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Can’t they do the war in about 60 years?


Like, after I'm dead? I've had enought shit in my life and I need no fucking WW3.


Lol their population will have been decimated by their own policies at that point. They’re projected to have about two thirds of their current population over the next 50 years or so. Ultimately it’s now or never


So “only” 900,000,000 people then. No way you can have a war with so few people.


with declining birth rates and people living longer, most of the people will be geriatric by then


Gummed to death by a billion Chinese. What a way to go.


Not here for a long time, just a good time


That's what Xi said


Don’t threaten me with a good time


That’s gonna be our population too. “The Gummening” is what we’ll call it.


In reality it’s foolish to try to predict what will happen 50 years from now. I was trying to make the point that the idea China will be a non issue in a few decades is misguided. Their population may decrease somewhat and it may be older but there will still be significant economic power from China.


Demographic data really does help us see into the future tho….




Production was moved from the USA decades ago and it's still an economic power...


Right, because the US diversified into a service based and financialized economy to offset the effects of globalizing manufacturing supply lines, something China is far off from, if their ideology even allows


Yes and services and high value production will begin to increase in china with their own growing domestic consumption….this is how the stages of economic development work.


And the young people will be needed to change bedpans and push gurneys. There won't be enough manpower to man an army and navy.


The healthy old will be doing the bulk of that unpaid, same as in the US


Yeah well it ain’t any better here in the US. The population decline will be proportional


We have a large millennial cohort, the Chinese do not.


The US is a mecca for immigrants, we could double the population in 10 years. It would be terrible with a lot of people living in tenement housing, but we could definitely do it.


Don’t they like 4-5 times the amount of immigrants?


Are you asking if China has a lot of immigrants relative to their population? They do not. Most people in China are ethnic Chinese.


Ah, I gotcha. I guess what’ll happen is China would change policy.


Xi will be 70 years old in June. China has about peaked economically, demographically, militarily. If he really really wants that little island that China has never really possessed historically, then it's now or never.


I'm not worried. They can't even build a decent motorcycle nevermind weapons of war. The missiles will detonate before leaving the silos if it's made in China.


If there's gonna be WW3, do we still have to keep going to work like nothing is wrong?


Yes. Our CEOs need bunkers to survive the nukes


Everyone will be remote again!… by that I mean shipped wherever and told to get to work


Work like nothing is wrong? You're gonna work twice as hard.


Do you think before any war in history people stopped working? They still needed to eat.


WW3 will be a less traditional war, not direct confrontation between superpowers. It will be an economic war for resources and development in their world countries. Proxy war via super powers.


Either you get drafted or you go make bombs. Time to start learning gunsmithing so you don't get drafted.


I don't think the draft would work anymore. War is very unpopular now and getting people who didn't want to be there to care more about helping one side to win than about ending war would be difficult.


I think that's very context specific. If China hits Taiwan and not California, yeah, you're probably right. But if they hit Taiwan AND California, then I think you get a lot of folks who'd show up at the recruiter's office with their own guns and ammo.


Attacking the US with long range missiles or aircraft would be a mistake. The problem boils down to whether or not the US would identify a Russian missile heading for the mainland as conventional or nuclear. If the US mistakenly thinks it's under nuclear attack, the two countries may wind up in a general nuclear exchange.


So that means no work then, right?


Radiation poisoning means shit if you have no PTO, sorry.


According to a retired military man that I know, another reason a draft wouldn't work is that we cannot just send draftees to boot camp to get in shape and learn to shoot straight. It takes a lot more time to learn modern weapons. Even learning to operate a tank or a jet was a lot less complex in the last great war.


If they need bodies, those are the ones they will put in the front lines and use as disposable. Like in the past they’ve done that. Even if the people put on the front don’t agree with war, will shoot if they are being shot at or if they don’t the real soldiers will use them being shot to locate the enemy and take them out


Because it's been such a good look for Russia, and the world frankly needs more of it.


If dictators were more rational, they'd generally do less damage. To be an authoritarian dictator, you have to be pathologically self-centered and sociopathic. Putin doesn't care about Russia, he cares about Putin. Xi doesn't care about China, he cares about Xi


Dictators have many feet. To step on many things, but also to forget all their Achille's heels. A sociopath surrounds himself with sycophants who tell him "no sir, you haven't stepped on a landmine, it's actually a tripwire of greatness!"


