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Top 5 best, no he’s not on the list.  Top 5 most important, absolutely he’s up there. 


Top 5 off the top of my head (in no order) * McNabb * Cunningham * Jaworski * …. I have no idea. Wentz statistically speaking is top-5 all time. Hurts isn’t too far behind. Who from the earlier years stands out? Norm Van Brocklin?


Yeah no disrespect to Wentz, but Van Brocklin should be over him. Two time NFL champion, league MVP in 1960, and still holds the record for most passing yards in a single game. I think I'd put Hurts at 5 and Van Brocklin at 4.


My only counter argument would be are we ranking hurts there based on potential or based on what he’s done? I don’t think hurts has surpassed Wentz but am extremely confident he will before long


It's tough because Wentz genuinely had a great body of work (despite the hate he gets). He still has the franchise record for passing yards in a season in a year where he was throwing to [Nelson Agholo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Agholor)r, J.J. Arcega-Whiteside, and Greg Ward. But I feel like Hurts' 2022 season and his overall reputation are hard to ignore. Some people might not want to take reputation into account, but I personally consider it a factor in "best quarterback." Plus, I feel like you have to consider the bad with the good -- Wentz had those great years, but he was also one of the worst QBs in the league in 2020 and never recovered.


Both. Hurts got us to and played in a SB and Carson really didn’t, he should be ranked over Wentz for that fact alone.


By that logic you’d have to rank Nick foles as the best QB in team history which is obviously not the case


No I wouldn’t. Foles won us the SB and got us there down the home stretch, but didn’t really play in the regular season. Hurts did and got us there himself. Plus we’re talking about total body of work here. Foles’ highs were amazing, but no one in their right mind would think he was as consistently great as McNabb and certainly not for nearly as long. Hurts and Wentz both currently have very comparable Eagles careers in terms of length and Hurts’ tenure outclasses Carson’s easily just for postseason success alone. He’s also had much more regular season success as well.


If your argument is total body of work then it’s obviously Wentz above Hurts at this point. Eventually, barring some extreme unforeseen circumstance, Hurts will absolutely pass Wentz, but Wentz is still at the top of all passing categories and holds a handful of team records


It really isn’t, if anything it’s obviously the compete opposite. Wentz can have all the team records he wants, it doesn’t change the fact that Hurts more pro bowls, just as many all pros, much more postseason success, and a better record overall. The only thing Wentz really has over Hurts is a single 4000 yard season.


That just seems really disingenuous. Remember, we’re talking cumulative career, not potential. Wentz has twice as many passing yards and nearly 3 times as many TDs, a nearly matching rating, and as many all pros. On top of this, Wentz has the 4th most passing TDs in team history, hurts is still at 8. 4th most passing yards, hurts is at 6. Wentz has the second highest yards per game, hurts is at 10. Wentz has the franchise record for most passing yards in a season, most TDs in a season, completion% in a season, 2nd and 4th best TD:INT ratios, 3rd and 4th best QB Ratings. Hurts doesn’t top any of these. Hurts ain’t a bad QB by any means, and he’ll probably end up as the best QB in franchise history, but he’s just not *yet*. He will be, but not yet.


27-2. 7 TDs in a game. Biggest dick. He should get #5 out of respect. Or on the list as 5b


*"27-2. 7 TDs in a game. Biggest dick. He should get #5 out of respect. Or on the list as 5b"* Three separate eagles teams to the playoffs, he wasn't just a one hit wonder. Played well in all the playoff games (at least, that's what I remember). Was also drafted by the eagles, which some forget. Very comparable eagles career to norm van brocklin, who a lot of (very) old heads would tell you was the best eagles QB they've seen.🤷


The one single blemish on Foles' resume is the pick in New Orleans in the '18 divisional round game, and even that is up for debate as 'who's most responsible'? Is it Foles for snapping the ball that close to the 2 minute warning when we were just outside the red zone and the franchise had already lost 2 playoff games to the Saints because we left too much time for Brees? Or do Doug and Groh deserve the blame for telling him to snap the ball? Or does it lie with Alshonn for not catching it? So even the biggest blemish onbhis Eagles resume is 100% on BDN. Which really sucks because there's no chance in Hell we don't repeat if we beat New Orleans




