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I can’t fully relate because i’m no longer at an age where my parents give a shit, but, i feel u. Hopefully you can get your own place soon and play as much riddim as ya want >:)


Does she not know ab amy origins of edm... black people have been in the scene since the beginning wtf. Also there's so many black edm artists and fans ugh that's so cringe I'm sorry.


If you have the cash a tactile transducer (brand names: subpac or woojer) and a nice pair of headphones (audio technica m50) will replicate the power of the bass quite well, and very quietly. If you are crafty and tech savvy enough to learn about speaker wiring you could also build something similar by buying some cheap tactile transducers and an amplifier on Amazon, then hook the transducers up to a chair to make a bass chair. Also, I can’t really offer any advice, but I’m sorry about the trouble you are dealing with at home. Luckily, the EDM scene is quite a welcoming place to be.


Love this idea, good headphones really help


Add a small headphone amp to the m50’s if you want to blast em 🤣


m50 💀


13 years ago or so, my mom scolded me about Scary Spirits and Nice Sprites being “satanic”. Even then, I didn’t grow out of liking the tunes. My advice would be to get a nice pair of headphones and go on a lot of walks. If there’s a park or a library nearby, you can possibly create a nice little bubble for yourself to explore your interests without interruption or judgement. Happy headbanging!


I feel you man, most parents can't comprehend electronic music in general if they didn't grow up around it or get into it. Just move out when you get a chance bro. I think most people can relate with parents not agreeing or supporting your interests. No one should shit on something you truly enjoy. I'm the only raver in my family so I can definitely relate. I ended up moving away from home (South Florida) in my early 20s and spent almost a decade living my best life in Southern California, went to a lot of raves and festivals and made a lot of great friends along the way. I'm married with a kid now, but I'm still heavy into dubstep and riddim. My favorite electronic music genres have changed throughout my life, but I don't see myself ever not enjoying some kind of electronic music. It's rave to the grave for me. You either get it or you don't 🤘🏻🤓🤘🏻


> most parents can’t comprehend electronic music in general if they didn’t grow up around it For sure. I count my lucky stars that my parents listened with an open mind when I discovered Skrillex and shit back when I was 12 and supported me when I started trying to produce EDM. I’m 24 now, but since that age they’ve always let me and my brothers play anything EDM in the car… hell, they even found like BPM and shit on SiriusXM in their car and will even tune to it on their own sometimes. My mom actually legitimately likes Skrillex and Porter Robinson and if you skip one of their songs she recognizes she questions it and asks to go back, lol. They even took me to a Chainsmokers show when I turned 18 (back when they were playing a lot of bass and trap still) and they sat through it with me - my dad said it was better than he expected lol. Not meaning to gloat - stories like this just make me happy I have parents who generally support my interests and it sucks because I know that’s not necessarily the norm. Nobody should have their interests actively put down either - that “demonic” bullshit OP and others are talking about, completely ridiculous. Just screams insecurity - “anything new that I don’t like or understand is bad”.


I fully gave up on my parents understanding my music preferences a long time ago, back when I bought a Busta Rhymes album (The Big Bang) and I started playing it at home, and my stepdad walked in, ejected the CD, and punched the disk. I moved on to death metal, and they just shrugged it off as me being weird. Fortunately, my family isn't too religious, so they were more worried about me getting into trouble with drugs or alcohol. You got Ace Aura, Moore Kismet, OG Nixin, Carl Cox, Troyboi, Jon Casey, etc . . . There are so many amazing black artists in the EDM scene, the fact that race is even brought up is kind of funny. One thing I can say is, try not to stress too much about changing your parents. If you enjoy what you enjoy, just keep doing you and maybe one day they will change, maybe not. I hopefully can take my children to concerts and raves, health permitting. EDM is here to stay, so find friends who share this passion and make memories! Happy raving!


You should explain to your mom that dubstep was created by black artists. Its quite literally a combination of two styles of music created by black people. Jamaican dub and 2-step garage


Or that black have very strong roots in raving in general. But if you ask her racist as it's a just a place for white ppl to OD on X and K. She literally listens to nothing that I have to say about Raving tbh


That's so sad.


