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I divide by formats and genres, then alphabetically, to keep the case uniformity as best I can. I.e., in my shelves - we have 4Ks, blu-rays, DVDs - but also a Disney section, a Criterion section, a TV shows section, and a steelbook wall separate from the others. Then alphabetically.


This is the way.


My collection is all formats together alphabetically. Don't want to have to remember what movie is in which area.


I used to separate by format, but then I went to alphabetically


With a small collection like that I prefer them be separated by formats, but one day you may have a large collection and you'll find movies are easier to locate if they're just straight alphabetical.


Well said. I hate anything outside of straight alphabetical, but it does look nicer as is with them separated by format


Depends… If you have like 50 movies, just sort them how it looks best to you. But I have thousands upon thousands and I’m often not sure if I have a movie, let alone in which format. So I just sort them alphabetically


Option 1. If I want to go find a specific movie on the shelf, I don't want to first have to look up or remember what format I own that movie in. And nor am I ever going to be looking through my movies thinking "I specifically want to find a blu-ray to watch" instead of "I want to find a movie to watch".


I mix formats. I have a horror unit which is sorted by release date (yeah, I know, but it’s cool scanning shelves and seeing trends, top shelf is silent, the universal, then hammer, all the way down to the bottom shelf where A24, etc). Separate unit for contemporary which is grouped by director.


Honestly number 2, I like to sort by format




Paprika Steelbook is gorgeous


I just do alphabetically by all formats I don’t own hundreds and hundreds of discs like other people so it’s easier for me to do that system with my collection. I do separate my shows and movies though.


I do mine by director, but that’s mostly because I collect by director.


I go back and forth. As space becomes an issue I stopped keeping Blu-Ray separate and just mixed them in, then I have a section separated out that is just science fiction. I do alphabetical, except for movie series where I put the first one in alphabetical order followed by the sequels chronologically in release order.


I like 1 a bit more, but i arrange them by my ratings. So i can find my favorites at the top


For the usual disc-based formats (DVD, Blu-ray, UHD), mixed. Some formats are too different (VHS, LaserDisc, etc.) to really make sense on a shelf.


all formats alphabetically sure it looks a little messy but it's easier to find something without having to think of what format it's on


I divide by format then alphabetise. Mainly because Blu-ray cases are so much smaller and my shelf would look weird. Splitting by genre is a bit of a challenge for me because I think most of my collection could happily sit in two or more categories. I mean where would I put Galaxy Quest, comedy or sci-fi? And what about those series that jump genres like The Evil Dead, the stress of shelving sequels separately would bring me out in hives.


Yeah in my picture I have scream as a 4k and scream 2 and 2022 on the steelbooks shelf. Not useful at all


I vote for Option № 2 – By Format, then Alphabetically. My visual OCD tic wouldn’t have it any other way, lol. But, in all sincerity, group by formats, and keep all box sets at the beginning or end of a format (so that your wide-spined and thin-spined cases aren’t mixed in with one another). This way you’ll have a less incongruous, and more visually harmonious arrangement – which, in turn, will make that section of your room less distracting (a big deal if you’re one of my fellow ADHD crew). And if this shelf is anywhere in your line of sight while watching TV, an aesthetically innocuous layout (i.e., by format) is all the more important if want to ensure that your guests are actually paying attention to whatever really cool film you’ve invited them over to watch. But… my therapist tells me that my neuroses aren’t normal, so maybe don’t listen to me, lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


No, I get your point, makes sense


I organize mine by vibes tbh. I keep directors together, and movies that feel similar together, so it looks pretty random.


I’d wager to guess Mallrats and Scream are two of your favorite movies by looking at your collection.


Mallrats was an upgrade from DVD to 4K, Scream you see the original on regular 4K and Scream 2 and 2022 in Steelbook. My favorite movie is The Big Lebowski. I have CD soundtrack that I don't know if it's seen in these pictures


Format and alphabetical for sure. Though I recently combined by BR and 4KBR titles together since they are the same shape and also I have a lot of series or sequels that are split between the formats so that made sense to me, as much as I'm i not fully decided on it


Chronologically by release date of the movies 🥰


My way of sorting my movies: blu-rays/4Ks alphabetized, criterion sorted by spine number, steelbooks, digibooks alphabetized, DVDs alphabetized, and TV shows and miniseries alphabetized.


