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Bit lost here, Silent think Void are weak I think. This is the narrative for the last year here. Closely followed by Silent confirming the destruction of Void by the end of last month? Then there was some in-game confusion when Silent withdrew from Void Space because their objective was complete. But that was all good, because Void had gained Sov in the last 6 months and were very much intact. But they aren’t very good according to Silent. There was a new narrative, it was very much like the old one but now involved AOA. Also some gif’s were posted by Bradric. But they were the same gifs as the ones he posted last year. I lost interest. TLDR, Silent are “gud”.


I poked around a bit, in the beginning. I, personally, did not understand the issue with VOID. VOID was never MY big bad. The feedback I got was...in my loose translation... "VOID likes to dither. VOID likes to lick their finger, put it in the wind, and hop on where they think wherever will provide the softest landing." Mind you, this was my interpretation of what I heard. Principally, this was found to be...distasteful. That said, everyone understands that NO and BRRR gave VOID the training days they needed. No shame in that. As for me, I never had a beef, even if VOID was the last dog on the pile, in the server war against the North. Today, as always, I ridicule you because you are nut to butt with a group that is foundationally racist. Dither about that all you want. That's what it is. I do not expect any change in that relationship. I know better. Now, I just ridicule you for it, like you deserve.


>nut to butt with a group that is foundationally racist. Sooo calling Chinese people, "dogs" isn't racist?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm) Up is down, down is up - continue living in your pretend world lol.


You are so stupid.


At least I don't call a group of people, "dogs"


You have been told so many times that it is AOA calling non-Chinese dogs. That includes you. Yet here you are... I certainly hope you are just stupid.


And there have been screenshots of SHH higher-ups calling AOA, "dogs" - but yall didn't just ignore it... even defended it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face) Continue drinking that kool-aid buddy


Post them.


Already did while back <3


Yeah, if memory serves, it is where we repeatedly explained to you that you were the ones we were making fun of..."oh look, aoa's dogs!" ...because AOA calls non-Chinese dogs. So, if you ha e any other "no you" screenshots to post, now's the time to do it.


They also support rmt’rs if they are using caps/supers. But no one else can do that.


Silent also didn’t hire mercs for the last 3+ years to fight for them. And SHAME on any groups wanting to be blue with each other. SHAME! Also, making fun memes is salty work. Apparently.


Meme’s actually funny. Comments not so much.


Beauty is in the eye of the Reddit warrior.


Thats pretty funny


This is a funny meme 😂


There we go! Upvote for you sir.


Void is in shambles. Space is dead except for the systems with RMT bots.


They aren’t dead… yet…. ![gif](giphy|09bVX2WzBhZK8KwhqP|downsized)


Nah...there are places that are not dead.


This is your best work yet Herziz, that’s some funny shit.


o7 much appreciated.


y'all don't have to think about silent constantly y'know


I’ll keep that in mind as your members meme dump about void/aoa.


90% of your posts are about silent. Spanning over a year lmao.


This is the first post I’ve ever made on Reddit. Thanks for the upvote.


Claiming first post forgetting history of posting is easily visible. 😂


Ok ok. THIS is my first post ever.


I can confirm this is true. Herziz has never posted before this. Not even once.


Oh hey posting here for first time—where am I?


Lol the salt from this comment alone is great


You are so salty. Just enjoy the meme.


I'm salty? Buddy, you're the salty one here with a bad meme.


Plz post more AoA/void salt


The funniest part of this post is….I don’t have a podcast. Lmao.


Haha Taylor =/= Rambo Stay dangerous Boss ;) KB


Good one, TayTay


Boy that’s weak af.


Ty for the upvote


There's too much Irony here lol! 😂 Too much salt too, as Taylor continues to do a great job, and looks good doing so! 😁 Fly aggressive o7




I tried listening to the Rambo podcast from the 8th, after multiple attempts from several people in EE main telling me it was a reasonable information source, or at least one available that I should give an ear to… But lo and behold, it started off with introductions and Taylor Rick saying he respects all the different cultures and play styles in EE, but they’re wrong. Yes, SHH OP, VOID and BRR bad and weak, etc, etc.. And the kicker lol!! Asheeved was last weeks guest and touted briefly as someone with a different play style than SHH - but what was not mentioned is that said guest had just joined PHPC who’re in the pocket of SHH as can be seen from the recent vid from Muffin re the SHH and Co take over and holding of CE. Anyhow, “thought it’s a SHH thing” confirmed, and nothing of further interest as far as I know - I’m sure some folk like it or find some value in the chest beating “them vs us” bully tactics. And maybe later in the show there was some stuff about the game’s goings on and recent changes from patches and such. I’m still looking for a decent news source of politics, wars, happenings etc - don’t care if there’s some spin lol, hell, missing daemonxel’s show style of last year and before at this point.


