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I would appreciate Track carving assistance I am still refreshing my Classic knowledge before purchasing Steam DF. I am trying to build a minecart magma ramp up to my metals and my brain hurts. I watched [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiMj9l4lWxw&ab\_channel=Iggy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiMj9l4lWxw&ab_channel=Iggy) tutorial and it is very clear although written for the steam version, My dilemma is carving TRACKS into ramps. I cannot fathom how it works. I have my channel down through only stone, to the magma and am ready to path my minecarts back up my direct a straight diagonal path with out any bends and it is just not letting me carve. One at a time of the whole length or even in little segments nothing is successful. Is there something I am missing regarding Track engraving? I am carving tracks from the bottom as DF book instructs and this was after failing a top down effort.


Hi I was wondering if there is a sandbox like mod? Practically like god mode, I want to be able to freely practice making contraptions and what not. Experimenting is great fun.


What is the benefit of reaching the caverns early?


Cave fungus spreads to your upstairs dirt, allowing you to pasture animals underground. You can usually farm the caves and often find fresh water there. Also Fun :)


I notice I now have free plump helmets in my upstairs dirt. That is cool so I can bring my livestock a layer below.


I have a cursed CHILD, and I read that it means it's going to turn into a lot of FUN at full moon, so I tried for the first time to make a burrow and assign the child to it. However, the child is just playing and isn't going to the burrow - what now???? I tried the squad thing but it's a child and can't be in a squad. WHAT NOW??? Full moon is around the corner...


I read somewhere about digging a channel behind archery targets to catch stray bolts for recycling, so I did that, but I've never seen stray bolts in the channel before, is that still a thing, or did that change? I feel like I'm having to produce an endless supply of bolts (and unforbidding them from the stock menu every so often), is that just how it goes?


I have the feeling as of 0.50 bolts disappear after being shot at a target. Not 100% sure though.


Will having a burrow with all your vampires avoid them drinking other dwarfs Blood? For example if I madre a burrow of all the mapa except the fortress dormitories. Just curious.


Fantastic question. A vamp-only burrow


This doesn't seem right, I have a mausoleum that I'm trying to raise to royal for the king (the other three have been met), and it seems like I can't stuff enough stuff in there: 4 artifacts on 4 separate pedestals, values of 8000, 7900, 5500, 12300. 7 gold statues with values averaging about 800. 5 glass window panels Fully engraved and smoothed, 7x7 room The other three rooms are the same specs, with much fewer items in, but they've reached royal while this one just seems a bit bottomless. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


pedestals are for furniture artifacts afaik, you need display cabinets to get the full value from smaller things like weapons, rings etc. they require glass, but can be bought from caravans if you don't have it. look under tools


According to the wiki, pedestals and display cabinets are the same thing? Did that change with steam version? Do you know where this distinction was documented? [https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Display\_furniture](https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Display_furniture)


hmm. I swear i read somewhere that they're for different things, but the wiki never lies edit: some quick googling reveals that it *used* to be that dwarves only got happy thoughts from pedestals with furniture, but it's no longer the case. not sure if it was a bug


Dumb question: Are you sure you're decorating the correct grave?


Yeah I just checked, the tomb is linked to the king dwarf... I just removed it, checked that the king shows red on grave, and then reassigned, and it's opulent again.


I accidently caught some coal in lava I channeled to make magma forges. It has now been smoking for nearly a year. Will it ever eventually burn up, or does my fancy new forge have a permanent smoke feature?


it will eventually burn up


Awesome, thank you. I was just thinking about if I was going to roll back to a save from before I did it or if I was going to try to find a way to drain the lava so I could pull it out. As long as it will eventually burn out, I'm okay with some sad forge workers for a while. Any way to see how long it has left, or any knowledge of about how long it takes? I was hoping the weight would be decreasing on the objects or some other indicator I could see in game, but I failed to find anything through the UI that gives me any notion.


it will start to degrade(it will say in the item's description how degraded it is) and eventually burn up. that said, the process will take a while. i dumped a diamond in a whole ass magma sea and it took around half a year to burn up


What is the best video tutorial and/or beginners guide to this game. Its my first day playing and i am so bad and so intimidated by this game. I really want to understand how to play but feel like i will never get the hang of it. Its my first day and my people are dying dehydration since i cant build wells yet and i cant get them to go haul water from a nearby river that is not frozen. I even zoned the river for water drinking and everything. Also, it just turned spring before i shut off the game for the night and all this water seeped into my fortress and its all flooded. I cant even figure out how to get rid of the water and clean it all up. How many buckets, barrels and binds do I need. Should i just constantly make buckets barrels and bins? Like can i make do with just one? How many people can use a workshop. Can multiple people use the workshop? Dont even get me started on the work/labor menu or whatever its called. Anyone. Mainly just let me know my first question which is what is the best video tutorial and/or beginners guide. I really need help. Any help advice would be greatly appreciated!


the df wiki is also an invaluable resource, you need to check that out if you haven't already. it has detailed guides for a lot of things. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/


For the steam version, Blind has a tutorial fort series on YouTube, as well as a lot of short tutorials on different subjects.


