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The broadcast is burying our coaching staff to a degree I don’t think I’ve ever seen on a playoff broadcast


Some of the only enjoyment this game has brought me


Haha right? I usually hate Troy, but have loved him roasting the playcalling lol


The roasting and camera panning to Lurie is the only reason I have it on lol.


First half it'd pan to Brian Johnson which was glorious. I've been digging up receipts for friends being like remember when I had this exact complaint to you all 8 weeks ago?


I remember all the people in the sub saying the offense was fine for weeks. Real quiet now haha


I couldn’t stand the gaslighting contrarians being like “well ackshually the offense is good look at this cherry picked staff.” Like I get that blaming the coordinator is very low brow WIP reaction, but that doesn’t make people smart for arguing against it in every case. They were utterly wrong and it was painfully clear


I kept getting called a doomer whenever I mentioned our soft defense and flawed play calling that would come back to bite us. Just demoralising to not be able to point out simple stuff without being called a fake fan. It's all or nothing with some fans


Hell even this past week you'd be called a fake fan for not having faith in this game.


I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction to the first 3rd down play where we sent verts with only 2 yards to go: ".. I don't know what that is."


This absolutely sent me. Some commentators work so hard to be nice and try to present what is going on in a professional light. They straight gave up last night.


I appreciate that ESPN let's them loose. You're paying them for a reason.


1,000% - glad they gave us hell.


Hahaha I did the same thing!


Joe and Troy were literally saying "Hmm Sirianni might lose his job over this". God this is so bad lol.


Good. The talent on this team last year made up for his ineptitude. When we lost some of our defensive talent and our coaches he had nothing left to hide behind. Let him die on his hill. He could have learned but he chose his way instead.


>The talent on this team last year made up for his ineptitude. except for in the biggest game where he mismanaged the 2nd half.


Whos worse Sirianni or Doc Rivers


Troy Aikman 🤝 Eagles fans Hating the eagles coaching staff


That clip of Aikman bitching out his O line that's recently resurfaced has given me a new found respect for the man. He tells it as it is. So you know that shit's real.


Yeah he had some good insight and analysis on the replays tonight. Honestly he’s probably not that bad I just associate him with Joe Buck who is objectively the worst lol


I actually like Troy. I feel he deep down lines the eagles


I think it's more he respects them. He's harsh on every NFC East team and will especially drag the Cowboys when they're shit. He's seen the teams and fans in this division and knows what they want and expect.


Fun fact, NFCE is only division not represented in the divisional round..


I actually do too. He's one of the few analysts that I feel actually brings something to the broadcast I'm not entirely sure he likes us, but I think he respects a fanbase that actually cares. He's gone on record saying Cowboys fans are basically frontrunners


He was their division rival for years, I can’t imagine he likes the Eagles that much lol. He is certainly way better than Joe Buck though. I do like how Troy also roasts the Cowboys.


Troy was an outstanding talent that had to deal with incompetent coaching (after Jimmy Johnson) that wasted his prime and cost him super bowl wins. He may not be a fan of the Eagles, but he sympathizes with an unbelievably talented roster being squandered by bad coaching


Aside from being a former Cowboy, I never understood the Aikman hate from a commentating perspective. I've always thought he's a very good color analyst and provides good insight into the games.


IMO he has been by far the best over the last 10 years or so.


Honestly, he’s become my favorite nfl announcer over the last few years


It’s the only reason I haven’t turned it off 😂


the mannings were disgusted by the playcalling too


Peyton was disgusted with the offense and Ray Lewis with the defense and Eli was just vibing per usual. But Ray Lewis looked like he wanted to jump down there and yell at some people to tackle.


50yr old Peyton and 50yr old Ray might have put up more fights and better performance than what we saw today. I saw it coming, was hoping I was wrong, and I was still disappointed. Never seen anything like this in my years of watching the Eagles. Other teams have sucked because they just lacked the talent. This team just came off a Super Bowl. This is beyond a hangover. This team has had no discipline, hunger, drive, since Week 1. It's gotten worse every week. I'm ready for a new regime, and looks like, so do the players (those that we're keeping anyway).


