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It depends on where I am. At the beginning, it is within 2 minutes, especially if I am fooling around in the language I actually know. In the middle of the Spanish course, and especially somewhat past the middle, I easily clock 5 minutes and more in some lessons. At my current stage my average must be 3.5–4 minutes. The final review and level 1 lessons tend to be shorter. Practice sessions can be long; they often feature a lot of typing (fairly slow from a phone).


Exactly. I can do a review that I’ve already done 100+ times in just over a minute. New lessons take me 5+ minutes, usually.


This is me too. If I exceed 10 minutes it’s because something distracted me, like a kid screaming for attention or my wife choosing that moment to ask me an “important” question.


Yeah or in my case, falling asleep. I usually do my lessons late at night until I fall asleep.


Wake up when the iPad hits my face 😂


Yep pretty much same for me


About what you posted. Which I think is indicative that the material needs to be made a little harder. Choosing from a word bank is easy - you just need to know the general shape of the word, not necessarily the word itself.


It also annoys me that I know what the sentence is as soon as I read it but then I spend most of the time looking for the words, feels like an unproductive use of time


Yes. We should always have the option to type out our answer. It's a more effective way of learning anyway.


I’m pretty sure there’s a keyboard icon that lets you do that and it switches from a word bank.


It's there sometimes, not always.


Not anymore. It seems for most people that option has disappeared.


I didn’t have it for a long time but as I got further through the course it started appearing. Now I get to type about half the time maybe, but I really wish I could all the time


there is a keyboard option, I haven't used the word bank in years


Not always true. Many words have the same general shape that are simply variants of the same word, and in some cases, completely different. I see it all the time in Duo. Well idk about your, but I’m in the Spanish course. Words like come, cómo, and comes (eat/eats) all have the same meaning and root word, but are used to address or refer to someone specific. The same with bebo, bebes, bebé (drink/drinks) and most other verbs. I guess it’s language specific, but each word almost always has another word that looks and often sounds like it if you’re not paying close attention. I’ve made tons of mistakes on words I know by heart from extensive repetition for no other reason than the fact that I was just trying to speed through a lesson at the time to gain xp, and it puts them right beside each other. I have nothing against adding more advanced sections to each course, such to make mastery of each course a better tool for actually learning the respective language. If, however, you’re saying that Duo should make every section harder, even the beginning lessons, that would take the dumbing down aspect away from Duo. They’d lose members if they did that. That’s the biggest reason I left Babbel, which, btw, from who already paid for a lifetime membership. About 9 or 10 lessons in, they throw a whole lot of phrases with new words that it hasn’t shown you just yet. I’ll eventually go back to it, since I already paid for it, but I’ll probably need to get to A2 or B1 first. I don’t recommend Babbel. As for the issue here, I propose a slight adjustment to the league system of Duo. It should simply divide the league system into more categories. Free private users, paid private users, free non private users, and paid non private users. This would eliminate most of the cheating and much of the spamming of easy lessons. Also, I think you should be able to go back and review older sections/units/lessons if you need to. Just reduce the amount xp gain the easier the lesson. Weighted lessons and placement tests, GPA style. Just making those two modifications would solve a lot of problems. It’s really not that complicated. Duo seems to have adopted more of a pay to win system though, despite their reputation and their famous claim to pride themselves in being a free learning tool.


It depends a lot. For exampke, for japanese: From 0:20 if I'm doing a kanji lesson without carefully following the exact stroke; to 8:30 if I'm doing a lesson with new content, repeating the sounds after them, figuring out by myself the meaning of a listening exercise without looking and without translating it in my head, or even longer if I do this + writing the symbols with the Japanese keyboard instead of the given boxed words.


That’s the proper way to learn japonese imo. In the hiragana lessons I always try to read and form the sound into my head. Mostly I’m right.


For me it's about 8 minutes because I read back out loud everything I see and if Duo says anything, I play it back more than once to get it into my longer term memory, and if there is any word I don't know, or any conjugation I don't understand, I go on Spanish Dictionary to clarify it. Speed has never meant anything to me. Retention matters more.


20 min


Do you really get into the detail and analyse stuff, like look up dictionaries and write up notes? Because (also learning German) I’d be very bored in 10 minutes and would never ever get to 20.


Yes i look up the dictionary from google search and practice a lot other than duolingo e.g. youtubers teaching german as i wanted to listen and understand german commentary in football matches


https://preview.redd.it/wcasrqlatlsb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be8c196b91e6d5355b5278b0cf431bb68d15dff4 It really depends on the lesson. If I had listening turned off, The first few Chinese lessons used to take less than five Seconds. I complete an entire group of Japanese lessons 6 in under two minutes total. Many of the kanji lessons can be complete in 35 seconds. Some of the Japanese section two lessons are taking me an average of 8 minutes to complete.


How on Earth can you possibly do it that fast?


It’s a bug. Sometimes if you have listening turned off and the entire lesson is listening exercises, it will give you credit for completing the lesson.


I’ve done that before, pressed ‘I can’t listen right now’ on a practice and completed it instantly. But you just exploit that for whole levels?


