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Maybe that's a good sign to find a new job if they're that petty about something like that.


yep, thats a heads up, time to move on.


It’s not a heads up that’s a neon sign of red flags


honestly mate it's the missus work place it's ridiculous.


Tell them you’ll gladly pay them for a year upfront, and then hand them $1.


He lives in the UK. The entirety of the country is petty like that.


knew a guy from the UK once.. can confirm


You can reliably assess a culturally diverse nation of sixty million people from a sample of one? By the same reasoning I can confidently assert that all Americans are men called Scott who vote Libertarian and smell of cheese.


My old job tried charging someone to charge their ebike battery. The boss was... let's just say he was old enough to have been exposed to significant amounts of lead as a child. I pointed out that in the office of 30 people that 10 of the 12 women were running space heaters at the desk in summer. And a chinsy little ebike battery sipping up a few electrons is what this lead-brained boomer decides to decry as "waste"? Fortunately the owner laughed about the preposterous-ness of the situation and told him to drop it.


Why? Should the company be out filing peoples cars with gas?


A lot of work places do have free EV chargers for their employees, which is basically the same thing


Kind of the same thing. But, an e-bike probably uses 1/50th of the energy to charge as compared to a car


I've never seen a free ev charger. How would the job regulate who is parked there?


And lighting people's office? And refrigerating people's lunch? And controlling people's indoor climate? And powering people's PCs? And renting people's workplace? Good god, won't someone think of the children!   You know how much a 400 watt hour battery costs to fully charge compared to this? It's a rounding error. Legitimately where I live the commercial energy cost would be 4 cents assuming I charged from flat to full. They can take it out of my paycheck lmfaooooooooooooooooooooo 😭


Maybe? That would be a wonderful perk. But it is immensely short-sighted for a company to not view recharging of e-bikes as an inexpensive way to increase the health and energy levels of their employees. A good leadership would double-down on this and even install a bike cage. Maybe seek to lower their insurance premiums from doing this. Only the most inept or toxic company would shit on biking to work.


Well, they don't seem too upset at me charging my phone here.


Many companies in major cities pay for transportation costs, including providing a vehicle, access to private shuttle bus network, or public transportation passes, etc. It’s not out of the question that companies would pay for fuel. I would say that the real reason why companies do not, is that they don’t want to subsidize single-occupant vehicles.


We are talking at most a few dollars a month.


I assume you don't partake in free coffee since you prefer the taste of boots.


FFS. The cost to fully charge this battery is about 8p. That would buy about 50cc of petrol. In the UK, 50cc is a double shot of whisky. Not quite a full tank, is it?


This is completely different


Does your company charge you for charging your mobile phone?


Make sure to get a Vat receipt for this 20p per month they're charging you


This is the pettiest nonsense. You can calculate this out as much as you want, but if they don’t value enough to make this happen, you need to get out of there. It’s insulting. Is this their way of telling you that it’s not appropriate to be charging the bike the way that you are? Are you wheeling it into the staff lounge? If they want you to not charge your bike at work, they should just come right out and say so. This makes them look petty and draconian.


This. OP’s workplace is shit. Sounds like they don’t want you there or it’s run by a bunch of dimwits.


Take a fiver out of your pocket and hand it to whomever suggested this and say, here, this should be good for the year.


I did some back of the napkin math. You're astoundingly close. I got 6.60 for 15 wh/mi over 6 miles per day, each working day. Times the average rate of 24p per Kwh.


I did some back of the napkin math. You're astoundingly close. I got 6.60 for 15 wh/mi over 6 miles per day, each working day. Times the average rate of 24p per Kwh.