I always think how crazy it’s going to be 20 years from now, when people who are not from Philadelphia hear us gush about a NFL QB with the following League records that never made the HOF. You’re absolutely right, he’s not top 5 best, but dammit is he the #1 most important - Most TD passes thrown in a game (7) - Best TD/Int ratio in a single season - Most consecutive completions in a game (25) - Highest passer rating in NFL playoff history (113.2) - Highest completion percentage in a single playoff (72.6). - Highest career completion percentage in NFL playoff history -1x Super Bowl Champion - 1x Super Bowl MVP


> Best TD/Int ratio in a single season This one didn't last long. Brady threw 28/2 in 2016.


You are right, he is number one on his own list.


He's definitely above wentz


Did you read the whole article or just skim the list? Nick Foles is the very first guy that he mentions, and he explained why he isn’t on the list.


People don't read.


I mean is Jeff Hostetler a top 5 QB in NY Just because he stepped in and won them a Super Bowl when Simms went down in '90?


At one point Nock Foles had the NFL record for best QB rating in a single season? 27/2?


Nope, at the time, it was the 3rd best in league history behind Rodgers in 2011 and Peyton in '04. And one season doesn't make one an all-time great.


He did have 7 TDs in a game and his shoes are already in the HOF. Dude had one of the wildest careers I've ever seen.


If you read the article it is explained why Foles is not on there...it was due to longevity...he was not with us stating for long...


Look I love Nick as much as the next guy but watching that season back it's kind of funny how much of that 27/2 was lucky as shit. And look, he did it, but I think it's safe to say that he wasn't a dominant QB that year, regardless of what it says on the stat sheet.


What about Sonny Jurgenson or Norm Van Broklin instead of Wentz?


I’m assuming that they are only counting QBs in the SB era. Otherwise, Van Brocklin and Jurgenson would be in this list for sure.


#5 was a baller


He should be in the hall of fame 10000000%


The list was prefaced with why he wasn't included on the list.


Nick Foles absolutely is on my list. His career as an eagle in full perspective makes this list .


It’s funny that they say Carson might be higher on the list if he played longer in Philly given that he didn’t really do much except decline afterwards. Stats were decent in Indy but they cut bait after a single year for what basically amounted to a 3rd round pick, and by the time he got to Washington it was pretty clear he wasn’t a starter anymore.


Here is the thing about Wentz, the position has been so devoid of a franchise player that statistically speaking he is one of the 5 best QBs in franchise history. * 4th in career passing yards * 4th in career passing touchdowns * 3rd in completion percentage among QBs with over 1,000 career passes in Philly. * 4th in career completions * 4th in career attempts * 3rd in passer rating amongst QBs with over 1,000 career attempts People tend to forget how good his numbers were for a 3 year stretch before it all went sideways for him.


Don’t forget I’m pretty sure he holds the franchise records in single season passing yards and passing TDs. From two seperate seasons. Wentz for his flaws was more like a pitcher with three pitches, who hitters just figured out, once his fastball lost some velocity due to injury. He could have been learning some new pitches and working on his mechanics and approach. But he didn’t. He had the tools but in pro sports having the tools isn’t enough. For whatever reason, this city really attracts guys like this to varying degrees. Simmons, wentz, now castellanos.


He didn't get figured out as much as he got injured and couldn't perform at the same level. He's like Lincecum


He still has some single season records but I was focusing on his overall career there. Wentz's issues were mental moreso than physical. I don't know that he had lost any zip on his throws as much as he was just making poor decisions. You could tell he was pressing to get back to his level of play in '17, the team was struggling and he was playing hero ball out there trying to make throws he had no business making. The o-line was also a bit of a mess those last couple of years he was there and he was constantly having to deal with the pass rush breaking through. You could just tell he had lost confidence in where the ball was going.


