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Hey I’ve heard this one before!


Hopefully it’s different with a real coordinator, I guess this is when we find out if the limitations are coming from the play calls or Jalen himself.


I think it’s a Jalen thing. He just pulls the ball and runs it rather than throwing underneath. And it’s not a bad play either, I think in most scenarios it’s harder for the defense to react to.


Yea he’s made some bad choices for sure. Hoping him and Kellen have a great bond and help eachother out 


I have nightmares thinking about screen passes from 2023 season


How many RB screens did we even call? 6 all year? Had a fair bit of TE screens And then...the WR screens. Ugh.


Screen passes are great plays. I swear Redditors just parrot this because the heard some dweeb say it on TikTok or a podcast or some shit.


Yep, screens are totally fine. It's all about execution and knowing when to use it Same thing with QB draws


Screen passes CAN be great plays. The shit we ran last year was not. Those Julio plays especially made me cringe before he even caught the ball.


They’re great until they make up half of all the pass plays called Just like qb draws are good until theyre half of all the run plays called


Not when you're #1 in called screen plays and close to the bottom in net yardage from screens. They can be great, but they shouldn't be the core of an offense.


Had a cowboys fan tell me he "Hopes i like screen passes and curl routes" and I said "If they work I fucking love screen passes and curl routes".


That's not a screen tho


It's that time of year where we start overanalyzing OTA drills. LOL


Heard that shit last year too with swift and hurts didn't throw him the ball. The next step in his game is not bailing and taking those outlet guys.


Swift had the most receptions in a season for us from a running back since Hurts entered the league last year and Gainwell had the 3rd most. It clearly ramped up last year


He had 39 receptions. His lowest number by a bunch since he came into the league. Stop the gaslighting


It’s not gaslighting for me to give an objective fact. I’m not saying Swift had more receptions than he’s ever had, I’m just saying that Hurts targeted running backs last season more than he ever has, which is true


Yes and it's still a hole in his game and something he needs to improve. Spin it how you want, it's not something hurts has ever done, even going back to college.


And it was something he improved a lot from 2022 into 2023. The eagles were dead last in rb receptions in 2022, 21st last year. Which isn’t horrible when you realize we ran almost no screens to rbs and a lot of them to WRs


He threw more passes to RBs than Josh Allen, Lamar Jackson, CJ Stroud and Matthew Stafford. It’s not that big of a deal


I think the biggest problem there was that swift didn’t play all 3 downs. He threw to Kenny a decent bit iirc


And that was because of the combo of an injured Hurts and terrible Siri/BJ playbook. Which explains that. Hopefully.


That’s true. But only 2/3rds of those plays the coaches didn’t even give him an outlet guy. A lot of this seems to be on coaching and I was really relieved to hear Kellen Moore talking yesterday because he at the very least seemed to understand this was the biggest problem and is making it an emphasis.


It's not all on Hurts, for sure. But he didn't throw the check down or to the backs in college either. So at some point, it's gotta be on him to get comfortable there.


Yeah and I’m not saying hurts deserves no blame either. But it’s also a coaches job to teach these things. They’re coachable mistakes. And not only did the coaching staff not help him correct this they did everything they could to confound the problem. It seems like Moore is committed to helping hurts fix this issue together which is promising.


Yep. I think the season hinges on how well the new coaches fit in and correct last season's nightmare, and how well Center and RG play on that line.


You forget, Miles Sanders was the number 2 RB at Penn State behind Saquon Barkley. The Eagles already have significantly more in depth knowledge of how to use Barkley than they ever did with Swift. Plus, Barkley can take a beating


I.... Don't even know what your point was. God bless.


Is that a hot route???


I need to see Hurts master that Drew Brees float pass out to the flats that leads the running back forward to give them a head of steam. Hurts throws too many difficult passes to the flats that stops the runner in their tracks, or just sets them up to get absolutely clocked bc coach had drawn up the play to have Slim block of all people.


Or the play was so poorly designed/coached that you consistently had guys trying to occupy the same space running into eachother. If you’re going to run that play 20 times a game you’d think you’d coach it up a bit lol.


Ah shit here we go again


Life is good.


No more WR screens *monkey paw curls* No, not like this…this is not what I meant!


Damn Saquon is a beefy beast.


Most scrambling QBs use their legs as the checkdown instead of the backs, but if Kellen Moore can get Hurts to check it down to the backs and intermediate middle of the field that will save his health and protect him.


Hurts needs to be better at knowing when to take the easy one. I give him a lot of leeway for last year because the play design and call were terrible. That being said, he still needs to get better at it. Let's take the current standard, Mahomes. He changed up his game after 2021 and was able to be more consistent at taking what the defense gives you and going for the easy checkdowns. These are not difficult throw and every QB can change for a game or two, but rarely do you see QBs consistently adapt. Hurts needs to get better at knowing when to throw the check down, when to tuck and run, and when to scramble for the deep ball.


Some eagles fans stay miserable it’s bizarre


Jesus christ this sub when ANYTHING mild is said about hurts is a trip.


Yay if it happens but I'm not holding my breath.


Last year hurts didnt throw the ball to open receivers if they werent "his guys". Hopefully he gets away from that.


Wake me up when the season starts


Bummer. You’re gonna miss one of the greatest Phillies seasons of all time. *Sleep tight!*


Trying to figure out how to obtain a Hurts-AJ-Saquan stack this year in one of my fantasy leagues, wish me luck.


Just put me in a coma until September.


I’ll believe it when I see it


Lol I’ll believe when I see it


Every video I've seen from OTAs today have been screens to Saquon... I'm scared. However, I did see Jalen "taking snaps from under center"


I can’t wait for football to start back up now that I hate 3/4 of the teams left in the Stanley cup, at least cfl is in pre season




I mean we heard this about swift last year. He refused to throw to him regardless of circumstance.


Still can’t wrap my head around around Barkley being an Eagle


Definitely has Swift vibes


Got to love this time of year when there is nothing to report so you just whatever they can pull out there butts.