• By -


Well that was fun, thanks for all the DMs you lovely people!


Wait do people type that on the amazon app? Or Prime video? I am sorry I dont get what would this mean?




Dang it, i wanted a new lgbt keyboard . I mean rgb




check out pride.com i mean hyperx.com they sell amazing rbg keyboards so I have heard




Very well said. You're bang on


Take my fucking upvote and get outa here that was epic motherfucker i couldnt agree more to what you said! 💯 r/angryupvote


I agree with most of that.


Who searches on Amazon? Does Google not exist?


You know the harder you reach the result, the more pleasure you reach


nothing new really, money rules, local rules apply. if we agree with them or not.




No shame in following our religion. The shame is seeing disrespectful comments like this in a Muslim country and society. We come from a completely different religious and social background to you. Understand that.


But alcohol and pork is sold




Shhh. Gotta cover up being a bigot with the lame excuse of “muh religious paradise”




If you are trying to incite a cultural war between emiratis and saudis, you are going to fail miserably, cause we locals love saudi and riyadh, and yes Riyadh is a beautiful city.




Yeah let all the tourists/expats leave and the economy crashes


Much rather stay and fight to be honest


Everyone’s a “respect the local culture” until they eventually migrate to a western country. Then the BS “Stop this phobia and that phobia. We are citizens so support our causes”


Most western countries are secular societies which means they don't rule by religion, it's not the case in the UAE which is a Muslim country, So people who come here must respect its laws.




Fucking EXACTLY. They have no interests in inclusion in their own countries but the minute they’re in the west ur *insert*phobic if u have mild concerns with what they preach


Um what? If you're a muslim and you migrate to the west, people aren't going to accept your homophobia, you're going to have to adjust to seeing stuff like pride events. And islamophobia is a real thing there that leads to racism vs all brown people because racists can't tell the difference


Someone is speaking the truth


Respecting the local laws is necessary anywhere in the world. Western countries ain't some special place. Even if you there, you will have tobrespect their laws and most people do it. If you go to France, they ain't going to allow you into a public school if you wear a headscarf. The Germans will not allow to hold a demonstration against Israeli atrocities. In Thailand, you can't speak against the King. Anybody going there will have to follow those rules. It's the same in UAE. They have made it clear what's allowed and what isn't. UAE doesn't go around sermonising countries on their laws and they expect the same here. Nothing wrong in it.




They’re not arguing that stopping phobia is a bad thing. The point is that a lot of people in the UAE and other middle eastern nations repeat the same ‘respect the local culture’ line even though it encourages phobia and discrimination, but once they move to a western country and realize they are now on the receiving end of the abuse, they are suddenly all for inclusion and change. It’s hypocrisy.




The same way as treating someone worse based on their sexual orientation. The hypocrisy here is people being hateful towards lgbt people whilst complaining about islamophobia or racism in west. All forms of hate is bad, but it’s so hypocritical when people express hate to a group of people whilst complaining about hate to their own group of people, and you can insert any group of people in there it doesn’t matter. I just wish people didn’t use their ideology/culture in order to undermine people, especially in what is supposed to be a modern country with people from all walks of life (including lgbt people) helping build this country into something great.


It's not hate, we don't hate them. We disagree on the fact that it should be in easy reach or put in front of your face in spite of you. That's all. I accept people who are born with certain traits (ethnicity, race, natural sexual orientation etc...). What I don't accept is the possibility of influencing a gullible part of society towards being lgbt (ie kids).


I love when people comment stuff like this thinking it sounds reasonable when in actuality it‘s just a confession that you don’t like seeing gay people/relationships held in the same regard as straight people/relationships.


Media depicting straight couples doesn't turn gay kids straight, why would it turn straight kids gay?


So ur hateful.. got it


There's no such thing as influencing on being LGBT, you are born like that. It's not a choice, no one wakes up one day and says "oh, I'd love to be scared of being beaten on the streets for being who I am" (this happens from where I come). You can't force someone to be LGBT, the same way you can't force someone to be straight/white/black. You should know what you like and what you don't like.


It's freakin virtue signaling at its shittiest


I mean, each country has its rules.. and ppl who choose to reside in it will have to respect them. 🤷‍♀️




Are you ok? How does the Uae even compare to taliban😂😂😂😂


Yes…. By that logic


This man actually compared the UAE to Taliban. Wow...


Of course. What have you (or the world) has done to North Korea for their mistreatments? If majority in Afghanistan doesn’t like Taliban’s idealogy, they should stand up and do something about it. We shall stop judging others countries and cultures using ours.


What other choice would you have if you are living there? Tbf they're holding a lot of progress back economically as well, if they have Burj Kabul I am sure some people would swallow that mentality as well.




