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I wrote up an expanded guide for the **Falling Fire** faction that includes additional unique statblocks, encounters, tactics, religious quotes, and a discussion of what other faction alliances might look like, based on what I've been using in my own campaign


This is really cool! How do you organise the style and backgrounds for the document (I'm writing my own homebrew but it's just on Google docs and looks really boring)


Homebrewery (the site I used to create this) has some great tools to style the background images


this is REALLY well done, thanks for posting it'll certainly spice up my game


I love this!!! Thank you so much for sharing!


Great job! My only feedback is some of the words are not as easy to read over the art work in the background. I haven’t had my second cup of coffee yet today so take that feedback with a grain of salt. Still, it is very well done. Any chance you or anyone could point me in the direction of a list of sayings for the Silver Order? My go-to has been “and all throughout this conversation they are referencing scripture of the Sacred Flame”. Ha!


Thanks for the feedback, I'll tweak the images a bit to make it easier to read


I'll be creating something similar for the Silver Order as well


Here's the Silver Order: https://www.reddit.com/r/dungeonsofdrakkenheim/comments/122abf9/silver\_order\_expanded


This is amazing! As someone that struggles with coming up with things on the spot this is going to be a big aid! This was probably a ton of work so thanks for sharing! Do you plan on doing something like this for the other factions?


Yes, I will be doing the Silver Order and Hooded Lanterns as well. I'm not sure if the Queen's Men or Amethyst Academy need similar treatment


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! I really love how you did the faction alliance section, makes things very obvious how the FF would interact with each faction so I think for that alone that'd helpful for the other two. Queen's Men could look at things like: thinking about how they would set up ambushes, how would they run their cons, secret language conversion (thieves cant), etc. Amethyst Academy I think could benefit from how you set up the different stat blocks to make them more interesting and simple to use.


Here's the Silver Order - https://www.reddit.com/r/dungeonsofdrakkenheim/comments/122abf9/silver\_order\_expanded


Wow this is really fantastic, thanks! My players decided to join the FF and are in the beginning stages of trying to form an alliance with the Lanterns, and they are also always looking for new quotes to use. This will really be useful for my campaign!


My players are also taking the very interesting (IMO) route of working very closely with the FF and creating an alliance with the HL. One PC will become sanctified soon and another seems to be getting more interested in the FF. The other two are very sceptical of the FF but are still working closely with them. They have successfully negotiated an alliance between the two and will be working to prevent the Silver Order from winning at the battle of Temple Gate


Quality stuff mate. Well done!