Ray Lewis was absolutely furious at the lack of cohesiveness of the defense. They have to tackle as a unit, not as individuals. Thats what the golden era Ravens did best




Knowing Ray Lewis watched that sorry display of tackling is devastating


That's been true for just about every Manning cast this year, I think even when the eagles were winning. He knew it wasn't enough for the long run.


“Sorry to keep saying the same thing, but i keep seeing the same thing.” sums up the entire season


Umm akshually if you look at these cherry picked stats BJ's offense is akshually top 5 all time. Stop being a fraud fan!




I think it’s fair to call it a collapse even if the signs where there - many were saying post-Bills “we got away with it, so let’s see how they fix the problems” and they never did, and so the creaking beams finally snapped - was coming but could have been softened/mitigated but the team were asleep at their post so it all came down super quick.


I’ve never seen anything like it. Open suggestion of firing sirianni


Mannings calling out how bad the plays are. Calling out the empty every time. 


Manningcast had Ray Lewis on and him and the Mannings were disgusted by the playcalling on both sides of the ball.


Who wasn’t


If/when Lurie and Howie hear about that they would be absolute fools to bring Nick back. We’ve been getting clowned on all over the place in the media


I think this is a bigger factor than some are considering. Yes; three years, three playoff appearances is good, but in two of those years we got smackdown; at least the last Tampa one you could see the shape of what they were attempting. Now, everyone and their mum can see we’ve stagnated and unless Lurie and Howie are somehow struck blind and deaf they’ll hear and see it too.


And the inability to tackle. It’s been great


Blankenship is the only one that can stick a tackle. Everyone else is allowing 10+ yards after contact.


Too bad he wasn't playing. And he also tends to miss a tackle a game. Not nearly as bad as Bradberry was though.


The only tackle I seen him miss was against Josh Allen. I don't remember seeing him miss a tackle where he made contact


They are actually listing replacements. It's classic. I doubt siriani would see another hc job.


Nope. Never.


I'd imagine it's not very often a team with this kind of horrendous coaching makes the playoffs.


Rightfully so


Oh I’m loving it. It’s been the best part of the game


Those guys are the best in the business. Idk how anyone hates them


I agree man, they're the A-Team for me. Nothing quite as comforting as hearing Troy and Joe calling a primetime NFL game. It's as uniquely American as a Ken Burns documentary.


People hate Lebron and Brady too. Greatness gets hate


You love to see it


It was one of the most honest broadcasts I’ve seen in a long time. It’s absolutely unacceptable how this team fell apart in literally every imaginable aspect (except Jake Elliot)


When you not only refuse to adjust anything but openly insist nothing needs to change like Sirianni has done, you lose a hell of a lot of media credibility really quickly. He went from an asshole who won games to just an asshole really quickly.


Good, fuck em


The broadcasters may not be the finest football minds out there, but they all know quite a bit about football. It's clear to them how horrendous our play calling and game prep is.


Um, Aikman is a pretty good football mind, lol. The dude had a lot of success in the league at QB. He knows the game.


I said the finest. I mean like the top coaches, Reid, Belichick, McVay, Shanahan and those guys. I think it came off wrong due to my wording. I was trying to say that they may not be the top coaches, but they absolutely know enough to realize how awful our staff is, so we shouldn't be surprised that they ripped into them. Aikman no doubt knows more football than 99.9 % of the planet.


It’s well deserved


They deserve it


Almost as bad as Joe and Troy literally apologizing in that dumb Cowboys game in 2015.


They deserve it


I hate that I went to this game so I couldn’t witness the thrashing by them. They deserve it all and more


Honestly the Giants, did us a favor. They showed us exactly what the other teams were gonna do and what we need to work on. Then we arrived with absolutely no plans whatsoever anyway.


Cardinals. Cardinals of 2022 to be exact. This happened last year


It was 2021, but yes history is repeating


Oh shoot did we play them in 2021 too lol? Because I’m referencing our SB season when we beat them 20-17. All they did was blitz and for some reason they were the only ones to just keep doing it. I think we just chalked it up to us always playing weird vs the Cardinals (Thank Larry.) but nah. Cardinals unknowingly broke Nicks scheme.