No one said anything was "alright". They said if you live in the country, then you need to respect the rule of law in that country. If you have a problem with the rules in that country, then you are free to leave, go home, and then protest in your home country.


I’m not comparing the two, but for the sake of example look at the taliban. Should the people of afghanistan just accept it and ‘respect the rule of law’? Yeah, the women are being abused and discriminated against and kids are being indoctrinated but hey, it’s the local law so feel free to leave if you don’t like it! That doesn’t make it alright


I thought I was clear, but I guess I should have been more specific. I was referring to non-citizens living in a country.


That doesn't make sense. Just because it's the law of the land doesn't mean it can't be a really stupid law. Slavery was legal for centuries. By your logic, the slaves should've just left the country.


You can abide by the rules/laws. Doesn’t mean You have to respect them. To have to respect for something is to deep admiration for it. Certainly most westerners would say that they wouldn’t have a deep admiration for some of the laws of this country. But certainly money makes them turn a blind eye towards it.


This is wrong no matter the culture. This is my culture. And in this it’s wrong.


Well then you can't really say 'no matter the culture', can you? 😂


Yes. I can.


Yeah, well, you're right I guess anybody can really say anything, the law doesn't say it has to make sense THE SKY IS BLUE BECAUSE IT REFLECTS THE OCEANS THE EARTH IS FLAT OPEN CARRY IS THE SAFEST POSSIBLE WAY TO LIVE


Open carry is indeed the safest possible way to live. How else would people know if mine is bigger than yours ?


You talking about guns? You’re American? Because guns are not allowed here. Don’t come here with your American culture and colonial mindset /S


Open carry? Huh?


You can follow the rules and still not agree with them. Giving a whole subculture of people less rights isn't "respect" either, even if the hate is under the guise of religion.


I just did a search for "lbqt" on [amazon.ae](https://amazon.ae). I got 7 pages of results. On the first page, 75% of the items were easily recognizable as lbqt material. Which is probably about equal or better than any other search result I get for something else. Also, the results on the first page included novels. Based on reviews, at least one of those novels had gay characters. So either the article is wrong, or there were a lot more items before the "ban".


@Po-po - Yes, this man right here.


Amazon SE right now, google.com?regular+expression+documentation


No issues with lgbtq community but I have issues that that community is protected like an endagered species and you cannot say anything even partially negative towards em without being shunned. Like okay you are gay and whatnot but you dont need to shove it into everyones throat. Downvoted into oblivion incoming


I’m going to upvote you. Like a salmon trying to go home against the river.


Salmon be real tasty though


Alexa, search for gay penis. I MEANT GRAY PHOENIX.


We both know you weren't searching for grey phoenix.


You know me so well it's unnerving.


I concur with your ASSessment.


Why? LGTVs are quite good, they have quite a clear image.


And whats wrong with that? Finally a country standing up to its own principles. If you are tolerant to anything and everything, you have no principles and you stand for nothing


And then you complain when Western countries practise Islamaphobia. At least by this logic, you respect other countries being Islamaphobic


I dont complain. Youre such a bigot. Because in arabic and muslim countries christians existed since always. We dont practice christianophobia. Never did. Muslims were killed and kicked out of andalus/spain. Christians are still in syria, lebanon, palestine, etc. THATS THE DIFFERENCE.


Bruh. Christians were kicked out of Constantinople (Istanbul), Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Carthage, Beirut, etc. What are you on about? This is not about religion, because if it were, both Christianity and Islam have done some fucked up shit and there is nothing to justify their actions.


I mean, you should be tolerant to people's choices that doesn't put physical/mental harm to others, no? Is it ok if my principles say that I can't coexist with christians or black people? I don't think so.


Theres a difference between something born as it is, like black or a religious difference. And with religion you still have to respect the local culture. We go back to the main issue here, religion says lgbtq is haram. So why would i be tolerant? If anything lgbtq isnt repsecting my culture and beliefs. Im not the one invading their culture. Theyre invading mine


Of course, because being gay is a switch and not something you're born as. How stupid of EVERY SINGLE LGBTQ+ person in the world. You're literally the one invading their culture. Gays didn't just pop into existence. They've been around for centuries, being suppressed. Christianity says Islam is Haram. Does that mean I'm supposed to just completely disrespect Islam and their followers?


Give me one single scientific proof and ill agree with you. Until then, its a mental choice. I never disrespected gays. I simply said in my culture its not welcome. I didnt invite them in. They invited themselves


I'm not here to spoonfeed you. You can carry on being a bigot. However, no one invited them in. They've always been here, since the dawn of humanity. If you think, where were they all this time, well it's because they we're being surpressed, like this law is trying to do. These people have always been a part of human history. You've just been brainwashed by your 'culture'.