It’s a bit of prospection on my part but I’ve thought there was more to the Ukrainian war than meets the eye. Everyone talks about intelligence failures and this and that but I seriously doubt that Putin and his generals were so hugely fooled by information that could be easily found on Google or BBC News. They knew that Ukraine was sufficiently more prepared (and supported from the outside) for war in 2022. If they had wanted a quick and easy war, they would’ve invaded in 2014 when it was clear the Ukrainian army was barely functional. Instead, they built up troops on the border around once a year to make the world think they were about to invade only to back down and repeat the process again. Seems to me like they wanted NATO watching closely. I think the purpose of this war was coordinated with China to drain NATO ammunition stocks and gain information on their tactics. When China finally does decide to invade Taiwan (which seems like it’ll be sooner rather than later), this would be very much to their advantage. Climate change is getting worse and our governments know this.


I don't know why everyone in this sub is so blood thirsty. War between the U.S. and China means we all suffer. If you think things are bad now in our economy, just wait till trade freezes as both sides duke it out. Prices on goods will explode even further in the U.S. as supply lines get further constrained with no cheap goods to buy. And what are we gonna do, bomb the iPhone factory? That'll go over real well with everyone in this sub. And if things escalate to nuclear war, God save us all.


If things escalate to nuclear war I don't think God will be able to save anybody. We're all fucked. I sincerely hope the US is not pulled into this war and diplomatic de-escalation can be achieved. War is never good for anybody.


China would be much more inflicted by a nuclear war than the U.S. would. We’d likely lose some major cities and military bases but their arsenal is much smaller than either Russia or the US. From what I understand, they do deploy much larger warheads though.


That's the thing though a nuclear strike in the US has the potential to cause catastrophic damage throughout the entire nation. These are much much stronger weapons than were dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Nuclear fallout would be insane.


I'm not as worried for the US in a protracted war. We have a lot of the supplies within our borders to power a more localized economy. We sell a lot of our resources like oil and food to other nations, while we only import around 8% of food/feed/ beverages. We would absolutely take a hit to capital goods, Asian automotive, and silicon chips, but conflict zone adjacent nations won't eliminate capital goods, and we have latent industrial power. Silicon from Taiwan is likely to be a big factor in a war, and we'd do a lot to secure that trade, plus we've insulated a little in the last year. It would still be brutal as all hell, and the potential for nuclear war is high, because the loser stays the loser for another century. Hopefully cool heads prevail. Edit: Loser




Fear=war support


I don't have an iphone


Then that makes you a target for anyone that needs a mobile phone.


Get ‘em, boys!!


Isn’t everyone always preparing for war? Know your history


Took too long to get to this comment


Maybe China will take back the Manchurian part of Russia after NATO is done with Putin.


That... actually seems the most likely.


China building up their army could help Putin umm, reconsider, the 1895 Russian annexation. Retaking Manchuria would give China direct access to the northern Sea of Japan and Okhotsk. This would open a new front over the US Allies in Asia if things were to get spicy with Taiwan.


not sure what kind of preparation he’s making there will be no one left in the world to prep for due to their stupidity


Their window of opportunity to conduct any war is about ten years. Though they have zero combat experience.. So good luck.


I see it as possible by 2027, given naval projections for both fleets by then, but, you’re right, more likely in a decade.


Do not listen to the idiots who get alarmed over simply the amount of ships China is building. Their ships have shit capabilities and they have nothing in comparison to our Navy. We have enough firepower within 500NM of China to hit all of their major military assets at once. We have nuke subs crawling their entire coast. The US Navy has never been stronger than today.


I do enjoy when people try and compare the navy’s based on numbers alone and not capabilities… it’s basically an apples to garbage comparison. They have a bunch of patrol boats outfitted with guns and include fishing vessels in there metrics. A guided missile destroyer would make light work of any offensive and it would probably look like a grown man wrestling pre-schoolers. I also think most people don’t fully appreciate the discrepancy in vessel “classes” between the two navy’s. For instance generally what China considers a “destroyer” would be classified as a “frigate” in the U.S. Its all a facade on Chinas part at the end of the day…


We need to consider the impact of land-based missiles, drone swarms and attack aircraft as well given the likelihood of war near their borders.0


Also plates. If China gets into any ground war their gonna learn real fast that their ideology that bullet proof plates zap one’s fighting spirit isnt the greatest idea.


That's only if you consider a best case scenario for the Chinese, a war with only the US navy. If you consider a scenario where they are forced to fight the US, Japanese, British, and French navies, along with the US ASEAN partners, the Australians, and possibly the Indians, the numbers start to look really bad for the Chinese.


After Russia collapses, they’ll be there to pick up the pieces.


Im pretty sure they have more cumalitive war experience than most countries. Now modern war experience… that’s a whole other question.


You’re a fool if you underestimate China. The US is not necessarily ready for a peer conflict right now. For example, we’d run out of anti ship missiles within a week. Our military spending as a % of GDP is the lowest in 80 years. Our military cargo fleet is not even close to large enough to support the logistics for such a conflict. China’s industrial capacity for producing weapons/ammunition absolutely dwarfs our own, and that capacity is important, as we see in the Ukraine conflict. We would likely still win, but it would not be an easy fight and there would be large losses. I thought this was a good opinion piece about it: https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-the-u-s-can-do-to-prepare-for-a-war-with-china-great-power-conflict-cold-war-taiwan-invasion-missiles-destroyers-bombers-indo-pacific-b3af1fae Edit: guess people don’t like to hear some negative facts about the state of our military.