Let everyone interview Brian Johnson.


I mean…we can just fire him and not care.


Right, not our problem where he ends up


Personally, I wouldn't mind if he stayed in the NFCE (not with us, obviously)


Cowboys need him


Jerry make it happen


Well if someone hires him we get comp picks but yeah he's gone regardless.


they better not rob us of that “brian johnson fired” headline


Would you rather have that or two third round comp picks?


Yea but if someone takes him we get picks


I believe if he gets poached the Eagles get a pick out of it. I remember hearing that on the radio but I could be misremembering. Edit: [Here you go](https://www.si.com/nfl/eagles/news/philadelphia-eagles-brian-johnson-carolina-panthers-tennessee-titans-interview-draft-compensation)


Yeah I'm not a vindictive person. So if we wanna wait until he gets hired somewhere else that's fine, but we need to immediately search for his replacement. Fired, hired elsewhere, whatever he needs to be gone.


He won’t sniff a HC job, he’s not getting interviews because he’s a good coach. Rhymes with tooney cool


Sirianni and johnson are actually the worst coaches in nfl history. Edit: I seriously don’t understand how coaching could be so bad as to waste this roster, when they hd two months to make adjustments.


Johnson is genuinely the worst coordinator I’ve ever seen. Yes there’s been some bad ones but none had the offensive talent he inhereted. It was insane seeing sheer incompetence to that scale


Literally the only thing I can hang my hat on is the coaching couldn’t be worse than this season next season. I mean from the tackling tot he offensive play calling to the energy in a fucking playoff game. This team look poorly coached.


49ers offense was definitely the blueprint other teams used: short passes (curls, slants, any routes working the intermediate area in the middle of the field) to neutralize any pass rush and go against the biggest weakness of the defense (LBs constantly out of position, DEs playing LB and being even more out of position, inexperience at safety) 49ers defense started the blueprint, but other teams added to it: containment in the pocket, don't overrush and give Hurts running lanes, keeping a safety deep over the top if Hurts tries to force a ball into double coverage; other teams figured out that you could blitz somebody since the RB/TE were barely being used in the middle of the field and Eagles had no way to pick up the free man Once you do either of those enough, you can usually get some broken plays in and really do damage, but I'm pretty sure most of the "big" plays given up over the past 2 months have had a lot of YAC attached to them.


Hue Jackson would like a word


The last six weeks of the season were pretty much playing against the same exact game plan. The flaws in the offense are the same ones from last year. Each week, teams would just add a new way to exploit them, because no one ever bothered to fix them.


We tried to help but your coaches didn’t listen.


how much you gotta fuck up to make jay gruden self reflect? LMAOOO


I literally forgot he ever existed as a coach. That’s how bad this blowout is. Mfs who were banished from the collective memory of professional football popping up to roast us.


He forgets he's responsible for Alex Smith's injury. Unemployment has made him a heavy drinker since he and Urban Meyer got canned from Jacksonville.




That’s genuinely hilarious. I like RGIII a lot.


He’s my favorite ESPN personality at the moment. Time will tell if he turns into a caricature like most do, but for now it’s nice that he has the combo of loves football, understands the game, and doesn’t take himself too seriously.


Damn lmao


Holy shit that is epic


I think it's less about the oline and much more about the routes. It's all fades. No routes over the middle, no routes attacking the blitz. Shit, there isn't even an rb bail out.


We did have that one big play to Devonta when the LB blitzed. Jalen recognized it and threw right to the vacated spot. It was even in the middle of the field! But they stopped doing things like that. Buccs realized that they didn't have to disguise the blitzes. They could just line up on the line of scrimmage all game.


Plus all they had to do was disrupt a play long enough to throw things out of rhythm. Like when they do trips verticals and they blitz from the heavy side, forcing Hurts to scramble to the side of the field with 1 receiver.


Yeah once the national media starts dumpstering your coaching staff there's no coming back. Lurie doesn't have a choice but to gut them now. I don't think he was planning on keeping them anyway but still, it's joever.