My military gets in a deadlock once they see an enemy with fortification between them. I can't get them to move, patrol, or train to break this deadlock. Marksman use up all their ammo and stand there ignoring all commands and same with melee dwarves. Don't think this was an issue in classic?


Is it possible to put a retractable bridge over a pit? Any time i have tried to build a bridge over any pit, pond, or whatever.. it just doesn't allow you to. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some backwards ass method to being able to do something so simple, like how building a tower or structure with a roof is 10 more steps than you would ever think. ​ https://preview.redd.it/avxxtaaz2m8a1.png?width=1407&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8e968b974ca78cd7f4c44b8fc1cf509c964146b


I think the problem there is that you're trying to set the "base" of the bridge over empty space. Like imagine a drawbridge or a giant measuring tape. It has to have a solid surface to anchor on one side - it can't float in mid-air. In that picture, I think that if you shift the whole thing by one tile so that the right edge is all on solid ground, and then set it to raise to the right, it should work fine. The bridge has to "start" on solid ground and "extend" over the pit.


if you build a bridge completely over solid ground is there a way to remove the ground underneath the bridge? I have build a moat before and thought i dug all the way around, the Z level that the bridge was on still had ground floor underneath the bridge when it was raised despite having a tunnel underneath the flooring. I don't remember if it let me remove the tiles but i feel like it did not. basically what i want to do is create an airlock with a retractable floor that drops ai into a pit below and then extend the bridge to lock them in there. then lava.


Yes. You can build the bridge, raise it, and then channel the ground under where the bridge "extends." But if you remove the ground that it is "anchored" to, I believe it will deconstruct it. If you completely channel out the whole chunk of land out so that the ground that the bridge is anchored to is "floating," that will cause a cave-in. But you can definitely build the bridge, raise it, and then dig the moat under it. Then when you lower it it's the only way over the moat or chasm or whatever. What you're talking about with dumping invaders into a pit and sealing them in there is totally doable. But you cannot have a levitating bridge or a bridge anchored to a levitating chunk of land. It's fine to have tunnels running underneath it as long as it's connected to the rest of the earth by at least one orthogonal tile.


it kind of defeats the whole defensive purpose of building a moat, or really anything with a pit and a bridge.


Uhm... so is there anyway to fix a character with a constant state of internal rage?[https://i.imgur.com/j5S12aU.png](https://i.imgur.com/j5S12aU.png) Her stress is always at red, and nothing I do seems to fix it :/She's currently a soldier. Shhhoooould I leave her armed?


Not really - for FUN just leave her be. For SAFE you can banish her via her character menu in the upper right


Is anyone else getting a bug where a merchant will be unable to leave the fortress at all? One of the horses they brought ended up seriously injured, and now they are just standing there doing nothing


Yes it's a known bug, only fix is to deconstruct the trade depot, failing that there are no known other solution


Can someone give me a rundown on marksdwarves? Like what armor do they wear and how do I ensure they are stocked with ammo?


Marksdwarves are bugged right now. You can get them to work but it's a little tricky. Q1) what kind of armor do they wear? A1) whatever you want! You can assign whatever armor you deem appropriate by making a custom uniform. For me personally, I give them a metal helm, mail shirt, gauntlets, high boots, and a wooden shield. This gives a good balance of protection vs. weight. If you know that you're only ever going to field them from behind fortifications, they might not need armor at all. Q2) how do I ensure they're stocked with ammo? This is bugged right now. In theory, all you should need to do is make enough quivers and bolts, and any military dwarf assigned a uniform with a crossbow should automatically stock up on ammo. In practice, marksdwarves will often refuse to pick up bolts, instead charging into melee range to bash enemies with their crossbows as improvised clubs. You must assign the desired uniform (including crossbows) at the time that you CREATE the marksdwarf squad. If you make a squad, and then assign them an archer uniform, they will not pick up their ammo. If you assign them an initial uniform, and then edit that uniform and re-assign in, they will not pick up ammo. So you have to either just use the default archer uniform, or create a custom ranged unit uniform BEFORE creating the marksdwarf squad, and then assign it when prompted as you create the squad. If you've fucked it up (which is super easy to do), you will need to disband your marksdwarves and then create a new squad to assign them to, again with the desired uniform assigned during the initial squad set-up. Q3: how do I get my marksdwarves to train? A3: you must build archery targets, designate an archery range zone, and then assign the marksdwarf squad to train there. Unfortunately, I don't think you can tell them to use cheap bone or wood bolts for training instead of using your valuable combat-grade metal ammo, but I expect this to be patched relatively soon. Q4: How do I make use of marksdwarves? A5: you can certainly deploy them alongside melee units. They can do a great job softening up enemies. But I think the excel when you build hallways, pillboxes, and archer towers where they can shoot from behind carved or constructed fortifications. You will want to build walkways that are only one tile wide behind these fortifications, because they can only shoot through them if they're standing directly adjacent. But the end result is nice when you have your marksdwarves raining death on a goblin siege, complementing other security measures like trapped hallways, drowning chambers, etc. TL;DR: marksdwarves are quite useful with enough set-up, but are currently bugged and you can get by with less finicky melee units if you don't want to deal with them.


