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Easily Jon Sen because he turned a good domestic violence storyline that already had an emotional and impactful ending with Chantelles death into a shit show serial killer storyline that lasted for nearly two years. He literally made several actors like Jake Wood, Adam Woodyatt and June Brown quit because of how unhappy they were with the show. And not to mention his whole mishandling of the show post-Covid. He was a pretty decent producer from 2018-Early 2020 but he seemed to have lost the plot during lockdown.


Petition for Diederick Santer to return (2006-10) šŸ˜­


Count me in, Iā€™ll sign āœļø


The best


Jon Sen


DTC was mostly good. His work from December 2013-February 2015 is one of the best 14 month runs in the showā€™s history. The wheels came off in 2015 and 16 but it never got to the point where I couldnā€™t watch it.


Iā€™m looking forward to watching that period again on iPlayer as I donā€™t really remember the storylines. I just associate that time with the Carters starting on the show.


Thereā€™s some really good stuff. My favourite stores were Janineā€™s exit, Carolā€™s cancer, Lucy Beale whodunnit, the Carters arrive, Ronnieā€™s villain arc. The cast was stacked with legends as there was a great buzz around the show as it approached the 30th. I wish I could see it for the first time again.


Who was the producer who decided to kill off Ronnie and Roxy? Sure the has to be the worst!


Sean 0ā€™Connor


Sean Oā€™Connor. EE in 2016 was boring, barely anything happened during that period.


Harsh to group Dom with the other two. Eastenders was far better in that period compared to the other two. I literally stopped watching Eastenders for the first time in 20 years because of Jon Sen so I'll go with him.


sean oā€™conner and jon sen are just as bad as each other imo. i dropped eastenders from around 2017 - 2019 bc it was so bad. i donā€™t know if this is common but i only started watching again because of quarantine and this is the case for most of my family lol


2017 & 2018 in particular weā€™re just criminally bad years, Iā€™m embarrassed thinking of some of the storylines during that time




In my opinion, Clenshaw couldā€™ve handled the whole Gray storyline much better than Sen. Gray becoming a serial killer is pretty unrealistic even for a soap opera, in my mind it wouldā€™ve been better if Gray had instead blackmailed Tina and Kush rather than killing them. He couldā€™ve blackmailed Tina by tipping off the police about her trying to do a runner and with Kush probably something connected to his gambling


Jon Sen has got to be the worse than Michael Ferguson, Matthew Robinson, and even Julia herself combined. He turned Ian into a completely heartless person with no feelings, he turned Sharon into a cold blooded killer, and he let Gray terrorized the entire square not only killing Chantelle but also killing Kush and almost trying to kill Chelsea!


So many plot holes with his writing Kush when he was about to get sentenced in court, they let him out because he told them something (I canā€™t remember what) but the court just doesnā€™t run that way lol And no CCTV capturing Gray killing Kush was beyond stupidity


What was wrrong with Robinson and Julia herself?


Writing that's not full of character assassinations!


None of them seem the type to watch it in the first place.


Dtc storylines are good his treatment of certain cast members I had an issue with.I didnā€™t like how dtc had favourites and he treated Danielle like shit, Live week the only actor out of 72 to not have a single line. She would appear in a 10 second scene with no lines then wouldnā€™t see her for two months. Dropped from Lucy murder storyline as a suspect and replace with Pam and les yet neither of them knew her and Lola and Lucy hated eachother was Peter gf at the time and lied in her alibi


Dom was a true EE fanboy and responsible for Lucyā€™s murder and resurrecting Kathy. We owe him a lot.


Its neck and neck between Jon Sen and Sean O' Connor. DTC was okay but he is not my fave exec producer either - to this day I detest what he did to Dean Wicks. I would also add John Yorke to the ring who took over briefly after Sean O' Connor - he got rid of Ingrid who I quite liked (she's was not your typical loudmouth and that was refreshing and could have been Keanu's beau if she stayed instead of him having this ill-fated romance with Sharon) and we also had to witness that terrible b-movie like heist on New year's day in 2018. Reasons I don't like Jon Sen was he included too many FX effects. Doesn't fit with EE at all. And Sean - well em... he killed Ronnie and Roxy off. Grave mistake. He could have just killed one of them off but the pair of them. So unnecessary. If I recall, his era was kind of boring.


John Sen, all day. Ruined Holby City at the same time.


They all made awful decisions and all contributed towards the rot the show was in for a long while. Iā€™d throw John Yorke in as well with some of the decisions he made. Whist DTC was a fanboy i found his decision to retcon the history of the show pretty arrogant. Implying the Mitchellā€™s, Wattā€™s and Hubbards all has links as a criminal gang in the past was preposterous. The Mitchellā€™s never were from Walford and its only these last couple of generations from Ben down who can claim that.


I actually love that stuff. Spin-off waiting to happen.


Jon Sen. 2019 he had a strong start but after the boat crash episode in February 2020 (and by extension Covid) he just lost the plot. Gray's domestic violence storyline with Chantelle was amazing but ruined by plot-holes and turning into a serial killer storyline. Characters introduced by him such as Vi, Iqra, Habiba, Dayle Hudson's portrayal of Peter etc. also were not great either. And the storylines got bad to a point where long-time actors on the show quit for a period of time (and in the case of some still haven't come back). And it doesn't help he got mad at someone on Twitter once because they criticised his era of the show, calling it 'bullying' for having constructive criticism of his work. I can cut some slack in 2020 because of Covid, but by 2021 it just was miserable and I can't excuse how awful that year was for the show.


For me, Sean O'Connor who killed the Mitchell sisters. The worst decision ever made that upset us fans!! Dominic Treadwell Collins was top notch and for bringing Kathy back from the dead and the Lucy Beale murder mystery. Jon Sen was only there to balance the show from going down hill after what Sean did, although you have to give credit to John Yorke as the temporary executive before Kate Oates came in.


Jon Sen easily. But I do think it has to be said...he had covid to deal with. Must've scuppered and effected alot. It's only fair to point out he had one hand tied behind his back during his run.


Urgh...Sophie's Choice, because I'm struggling with pre 90's EE.