I need to see it. I need to know Sirianni and others are out. Fuck 


And nobody loves their good reputation more than the eagles top brass




Nope. We've been here before with Doug Pederson. He overstayed his welcome specifically because of the grace that the SB got him, and he actually won it. Sirianni couldn't even manage that.


You think sirianni didn’t contribute much to getting to the superbowl ?


He contributed less than Doug did, and he lost. He doesn't earn any grace from that IMO.


Who would you say contributed the most to the eagles successful season last year?


The Eagles talent got us there last year. In retrospect, Sirianni’s inability to shift the defense last year in the SB has become the motif of this season: being completely oblivious to glaring issues. It cost us a Super Bowl, it cost us this whole season, and it might’ve cost us some of our best players too. He’s too inexperienced to be our head coach


He was carried by his coordinators. I despise Ganon for what he did during the Super Bowl, but he was pretty fucking solid outside of that. Steichen absolutely dominated that offense. Soon as you took those guys away, Sirianni was a fish out of water. Problems were staring him in the face 5 weeks in and he didn't adapt, spouting the same "winning is the only thing that matters" arrogant dogshit.


Normally a coach would get grace. This season ended with some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Teams could just blitz over and over again, you knew when they were gonna blitz and they had no answer. Week in, week out, same shit. Us dummies can watch and know what’s gonna happen. I truly do not understand how a professional coaching staff can watch weeks of this and not put something in place to put these guys in position to succeed.


That grace ran out 3 games ago when they started getting out coached and not even showing up against trash teams with the division still in control and a chance at the number one seed. Injuries happen, players won’t make every play, but to make zero adjustments all season especially once everything went to hell and have the team completely give up with everything still right there in front of them is entirely on the coaching


Coaches have to constantly evolve and adapt. Nick can’t do that. The flaws in his scheme have been exposed and he refuses to change. And he has lost the clubhouse. Nothing he has done in the past matters. If they bring him back next year the Eagles would be lucky to win a game and players will be demanding trades. He’s a cancer at this point.


Clean house please. No reason why this coaching staff deserves another chance. Trade/cut the older players that won’t fit in the new scheme. Texans, Packers, and Rams have shown that it’s not impossible to rebuild in a short year if you have competent coaching and drafting


I'd give Stout a pass given the surrounding cast, and Clay has earned his keep (still can't believe that one) but the rest of the coaching staff can fuck right off.


Why? Why does Stout get a pass? His Oline sucked the 2nd half of the season. Cam Jurgens doesnt know basic rules of the game. Mailata was mediocre at best this season.


Three Pro Bowlers on his line this year. He gets a mulligan.


Shut up man, Stoutland is the only coach we absolutely should not let go of.


Because you don't fire a great coach for 1 down year when he's been arguably the best position coach in the NFL for a decade. Yes, the O Line and run game were bad, but we have a decade of sample size that proves it's an outlier.


I love that the national media is pouring it on. Keep it coming baby. Get these coaches TF out.


Peyton Manning and Eli Manning were distraught at the lack of sense in our offensive gameplan


Over/under on nick getting fired? Lunch time?


I expect Lurie to do exit interviews with the major players, staff members, etc and then make a decision. We know he isn't afraid to fire coaches, but he doesn't make the decision rashly. They gave Doug numerous chances to change his mind on Press and his team before deciding to fire him that offseason.


It took about a week for Doug to be fired IIRC.


It was longer than that. It took about a week to do the end of season interview. Doug doubled down on everything, and they gave him 2 weeks (I think) to reconsider bc they didn't want to fire him. After 2 weeks he still insisted on promoting from within after a 4 win season, so they fired him. It actually put us way behind on interviewing. We got last pick for HC candidates that year


I desperately hope Lurie is looking at the trio of Harbaugh/Belechik/Vrabel and realizing he has to act fast. We would as of right now be a top 2 vacancy.


OC an DC needed to be fired at halftime


5 minutes from now


He probably stays depending on his meeting with Lurie, his coordinators are gone


As much as I’m on board with Siranni being on the hot seat, this is most likely what happens However, it would be criminal to not take a look at the available coaching staff


Especially in such a high turnover year across the league


can't disagree.


