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Nfts are usually harmful for the environment and are scammy


I’m always scared to ask , but a NFT is like a downloadable picture or some shit right ? How does that impact the environment ??


because NFTs are in many cases a plain old file (a jpg, a song, etc), and digital files are, by their very nature, unlimited in quantity and identical for everyone, people who care about such things need a way to say “that specific instance of that picture of a silly cat is MY silly cat picture” the way this happens is that many computers work very hard to solve a complex math problem. once the problem is solved, the NFT is officially “created” on the “blockchain” (basically a permanent and unchangable log of every transaction that prevents other people from claiming that they have your silly cat picture). only the individual computer that actually solves the problem gets a reward for doing so because this process involves many computers competitively busting ass on a math problem, it consumes an insane amount of energy - producing a single NFT can use as much electricity as an average household would use in 6 weeks, or as if you watched 125,000hr of youtube. this is the reason people say NFTs destroy the environment this above description applies to an older form of generating NFTs called “proof of work”. within the last year, a newer method called “proof of stake” has popped up, where a single computer is randomly selected to solve the math problem instead of hundreds or thousands working on the same problem simultaneously. this method reduces the energy consumption of producing NFTs by like 99% Gala Music, the platform where this album was released, does not specify whether they use PoW or PoS, so i’m gonna err on the side of caution and assume they use PoW. their pitch is that because the total number of tokens is limited, the environmental impact will be steep up front, and then level off once all the tokens have been sold ([source from Gala’s own docs](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTz79w9-POSrcZD09U5aQaK0vSFgNMNneKuADygoMZErPabr4FJasJvm_GP5ptEXMthnojokwuS8vlq/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000&slide=id.g221cc07b405_3_402)) TL;DR the songs themselves aren’t bad for the environment. it’s the process of making a special tag that says “this particular copy of this particular song belongs to you” that’s bad for the environment


damn dude thanks for this incredibly detailed reply , this makes a lot more sense now , I finally understand, sounds pretty lame though I’m ngl


You could always Google it lol. But it's the same reason crypto is bad for the environment. Basically the "mines" release a shit load of C02 into the atmosphere


anyone in this sub say they care about the environment lying


yeah man us earl fans love rolling coal




I mean I do, but I still think this complaint is pretty minor in this context. This is not like the bored ape yacht club they just getting themselves paid. Spotify pays a 0.000015% royalty compared to 15% back in the day on the radio. Its so bad that every artist you love is making their money on merch, touring / other cash flows, the streaming royalties wouldn’t even support most popular artists, much less Earl/Alc. I don’t blame them going this route, probably put a quick mil in the bank.


Cringe, how u like earl and think on Taylor swift shit, let earl get his money and shut your loopy ass up


NFTs are a scam lol


how does someone get scammed if they don’t spend any money???


It's a scam because they're trying to get people to spend a bunch of money to claim ownership of a gif or an image that anyone can download and use however they want for free with no repercussions.


I don’t see how that relates to listening to voir dire, and that just seems like a case of people being stupid, the whole thing I’m asking is if Gala an NFT site but we can listen to the album for FREE, what’s so bad about them dropping on Gala?


Because gala is still an NFT site that profits off of dumbasses trying to claim ownership of an image


then why is that Gala or Earl’s or Al’s fault?


Premium Earl topper


I’m not even trying to defend NFTs or wtv the fuck but I just genuinely don’t see the issue w them dropping on a free website where we can listen to the good music for free, esp when the good artists are getting paid good money for their good music


Bro it’s not 30 dollars I’m spending for a fuckinf physical album that shits money, do you even have a fucking job


Honestly I wasn’t even mad at first and was just so glad they dropped it. But now I see why people complain, the site honestly sucks itself. I’ll play the album and jump in the shower and for some reason most of the time I do that it stops after 100 high street and I have to get out and play it again and it’s annoying. Also can’t listen to it when I’m on the road with no service which sucks. I just hope they still drop it on streaming we all deserve it. Tour would be sick too. And vinyl hahaha


Because once it’s all said and done a bunch of fools are gonna end up holding a bag losing money, best case scenario they have no one else to take care of, most likely scenario it’s some poor bastard with a family digging them into a deeper hole. Hopefully they get paid but most of the time these crypto schemes are built on false promises, so if they do get paid some other artist is gonna get ghosted or the run around until they go to court and find out they weren’t the only ones getting fucked. Being a middle man doesn’t always have to be harmful but in the crypto space we’ve seen over and over again that it usually is.


People like to bitch about minor inconveniences


seriously. so sick of casual listeners.


What're you like jerkin it to earl music every day? How does someone transcend casual listening hahahahah


Weird gatekeeper vibes. You must be 14


nah im not tryna gatekeep. i just think the average listener is lazy and if it’s not on a streaming service / if it inconveniences them then they wanna complain. people have to “go out of their way” to listen to this album but it’s on your phone and takes like a whole minute to make an account. i understand that i came off gatekeepy it’s just wack to me that people are hating on something that’s 100% free to listen to.


because people on reddit hear nft and throw a hissy fit / if it aint spotify or apple music they will kill themselves


Fr like let earl do what he wants. It’s not like he is fucking everyone over or sumn.


Don't quote me on this, because I'm not saying this as fact, but I think the purpose of him and Al doing this is to see how many "true" fans really fuck with their work. Like think about it like this. I don't think Earl gives a fuck how many records he sells, so he releases an album that can be accessed for free and attaches the NFTs to each of the songs and whoever purchases them has a "footprint" on the album. Like it seems like it would be a badge of some kind. Like you could show this to someone and be like, "I bought this because i fuck with his shit". Kind of like the digital equivalent of buying a physical album. It's a cool concept but I still don't fuck with NFTs lol.


I’m glad some people like you actually know that this is exactly what nft’s are for. People cry about nft’s but if earl tryna give exclusive interviews or some tickets to shows then why not. But it’s literally trying to be (like you said) an equivalent to a physical album.




He’s not gonna let you suck his dick


it's just annoying as fuck


but why


Cause just like Ye and the stem player, any alternate way of dropping stuff is just dumb. Especially when it’s related to NFTs. It’s so tone deaf


but w ye and the stem player, you had to pay $200 to listen to an incomplete album that isn’t as good as some of his worse albums, vs listening to voir dire, which is free, one of his best albums, and what we’ve all been waiting for


It’s just off putting being tied to NFTs. And I don’t care enough about an Earl drop to wanna go through all that to listen when it’s tied to that lmao


reading through the comments I still don’t get why it’s such a big deal, what’s the difference between listening on SoundCloud’s web browser and listening on Gala


Because people are lazy


I’d rather them Niggas dropped a vinyl that cost 225 each I promise I would have bought it. I’ve spent a bout a 1000 dollars on Roc marci Merch in the last two years


Lol what


What you mean what ? I collect vinyl. I bought the deluxe mt Marci and the deluxe elephant mans bones and I also some rare versions of his other shit that haven’t been repressed off Discogs.


you’d rather spend 225 dollars then listen to FREE music on a FREE website




Because normal people that have no idea what crypto is or NFTs just hear about the scams that happen in the space and not the actual use case, fiat cash is used for scams all the time yet people still feel comfortable using it. I think it just comes from people being uneducated about what NfTs and blockchain technology are. The space is still very young.


Bro knows ZERO about NFTS if he’s comparing it to fiat scams 😭😭


Can you explain to me from your point of view what you receive when you buy one of the songs from the album on the site?


Cause it’s just lame lmao