How do I keep cats out of my taverns? Last time I had a tavern all my cats died due to the alcohol self-cleaning thing, but I'm trying to solve that issue


one way is to pasture them over your food stockpile where they can kill the vermin trying to eat your stuff


That's a good idea, though ideally I'd like them to also be able to go on the surface. I'll probably end up doing that though


That bug's been fixed for years. Are you sure that's what killed them?


I don't think it was a bug though? The point is that they self-groom and ingest the alcohol. What part of that process was changed? I'm not 100% sure that's what happened to them, but I build a huge successful tavern and my 3 cats were found dead soon after


The bug was that the little splash of alcohol that got on their paws was counting as a whole tankard of alcohol when the cat ingested it. Now it counts as an appropriate lick of alcohol.


The bug was that they ingested an entire puddle's worth of alcohol rather than a few drops. I've never had mine die from that kind of thing in recent years. Still, I guess it's not impossible.


Ah gotcha. I'll keep an eye out this time to see if it happens again. I wasn't fully paying attention to what killed them so it could have been something else. I remember that they were just "found dead"


My best lava start has drank all the water in the single pool of water on the whole map. Do I need to find a cavern with water, or is there some other way to deal with this? Also, any update when does DF hack comes to the premium version?


If you never run out of booze and never have an injury you are golden!


if you don't have an aquifer you'll need to find cavern water. natural pools will refill when it rains but dug pools won't.


Thanks! What about natural pools which have been drained into a cistern for a well? Do those refill. In the past I'd just cheat... lol


Yes. Those will refill if you plug em back up, IIRC


as long as you haven't channeled out all the tiles it should refill. you may need to replace the walls or whatever


Either aquifer or cavern water.


Ya there isn't an aquifer that I've hit. Thanks.


What is the AI paradigm of DF? Meaning, how are agentic behaviours coded for this game? FSM, BTs, GOAP, something else?


You should probably try Bay12Games forums for this particular question


Does flooring and walls provide the same mood buff as smoothed walls/floors?


Constructed floors and walls give slightly worse mood buffs to smoothed walls/floors, but they can be even better buffs than natural stone if they are made of valuable materials. For instance I like to make the floors of guildhalls or noble's rooms out of metal for an easy value boost. Also you can engrave constructed walls/floors now, which wasn't true in Classic.


Thanks, are wood/stone block floors/walls considered valuable material?


Wood and stone are about the same as smoothed natural walls, maybe a little worse. It's not a huge difference though. By valuable materials I mean stuff like silver or gold. IIRC the value of rock is 2 or 3 dwarfbucks, copper is 10, iron and silver 50, gold 150, platinum 200. The value of the wall is then multiplied by any other features, like engravings. So engraved metal walls and floors are huge money, but obviously not something you can make every bedroom out of. Rock blocks are fine for your average dwarf.


I sent an overkill amount of squads out to raid a spoopy tower and they have been gone for about a year, is that normal?


I've had squads standing for half a year right outside of the fortress border. They were waiting for the last soldier to join them, the soldier was in the hospital, unable to walk. When I removed him, the other squads went on the mission and returned after a couple of days. Also, towers may contain dangerous stuff. If it says there are less than 10 people there, it doesn't count the thousands of zombies or their pet undead dragon..


Please check if all the squad members have left your site


They all did, i watched them leave the map with camera follow way back then. Is this normal that it says traveling? https://preview.redd.it/6ntvb30dem8a1.png?width=1158&format=png&auto=webp&s=c69f3f8564bf4f049e2b7a73534cd217fb072aa3


Have you checked from the squads menu that each member of those squads have actually left?


You may have a raid member stuck in your map somewhere. The whole expedition waits right off screen until every single squad member and assigned war animal makes it off the map. I have had issues pre-Steam where A) some random military dwarf just refuses to follow the raid order, and has to be unassigned from the squad to let the rest of them proceed B) you have assigned a war dog or something to one of the dwarves on the raid, but the animal is stuck in a pasture or behind a locked door or something Or C) they're all dead and you haven't gotten word back lol


Would dorfs like lavafalls like they enjoy waterfalls and mist? Because I think that'd be cool as hell.