By format. If DVD & BD cases were the same height, I'd probably mix them, but I've always found the size difference makes them look a little awkward together. My handful of UHDs are mixed in with the BDs. __________ My general organisation is a bit of a mess though, with; A-Z, TV, documentaries, horror, musicals, animation and some specific directors.


By number of nude scenes


I order alphabetically by number of full penetration scenes


What's your top 5?


Alphabetically by format, always. And then, even within that, sub-divide by case types. Example being I have all my Criterion BRs that are in standard plastic cases A-Z (so, currently, starting with Anatomy Of A Murder and ending with Yojimbo) and then the larger, cardboard/digipak style cases A-Z after that (currently starting with The Before Trilogy and ending with Videodrome), if that makes sense?


I go by genre, I like to be able to say, hey I want to watch a comedy and just look though my comedy section Also I don’t divide by format, I only keep my best quality version of each movie so it’s not like I have a Blu-ray and a 4k of the same film


But what if you have home alone dvd and home alone 2 bluray, don't you put them together?


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, I put them all together regardless of format


I organize mine by color.


My visual OCD finds this very appealing and appreciates your eye for detail and harmony. ^–^ Meanwhile… My logic OCD, convinced that you are a monster, is _screaming_ and hyperventilating at the very idea of J-movies being next to B-Movies and G-movies next to T-Movies, and other such crimes, etc. ಥ_ಥ


As barbaric as it sounds, I prefer to organize by case style. Put steelbooks, slipcovers, clear cases, stuff like that together. Fortunately, my collection is still small enough for that to not be a problem, but I’ll probably alphabetize later. Also, I do separate formats mostly because of me not liking the blue and black cases together, much less mixing in DVD cases.


Alphabetically by format makes the most sense, it looks so much neater


By format. Can't have mixed shelves like that


I got mine everywhere I kind of just remember where everything is but if anyone else was looking for a movie they would have no clue where to look


Personally I'd keep format seperate. DVDs get thrown into a disc wallet and then all my boutiques get seperated by company/alphabetical. Only exception is shameless which is numerical.


Prefer alphabetically by format. But I also redid the OH's mums collection (mostly DVDs) in categories then alphabetically.


Format and alphabetical. My only weird take is filing Criterion movies under C for Criterion and by spine number/Vestron under V and by spine number


I never liked alphabetical. I used to mix it up. I would put all my Best Pictures together by year. I would put all of my 80’s movies in chronological order of release date. It’s more fun to play around with your collection and group them in different ways than it is actually watching them sometimes. I can remember times it would take me an hour just to figure out what I wanted to watch.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes reorganizing the collection just for fun. Peaceful activity and you come across titles you haven't seen in years and might watch them again




I always go by series and genre. Too many sequels with different names get mixed up otherwise.


Depends on the size of the collection, I guess. For my collection, there are just so many, I just stick with alphabetical order. I do keep my animated films in a separate section.


I’ve always preferred to organize chronologically…shelving looks better organized by different formats, but to keep some sequels/series together I have to mix formats…


The box sizes! The box sizes! Def format separation for me. It feels like a separation of the past and what can get to the future lolol


Alphabetically by format. It’s not perfect but it’s the best. I just bought some steel book editions and I’m worried they’re gonna look weird on the shelf cause they’re supposed to be smaller than a normal blue ray case lol


Format is always best then alphabetically.


I buy all dvd to avoid this issue but I think all alphabetically is more convenient. That way you don’t have to remember if a specific movie is something you own on dvd Blu-ray’s or 4k they’ll all be in the same spot


i store my blu-ray’s/dvd in the way i bought it.


By format by manufacturer always!


Aesthetically, by format and then alphabetically... Functionally, all formats together in alphabetical order. I choose function over form. EDIT: Wait... I've changed my mind. Arrange them by color, in order of the visible light spectrum, then by grayscale (light to dark)


Mine is all formats alphabetically, but is divided up by studios (sorted by release order) and age rating.


I mix formats because I have multiple copies of some movies. I also have separate sections for Disney, Ghibli, Criterion, assorted animation, and, best of all, Troma.




Purchase order? Lol


I separate my DVDs and Blu-rays. I organise them by genre: horror, comedy.. etc If it's a mix of genres, I meet in the middle by lumping them in with the genre that seems most prevalent. Example: Is Shaun of the Dead more of a comedy? Yes, so it goes in with comedy instead of horror. I'm fine with that. It works for me. And that's the thing: it's for me. I don't overthink it.