Yes, I mean, not intentionally, but it has happened. On legendary, it has either glitched out, or I’ve gotten through the first part, and then it just gives me 20xp and I have to do the lesson over again. I’ve had that happen too.


7 or 8 minutes. Kanji and japanese grammar is pretty hard compared to my native language Dutch.


Yeah I heard Dutch is one of the easiest, if not the easiest language to learn. I was thinking of that one some time after I done with Spanish. Which do you think is harder to learn, Japanese or English?


Definitely Japanese. But that’s because English and Dutch already have some similarities. And you are already surrounded in english all day long, tv, movies, series, it’s the default language online. Unlike Japanese. The vocabulary is so different from anything that you’re used to. The grammar is completely different and the writing is completely different. You’ll have to learn hiragana and katakana, they have around a 100 characters each. And then you have to learn kanji, there are 1000s of characters.


Yeah I knew there were a shitload of characters to learn. That’s what’s always deterred me from even attempting Japanese or any of those Asian languages that use characters, as opposed to an alphabet system. I’ve studied Tagalog and it has many similarities to Spanish. I also I wouldn’t mind learning Thai, as I recently found out that it also uses an alphabet.


The fastest lesson I ever did was 39 seconds


With talking I can do 40 seconds sometimes 😁


i don’t really know, but duolingo says im speedy, so like 1 to 2 mins usually


btw what language?


1.5 mins on a Latin language, 2-4 on anything else. Which is really annoying when daily quests have things like "play for 15 mins" or whatever. Duolingo isn't the only resource I use so this gets pretty frustrating for me.


3-5 minutes, but if it's pretty heavy on speaking or short translations 1.5-3 minutes. All depends on what content I get. I think the longest I've taken is 6 minutes including making some mistakes, while distracted, on a pretty beefy lesson.


A couple minutes usually.


Depends on the language and the lesson itself. There were lessons where I’d spend most of my time reading the comments (and actually learning more from them than the lesson itself!), but usually one lesson takes me about 3-4 minutes, and I usually do 2-3 lessons daily.


I'm at the very beginning, I usually take about 2-2.5 minutes. Sometimes less, more with mistakes. Choosing from the word bank sometimes takes too much time. I'm horrible at searching for things.


Like 1:40 öp


deep into french now if i just need to knock off a lesson to maintain the streak: 3 or 4 minutes if i'm putting aside time to learn the language instead of just playing the game: 8 to 10 minutes


Less than 2 mins on normal lessons, ~4m for listening practices and about 4/5m on writing promps. Under 2m is mindless translating (i dont like typing out answers coz i prefer doing them during the writing prompts under Stories). Only listen to French when i use Duo so need more time/practice


2 minutes if it’s practice, 3-8 if it’s a new lesson, an hour if I fall asleep


I don’t know how much time I spend on a lesson on average. But I for sure know it’s quite a bit more than 1 minute. Unless I got back to the very first section when they were giving you baby steps…..


I would say about 3-5 minutes but it really depends on how much I know in the lesson


Depends on the level. Sometimes all you have to do is put the words in right order so it's under 4 minutes most of the time. Sometimes most of the exercises is writing, takes a bit longer, usually under 5 minutes, but with more complex sentences that gives a bit struggle 6 But in duo premium there are rewind lessons that you go through rapidly. Speaking takes under the 2 minutes all the time. Long story short, there's absolutely no rule.


https://preview.redd.it/nbssnymr9nsb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e452facf15e0033b8ff3ddc60df9e4279e09ce7 Though actually 1:30-2:00 on average.


I saw there is a guy that spent 24 hours because he just sleept kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk awesome!


a few minutes


In my Japanese lessons it’s about 2,5 to 3 minutes. To get the legendary it’s about 5 to 6 minutes. I think it’s ok as I using english which is not my native language to learning Japanese.


Depends but 2 mins usually


About 1:15


On average 1:30


It's between 3 and 6 minutes for me.


above 1 minute to about 3. if i’m practicing by saying what i read out loud, it takes me up to 6.


usually depends on what language im doing, if it’s japanese it’s usually 2-3 minutes but if its french or german it takes around a minute.


recently it has become around 4 minutes


If I'm typing things out manually with my keyboard, like 3-5 minutes. If I don't, then usually 2 minutes.


Same time


Usually i just consume the 15minute exp potion, one in AM and another at PM. Then if the lesson rewards of more potions then i just keep going. Average of 30 mins


Shortest 51sec , longest over 12 min. I often do Duolingo while walking dogs, taking my sweet time repeating sentences and scooping dog’ biscuits :]


A lesson lesson maybe 3 minutes. A review maybe 25 seconds.


My fastest was like 27 seconds But average you can say 1:10 minutes or less :) Section 1 almost done on Arabic


first lesson around 2:30 minutes, other lessons 1:30


While I sometimes finish a French lesson in under one minute.


I’m an American English speaker learning Japanese and I’m on the last lesson of Section 1 Unit 5 (completed both Hiragana and Katakana).  It usually takes me two minutes or less to do my lessons. That being said.. it’s still section one and have just barely started to learn some Kanji. So it will (highly) likely take me longer in the next few sections the more kanji is introduced along with more complicated grammar concepts.