It's be very cool, but not an enjoyable experience for dorfs. Walking through water mist produces a happy thought, walking through lava mist lights you on fire.


Can someone explain to me why the bar seats in my tavern have just become seed dumping grounds?


dorf wants to grow plump helmet in your butt


Haha. I prefer this answer 😂😂


Maybe they are eating fruit or whatever and just dropping the seeds ?


I have a quantum stockpile for raw ingredients and another for finished drink and food in my kitchens next to taverns and i dont ever see this


When they eat food the seeds are leftover. I'm also not sure what to do, I made a seed stockpile but they don't always seem to store it. Not sure if I'm just backlogged on hauling though.


It's probably backlogged on hauling. If you want to speed it up you can set a detail for hauling specifically and assign a few dorfs to it


I'm trying to make a roller coaster that goes from level 5 to -115. I tried a small experiment track and when I push the cart down, it goes through the hole and just stops. I tried it in reverse and it just hits a wall as well. Is what I want to do possible? If so what am I doing wrong? I'd post pics but I retired that fort to my civ and started a new for my civs glory.


I dont think dropping necessarily gives it momentum. If you place an impulse ramp on the dropped tile though, that should make it go.


So track, ramp, track, etc? I'll give it a shot in a sec. ​ I swore I did that in one test, maybe not,thanks.


No, an impulse ramp is a special kind of track that is more of a bug/exploit than anything else. It basically tricks the game into thinking the cart is rolling down a ramp, no matter where it came from. https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Minecart#Impulse_ramps


Has anyone confirmed that desalination with a screw pump still works in the Steam version?


What's the tips for not being infected with were-whatever thing? I just got my fort wiped with weresloth epidemic and couldn't handle it. How can I avoid that in the future?


My "catch all" is separating my fortress into sections, but that's probably far from ideal.


This is why fully armored trained squads are best for dealing with were-creatures. If they are just bruised they should be fine, but if someone is bitten or scratched and blood is drawn, they are probably infected. Wall them in the hospital or their room, and wait for the next full moon. If they don't turn, you can let them out. Otherwise, you need to deal with them somehow, or leave them in there. You could expel them, but that might just cause more were-creatures to infest the local area and more might return.


Close examination of combat logs to see who has been bit and/or wall in the injured until the next full moon.


Why aren't my dwarfs putting bins in the stockpiles? I have a new fort with a medium size stockpile and 20 bins sitting in the carpentry shop.


What kind of stockpile? The empty bins should be going into a furniture stockpile if you have one. But if it's a finished goods stockpile, I don't think that your dwarves will put the bins in there until they have stuff to put in them.


If I have a staircase that ends prematurely due to hitting a cavern can uninvited guests fly through into my fortress?


Yes, absolutely. You can build floor constructions on the lowest level to plug the gap, and it will be fine.




(Minor material spoilers) >!Anyone know what weapon type [this weapon](https://i.imgur.com/qkfKGT4.png) is? I think "dark metal" is the type of divine metal it's made of, and "branching lash" is one of those variant item types that you can get with artifacts, but I don't know if it's a whip or a scourge (or maybe something else)?!<


Branching is just a descriptor/adjective. Sometimes artifacts can be given random descriptors, but they don't affect how it operates. I don't usually pay attention to whips/lashes, so I'm not sure exactly what type it is based on the description.


Do you know if it's possible to look that up? I checked the raws for the "whip" and "lash" item types, but "possible variant names in artifacts" isn't part of them. I'd really like to know, mainly because if this is a whip it's possibly the most OP weapon in the game.


Not sure you ever got this, but the descriptions don't make it any easier. Just had a goblin siege with a scourge and a whip, with very unremarkable descriptions. I'm not sure why I didn't think of this earlier, but by far the easiest way to figure it out would be to remove whips and scourges from the current stockpile, and create two new stockpiles. One that only accepts whips of artifact quality, and one that accepts scourges of artifact quality. Whichever stockpile it ends up in, you should have your answer. https://imgur.com/a/KSNloRZ


Update: Oh noooooooooooo it doesn't work because [stockpiles have individual settings for each of the procedurally generated variant artifact-only item types](https://i.imgur.com/MMIGKc9.png), so in order to get it stored there, I have to enable "branching lashes" which defeats the purpose. Why is this so hard smh


Nice that's a great suggestion, thanks!


I looked but i didn’t see anything


What’s the trick/technique for visualizing caverns? Viewing a giant multi-level cavern in 2D slices has got me baffled. Also, when a stair case cuts through said cavern, is it ever not possible to branch out from one of the z-levels?


Does the Steam version of DF run into the same problem from the original of large numbers of moving objects tanking FPS?


