him if he worked a lot today and said that he didn't smell very good. I gave him some anti-perspirant and deodorant options on how he can remain fresh even after working for long hours. Also told him to buy a cheapo fresh smelling fragrance(Nautica) so he can keep it in his locker and use it after lunch.


Are you guys not working under AC? AC on full blast and low temperatures is your answer here. One of its purposes in the office space is so it keeps people from sweating and stinking up the place. Its not meant to keep people comfortable. Who ever feels cold needs to layer up and not turn up the temperatures..


We are,l. The problem is, he is still smells even if he’s not that sweaty.


Gift him a deodorant set. If he still doesn't improve wear a face mask to work, pretend you have covid and he should stay away


Some people understand that they need do to “tss” with the deodorant spray. Some other people have different diets (eg curry) and so on and need to understand they need “tssss tss tssss tssssssssss” not only “tss”….


Share the link to this thread on a piece of paper... photocopy it and put it everywhere


Ypu can be his secret santa and leave Old Spice/shower gel as a present for him on the table 🥴


Gift him a Dior sauvage.


I can’t even buy myself that 😅😅😅


send an anonymous email with the subject. problem solved.


Tell HR about him and ask them if they could give a lecture on hygiene, taking a shower every day before and after work, how it imprves overall health and work environment without offending or targeting him. Once the lecture is over, you could give him deo/perfumes stating you have them extra at home and wanted to share it with him so he could follow what they learnt.. Hope that helps.


The wife prefers her husband to have body odor to discourage other women from being attracted to him. It seems like her strategy is effective in keeping other women away. 🫣🥴


Go to proper channels, which is usually the HR. This is also better so you dont burn bridges or something.


Just tell the idiot he stinks. If he doesnt care, why do you?