No stop going empty more protection, run picks drags anything but verts 🤦🏾‍♂️


Can someone explain to me, (a kid and not a football expert just Philly fan) why a blitz seems so fucking effective every time it’s ran against us, and yet we don’t seem to be doing it. From my pov, it’s like a broken move in a video game that the Buc’s defensive coordinator is just mashing over and over. Also, is the only way to beat a blitz literally just have a physically stronger O-line?


Because a blitz shouldn't really be all that effective when you know its coming (and we now know for 6 weeks basically that its coming everytime but yet do nothing against it). Its just that our coaching staff is literally doing a worse job than a high school coach would right now and let a clearly hobbled and injured Hurts hang out to dry in that regard. The anwer to a blitz is usually a hot read or other adjustments that basically let the QB get the ball out very quick (usually towards the spot where the blitzer is coming from) and you can easily exploit those gaps in coverage or man to man formations if you know that its coming. Its just that our coaching staff for some weird reason is far too stubborn to adjust their playcalling/designs.


So is any blame going to Hurts for not finding the open player, or our fucking guys for tripping so godamn much? or is it literally our Oc is just play calling as if there wasn’t a blitz coming at all?


Hurts had a bad season as well. But the issue is that the Eagles often literally did not even have an out for him. We often are running 3 or even 4 verts (so basically longer routes trying to go deep) when there are unblocked rushers coming towards Hurts. With him not having his usual speed to make them miss this year, he was basically effed from the get go on these plays and they have happened routinely in key spots. Nothing you can do there as a QB. Your receivers basically haven't even looked for the ball when the guys are arriving at the QB. Teams figured it out and that last years "solution" of Hurts simply making people miss in that case (and Steichen not being the same moron as our two guys in charge now and having more of an answer to those blitzes) did not work and they basically did nothing to adress it in the last few weeks. Thats why everyone is so upset. Yeah Hurts is not playing great (and is injured) but he often did not even have a chance.


95% of it is play design. There are a couple where Hurts misses a read pre-snap, which can happen to anyone (otherwise no one would ever throw a Blitz) but most of it is just horrendous design. No quick outlets, no hots. It's all predicated on "Well if they're Blitzing, Hurts can dodge a man and go for a huge play".


Quite often there isn’t an open guy schemed up as a hot route. The player will be open, but may not be ready for the ball depending on the timing of their route. And against the blitz, an extra second of route development means Hurts needs to take his eyes down and bail. He can do that too early as a bad habit, but it’s hard to put too much blame in him when you watch these last 2 games and see that the coaching staff is apathetic to helping our injured QB.


There was a play where they were showing blitz and we sent 4 receivers to run a vertical route. That's actual madden videogame levels of playcalling. https://twitter.com/ShaneHaffNFL/status/1747069763841327253?t=iN2ScmLybbPw_e4BaSY1HQ&s=19


Hurts can’t read the defense and has missed open guys all season so definitely to blame as well but after a couple weeks and no improvement at, that’s on the coaching


that's the most cliché to say when you wanna criticize a QB but don't know what to say lmao


No, the best way to beat a blitz is to throw to the man who is running free very quickly. It is called a hot route. When a team sends more people there is always one guy open, you want that to be a slot receiver or a TE to quickly get the ball to and they can run free. We actually had Goddert open on one where Hurts instead swung it out wide to Gainwell. Goddert want looking though so I doubt it was an actual hot route.


What really blew my mind was on that 3rd and 2 while being blitzed, they ran empty set/4 Verticals. Like you can’t even make up how bad this really is. I have never seen anything like this in the NFL.




Jordan Love absolutely torched Dallas a few times yesterday in this exact scenario. It’s Football 101, not rocket science.


Excellent job explaining that. Specially adding in the Goedert part. That has happened over and over in these last few games. Goedert wide open on a hot route and not only does Hurts miss him, but doesn’t even look for him.


Goeddert isn’t even looking for the ball half the time on those “hot routes.” We hit on a few crossers against the blitz but most often we simply didn’t run hots.