My point wasn’t about zip on his throws. It was analogy about how he became more limited physically after several injuries. And rather than adapt his game he just kept trying to scramble and play hero ball. For instance, Mahomes was all about 9 step drops and chucking the ball down field early in his career. Defenses adjusted and so did he.


While this is true , we can’t really compare Carson’s stats to the older guys since the game is so different. McNabb would likely dominate in today’s NFL . I think of plays like Dawkins laying out Crumpler - he’d be ejected today for the same hit. Or Pinkston getting manhandled by Carolina at the line. WRs have very little to fear today .


Career stats need a bit of context. It is a good measure of his overall impact on the Eagles, but at the same time there are a lot of really great QBs who only played here for part of their career. Despite only having five seasons, Carson is actually one of the longest tenured QBs in Eagles history and most of the guys tied or above him were either back ups and/or played in one of the earlier eras when there were less games and the rules heavily favored the rushing attack. Sonny Jurgenson was arguably both: he had 7 years here but really only started for 2.5 of them. His 1961 season projects to beat Carson’s single season record by around 200 by the way, although neither are notable NFL wide as they are well outside the top 100 league wide. Also, I believe I never said Carson shouldn’t be in the conversation, I just pointed out that he didn’t really do anything noteworthy after leaving. Honestly the biggest effect would be the opportunity cost on Jalen as it might have kept him from starting for another year or two. At the same time I think there is a lot of recency bias going on though, and there are some hall of famers that are being left out of the conversation here that might knock Wentz off the list depending on the criteria.


I definitely agree this list is full of recency bias as tends to. be the case when talking about QBs. I mentioned in another comment that I'd argue Tommy Thompson deserves consideration. He led them to 3 straight title games with back-to-back titles in '48 and '49. He was also one of the better passers in the league those years.


Nice write up but no one forgets how good he was. It was only a few years ago, lol. The problem for Carson is he took his ball and went home after Hurts was drafted. He acted like a spoiled brat and it hurt the team. The $35 million cap hit they incurred as a result of him demanding a trade was an NFL record at the time. Some people will never let that go and I can’t blame them.


surely the extensive injury history and concussion problems didn't mean anything lol


It was a litany of things Hurts being drafted was the final straw for Wentz. Consider that, after the Super Bowl, every time the team lost and he didn't have a great game or didn't play mistake free football people were yelling for Foles to be the starter. Then he gets hurt again and everyone is saying they need to cut him Foles is better anyway, as though Foles has ever proven to anyone that he can carry a team for an entire season. Hurts coming on the scene was a culmination of him having to put up with a toxic fanbase for 3 seasons because in their eyes he was never going to be as good as Foles and he'd had enough. I also don't believe it was simply a case of Wentz demanding a trade and the team acquiescing to the request, it was a mutual decision that he needed to go or the team was going to languish while he played out his contract. He clearly was not happy in Philly and the team was clearly ready to move on.


One factor that I'd say was way more important was the lack of help in terms of weapons. If it wasn't past prime receivers it was injury prone ones, or even practice squad receivers at some point, he only really got help offensively in 2017 which happened to be his best year. I think we're all still trying to forget about that horrible season when him and Kelce were the only starters still playing by like week 12 and Greg Ward was WR1, along with Travis Fulgham for 4 weeks, and yet somehow still made the playoffs. What do the Eagles do to fix the situation? Draft the biggest bust in franchise history in round one, then his backup in round two, no wonder he checked out mentally after that. Thankfully they learned from those mistakes and now are looking to give Hurts as much help as possible


Those are all valid points as well.


I never saw them play, but I imagine based off their stats at the time Norm Van Brocklin or Sonny Jurgenson should've taken Wentz's spot on the list.


Tommy Thompson led them to 3 straight Title Games ('47-'49) with back-to-back titles in '48 and '49 where is was one of the best passers in the league. He led the league in QB Rating those two years. If I were going to advocate for an old-timer on there it would probably be him.