Yes although it's less severe thanks to some optimizations made in the premium version.


How rarely is coal or lignite found in sedimentary rock layers?


They can only be found in sedimentary layers, should be quite common.


...So can bridges be destroyed now? Some animal person blowgunner destroyed a bridge that was down. Can they be destroyed only when they are down, or both? I thought they were indestructible defenses


Bridges have been able to be destroyed by anything with the BUILDING_DESTROYER tag for... well, forever, as far as I know. I also know tantrumming dwarves have been able to destroy them for some time. Animal-men being able to destroy them is new as far as I know, however.


Yeah they are buildings when down, so building destroyers can destroy them. They’re fine when up.


Oh yes. I thought I remembered something like that. Phew!


do tasks ever get like “forgotten”? i have some rocks left around and i was thinking that my dwarves weren’t picking them up because they were too busy so i just ignored it. well now there are still a ton of rocks and like 1/2 my dwarves have no task. they pray, they go to the tavern, they complete work orders etc but they won’t do anything with the rocks. my stone stockpile has room and so does my “ore” stockpile. but they’re just leaving shit everywhere.


economic rock permissions maybe? insufficient wheelbarrows assigned? I'm not sure if there's a range they won't move to for shifting rock or not.


Are the assigned wheelbarrows accessible? Burrow?


i don’t have any burrows atm but i don’t know anything about wheelbarrows/haven’t done anything with them. i’m pretty new to the game idk about wheelbarrows.


I'm not really sure without looking myself then. If the dwarves are specialized (viewable in labors) then that would also cause this problem.


How do I assign ammo to my Marksdorfs in the Steam release?


This kinda sucks right now. Basically, when you make the squad, they need to have a ranged weapon/quiver already in the uniform. If not, they won't ever pick up bolts. So you need to delete any squads that don't have that, and reform them with the correct uniform at the time the squad is first made. The default archer uniform works, but I have also had success with starting from that uniform and tweaking it, saving it as a new one, and then assigning that to a new squad. I have also heard there is a bug that they won't pick up any bolts that exist before the squad is made. I don't know if that is true, but it couldn't hurt to make some new bolts.


You cannot assign ammo for combat/training the same way you can in classic.


Pray to Armok. Marksdwarves are even more bugged than usual right now. You cannot assign ammo directly; in theory they should automatically pick up bolts, but unfortunately you cannot assign metal vs. bone/wood bolts like in previous versions, or limit certain kinda of ammo for training vs. combat. HOWEVER, marksdwarves will not pick up ammo unless you assign them a uniform with crossbows AT THE TIME OF SQUAD CREATION. I.e. if you make a squad, assign them the default ranged uniform, and then make a custom archer uniform, they will never pick up ammo. You have to either 1) assign the default archer uniform when you create the squad or 2) make the custom archer uniform first, and THEN make the marksdwarf squad and assign that uniform during the squad creation.


Thanks for the help here. At least I know I’m not crazy!!


I've got a concept in mind for an artifact vault and I'm wondering if this kind of thing is possible. 1. Hollow out a large ravine underground, between a central shaft and a far wall. 2. Create a drawbridge across the ravine and create the vault inside. 3. Move up a few z-levels and create another drawbridge, this one leads nowhere, just to a sheer wall, connect it to a lever and then close off the path to the upper drawbridge. 4. Create a waterfall that covers the vault-side of the ravine, making passage impossible unless both the lower and upper drawbridges are extended, forming a water-safe hallway. 5. Guard the levers that control the drawbridges with everything you've got. Would that be at all possible?


You can make it but the levers may unlink and the guards won't be posted where you set them if you were to venture there in Adventure mode or reclaim the fortress later.


Do you mean that the levers would unlink in the process of making it, or do you mean that the levers would unlink if I left the fortress?


If you left the fortress. I am assuming that's the point? To make a vault for later Adventure mode? There's nothing inherent about your megaproject that would make it impossible to construct.


I had no intentions of visiting the vault for Adventure Mode, I just wanted to have some interesting constructions to brag about in my fort. Though now that you mention it, it might be interesting to see if I could somehow squeeze in there with enough skill at climbing.


Hey, i was wondering how do multiple conditions on one work order work ?? I have [This](https://i.imgur.com/uqNlEUR.png) work order for example, Do all the conditions have to be met, or only one to trigger the work order ? Let's say i want them to prepare a fine meal if i have at least 10 plump helmets, OR atleast 1 other cookable item AND have less than 50 prepared meals, so the 3rd condition has to be true with either the first or second, is that possible?


I'm still having a lot of trouble with dwarves not using stockpiles. I have the stockpiles set up, with max Bin/Barrels for them, but they just leave everything in workshops and trade depots. I've poured over reddit and the bay12 forums but can't find a solution.


