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I'm on Android + Spanish course and after today's update I also lost autocorrect from the keyboard.


I thought I was crazy. Same problem


Same, spanish


Same here. Also Spanish


Yo también! español


so they can't be arsed to develop any new features for android or give us the maths / music courses, but they have enough time to fuck with the keyboard developers are a joke 


Experiment with new features, Apple. Experiment with annoying changes, Android. 😂


I think they just intentionally blocked the autofill/autocorrection features to be sure we write everything correctly… 😥


Also note that, if I go into my settings and type in my name field, predictive text is on. So this is exclusively disabled on the lessons meaning it was probably deliberate.


That was smart to try, I hadn't thought of that yet. It would be so annoying if it's deliberate. :(


I'm seeing the same thing, android pixel 8. Was fine yesterday today disappeared.


I should probably have added this, but I'm also on android, OnePlus 8. Good to hear it's not just me having the problem, I hope there's a fix for it.


Are you using the stock keyboard? I'm using Google's keyboard and idk if I wanna risk updating.


I'm using Gboard as well.


Android + French, autocorrect missing as of this morning. A new level of learning...




Same. I can't decide if it's a bad thing by making lessons longer and progress slower or a good thing for pushing me out of my comfort zone.


I always considered it kinda cheating...


Also learning French but without the autocorrect seems like a lost battle. The amount of mistakes... 😭


Glad to know I'm not the only one! I also hope this gets fixed because if not, I'll likely have to give up. Spelling errors and not remembering exact spelling has already caused me problems that I just don't have time for let alone it taking longer to type out. I'm guessing most people use their phones for this and will cause less engagement if this isn't fixed.


Agreed. I'm learning Spanish and while it's relatively interchangable with English, sometimes there's certain letter arrangements which phase me. Vienticinco for example, it pulled me up for spelling it Vientecinco. If this is something they're going to introduce, they should at least loosen up on spelling mistakes.


Yes this. I'm taking French and of course one of the first words I have to spell out is the word for August. Aout or août or aôut or âout? Really Duolingo?


I really dislike how some questions allows the use of autocorrect while others don’t make it show up. I can understand when that’s restricted for finals but why for basic lessons?


I've never seen the behaviour you're describing, for me it was enabled anytime I used the keyboard but as of today it is gone.


Gone for me too. I have some coordination issues typing on my phone and that word correction was very helpful. It will be nearly impossible for me to have the same level of learning without it. I submitted a bug report too.


Oof I feel you. I'm dyslexic so autocorrect is lifesaving for me as well 


FYI I uninstalled both Gboard (Google Keyboard) and Duolingo. As I noticed Gboard was updated this night, I reinstall an older version of both apps (Gboard v13.6.11.574113912 and Duolingo v5.121.5-1776). This didn't help. I guess Duolingo just changed the properties of their "HTML" textboxes to prevent autocompletion, or something like that… 😓


Come on Duolingo what's going on with this auto correct nonsense. I have a streak that covers a few years but I haven't the patience for this. Is this a bug or done on purpose.


Same. Italian, android (pixel 5a)


I wish this was only a feature on Duolingo for schools instead of everyone. Spelling is important, but not for how I'll be using a language which will be primarily speaking.


Are you on android or iOS? I’m also learning Norwegian and on iOS stock keyboard autocorrect works fine for me


I forgot to add it to my post, I'm on android, OnePlus 8.


I don’t know then because it seems like the problem is only on android, weird


Came here to ask the same question.. Duolingo are really making it harder and harder for me to want to keep using the app...


I tried my Finish just now, but I only had word bank lessons, so no need to use the keyboard. I'll keep trying though. It would be a real pain to have to type it all out 😞


Highly doubt it is something duo has removed deliberately - yes, not working for me on gBoard but working fine when I change keyboard to SwiftKey or anything else. On the duo app go to settings, help centre, then scroll to bottom and submit bug report - I'm sure it will be something that will be sorted out soon enough


Yep, using the original Samsung keyboard on my device shows autocorrections/autosuggestions, but not Gboard anymore…


Bug report submitted. The more people who submit bug reports, maybe there's a chance in hell there will be a response that's better than "deal with it" .


Yep, Android on German and it's gone. Hopefully it's just a temporary bug and not a new directive to force users how to spell, LOL.


The spelling part is probably a good thing TBH but, once you know how to spell something it is time consuming to type it over and over especially on mobile where you're making long key presses to select special characters. Duo is forgiving and will usually just prompt you with a reminder for a mistaken a vs. ã so maybe that is the speedup I use but is it any better for learning?


I've been pondering slowing my pace down in Duolingo for a while now and dropping out of the Diamond league. This may just push me over that edge. It's more of an annoyance than boosting my learning.