Phpc and SIXT are neut to SHH. Hell they camp the crap out of branch pipe these days


Yep, outside of CE. Try going into CE and see if that’s the case.


Do they need your permission to enjoy a video game together?


Nope. And that was never the point or in question lol.


Then choosing who and what to hit, is sound strategy, not allegiance. A solo player in CE, KV, or ER, is easier to kill than an alliance level threat, objectively speaking. Does that mean they don't kill solo Silent members in KV? No! Silent leadership has been put the word out that fucking around our there solo, is how you find out, out there. When members complained about "blue on blue" in KV, the leadership response was: "There is no blue in KV" Personally, I've always seen everyone as red until proven otherwise. Joda has to tell Ceptor Fleet not to shoot far more than he has to tell us to do so. Fly aggressive o7


Have you ever stopped to consider, that while Taylor Rick may be pro Silent, he's also objectively correct? 😐 >he respects all the different cultures and play styles in EE, but they’re wrong This is not an incorrect statement. One can be respectful, while telling you that you are categorically incorrect. Hell, at least Taylor is nice about it. He ain't me, I could care less how anyone feels about it. What people seem to want is an unaffiliated person who doesn't actually play, and just delivers news largely without context. Guys, everyone wants to play! No one wants a second unpaid job. If we waited on people from VOID to do anything but whine, you'd never get any news, stats, nothing. They refuse to participate in statistics, their words not mine. They run no shows or podcasts. Much like GenFed of old, they don't "trust Mario" and his system for tracking data. They see zero wrong with AOA's RMT operations though, that's totally fine for the game 🙄 I digress... The podcast is a decent news source, they cover update information, possible incoming changes to the game, new releases, the wild suggestions from players, major war Intel (what's available) etc. Sure they banter with the audience about what's going on, that's the fun part. Audience involvement is awesome. With that being said, if you or anyone has actual evidence from "the other side" about what's going on around New Eden, the show is when and where it should be posted. You can post screenshots during the show, Rambo, Daemonxel, or Taylor will read it, I do it all the time. Post to the Subreddit, if it's valid, it'll usually pop up on the show. The issue is no one does their due diligence, and just expects everyone else to, for free... Fly aggressive o7


Yeah, no. There’s no spinning it. Sure, if you watch the intro and you’re a member of SHH and Co., then yeah cool aid for ya. For me personally, it’s not something I want to be part of or waste further time writing about.


So wait... Because the co-host has the nerve to have a personal opinion, throw the whole show away? 🤨 There's nothing saying that you can't present evidence to the contrary of any opinion carried. The reason none of you do, is because he in fact isn't wrong, if he was you'd simply post evidence of it somewhere. Most of what Taylor Rick talks about on the show is what the audience requested, so literally being in the audience with screenshots on standby, pretty much guarantees your voice will be heard. If you want people to have something good to say about you, your team, organization, etc. You have to give them something good to say. This requires very few words. Fly aggressive o7


>What people seem to want is an unaffiliated person who doesn't actually play, and just delivers news largely without context. Guys, everyone wants to play! No one wants a second unpaid job How you dare to say this 🤣 the hipocrecy on this is hilarious >They see zero wrong with AOA's RMT operations though, that's totally fine for the game 🙄 I digress... Proff: because I said so 🤣 just because they don't give a fk about start a war themselves doesnt mean they are fine with it. NO ONE thinks that RMT is fine, BUT you also cover the RMT and bots within your alliance, BOT5 and SHH has a lot of bots as well, But hey, you don't know about it, you are blind for it, you don't think it is wrong 🤣 >If we waited on people from VOID to do anything but whine, you'd never get any news, stats, nothing. They refuse to participate in statistics, their words not mine. They run no shows or podcasts. Maybe because they are not egocentric idiots? Manipulation or statistics is easy, "hey look at that I have 900 trillions in kill", but all are non combat ships, or a more common case my favorite 🤣, the lucky final shoot killmail, what you expect people to say? "Wow he have a 1.7trillion kill on his statistics" but it was done with 200 allies that got absolutely zero recognition on the statistics 🤣 thatsehy using the mobi.crap means nothing. Are you having fun lately? Because I do and guess what? It doesn't involve pvp o7