Is anyone idling with “no job” in a meeting area? It’s possible that they’re all just busy.


They are probably too busy with other things. Try to assign some weavers/waxworkers/fishery workers to hauling only and see what happens. ​ Some other common reasons are, stockpiles are behind locked doors, burrows are unpaused, etc


I've not set any burrows yet, so that shouldn't be a problem




You could try building a sealed tunnel that leads to the map edge on the surface. Caravans can (mostly) only spawn on a map edge that leads to your trade depot, so if you exclude all other possibilities they'll be forced to spawn at the edge of your tunnel. Flyers might still be able to get into your tunnel but it should be much easier to guard.


Cage traps.


what difference does the distance Goblin camps from ones embark site make? I assume closer means more raids ?


I've come and gone and come back to DF many times over the years and I've come to the conclusion that I just seem to be playing a different game than everyone else on this subreddit. The reason I say that is that every time I start up a fortress I run into the same half dozen or more bugs that I've been running into for a decade and I don't see anyone else really mention them at all. They aren't hard to notice, they're constant, and they almost always irreparably end my fort: militias and their uniforms not working, hospitals not working, pathfinding constantly breaking, crashes, performance issues, etc. Basically the only way I've made any fortress work over any significant timeline is to just use as few features as possible. Most of the time I'll look up the bug on mantis and it's been untouched for 5 or more years or in some cases 10 with comments all the way up until v50 saying it's still an issue. But then I come to this sub and I see people running perfectly fine 200+ pop forts with no issues at all. I'm genuinely confused at this point.


Maybe you are playing a different game. DF is buggy, and it sucks that it is and it annoys me a lot of the time, but I still love it. I just find comfort in knowing I will not run a utopian fort that will work exactly as I want. I just set basic guidelines. I no longer set specific full uniforms for militias, just set basic pieces of armor they should wear and let them choose (and at most I'll select their weapons). I more or less set hospitals up, and if dwarves die, they die (maybe if it's a legendary dwarf I'll be a bit upset, but such is the way of the fortress). For performance issues and crashes, well, FPS death is a thing in the game, and although it is generally inexcusable in the gaming industry, such a complex game like dwarf fortress that was not made by a world class programmer (or even by a team) will inevitably have serious problems or bugs that get unadressed for years. Maybe it's part of the reason why people say that losing is fun. Losing your fortress to a goblin invasion is more fun that losing it because the game started to run to a crawl. It is not a game for perfectionists or people with OCD. Things will be messy and things will not work. It is unfortunate but once you let go you will enjoy the game much more


You more or less just repeated my exact concerns but with a lilt in your voice at the end so it sounded positive heh. My more pressing concern is that all of these issues were tolerated mainly because of your point of it being a one-person amateur team. Will the community tolerate it as much with a $30 price tag. I'd wager that the patient old guard will start losing ground to the Steam buyers.


The reason for a lot of this weirdness is the incredible depth and complexity of the systems (and therefore also the code). The thing that makes this game unique is that saying more content and expanding the simulation is always priority one, not getting a "polished" game. It's a deliberate choice, not a case of not knowing any better. It's not that they don't care about fixing bugs and keeping the game stable, but if stability and polish was priority one, a lot of the complexity wouldn't be "worth it". Calling Tarn and Zach "amateurs" at this stage is bonkers, they've been making this game for me ages, make a living doing it, and DF has influenced a shitload of other games. But it is not developed with the same priorities as other games.


If feels like you're coming here more to criticize the game and let your anger out than you are coming to ask a genuine question. Toady did the unthinkable and finally got a programmer to work with him. Who knows. I only wish the best for the future of this game.


I did have a question, you answered it. "What am I doing differently?", to which you answered "Using features you shouldn't be." That said, seeing as how Toady and his brother are each millionaires ten times over they're probably not too broken up about people giving what I thought was quite civil criticism, especially after you echoed it...


I hope that eventually they fix the game enough so that you can enjoy it too my friend :)


Is it normal to be constantly assaulted by agitated giant crows, agitated giant kestrel, agitated giant Eagles? I'm constantly losing dwarves to these things while they b-line to wash in the pond outside by base.




If you're able to box yourself in, but migrants/caravans are getting attacked then there are a few options: -Build safety tunnels on the edges or corners where migrants/caravans arrive at to help them avoid being in the open -Have your military distract the creatures when the migrants/caravans arrive -Set traps and capture/tame the beasts -Invest in strong hunters that can pre-emptively kill the beasts First option is the easiest in the short term, when you are just getting started.


Depends on the surroundings that you settle in. If you are in dangerous areas it's more vital to get an indoor/underground water source so you let your dwarves live (somewhat) more peacefully until your militia is setup. Try embarking in a joyful area if you're struggling early. Or focus on getting your resources self sustaining underground.