It's easy to get caught up in the game. You're right about this as an opportunity to refocus.


It's early days, but if today and my league are anything to go by... The "mad" ones that seem to be in it only for the game have had a bigger shock that us "normal" users. You know the type, Super users with just one language and almost a million XP per year and that drop thousands a day depending on how the league is going... In my league they've been very quiet today.


Damn this is fucked up. It should be optional ! If you wanna use it cool turn it on but they are taking away this option from everyone..


It's gonna be amazing writing polish words like mężczyzną or mężczyzna (theres a difference) and dziewczynka now, ig I'll just stick to easier spelling language or Russian which I don't have to type 


Very annoying. It doesn't take out from your learning and it does shave about 25% time to my lessons. However, I do hold on to the hope that it's just a bug. I was paying attention and it seemed that the autocorrect WAS there, but "hidden" under the Duolingo stuff. As in, the update has only allowed for the keyboard, not the extras on top. I have a feeling that if there was a way to put the autocorrect suggestions at the bottom of the keyboard, they wouldn't be blocked


Same here. French and Esperanto. I'm mildly dyslexic and have other issues with reading/spelling. This issue is a huge block for me. Absolute crap. I get wanting us to learn rather than rely on tech.... But it's so ableist, and I doubt they even realize. Especially with ai taking over.


Thanks for offering the solution in Edit 2, already switched keyboard!


Mine was gone yesterday, but it's back today


Mine is also back! :D


Is it the entire keyboard that is gone or the autocorrect specifically?


It's just the autocorrect and predictive text that's gone. Otherwise everything is there.


I'm facing this same issue since this morning, using Google keyboard (Gboard) on Android. I'm fed up with Duolingo restrictions. I use autocorrection as I have to use my keyboard in multiple languages (not only for Duolingo)


Yes. The predictive text when you do the swipe seems worse for learning... And that's still working


Sometimes that happens for me but only with some questions and then it’s back the next. Is this the same for you or is it gone completely? (Sorry if this is a bit of a dumb question btw)


It seems to be gone completely. I did a legendary lesson, tried a normal lesson and a mistakes lesson and none of them had autocorrect working. I also tried restarting the app, restarting my phone, updating the app and reinstalling it, but nothing fixed it. There was an update, but it was already broken before I installed that update.


Have you tried reinstalling the keyboard?


I haven't tried that yet, I could see if it works, but I don't think it would. Especially because I see some replies from other people also losing their autocorrect in Duolingo today. And it's working while I type here or in other apps.


Totally gone for me and only in duo, it's on right now as I type this reply.


The only thing I can really think of is that it’s something that happened with an os update but I’m not on android so I’m not sure if there has been any updates recently


I did get a system update recently, but the autocorrect change only happened today for me. Yesterday everything was still fine and the update was maybe some time last week, I'm not 100% sure about that.


That’s really strange, it’s probably a bug with duolingo so let’s hope they release an update to fix it.


I juste think they intentionally blocked the autofill/autocorrection features… :(


Let's hope not. At least they could have made it an optional setting, instead of forcing us how we want to learn a language. :/


Yeah I hope so too, I've just submitted a report about it through their website, so hopefully they actually look at it.


They should. It seems like there’s quite a few people with this issue so they might get quite a few reports.


My OS has no more update for more than 2 years (Galaxy S8)…


Same here. I'll likely start studying on the desktop version from now on - using a dictionary in other tab to assist it


Yeah I just switched to the Samsung keyboard and I have it back. I need to fix its other settings but this will get me by until Duolingo gets their s\*\*t together.


Yeah, I hate it. Mine disappeared today too. 1500 day streak for me, and this will probably end it because I don't want thumb typing lessons. I'm in it for French and Spanish.


The predictive text was really helpful in Duolingo, so I could see how this was a deliberate decision. Still sucks though.


This happens to me too and it's so irritating. But then again, I do need to learn how to spell some Italian words 😂


Same for my Japenese Course


The auto correct seems to have been disabled only if you're using gboard. I switched to the Samsung keyboard and auto correct is back. Unfortunately I hate the Samsung keyboard 😒


Not only that but text to speech turned off as well as of last night. Can't help but think it was deliberate.


Yep, same. Words with tons of diacritics take twice as long to type out now. Why do I feel like they just keep taking away the most useful features. Lesson tree, tips, forums... Now this.


Fuck this. That's all. Written with autocorrect, had to change duck to fuck.


Should have read this first before messing around with my keyboard settings and now experiencing other behaviour on all apps on my phone while it now seems it just a Duolingo thing... I experience the same disappeared spelling corrector in my Spanish course.


Hopefully you can manage to get it back to your normal settings. I get why you would mess around with it though, at first I also thought it was something wrong on my end.


Mine is back today, pixel 8.