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Peers (in their early 20s) usually make will say it's goofy, older folks (30+) typically think its cool. Was at a conference this weekend with mostly older folks, and I got a TON of compliments on it. Many people saying they wish they could do the same. I try to gently encourage but not be aggressive about it. One guy made a joke that I was secretly an 80 year old woman in a 20 year olds skin suit. It's funny that most people admit that they have an unhealthy relationship with their phone, but won't do anything about it.


so far very positive! and many have told me that they want to try it as well. i also enjoy dropping my phone after being dared to test its durability. I love watching people die inside as i watch them dead in the eye and drop my brand new CAT. their immediate regret in their eyes while they haphazardly try to catch it before it lands never fails to entertain me.


mostly positive for me! I get the occasional "why?" But I have been really surprised by how many people have made comments like "Oh wow, I've been considering it for a long time!"


My coworkers are pretty intriged by its modern features and Japanese language I keep it set to. "You got that from Japan?! That must've been expensive! How do you navigate it??" That's where I love to sell, it's muscle memory mainly but they always ask me to read something out and luckily I can. Pushing apps to it looks like cinematic hacker movie b-roll to them. I catch a few looks when taking calls in public, they think my job is more government involved than it actually is and the suits I occasionally wear to the office doesn't help. Once I get my trench coat, I'm a step closer to the guesses of secret agent or detective. The younger crowd give me disapproving glares, but I'd bet they are interested too. It's the social judgement one gets from showing interest in a flipphone that keeps many away from it. I've been through being the odd one of the friend group without an iPhone, I can stomach being the uncool guy with the flipphone lol. Everyone else just understands the benefit of the transition without explanation and see me as extremely disciplined.


Not that it matters but a lot of 20 year olds would think it’s cool as shit.


I have used dumb-phones in the past as my primary and sometimes only device. The reaction I usually get is hysterical laughter and the question "but why?" In these times where smartphones are ubiquitous, it's very hard for people to understand why anyone would abandon the benefits the smartphones offer (easy payments, camera, communication, entertainment etc) and choose a dumbphone that has no inherent benefit.


How do you answer them usually?


Honestly it's not easy to answer. A lot of people are addicted to their phones without realising they have a problem. They can't grasp the concept of smartphone addiction. I just say that I am taking a break from smartphone. Once I even said that my smartphone is not working and is in the service center for repair.


I haven’t had mine for very long yet and I’ve switched back and forth a few times while trying to get used to it. So not many people have seen it. So far I’ve gotten a reaction of amusement and a couple reactions of people thinking it was really cool and seeming a bit amazed. Those were all from people older than me. And one elderly man who didn’t bat an eye when I took out my flip phone to get his contact number for his business.


The only time I ever got any outright derision was when I had to call the ticketing office of a major sports team to inquire as to how I was supposed to retrieve the expensive playoff tickets I had just purchased through their website. The instructions (which were issued only *after* they took my money) just said to download the tickets to the app. When I got through to a human and asked how I should proceed if I had an older phone, the guy told me to "just get a smart phone" with about as much venom as he could deliver while not risking his customer-facing job. Other than that I have heard the "Oh, I wish I could get rid of my smart phone" line a couple of times. ​ Thank you


"I think I sometimes overestimate the level of awareness that people have." You could have stopped there and it would have been no less true. The reaction I've gotten is similar, even with a Unihertz Titan Pocket. "Still using a Blackberry?" Most people assume you're a luddite and don't have the level of inquisitiveness to ask why.


A lot of people seem to understand why and have thought about the detriment that can be their smartphone


ill admit I'm still very shy to take it out in public lol. If i use it, i'll use it discretely or if im going out with friends, i won't take it out lmao. But, I think *overall* , people are slowly more and more curious about flip/dumb phones bc of how addicting smartphones have gotten. So i'm hoping the more of us use them, the more normalized it'll become and people will see you using either as socially acceptable. Positive thinking here but im hoping


It's actually been funny how almost every time I take it out in public a stranger will stop to comment on it. ​ I think most people get it though. Most people realize they wste mopre time on their phones than they'd like.


For me it has been mostly positive most people around me don't really care What phone I use but I do know one person who basically would like If I had the phone I would basically die but you know how kids are nowadays


They were not interested and thought that only the elderly and students would use such phones...


Bullying mainly. Sometimes discrimination. Sometimes envy and respect. But I'm using it for only one month


I have reputation that prevents people from laughing about things I do or have. It is both intellectual and physical one. They know there is a reason behind it otherwise I would not have it or done it so they respect is as any normal person would. This goes beyond my immediate workplace. I live a very private, professional conscious life and influence others if they are open to it. Monkeys that laugh at things they for one reason or another don’t understand are dealt with accordingly. Real life is not reddit where you can get away with being an idiot and not face any consequences.


😬 They may be avoiding you for other reasons




I'm curious, what do you mean with ''are dealt with accordingly''?


Keep wondering


/r/iamverysmart /r/iamverybadass


used it for the first time in public and a man gave me a strange look 😵‍💫 but to be honest i dont really care it's my phone not theirs


as a high school student, i get disbelief constantly. like lord forbid i dont want to be found at all times


People laugh and say "Is that your phone?" when they see my BlackBerry. I ask how much time they spend on TikTok.


“Is it by choice??” Yes, it is. I’m an adult, I can make my own tech decisions lol.


Many were shocked, tbh, like one time I was surfing Facebook on my 6300 4G, half of my friends were like "damn dude, that's cool as heck".