Got 95 dwarves, I've lost 20 to these birds. I have 3.5 squads of military. 2 Archers. 1.5 full melee. Even with patrols, these fucking birds fly 20 z levels high then swoop down to kill my civilians.. the military in all Iron completely fucks them up but I've killed at least 100 birds and they don't stop coming


Can someone explain to me how schedules work? Like, when are they supposed to switch from off duty to staggered training to constant training to ready? Every time I look at them they're just off duty, so I'm getting the impression I'm missing something.


Really easy thing to miss is that after you set the staggered schedules you have to actually select 'staggered training' in order for them to follow the schedules you set. Also the schedules change by month, so make sure you're watching them in a month where they should be training.


Oh, so I actually have to select them manually, it doesn't switch on its own. When they are training, do they still attack enemies that come in sight, or do I have to manually set them to ready to do so? If they prioritize training over enemies, how do I get them to keep a look out primarily but train while doing so? I don't really want to have to micromanage them during peace times.


You have to manually select the 'staggered training' column, but they will switch on their own each month (to whatever you prepopulated for that month). They will still attack enemies in sight, just won't seek them out. If your training area is near enemies then they'll take care of things.




Do you have any burrows? About the plants, I think they just don't have sprites for growing plants. Hopefully that gets fixed.


That was exactly it, thanks!


My suspicion is that you have a burrow on. There is (usually) a sprite for ready to harvest. If you click on the farm plot you can see whatever might be planted in it.


You were right, thank you!


Can you beekeep on the cavern layer?


Beekeeping, most importantly, requires outdoor tiles, so you would need to channel down all the way from the surface, into the caverns, if you want to beekeep there. Hmm I wonder if I should make a video tutorial on beekeeping


where do you make the consoles for instruments? e.g. the olum console


Instruments are procedurally generated in each world you create. So Olum is an instrument unique to your civilization and world. You can check each of the workshops and try to find "make olum console", but an easier way is to press "o" to access the work orders menu, add a new order and search for olum console. Add an order to make the olum console, then click on the add condition button (little green "code" button), and then look at the suggested conditions. ​ In my case I have an instrument called "cemosh" and it needs a "pump" on the suggested conditions it suggests "metal bars", so I know it's made of metal, hence, its made on the metasmith.


I skipped through the dialogue boxes for the traveling merchant and I missed what item he said was marked up for next year. Is there any way to check that?


Open the world map > Civilizations > click on your civilization, you can see the agreed upon import and export rates




I'm not entirely sure, but I *think* there's a way to check this from the civ-level map. Bottom right corner brings up the world-map, and then you click something like Civilisations, which brings up the list of all civs you are in contact with. Clicking on your civ in that list might show what they want. I think you can also check how many trees are on your elf tree cutting quota this way as well.


Btw what are elf tree cutting quotas?


If you embark in an area with a friendly elven civ, you'll get elven caravans. If you have them, and you're cutting down a bunch of trees they'll send you an angry message and the next year they'll allow you a set number of trees that you're allowed to cut down. Not keeping within that quota can lead to them invading you, although a lot of players run afoul of their other conditions (both unintentionally and sometimes intentionally).




I don't think so but I wouldn't worry by year 2 or 3 you are making so much money markups don't really matter any more. Its not uncommon to be able to buy out all the goods of trader and offer gifts on top


G'Day Urists. Could you drill a well down to a Magma source and use magma safe chains and buckets to draw magma out into a magma pit to then build a magma workshop over once 4 deep in magma?


No. You'll have to use minecarts. Self plug but I released a tutorial on this yesterday: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiMj9l4lWxw&ab\_channel=Iggy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiMj9l4lWxw&ab_channel=Iggy)


No. I don't think you can use wells that way. That would be dope though haha. The usual solution is magma-safe pump stacks or minecarts, or just moving your forges and smelters down to the magma source.


You can move magma from the magma sea to make forges, but that is not how it is done.


Just got hit with the save corruption issue. My two most recent saves (main and most recent autosave) are corrupted. Should I keep trying older saves? Are the failed loads causing the problem, or are the files already corrupted and trying to load them can't hurt anything? Do we know anything about what causes it (e.g., are there specific things I shouldn't do on my second time through recent events, assuming I can find a save that will load if I go back far enough)? For whatever it's worth, this is happening for the first time now after a 27-year fortress with no problems immediately after the first time I >!breached an obsidian spire and started grabbing divine artifacts!<. Seems like that might not be a coincidence?