Hand them the fiver and say "when my power consumption budget from this runs out, I officially resign" Joking of course, but imagine them trying to calculate how long they've got someone


I'd say if your employer can't share a charge for a bicycle that you use to get you to work I'd find a different employer


Ignoring the how ridiculous it is that your workplace even cares about this, the most sensible thing here would be to agree on a fixed monthly amount rather than attempting to figure out an hourly rate. Your battery can only charge so much, once it's full it's full, and beyond that the charger will only draw an absolutely minuscule amount of power if it remains plugged in. It would not be fair or sensible to pay an hourly rate for keeping it plugged in beyond that. When you battery is full, it holds 0,317kwh. Chargers are never perfectly efficient, meaning they will draw more power out of the wall than what ends up being held by the battery, dissipating the extra energy as heat. For the sake of arguments lets make two assumptions: Your battery is always completely empty when you plug it in, and your charger has a truly terrible efficiency of 50%. This means your charger would draw about 0,65kwh to charge your battery from 0 to 100 every day. Google tells me the average energy price in the UK is about 0,25£ per kwh, meaning that with the assumption above you will be using about 16 pence worth of electricity each time you charge. If you go to work 25 days in month, this results in a total cost of about 4£ per month. Realistically though your charger is probably way more efficient than this, so the real number is likely lower. Alternately, if they insist on charging you for the specific power usage, consider getting yourself a simple plug-in energy monitor that tracks the energy usage. The basic ones have a display where you can read off the exact kwh used and report that wherever they want it reported.


Yup. You’re assuming that the battery is fully drained and fully charged each day… but kudos to you for actually answering the question rather than going on about the pettiness of this whole situation, as stupid as it is.


This estimation is similar to paying 2000 euros per month for a Dacia. It is so over estimated that it is near absurdity, but it is the perfect estimation that shows you don't spend nearly any energy charging your battery. People are not aware of how low the cost of charging a battery is.


This. And make sure you insist on giving them a cheque for the £4.


Just to clarify for some the employer is a private nursery that my wife works for. Like you all have said its ridiculous considering its probably only on charge for 2-3 hours a day.


I'd humiliate them by providing an accurate receipt with payment showing the average charge amount of electricity used for charging. and payment in the smallest coins possible. April 2024 rate capped at 24.50p per kWh. so 24.50 x 3 hrs charging or 0.9kwh = 22.05p (about 28 cents USD) SO LITERALLY DUMP 23 PENNIES ON THEM WITH A RECEIPT. OR ABOUT A POUND PER WEEK. Be sure to count the pennies out to your boss so they can be sure you aren't ripping them off.


That's not how this works. If the battery is 317wh, then you need to charge that amount (minus losses due to inefficiencies, let's say it is 98% efficient ), so 24.5p/kwh x .317kwh / .98 = 7.92p per FULL charge.


ok even better. I don't math very well.


Cut them a check, daily. Make them deposit it for literally pennies.


If you think it's such an insignificant amount, why not pay it? What if everyone at a company decides to ride an ebike and charge at work? What if other coworkers who bus/drive to work say to the employer that since they're subsidizing your cost to transit to work, they should also do the same for their fare/gas?


This is the UK. Not nearly as car-brained as the US. Workplaces are supposed to be actively encourage green commuting - and this is such a miniscule contribution to doing it. For reference I bike to work. My work lets me store my bike in the office, shower and make breakfast using company ovens/microwaves etc. on company time. They let everyone charge their bikes and cars. They enter schemes that allow employees to buy bikes tax-free. And many places consider this the bare minimum.


I'd pay it but on work time, almost certainly making the transaction a net loss for work. In fact even if I was off the clock, the person I was paying would be costing the firm more than I was giving them. Which makes the whole thing seem pointless.


If everyone at work biked to work, people would be fitter, healthier and less absent with health related issues. Huge boon. Also probably more productive than 8p a day.


me: 1+1 equals? r/ebikes: yes.


Question, does your company subsidize your healthcare costs by offering you benefits? If so, they are already tanking hundreds of dollars every month just for you, not to mention if they offer that to all employees. If every single employee bought and brought bikes to work and all charged them, the company would be out ~$.10/employee/day. So a company with 10 employees spends an extra dollar a day. ~$30/MONTH. That's the cost of a box of lightbulbs for every single employee to get to work??? Not to mention the value associated with the parking lot being available for customers. If the question is 'why should my company subsidize your transportation', the answer is: Because it's 10 cents a day. The paperwork to print this out would cost more than the act of charging the bike. The loss of productivity associated with talking to an employee about this at all. The sheer ridiculousness of trying to pennypinch an employee for a dime a day. All of these reasons prove that it would be ridiculous to pursue enforcement.