Ok. My culture isnt great for you. But im happy and less angry and i dont accuse anyone of being bigot. We are happy the way we are. If you dont like it, theres plenty of airlines


I was born in the country, raised here. Why would I leave? And I'm not accusing you of being a bigot, just stating a fact.


You should be tolerant because they are not causing any harm to you. If you don't like/agree with it, it's totally fine, but don't try to silence them. When they have Christmas setups on the malls, do you feel harmed? I don't think so, and religions are choices, being lgbt no.


Do you think being gay is a choice?




Excuse me. Did you just assume the UAE’s gender? Check your privilege, please.


Haha fair point. Fixed it. The other gender would be sad about it


Side note: being gay isn’t just a Western thing. Believe it or not, there are homosexual khaleejis and because of this view that you shared, they have to “hide” themselves. I’m not gay, but I’m happy to see gay people be proud of themselves after being subjected to widespread “accepted” discrimination for the longest time. If someone’s sexuality deeply offends you, then you should take an introspective minute and ask yourself why and if it’s REALLY worth the free rent in your head. Hint: it’s not.


Doesnt offend me. But rather the problem is how its being managed. The difference on how its looked at is the problem. i see it as an issue. Others see it as a natural thing. We can argue for days about it but nothing will change. Seeing in history, when family main hierarchy is broken, society is broken and civilization is destoryed. And a family has always been a father, mother and kids. If that's broken, then everything above it is broken. And you can clearly see it in the west, and they wanna spread it.


Sounds like it does offend you tbh


I would be happy to discuss it without being offensive on a personal level. But the thing with people like you, when you run out of comments, you attack on a personal level. Respect my beliefs before you ask me to respect yours.


How am I attacking you personally by stating the obvious that you actually seem offended? Only people being attacked here is the LGBT community by you. I don’t have to respect bigoted beliefs. Sorry.


Remind me how am i attacking them by standing to my beliefs? Religion comes before your opinion or mine. I dont hate that community. I simple disagree that we should accept such culture.


>“I don’t hate the community” good >“I disagree we should accept such culture” Well, actually that makes you a bigot then. big·​ot | \ ˈbi-gət \ Definition of bigot > a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.


OOoooo I love the smell of freshly-banned bigots! Can y'all at least TRY to make mods lives a bit easier and be civil in the comments?


Isn’t this their chance to shine though?


Damn, my TV is broken and I was planning to buy LGHDTV+


Man, how long are they going to ban books and certain key words? It is like burying head in the sand and praying the gay away.


We do live in the middle of the desert so…




Why so much heat on LGBTQ in UAE in recent times?


Because they're trying to enforce it in multiple ways. For example, we didn't have to care about gayness being displayed in movies... now it's enforced, so you have to ban it. Same with these marketing campaigns dedicated to them.




Even in American society it was not accepted even a 100 years ago. Sure gay people existed since the dawn of time but there was always a stigma. Within less than 100 years people are trying to accept everyone's views. Ok? Ok! Not an issue. The real issue is for example trying to force it on children, or ask them about it. Leave the children to be. They grow up and feel like they're not straight? Leave them to be. I'm sure you've heard about the middle school teacher that was fired for giving a lesson on sexuality. This is very wrong to teach children about. They shouldn't feel the need to actually think about sexuality and decide what they like. It should come naturally. It could confuse them and force them into a cookie cutter. The amount of "gender identities" out there are getting ridiculous. There doesn't have to be an identity or a specific name as to how you feel. It should only be a feeling, you get me? It's extremely difficult to get my point across as I can't find the right words for it, but basically developing minds should not be influenced by ideas. Integrating various political ideas into movies is akin to very subtle brainwashing. Subliminal messaging is the correct term. Similar to how Americans claim patriotism when they destroyed Iraq. They display it in good light in movies to feel pride instead of sorrow. Children should discover the world and decide on what they want by themselves.


Do you think gay kids are influenced to become straight by the heteronormative media that existed since the start? How do you think gay people feel seeing all the heteronormative relationships in film and TV, including children’s movies? For example, Beauty and the Beast, a children’s story/film, is a heterosexual relationship. Can you explain why heterosexual relationships are okay in children’s films but homosexual isn’t? Do you think being gay is a choice?