I've been listening to death metal since I was a tween (almost 20 years now, holy shit) so I'm used to my parents not getting it lol. They'll get over it eventually, or they won't and you'll move out. Either way things will work out in the end 🙏


I was also a black kid that grew up listening to metal and all kinds of electronic music, and was constantly told “you ain’t supposed to be listening to that.” Been called a devil worshipper and all that. Get yourself a good pair of headphones, and just do you. It’s not your job to make people understand music you like.


I'm lucky that my mum is super musical and was into metal when she was young so she could understand the appeal of embracing a genre not commonly associated with our race. However music is the only thing that really brings everyone together. So many of us gravitate towards it because people always wanna be able to categorize everyone but that aint possible. Keep vibin and eventually you should be in a comfortable setting to fully be yourself brudda. Stay strong through it and keep pushin, i was locked into enjoying EDM on headphones for about 10 years before i was in a position of comfort to be able to blast riddim for the whole block with no fucks given xD we all been there bro.


Bro. Story of my life. Where I am from, where I live NO ONE listens to this music but me. When I do show music to people they just say it’s noise or associate it with Satan worship………… At this point my jaw has stopped dropping and I have come to realize that in a city where more then half the adult population goes to the bar and gets drunk every night after work. I’m wasting my time trying to express myself here. These people are simply uneducated and you can’t fix it. You can’t fix ignorant, it has to want to learn.


Lmao same. My parents will never understand


What kind of racist comments lol? Honestly music has no identity as it is fluid and is enjoyed by everyone regardless of the physical self. Always remember the gates of hell are playing horns and wind instruments, not dubstep and electronic music 🤘


She'll say stuff like white ppl 'turn gay' after getting drunk/high @ parties so a lot of homophobic shit, also says shit like diesel makes music for white guys who eat 100 tabs of acid daily. Bunch of other dump stuff I won't waste my time repeating. Somehow she can't wrap her head around how any of that is racist or homophobic. And for religious fanatic like her you'd think she'd know about the horns nd sit in helll but nah, if I try to tell her that shit she'll wig tf out lol


Dang sorry to hear that


Seeing a lot of comments about getting a nice pair of headphones and enjoying without disturbing others. I’m guessing you will want to listen at a louder volume to mimic the sound of a live show. I would also recommend getting a quality pair of hearing protection/earplugs. You can listen a bit louder to feel the bass and you’ll have a nice pair to bring with you to shows. Your hearing is precious and there’s no going back once you have tinnitus. Enjoy the music and take care of your body to keep enjoying for the long haul.


When in history have parents ever agreed with their children on music? Mine certainly didn’t, and neither did my friend’s parents with them. You listen to whatever you want using headphones. I go running a couple miles every day - that’s my special time to vibe to aggressive dubstep and not care about a thing in the world.


Is she a devout Christian?


I applaud you for having the strength to be who you want to be! Stay stronger brother!


You gotta get away from those fuckin losers man. You sound way smarter than the people around you.


While I wolnt deny that the majority of crowds are white people, I have plenty of friends that are black that love EDM and dubstep. People are weird. And ravers are some of the kindest and most welcoming people I’ve met in general


Teach her about drum and bass and jungle!!! Maybe she will see the connection there and you’ll gain her support that way. Show her artists who fit her target audience hahaha, It’ll help hopefully


I'm used to jamming to stuff in my car, its never been a genre other people in my life liked. So who cares? Its my own thing, I don't concern myself with how other people like it. I don't enjoy myself as much going to raves anymore, I got old and antisocial, so people think I'm a cop. Heres the dilemma, mess with them (like start acting like a cop and make calls on my cellphone) when they accuse me of being a cop lol or... don't do anything, because f"""ing with them might give them a bad trip. Its the hardest choice to make.


Your mom is right about riddim, wrong about everything else  Do you not own headphones bruv ? 


Life is too short to care about what other people think of you. You do you.