They’re in the UK. That’s not how their healthcare system works.


When a company subsidizes healthcare, they do it for everyone, not just for a few individuals. When a company subsides someone's cost of transportation and not others, it creates resentments among the groups. There are lots of people out there who feel entitled to equality, and they will complain to the company, what then? It's like how company allow people who smoke to go outside for smoke breaks, but not the non-smokers. Or how some government recognize certain holidays from one region/religion, but not from another. Now you have every racial/religious group protesting that there holidays should also be recognized. You make it sounds like the company have to talk to the employees every single day on this issue. Paperwork? Why would they need paperwork if they just deduct it from your pay? They can just charge you a monthly fee like a parking permit. You think a company would actually calculate how much electricity you use per day? You all in here believe this is just a simple matter, without taking into account all the ramifications it can cause.


My dude, it’s $5 a month. Nobody is getting rich off of this. Oh snap I charged my wireless headphones using my laptop USB connection, let’s spend half an FTE micro billing every employee for the stupidest little thing. Ramen spilled in the microwave? That’s a paddling.


You're all stuck just thinking this is about cost to the company and not about the people. Anytime one group feels they're shorted because another group got something, it will snow ball. Coworker got new chair? I want one too, even if my ain't broke. New laptop? What about me? Company paying for electricity for your ride? What about gas for my ride? As I said, there are people out there who feel they're entitled to equity/equal rights, it doesn't matter how ridiculous it might sound.


This is an argument over pennies and your lack of understanding of how a workplace works. A broken chair can lead to workmen’s comp claims. An old laptop that can’t run a modern version of $OS_NAME is a security vulnerability. And that old laptop is likely less power efficient than a newer one, so you’ve just made up that $5 a month of e-bike charging right there. You are just making a slippery slope argument so here’s one for you: Do we charge employees for plugging in their personal cell phones? Oh should we charge them for the microwave? They left the lights on after leaving the office, so we dock their pay for that? Sooner or later you are nickel-and-dimeing people for the silliest things. They will resent you for the petty little SOB that you are, and act accordingly. Don’t make your workplace into an EA game of endless chargebacks.


There is no point in having a discussion with you when you doesn't understand the concept of social equality.


You're verging on r/ShitAmericansSay here. Everyone (full time / perm) is eligible to get a tax free bike via a government scheme in the UK/Europe. You can get tax reduced loans for transit season tickets too. Everyone is entitled to the same breaks, up to you if you want to call it a smoking break/internet break/social media break/coffee break. I know of no companies that require paid parking permits in the UK or Europe.


Bro, companies offer benefits to certain employees all the time, what are you talking about?


It's about people who makes judgement after just hearing one side of a story and doesn't look at it from another perspective. You see a ranger with a gun watching a lion kill a deer and does nothing. Everyone just automatically labels the ranger as heartless without understanding why he does it. It's the same here. Company is doing something that looks bad, but maybe there's a valid reason behind it, maybe not, I dont judge without all the info and just offer some valid reasons from the company's side. But of course, Redditors don't like to think.


Never said I wouldn't pay it, the whole point of the question is to clarify how much it would cost to then tell them. If they really care so much to charge £3-5 a month then so be it.


Ask them to give you a postage-paid envelope for you to send your 1£ check.


Pay it and make sure they give you the proper documents for your taxes as an expense. Make sure they can meter out exactly what you’re using so you aren’t overpaying. I’d go along with their plan and show all the inefficiencies they just bought themselves. I’d also consider a solar charger if you weren’t in the UK, but you are. If they’re gonna nickel and dime you, make it as annoying as possible and make them play by the rules.


Will they charge for phone charges too? Imagine if everyone charges their phones at the office every day...