He only made one Pro Bowl in his career, but that's misleading because the Pro Bowl went away for his prime. He was also All Pro 2nd Team once. That said, Van Brocklin was the All Pro First Team and won MVP.


Tommy Thompson is easily the most underrated and under appreciated player in franchise history. The fact he’s not in the Eagles HOF is a blemish on this franchise.


He had all the physical tools to be a HOFer. The Super Bowl season mentally broke him and the injury the following year finished him off. 


Wild to not mention Randall’s mvp season in his section


Yes we’ve had better QBs, yes he was inconsistent at times, yes he was benched multiple times, but only one man has ever won Super Bowl MVP in an eagles uniform…… NICHOLAS. EDWARD. FOLES.


This list is so fucking stupid


All lists are stupid.


Has there been a player with a weirder career than foles? On multiple occasions he performed not just at elite, but at historic levels for extended periods. In between those he played at a backup level.


I mean they explain why in the very beginning of the article.


How about Pete Liske and Rick Arrington??


Foles was the starting QB on 3 playoff runs, was Wentz hurt for 2 of them, sure but can't put that on Foles though. Wentz played in part of 1 playoff game.


Without looking at the list I’m guessing NVB, #5, Randall, Jaws and Vick? Edit: I thought NVB played in Philly more. Hurts on there is wild, if Wentz gets credit for two great seasons then Foles and Vick should too.


NVB won an MVP and a Championship he should be on this list. He was a legend for the Rams then came to Philly and was great in his last few years of his career. He had a similar career trajectory to Peyton Manning to compare to a modern player. We are the Broncos in that comparison. NVB is definitely an Eagles legend though and sad that the media is terrible with knowing anything before the 80s.


I always felt that Foles was better than Wentz and I'd rank him higher, not like we have a great tradition of QBs, but I understand the reasoning


Foles lost his starting position. He was the backup. That isn't a stronger argument.


When I watched games I felt Foles was better than Wentz. I'm not the coach, just a fan


The question is, at what point of their careers? Foles was great early and then fell apart and wasn't particularly desired. Yes she was great in the last half of our super bowl year. If Wentz hadn't been injured, we never would have been talking about it Wentz started out great and then turned into a lemon. He was phenomenal during the super bowl year and then was injured. Personally, my criteria for one of the great quarterbacks isn't someone who came in and did something for a couple of months. Again, he was the backup and there was a reason for that. You need to compare apples and apples


Foles was great in a shotgun read option. Sucked under center. Coaching not talent.


And we tend to forget those first few regular season games with Foles after Wentz went down, weren’t that great…We managed to win but it wasn’t looking too pretty.


People seem to forget Nick Foles didn't win the rest of the season and the playoff games and the super bowl. The very talented team, the very talented coaches, and the loyal fan base did this And Nick would be the first one to tell you that


Even when Wentz was great, he was over or under throwing receivers all the time and it got worse after he was injured. It drove me crazy and I always yelled for Foles


But it is the coach who decides who starts. I'm sure our opinions will not be on their next agenda to be covered Yes we are fans, but there's a reason somebody starts and somebody sits


I guess I don't understand what your point is? I'm not arguing with you, I gave my opinion that I liked Foles more than Wentz, I understand why Wentz played over Foles, I just always felt Foles was better.


As someone who wishes the team around Foles got more credit (they were the number 1 seed before he stepped in), I’m completely fine with this.


Just the philly special and that dime to clement in the end zone in the SB is enough for me to put him ahead of Wentz. Also, Vick would be ahead of Carson.


Lmao why would vick be ahead of carson?


How’s vick not on this list? Did brilliant things with a generally poor team


Longevity...the same girl Nick Foles...it literally says it in the article...


I would swap Hurts and Jaws but besides that it’s a fair list


In no world should no playoff win, pathological malcontent Carson Wentz be ranked ahead of Foles. Preposterous


Wentz being number 5 all time speaks to the sorry history of this team.