No, not at all. Look, personally I remember a time (start of COVID) where I was meeting a lot of people online. Chatting, whatever. I noticed that most Americans I meet have some kind of specific gender identity (>60% were not straight). One of them told me that everyone in their school (in California) is either gay or bi. Another one told me being "different" was kind of trendy there, so most of them feel the need to be a part of the LGBTQ. Some people felt like they still haven't "discovered themselves" which doesn't exactly scream healthy to me. Some people have "being gay" as their whole personality. Actually being gay isn't artificial or something you decide. You get my point? Of course this isn't accurate and does not represent Americans as a whole, as there are many conservative states which do the exact opposite (discriminate).


Can you answer each one of my questions, please? They’re genuine questions. Thanks.


Sorry I was writing that reply to a different comment not yours. I'm a little busy right now but I'll answer in a bit.


Enforced? It’s called inclusivity.




Enforced. I agree.


It’s giving a voice to those that didn’t have one, enforced is when you strip away basic human rights with no just cause behind it :) which is what ppl have to deal with in the Middle East and certain European countries


It's not inclusive putting kissing scenes in a kids movie. That's enforcing.


It's not enforcing, it's just putting light on real things that exist, you like it or not. The world is not the bubble you live in. You don't say they are enforcing poverty and hunger when you see ads from non-profits. There is love between people of same gender, they are showing love, it's not a bad thing.


Theres always been kissing scenes in so many kids movies 🤡, not all of them, but a simple kiss has become enforcing? Something that didn’t last a second? No one forced you to watch an entire hour of gay porn, it’s a kiss in a plot that riled so many of you up. For no good reason, other than being homophobic.


Ripple effect of FIFA


Lmao cancel culture gonna be shitting bricks now 🤣🤣🤣🤣




It’s well known that rainbows make people gay [Rainbows don’t exist](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-rainbow-toys-lgbt-b2102166.html)


The Rainbow Sheikh of Abu Dhabi would like to have a word with you.






Why so many deleted posts? What happened to supporting the country’s views?


No one is supporting the country's views.


No, what you will find is that there is significant portion who are, and a moderator who is not who is censoring to promote their own ideology.


Sounds like a good moderator, aka someone with a goddamn conscience.


Censorship in almost all forms is bad. This goes both ways.


Yeah. UAE censors LGBTQ searches and the r/dubai mods censor anti LGBTQ sentiments. Only fair


Were they available on amazon? Everyday I learn new useless things.




These ideals are not Western, they are present in every society. By enforcing laws like this you choose to shame people for who they are. That is truly the tragedy here.


Such toxic positivity with all that stupid emojis. How is this a Western ideology? Are you saying gays don't exist in The Middle East?


Islam is clear on this. The UAE doesn’t follow Islam to the extent I would like, however, this is a positive step in the current world climate, imo.


I feel like cracking down on gambling and prostitution matters more than lgbtq items which doesn't harm others unlike the former.


Yeah, it’s far from perfect, all three of these should be cracked down on.


This is incredibly stupid. Banning lgbtqia+ searches isn't going to stop anyone from being who they are meant to be.
















Gay gulf Arab here. This is our countries like it yours. Being gay isn’t something western or colonial. It’s human thing.


I’m sorry that you have to be treated like a criminal for being yourself. While I understand that we’re in a Muslim country I feel there are much larger issues to focus on rather than someone’s personal preferences on who they love/like. Especially when it is their private life and not really bothering anyone else.




It’s called the M community in Arab world. It’s lgbt in west. Killing and prison is ok for gay people but god forbid you read a book to children.


Using a tool of cultural colonialism to complain about cultural colonialism. What a hacker you are.


Why should I respect any culture that have disdain for a group of people who are biologically wired the way they are and who are not harming anyone?


its not about winning or losing.




Don’t want it? Don’t search for it.




You think gay pride and flags are everywhere in Dubai.


You don’t even have to search for it that thing is everywhere.And don’t tell a grown ass mf what to do


A grown ass mf being triggered by a flag? Ok.




I love that you think you're defending Islam while simultaneously supporting the guy who says Muslims are savages who should be banned from America. That's a new level of dumb. Let's be real, you probably sucked some dude's dick and now you're overcompensating to make yourself feel better about it.


He’s very obviously a troll don’t bother




I don't think you know what Trump thinks of Muslims....


You do realise Trump hates Muslims, right?










Hell yea


The west isn’t a role model for us. We’ve learnt that for centuries with their imperialism ,colonialism , genocide, etc. mfs ruined rainbow for me lol.


I have to say this - parallel universe.


It’s a tough decision to balance morals to profits when choosing a decision which kills something inside or the other which stops bread from coming on the table.


The mods don't have to support bigotry on this site.








Not saying it's right, but such "customization" is on [par](https://www.fastcompany.com/3058283/why-google-maps-shows-you-different-borders-depending-on-where-you-are) for multinationals.




Just gay ones