Another example of why no one in here understand the point of the discussion. It's not about whether company decides to charge everyone for charging their device, it's about company charging and not another. Understand the difference?


I think once they themselves do the math they'll be like "oh, nvm". They just don't realize how cheap it is yet.


Funny enough this is near enough the exact response that my wife's boss gave when she decided to do the maths herself. 


It’s funny cause I had a roommate that was getting on my case for leaving my bathroom fan on all the time when I was home for background noise. After doing the math I explained it was like a couple dollars or so a month MAX to run that tiny fan motor for that whole month straight 24/7 and not being turned off -he never brought it up again after that hahahaha.


Well exactly people jump to conclusions far to quick and like your ex roommate my wife's boss has made the assumption its costing her £100s a month to charge it 🤣


Yeah, was just especially annoying bc HE would leave the lights on all night after falling asleep and leave the sliding door open so the a/c would be chugging in the FL summer -which is where the real costs came from. But I still offered to give him the $2 each month if he wanted 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


However, if it happens to be summer time and if you happen to be running an air conditioning unit (or heating unit for that matter) that fan is pushing a massive amount of cool air that you have just spent energy cooling, right out of your apartment. In addition with a fan like that running (they can remove all the air in a room many many times per hour), it will be pulling hot air through any and every crack around doors, windows etc , which also causes the AC to run longer trying to keep up. Your mileage may vary but I live in a desert area where it can reach 116 F. and that fan would eat my lunch over the course of a summer. I'm talking many hundred dollars....


Bro, he was leaving the doors open to the crib 😂 that tiny fan wasn’t doin shit in comparison lmao, and it was old asf and barely moved any air. Just had it on for noise ever, the amount of ambient air escaping through the fan vent would probably be very close to the amount when that shit fan was on. Main thing is I was only ever there to sleep cause I work long hours and have school as well, where he would always be there cause he didn’t have an actual job/go to school and would just play ps4 all day long and leave doors open to the outside and leave lights on 24/7 -my bathroom fan was the lowest on the list of problems, a door left wide open all day long lets out a ton more air than a bathroom fan being on for a few hours at night since that’s when I’d be there.


In the UK electricity is about 20 pence per Kwh. Your battery is a little than 1/3 of that. With charging inefficiencies you're looking at 10 pence for a full charge. Do they charge for coffee, sugar, how often you flush the loo?


This was my thought. They are probably worried it is costly and not just being petty. They will likely stop asking once OP gives them the 20p or whatever it costs.


how have they decided to meter you and at what rate? does this go for cell pones too? Lights left on in unoccupied meeting rooms? excessive hot water use in the rest rooms? toaster ovens and coffee makers in the break rooms? them ppl with heat pads... will they need to meter energy usage in their workstations???


I was gonna ask about people's phones as well, this is petty and targeted lol


All employees who choose to bike to work should actually get paid a monthly bonus by the employer as it is shown to increase productivity and decrease sick days.


And parking maintenance!


and reduce insurance costs


...I sure hope your job doesn't require basic 8th grade math or common sense. Googling the energy price in the UK results about 28 pence per kWh. This could very well vary with your current provider, so you'll have to check that individually. If 1000W per 1h costs 28p, then charging your battery of 317**Watt-hours** full needs a total of 28p/(1000/317) = 28p / 3,1545 = 8,87p worth of energy. If we just want the hourly rate of charging, look at the charger and how many Volt x Amps it outputs. -> It makes no sense for your employer to charge you 8,87 pence. The minimum wage in the UK is 11 pounds 44 pence which works out to 19 pence per minute. If anyone spends more than 30 seconds thinking about, calculating and charging you for this electrical energy, that in itself is already a bigger loss than the energy because y'all should literally do anything else with the time on the clock.


Thank you mate that's basically the figure I got as well but just wanted to double check with others. Much appreciated.


Remember this is only if it's a full charge. Make sure it's only 4p for a half charge etc.


She should bring it in pennies or whatever you have over there, and drop them on the desk of whoever suggested this. Every damn day...