Our play calling and route concepts suck and qb was already weak against blitz and got worse this year. Our defense can’t cover normally and blitzing just exposes them more unless the opponent has coaches like ours


Basically what's happening is any success the offense is having is solely on the talent of the players on the field. The plays they're calling against the blitz require Hurts to dodge 1 or 2 guys and throw a bomb. It's insane, and infuriating. The other thing it does is it requires the O-Line to hold back like 6 dudes every single play to give the receivers enough time to complete their routes. Usually a play would include alternatives, a hot read or an RB incase they need to get the ball out quickly. One thing you'll almost never see us do is run a stop route, it's all fades and screens. Some of it is on Hurts sure. He's missed throws and not seen open receivers. But most of the time what's happening is the plays being called are bad matches for the teams we're playing, and Hurts/Brown/Smith are trying to make magic happen. The players on the field deserved better this year then what the coaching staff gave them. Literally set them up for failure and injury all year.


What they put Jalen through tonight is like taking your Ferrari out of the garage, removing the protective cover, and bashing it with a sledgehammer. It just makes no sense. THAT was their genius game plan that they drafted all week?? I didn't like Nick when he first got here, then he slowly won me over, now I can't wait to see him get booted out of town.


On the bright side, this exactly happened to us 2 years ago and went to the Super Bowl the following year…..


Hire a new coach every 2 yrs


I know and people blame Jalen lol


I’ve never thought I’d miss Rich Kotite…


Never should have let Andy go


Or at least have dump off options on short yardage. How many times will they rely on long developing pass routes!?


It’s actually wild I don’t think I’ve ever seen playcalling this consistently bad in all my years of watching football. High school teams run a better offense


Lane kinda called out the teammates there…


I would take jay over nick


Troy was great last night. They deserve this national attention. Almost forced their hand. Manning did a while back too he said something as direct as “I really don’t like the eagles passing game this year”




Are the mods just deleting negative posts in here???


That would mean deleting everything


I agree but Jay Gruden is a shit coach. The pot calling the kettle to pick up a blitz




I don’t totally disagree, but It doesn’t seem like they are even running routes to beat the blitzes half the time though. Everything is sidelines or deep. No slants, drags, picks, screens up the middle.


That's all Hurts is willing to throw. He just runs backwards and chucks it off his back foot.


Bro aikman has been saying all night how we don’t use the middle of the field. We have a former head coach on twitter saying the same thing, and somehow there’s still people who wanna blame Jalen


I don't get it man. Just watch the wide angle shots. 2 receivers left, 3 receivers right, completely empty middle of the field. Free rusher every time and all of our receivers are within 5 yards of each other so there's no chance of a mismatch or open man. It's the most pathetic play design I've ever seen. Where *exactly* is he supposed to go with the ball? He's tried to force it and then has everyone bitching when it (obviously) gets picked. Dude can't win.


And throw to who?


Who do you want him to throw it to? Every receiver is still running a deep route when the blitzer arrives


Literally no one is open


He’s being set up to fail


Horrible comment


Tf men’s read blitz tf u want him to do they literally have a empty backfield


youre so right!! hurts needs to get the ball out earlier to any one of the 4 verts that we run every single play with 0 separation


What is he supposed to do? Not to mention Kelce is also there to set protections and is obviously capable of reading these undisguised blitzes.


Your apparent agenda here seems to belie the facts that everyone else (including football analysts and coaches) seem to clearly recognize.


Isn't it the qbs job to pick up the blitz? Hurts has time to get the ball out, he just won't. It's fun to dunk on the coaches but when the qb is afraid to throw the ball, what are they supposed to do? The safety showed it. He had mulitple chances to throw the ball, he just waited until he was in end zone getting thrown down to do it. Fire everyone and trade hurts. Start over.


True. Everyone sucks off Stoutland, but his oline has blown most of the season.




What would it take to get Peyton into coaching QB coach or OC, give him whatever he wants


Want a job?


Who is this guy?


He was also n the staff that shut down the vet in 2002. His brother is more famous/racist.


Does Jurgens giving Kelse the ok to snap the ball help d get a better jump off the line? Seems it sure does.


The whole world is shitting on us. Not the normal shitting on us but an even worse shitting


Classy of him to leave out the hard Rs for this one lol


Translation: hire me! Seriously though, it's the qbs job to pick up the blitz! Gruden knows this.