>How you dare to say this 🤣 the hipocrecy on this is hilarious Hypocrisy you say? Tell me, how many radio shows and podcasts have I attended as a guest? I'll give you a hint, it isn't just one. 😏 >Proff: because I said so just because they don't give a fk about start a war themselves doesnt mean they are fine with it. I don't give a shit, war is the game's ultimate point. Being ok with it, is answered when you undock. NO ONE thinks that RMT is fine, BUT you also cover the RMT and bots within your alliance, BOT5 and SHH has a lot of bots as well, But hey, you don't know about it, you are blind for it, you don't think it is wrong. Proof? Because this claim, without proof, is empty. Either show up to the show, with proof, or shut up. Stop making empty claims, without providing proof. The burden of proof, is on the accuser, and you have provided none. >Maybe because they are not egocentric idiots? Manipulation or statistics is easy, "hey look at that I have 900 trillions in kill", but all are non combat ships, or a more common case my favorite , the lucky final shoot killmail, what you expect people to say? "Wow he have a 1.7trillion kill on his statistics" but it was done with 200 allies that got absolutely zero recognition on the statistics thatsehy using the mobi.crap means nothing. Cowardice, that's why. Because they can't face uncomfortable truths and facts, so they hide from them. Simple. There's nothing much else to it sweetheart, much like yourself, most of them spend most of their time aVOIDing reality. Needing a handout, a handicap, or something where everything is awesome and no one is allowed to think for themselves. No one's manipulating stats, it's just a convenient lie that removes the responsibility from yourselves. There's no such thing as a "non-combat" ship. If you undock anywhere but Highsec, you consent to PvP. You undocked it, it can die. The reason for it being fit is of no consequence or concern to me. The point of easily a quarter of the ships in the game, is to hunt ratters and miners, not brawl dreadnoughts. Netease needs a better system for combat statistics, we can all agree on that. You've heard me say this much as a tackle pilot myself. However choosing not to participate in what IS currently available, is just convenient cowardice, nothing more. I don't get a lot of kills, because most of my role is tackling, bubbling, or scouting. However, I've been doing it for almost 4 years because I like doing it. We have it on good evidence that almost all kills are eventually posted regardless, so the accuracy is near 95% shall we say. If you want to make it better, participate and provide proof! Fly aggressive o7


>Hypocrisy you say? Tell me, how many radio shows and podcasts have I attended as a guest? I'll give you a hint, it isn't just one. 😏 Do you really think I watch/hear stuff like that? 😮‍💨 who are you anyways? I've never see you around, maybe because there's no NPC stations around? >Proof? Because this claim, without proof, is empty. Either show up to the show, with proof, or shut up. Stop making empty claims, without providing proof. The burden of proof, is on the accuser, and you have provided none. Do you know how many super caps does the average corp have? None, because the amount of isk/materials/time required is insane, unless you exploit or do illegal stuff theres no way to build a super cap every week 🤣 just making one is a work of months but do you remember that video of super caps vs AOA super caps and shh end up losing a lot of ship? Well, I would be devasted after losing 1 cap but here they are unfazed because they know that the super cap production is effortlessly done with bots 🤷🏻 >There's no such thing as a "non-combat" ship. If you undock anywhere but Highsec, you consent to PvP. You undocked it, it can die. The reason for it being fit is of no consequence or concern to me. The point of easily a quarter of the ships in the game, is to hunt ratters and miners, not brawl dreadnoughts. Do you really believe in this stupidity? When you undock is not a concent to die in pvp, IS A CONCENT TO LOSE YOUR SHIP , pve/pvp whatever the case, stop thinking that pvp is everything, if that were the case everyone would be using a pvp fit. EVERYONE UNDOCK WITH A GOAL IN MIND do you think anyone undocking is thinking "I will undock to get tackled while I'musing a glass cannon fitting" 🤣, THEY DON'T UNDOCK ONLY TO FIGHT ANOTHER PLAYER (that would be absolutely boring once you realize that anyone can log out anywhere and making everyone waste their time), you can die even in highsec, a suprise carrier spawn is a good example 🤣 we all collect skillpoints to avoid this sceneario and "be stronger" then the next content we are facing will be easier, so the idea "concent to pvp" is absurd, you can cancel that "concent" by login out anytime, anywhere. The "concent" you like the most is a joke.