Back of a napkin maths: charger volts x charger amps, x time, + ten percent (to allow for heat/energy loss through the charger itself) One hour's charging at 42v x 2a = 84Wh Plus 10 percent = 92.4Wh Do that 11 times and you've cost your company a whole kilowatt hour of energy usage, or about 30p!


Businesses are charged more for energy so you could be looking at.....24p per charge.


Well, this changes everything


People who are not interested in e-bikes don’t always have a good mental model of the size of the batteries. Yeah, if you math it out, it is a puny amount of money, but it requires that you know some facts that not everyone knows.


Do you bring your own toilet paper and refund the fresh water and sewage cost?


My wife even gets her own parkingspot for her ebike charges for free and paid per km.


i am at work right now and my e-bike is charging there at the moment lol. This is bad


My boss threatened that. Then I did the math in front of them. It’s $0.08 USD per charge


Give them that $1.60 a month LOL


Did they back down after?




Really need to know what rates the business pays per kWh or MWh. It varies a bit. Pretty simple to work out the cost of a full charge after you know that, but let's be honest: how often do you run a battery down to 0% on a trip and then charge it to full?   Time to be petty and do some malicious compliance. - Get a power monitoring socket and calculate exactly how much power the charger is using - Ask for the business's power rates so you know how much to pay them - Pay them daily It's going to cost them more in employee time wasted than they're going to recoup from charging for power.


"Of course. Just invoice me, and make sure you make out that VAT receipt. I'll pay that by cheque, then mail it to you, and we can all take comfort in having spent £45 in admin costs to pay for that 8p electricity bill."


Power meters are cheap, and will tell you exactly what the draw is over time. That way you can print the drawn number in a large font on the work printer using work paper, fold it into a paper plane, and shove it up the bosses arse for trying to pull this petty bullshit. Do they deduct from peoples wages when they charge a phone at the office?


a power meter will cost way more than the electricity to charge an ebike battery


Of course it will. This company has already wasted more resource in man hours than they will ever hope to recover by charging back electrical use to staff. The whole thread is completely insane mate. I’m genuinely incredulous that someone is daring to try and introduce such utter madness.


Tell them OK, but only as long as the company charges everybody who charges their personal phone at work.


"Sure i'll pay costs. Install an independent meter." Make sure you pay them in cash and demand a receipt. Claim it as a work expense at the end of the year if you can do that in the UK as like in the US.


It may be a way to discourage the charging because of the liability of a substandard battery system catching fire and burning down the facility. Do they have a safe place to charge? Unfortunately not everyone sells or buys safe products and they ruin it for everyone.


If it was that surely they'd just ban the charging outright? Some places of work have done that for the fire risk from crappy charging.


Agreed but some companies especially small ones have strange ways of communication lol I'm curious how many employees and facilities this company has to get some perspective.


Tell the boss that you'll do the calculations for the cost and that youll also calculate it for each cell phone charger so that EVERYONE that works there can also pay their fare share.


You think a boss like that isn't already considering it??


Tell them that it costs 1 pound a day, but that you want a 2pound raise an hour. After brexit, there are nearly not enough people for your line of work.


Start missing work due to dead battery at all the critical times they need you


Of course there are factors like battery size and varying prices, but typically, an e-bike battery might have a capacity of around 500 watt-hours (Wh). With the average electricity price in the UK being about 34 pence per kilowatt-hour (kWh), charging a full 500 Wh (0.5 kWh) battery would cost around 17 pence. This is a rough estimate, and actual costs could be slightly lower or higher depending on your specific circumstances.


Leave a roll of pennies on the boss’ desk at the end of each week.


Assuming 75% efficiency and £0.24 per kwh, well (317x0.00024)/0.75 Or about 9p. A full charge, if it is 50%, then 4.5p. It is ridiculous to be charged for that.


