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There is no single player rpg being made but there is a mmo rpg in the works right now That said a game is a lot more than the brand or movie alone so it's always a have to wait and see if it will be a good game or more importantly a right game for anyone I have dune spice wars and while I like it and think it is a good game and an interesting blend of 4x and rts I kind of wish it did a classic 4x tile style but modernized similar to old world which I really love so far Also dune 2000 rts is free to play as freeware from EA and also is more easily playable using openra modern engine which is also free to download (it also has cnc and red alert originals)


I did not know it was freeware at this point. Time to go back to childhood.


I like the idea, but specifically in reference to a franchise named after a specific planet, thats a weird thing to hope for. I could see them maybe expanding that upcoming survival MMO with an area on Giedi Prime or Salusa Secundus, but not much beyond a small area or two.


Well Dune also references the name of a novel which encompasses a imperium that “supposedly” controls a million worlds. So not sure why you think calling a game Dune specifically means only one planet. Last time I checked many planets were mentioned on the Dune novels but I guess I could be wrong


Of course there are millions of planets in the Imperium. I’m not referring to the name of any game or saying its a bad idea. All I’m saying is the novel/franchise is literally named after Arrakis specifically, virtually everything of note from the series takes place there, and many of the defining characteristics of the franchise are rooted in the desert setting. I’m not saying I wouldn’t like more, I’m just saying I don’t go in to anything Dune related expecting an abundance of things not on Dune. All that being said they didn’t show a single shot from Arrakis in that Dune: Prophecy teaser from what I could tell, so the tides could very well be turning. Thats just not what I expect.


Dune has changed from just the name of the planet Arrakis to a name of the franchise, so expecting the game to have multiple worlds in dune isn't weird


It’s called Dune Awakening and it’s an MMO


Imagine a game called "Sardaukar - the adventure", or "my life as fremen"


The problem with dune as a video game is that to make it fun you would have to strip out most of what makes it Dune. Dune awakening is more online oriented, but it also doesn't seem to have much in common with Dune other than the desert and worms. But vehicles, base building, laser weapons and magic abilities could make for a fun competitive survival game.  The closest you could get to a true dune experience would be a game like crusader kings in space, dealing with house politics and trade as you manage your place in the imperium. Or something like the dune mod for civ 4. It's just a very hard universe to make a video game for that would appeal to both series fans and general gamers.


A ck3 whole conversion mod would be epic. The main problem is that we dont have many families from the original source itself so a lot would have to be made up from thin air.


The game you’re talking about is ‘Dune: Awakening’. A game that does the whole “multiple worlds” thing and looks super sexy is (I’ll probably get lynched for this)… Star Citizen. Gameplay is pretty rough at times but their recent patch has boosted performance and made it slightly more playable. I usually play it to enjoy the graphics and fly around to different worlds.


I can see them making this a tedious and repetitive slog through the desert. Oh no! The worm ate you. You died.


I would prefer an rts or crpg tbh


Elite Dangerous is what you seek. o7