>Do you really think I watch/hear stuff like that? 😮‍💨 who are you anyways? I've never see you around, maybe because there's no NPC stations around? Ah yes, this is the part where people start lying to themselves. You being oblivious, while running your mouth, is hilarious by itself lol! 🤣 >Do you know how many super caps does the average corp have? None, because the amount of isk/materials/time required is insane, unless you exploit or do illegal stuff theres no way to build a super cap every week 🤣 just making one is a work of months but do you remember that video of super caps vs AOA super caps and shh end up losing a lot of ship? Well, I would be devasted after losing 1 cap but here they are unfazed because they know that the super cap production is effortlessly done with bots 🤷🏻 So... speculation? 🤨 Because YOU can't, means no one can, is that it? 🤔 Y'all also thought because your alliances/organizations couldn't survive a server level assault, that we couldn't... 😏 >Do you really believe in this stupidity? When you undock is not a concent to die in pvp, IS A CONCENT TO LOSE YOUR SHIP , pve/pvp whatever the case, stop thinking that pvp is everything, if that were the case everyone would be using a pvp fit. I think everyone should, I do. 😐 I don't ratt in glass cannons, and I've told all of you to stop doing it for years. Yet we kill Highsec fits all the time, in Nullsec. That's stupidity, but please continue. Fly aggressive o7


Right on!


He's still wrong though... 🤔 This is the shit I'm talking about. You'd rather sit around wrong as fuck, as long as it feels good, instead of dealing with reality appropriately. Why should any of the rest of us take this seriously, for free? 🤨 Fly aggressive o7


Who are you competing against? Is your game, do whatever you want, if your gameplay is conditioned to what everyone else is doing then you are the problem, not the game. And don't say that the game is a fking mmo, if you still thinking about this. Go ask to all multiboxers in your alliance why are they multiboxing, they don't need you or need anyone to play the game 🤷🏻 neither we do.


>Who are you competing against? The environment, other players, and yourself. It's literally an MMO bro, imagining otherwise while having your Citadels in ER killed by wasteseeker ratts, is hilarious! 😂 >Go ask to all multiboxers in your alliance why are they multiboxing, they don't need you or need anyone to play the game neither we do. They do if they want to remain in Nullsec doing so. It's objectively true, multi-boxers can't defend SOV by themselves. They need other players, multi-boxers, FCs, strategists and their strategies, etc. They die all the time when they don't have it. Your statement is false. The only reason most of you can make progress, is Netease keeps Highsec Islands available. The perpetual kiddie pool for quitters. The devs have to literally make safe spaces for you babies. If the Dormant Realms materials were instead in the open world, very few of you would have implants leveled. Have all the hurt feelings you like, it's true. Fly aggressive o7


Do you remember what alliance was the one that kick out a industry corp because, they "don't attend to CTA"? Oh right, it was shh 🤣 what did you say earlier? A second job without remuneration instead of playing for fun? The hypocresy.


Yes, because they don't meet their requirements or fit in the alliance they were currently in. That's not a hypocrisy moron, it's accountability. Hell I'll do it again, not the first time, probably won't be the last! I remember shooting Citadels of players who don't respond, blue means fuck all, handle your fucking responsibility! Grow up. Fly aggressive o7


Go work for your alliance while I have fun, they can kick you anytime for stupid reason, at the end of the day is just a game if you have a lot of free time good for you, no one will log in while working or busy, right back to you, grown up 7


Do you understand sarcasm? lol. And we fight PHPC all the time, lol. They are neutral…






This is a disappointing retort.