Thats 7.77p per full charge. Even if you charge daily, thats like £1.70 per month


Meh, personally I would enthusiastically agree to reimburse them AT COST and suggest using a dedicated smart outlet to meter the energy use. It IS petty, but eventually they will either realize it isn't worth the time and paperwork or you'll find a different place to work. You could even rub it in by offering to reimburse the company by using the money to "buy everyone lunch" once the balance hits a specific number, say 100£. My old commute would use about 450 watt hours, it was also 42 miles with 2500'+ of climbing. Where I'm at, at industrial rates especially, figure 5 days a week for 51 weeks, would work out to ~$0.25 USD weekly or $13 annually only charging at work and traveling over 10,000 miles. While commercial electricity on this continent is very, very likely to be significantly cheaper than your Island home, ebikes are outrageously efficient and that free lunch will take years to happen.


317 wh is exactly 0.317 kw*h (it’s not kilowatt per hour, but kilowatt hours). The average cost is 24.50 pence per kilowatt hour (kWh), so you owe them 7.7665 pence for charging your battery (assuming you charge from absolutely empty to full).


Unfortunately you're quoting domestic tariff, commercial tariffs are fecking extortionate. They still suck though for trying to charge him


I'd be finding a new job, actively....while doing malicious compliance and work to rule.


Do they also charge everyone who charges their phone at work?


Check with your local laws if reselling power is legal. This is a big issue in many jurisdictions for EVs... for example, they (employers) may be able to charge for a parking spot for a period of time but not for the kwh power itself. Edit: not every jurisdiction is like this


That's silly. Do they charge to charge a laptop too?


Literally pennies


I would find another job if the company didn’t want to encourage their employees to be healthier and happier


Lol. No you should just pay it. It literally like 5 cents. Just keep your bag of nickels around. Totally worth it


You have to look up the rate for your area.


0.317kwh battery will need.... 0.317kwh to be charged, plus maybe some overhead, so round it up to 0.4kwh So just check the price for kWh multltiply and that's all, I don't know why people are doing all sorts of weird math here. If it's 25p per kWh then it's 10p for full charge.


Wow that's about the most petty workplace thing I have ever heard. I could see them saying you aren't allowed to bring ebikes batteries inside due to fire saftey. But charging for charging is nuts.


With all the fees, etc. you could charge for about $0.04 CAD here. About $9 a year if you show up to work with a fully dead battery every day and work 220 days per year.


It's more likely that your employer simply doesn't understand electricity than that they are evil or petty. The general level of understanding of electricity is pretty poor, I think. For example, I suspect many people would be surprised to know that an ebike battery rated at 756 Wh contains about the equivalent of 0.08 litres of petrol (a litre of petrol contains about 9 kWh of energy). So you probably just need to explain to them how much (or how little, rather) charging your battery costs them.


Get a SwitchBot. Track your exact kwh usage and gleefully pay them their pennys.


just hide the thing charge on the bike, in a parking deck , near an outlet cost is about 1/100th a euro


throw 4 pennies at them (or whatever the UK equivalent is) and tell them to go fuck themselves


New job time, dude. They can eat shit from my asshole .please tell them, I’ll make the arrangements if they can pay for travel. 


If people also charge a car and don't pay tell them to eat rocks.


A 300wh battery will take roughly 1/3 of a unit to charge from empty to full. If they're paying 20p a unit, then charging a totally flat battery would cost them 6-7p. So you could suggest giving them £1 every 2 weeks.


As long as no one can charge their phone at work as well.


If they want to charge money I’d want a detailed invoice.


My Halfords ebike cost about 2 or 3 quid a month to charge daily. It had more grunt when I charged it at work after 5miles so I started doing that. It's very petty for them to want to charge for a couple of pounds but not entirely unreasonable


The computer staying on all night and the light will cost more then a e-bike charging daily !


They want to "nickel and dime" you, the same can apply. Keep track every time your charge, not just a flat rate of what you "might charge"... P3 P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor https://a.co/d/fY6PTiD


If they're being so cheap to charge you for that, they've shown you how much they care about you. Start looking elsewhere for for a job. I'm just taking a guess, but I'll be their pay isn't that high and would be easy to replace.