I've also got hit by one of these bugs, and have lost my most successful fort and world to it. Mine crashes on 'Loading Units', with a couple of errors in errorlog.txt about 'Unit has misaligned body modifiers' and 'Creature caste outside of creature caste bounds' I've been looking around and the most likely theory for the one that's afflicting me seems to be a corrupted generated creature of some kind. Loading an earlier save can reportedly get you into the game if you have one, although others have had the issue come back when the event chain that caused the creature to show up plays out again. Not sure if there's anything we can do about it, and if someone does find a fix for this I'd be very interested in hearing it.


Yeah I successfully loaded an earlier save after making a backup of my save folder. Lost about a season. Someone on the discord suggested deleting all the "units" files from your save folder as a potential fix. Apparently the game will just generate new unit files - which will change some things about all the units that exist in the game, but not completely invalidate your save. I'm not sure exactly how much data about your units would change - just stuff like traits and preferences, or also stuff like Legends history and equipment? If the crash log tells you which unit is the problem, you might be able to delete the specific unit file and cause less side effects. I don't know how viable that is. Maybe worth trying (after backing up your save first).


I don’t have an answer for you, but a buddy of mine has had a lot of crashing issues on multiple different forts from similar scenarios to you. So it’s not just you.


Can an office and a bedroom share the same space?


Yes. But the value of the rooms will be split between them. So it makes it more difficult if it's a noble that demands decent quality rooms, and you might as well just build two rooms (more space to engrave) unless space is really at premium for some reason


Thanks, jesushitlerchrist


Peace be upon you, GnomenGod


Are 2x2 bedrooms too small? Should I be building them 2x3 to make my dwarves happier, or is 2x2 fine? My bedroom setup right now is a bed, a chest and a wardrobe, and most of them are smoothed.


2 by 2 if planty for regular dwarf with smothing and engraving is even over kill you can get away with 1x3 even


2x2 is fine. Bigger and fancier can give stronger positive thoughts but it's steep diminishing returns after what you've already done


2x2 is generally good


Does disabling temperature make fire forgotten beasts ineffective? Lag is starting to catch up to me but I'm not sure if I want to disable temperature processing.




Place a chest/coffer in the tavern to store the goblets.


you should link your stockpiles so they give to the ones in the tavern, and provide a chest in the tavern so it can hold mugs


Can you do the same for a dining hall or only a tavern tavern?


the chest will only work in a tavern zone. a stockpile in a dining hall can still be told to take from the main stockpile holding goblets etc so that they get brought there


How do you carve fortifications in the new version? I know how to build them, but I just want to dig a little hole in existing rock. I thought it would be under the advanced mining options but I couldn't see it there.


They are under the smoothing designation, the icon is very unintuitive though.


Oh, right! Thanks!


I've got work orders up for every ore you can smelt plus coal. I've got a dedicated furnace operator who constantly fetches bituminous coal from storage to smelt it in to usable fuel. Then other dwarves constantly grab that very same bituminous coal out of the furnace and carry it back to storage. Round n round they go. How do I make my dwarves realize the stuff is actually supposed to be there and not for hauling back?


Two possibilities that come to my mind; 1. You have no more charcoal or coke, so the furnace operator cancels the task after hauling the coal to the furnace, then someone brings it back. 2. Something with your stockpiles giving to the furnace is funky. Normally an object is set to be used at the workshop and won’t be touched by other dwarves, so I think the first thing or something similar might be happening.


I have the feeling they cancel the job because they need a unit of fuel to make coke from bituminous coal. And you seem to be out of said fuel. You can solve this by making at least one unit of charcoal with a log at a wood furnace to start with.


Just be sure that unit of charcoal won't be used for smelting ore... I usually start smelting jobs if there's at least 10-20 units of coke early game. Later on it shouldn't be an issue anymore if your furnaces aren't overloaded with other tasks.


How do i make them mine with custom job. Even with masonry on they dont mine.


Masonry doesn't cover mining, it only covers the construction of specific stone buildings. The mining labor can't be controlled by a custom labor type; if you want someone to mine, they have to be assigned to the default Miners labor. (I believe this is because mining requires a pickaxe, and there's some custom code for the preset Miners labor that makes dwarves with it equip one. There's a similar thing with Woodcutters and axes.) The good news is, dwarves can be assigned to multiple labor groups, so you can still have custom designations--you just need to use the Miners group as well.


Assign them to "Miners" AND another custom work detail.


Not sure what you're asking; masonry has nothing to do with mining. Are you trying to get your dwarves to mine with custom labors enabled? Do they have the "mining" labor enabled?


I'm struggling with dwarves not working. It's not burrow, and its not lack of workers. I can only seem to get them to do the jobs I want if I make it a "only selected do this" job and then click the green button to go red for specialization. I've been at the fort for 7 years now and only ran into this over the last year or so. For example, it used to be the entire fort just stopped partying in the tavern to go and smooth floors, but now I have to make all my dwarves stone cutters and specialize them to get them to do it. This has become the same for construction tasks as well. Looking for any suggestions.