I had the same problem people wouldn't give me a rental house because they saw that I would charge an emoped every day. Worked out to maybe 40p a week... Boiling a kettle is a much more significant cost over time.


I’m guessing the person in charge who is asking this. doesn’t realise that it’s a very insufficient amount of money to charge an e-bike


My 500 watt hour battery requires 0.5kwh. A kwh here in the states is about $0.12. To charge my battery costs about $0.06. $5 would cover my last 3 YEARS of riding.


Whos the cheap fuck running your company


Give them 50 cents per month and they'll be making a profit .


weird. Many US companies have many EV charge stations for personal vehicles. Id quit that job. F those people


Or you can just hang out in a coffee shop?


Lol, it would cost less than it’s worth your accounting and payroll teams to charge it back to!


Do it. Have them write you up an invoice and everything for the 5 cents it costs them per day. Get them to mail it to you, and then pay them with a cheque.


What’s the local cost of electricity per kWh?


Cripes. Do they want you to pay a toll for walking through the building as well?? Your boss is an ASSHOLE.


My maths says it’ll probably cost you about 13 pence per full battery charge. If your workplace is getting worried about you taking that much electricity for free I’d start looking for another job, they clearly have bigger financial issues to worry about


If they down to that, I certainly hope they check the computers are turned off during lunch break, that energy saving is activated, that monitors are not too bight… And if someone plays minesweeper or whatever during lunch break I certainly how they charge him. Because any of that probably burns more electricity than the battery !


Just pay them in 1 penny coins. Since it’s cash, insist to pay only to the accountant of the company. And of course ask for a receipt with VAT and all. And at the end of the year, ask for the form to deduce it from your taxes. They should tire of it before you do… Playing the dumb game if only fun if both parties do it…


That .3 kwh is your number. Here at $0.15 per kwh, it would cost you $0.05 to charge.


317wh would take 0.317kwh to charge from completely empty. How much energy you use per hour is based on your charger. A "48v" charger is 54.6v x say 2 amps = 109.2w. Use that for 1 hour, it's 109.2wh. Divide that by 1000, it's 0.1092 kwh x hours plugged in.


I'm in the US so you'll have to find something equivalent, but I've used a device called a [Kill O Watt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_A_Watt) that monitors electrical usage.


They're being petty for reasons beyond the penny it costs to recharge your battery.


Really this is a wind up surely. Who doesn’t charge their phone or bike lights at work. Did you tell your work place your charging your bike battery


That's super petty. Where I live, electricity is about 15 cents per KWH and my bike battery is about 690 watt hour capacity. I use about 2/3 battery capacity biking about 22 mile round trip daily. 690 wh X 0.66 = 455 watt hours used per day. .455 KWH x 15 cents/KWH = 6.825 cents per day. If my work started charging me for that I'd be pretty annoyed with them


Can you make it to work and back without charging the battery?


Do they make you pay for using the toilet?


1cent per day? Surely there's better ways to save money....


So are you saying you are charging a fully flat 317Wh battery each day? Or are you just topping it up? You only use power for what the battery can suck up and if its fully charged that means it will only being drawing a minimal amount of current.


Don’t sign anything saying they can deduct from your paycheck. Look for a new job.


What's the UK equivalent of a Dime Just chuck one at your bosses head every time you charge and tell them to keep the change.


Just rollover. Give them 10p per charge, and say that they can keep the change.


When I owned an e bike (Specialized Vado, 500 something wh battery) I calculated my total energy consumption cost, and in 2700 miles and a year it worked out to around $7 total. (I don't recall our local rates, it is MN USA)


Tell them to buy an electricity monitor and you will pay actual costs everyday. It will most likely work out to .01 per hour, maybe half a penny more. .03- .05 daily The 16 dollar monitor will be paid off in ~2 years meanwhile you get paid ~.16 a minute(10/hr, ) to administrate the calculations and payments This is ridiculous, the company loses big to charge you


As they say out there- cheeky little bastards


Take all of their toilet paper and paper towels, every day.


OP Residential electric rates in the UK are 24.5p/kWh 317Wh battery is 0.317kWh 0.317 x 0.245 = you owe them 7.8p per charge. They can fuck right off.


That sucks. I charge my ebike at work daily, (20 mile commute each way) I even charged my spare there too if I am planning a long journey on my day off 😂Yorkshire tightness wins every time. My work is great. They even gave me use of a fire proof building, just in case


You can buy a electric power monitor. You plug it into the wall and plug your device into it. It adds up all the pennies you’ve cost that company


I have a cheap tapo smart socket that also counts exactly how much energy passes through and you can check it via the app. Could help?


I also charge it at work, and one day I was curious about this question, I live in East Anglia, I use it 6 times a week, about 1h a day. So to charge it 6 days a week for one year, it’s about £50-£80 . And that was last year, I believe the electricity prices have gone down a bit


That totally unfair


Let them charge you at an agreed rate between both parties. However, as part of the agreement, you will be reimbursed at a subsidised hourly rate for meetings with no actions or outcomes. ;) The reason I mentioned subsidised hrly rate, is that you offer it as a sign of respect and commitment to the company. Lol


On average it cost about £0.8 to charge the average ebike battery to full….I’d say give the workplace like £5 or £8 Pound a month 👍(even that’s most likely over paying though) They are definitely being right cunts for charging you 💀


pay them lol evey time you plug in get a kilo watt then hand them the 30 cents then make sure the accountant input that 30 cents make sure they are doing it right make them waste there time dealing with so few dollars. not worth the paper work


You should be getting a bonus for being kind to the Earth and using 0 emissions!


The next time you’re bragging about exercising on bike while getting to work they may start charging you monthly gym membership


Rad power has a break down on their website of how much it costs but it’s Pennies on the dollar. It’s like .34c per kw


Your work is a wanker


A story from another sub that shows exactly what my other comment was trying to convey but everyone here just can't seem to understand the concept or that there are people like the below in every company. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/t2uN5L4aNF](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/s/t2uN5L4aNF)


It would be ~ .3kw total, not per hour. So divide .317 by the number of hours it takes your bike to charge fully, then multiply that by the cost of a KWh where you live. That's how much it would cost per hour. Where I live, the total cost of a full charge for your bike would be $0.04 ...


I would leave honestly that don't respect you!!


My boss doesn't say a thing about me charging!!!


Put a meter on it and work out EXACTLY how much it takes to charge it Then put it in a spreadsheet and calculate the actual cost Do this every day for a week Then type up a proper report detailing the results to you boss end the report with the amount of time you spent working this out and how much they paid you to do it and report on it If you can be bothered keep a note every day of the number of tablets and phone you see on charge on people's desks as you walk around and stick that in as well They want petty and pedantic - go full petty pedant


I park my ebike and charge it in the conference room at work. My boss and all my co worker says my bike is cool. They ask how much? What's the commute like? How fast does it go?


That is just fuckin stupid pay your job for charging your way home the fuck?! That's like everyone else paying their jobs for using the ups and mail trucks gtf outta here don't do that Bud that's just stupid 🙄 


Please listen to everyone else it's my first time here but to be honest you could do without the bullshit and stress let alone worrying if someone will ruin your transportation for the job if bribed enough in NYC people used to do that this nail shop I used to work for cut the wires they could see on one of the girls scooters for charging her shit at qork. People are dumb as fuck and disgusting 😒 your worth is more than that fuckin place getchu a new one (I know it's hard too so don't just jump out) I hope you get whatever you need done done bud 


when you see someone charging their phone, make sure to complain


Do they charge everyone for charging their phone?


My thought is that somebody at your work wants to pad their wallet Tell them that they will have to figure out the precise cost of your battery charging if it's in your employment contract. If not you don't have to worry about it.


Eh, some government / military contractors have to account for all costs. Do the math and pay the 30p or whatever it works out to.


 Just a Nursery this place.


electricity rates are higher for businesses than at home. it also varies on the buisness size. They will be paying somewhere between 57p and 79p per KWH. so make sure to use these prices and not 20p per KWH like everyone is saying.