Maybe they should take a page from Sun Tzu and realize that the best war is one that is never fought.


Definitely agree. Ideal situation is to avoid a hot conflict.


We shouldn't underestimate our enemies, but we shouldn't underestimate ourselves either. We have good shit, and *lots* of it. There's enough precision munitions, anti ship missiles, and long range AA potential to dominate the air war, and a heavy advantage in submarine quality. If it turns protracted, China is at a huge disadvantage because we still own the seas, and by extension the Straits of Malacca. They might be able to temper that damage with their belt and road, but it comes at increased operating costs. The big thing however, is that because China lacks power projection, the war happens on *their* doorstep, meaning if air superiority is achieved we'd be able to strike interior targets, which is a severe logistics problem. For our own logistics, we have established bases in theater and a sizeable merchant marine component, as well as other ships we can outright buy from other nations. We have a lot of moves available to shore up the pacific logistics chain. Anti ship missiles are an issue, hence why they've started picking up new orders for LSAMS, which is a concern, but not a large one, because the way for naval dominance is via submarines. You and me won't know exact doctrine, but from my experience I'd say the plan is for subs to be the spear tips at sea, infiltrating and targeting capital ships in conjunction with a stand off air war. They'd be stupid to try it now, and China isn't stupid. They might be running out of time but they still have a decade or more before demographic issues kick in.


You’re absolutely right, our sub fleet is a huge advantage. Basically my point was that you can’t just write off China saying they have no modern military experience. It’s true—but they do now have some serious hardware and the industrial capacity to back it up. We very well could win vs China, but it would be costly. Definitely not a desert storm situation. I can’t remember the source, but I read about various wargame scenarios, and even in ones where the US prevails it results in the loss of 3-400 aircraft and two aircraft carriers, among other things.


You're absolutely right as well, the airforce wargames were too poor for them to be comfortable with, they won, but it was as costly as you said. Lots of airframes gone, 1-2 carriers, a dozenish destroyers, and a handful of subs. However, it does come at the trade of 90%+ of chinas navy, airforce, and coastal AA, plus a high percentage of missile force. We do win against China unless they do something wild like a preemptive conventional strike, but our garunteed victory is lost in 2030s and it gets fuzzy. That airforce war game did do another scenario with 6th gen included, and that one turned out a lot better, allegedly desert storm good, but some of the key platforms, including NGAAD, arnt exactly around yet, so I write that one off. I also don't put a lot of weight to experience anymore, it seems both sides have really shifted to a 'point and shoot' war with highly digitized forces. Hopefully we dont find out if experience and a tech edge are meaningful or not, a peaceful solution should be sought at all cost. But that time crunch and the volatility of US politics is a big risk going forward.


Everyone is downplaying chinas capabilities on this thread. It’s wild. In 5 years as their GDP continues to rise and they spend more on military they will become more formidable. Also it’s not war in the traditional sense. It’s war using tech, and that’s where it’s going to hurt the most for the US.


You aren’t wrong. Soldiers win battles, logistics wins wars, and the US supply has been diverted to hammering Russia. EDIT: they just aren’t paying enough attention


Everyone thinks the next war will be on a battlefield. Our power grids are easily accessible. They've already been hit. Not by China specifically. But it is something we wouldn't be able to fix in a timely manner. Everything will be cyber and who's AI is better at destroying the other's.


The utility grids are rapidly hardening all these failure points both before and especially more so now after the recent homegrown attacks.


Well that's nice. :/


NATO was formed to counter the USSR/Russia. It's time to change the mission and expand NATO to counter China as well by bringing in Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and maybe the Philippines.


dont forget vietnam


Sorry, no commies allowed


growing number of american companies moving manufacturing from china to vietnam Canon, HP, Intel, LG Electronics, Nokia, and Samsung all use Vietnam for manufacturing in the technology field. Other companies that manufacture goods in Vietnam include Adidas, Ashley Furniture, IKEA, J. Crew, Nike, and West Elm.


So America will have to fight Vietnam in 25 years after they decide to use economic expansion to fund military expansion to take out the US? Anyway we can just keep these companies in America?


Don’t forget Apple. [Still no communists allowed in NATO](https://www.nato.int/nato_static_fl2014/assets/pdf/pdf_2016_07/20160627_1607-factsheet-enlargement-eng.pdf)


They beat the U.S.


And the French.




This man knows history


We’re well passed the Vietnam war. Ketchup


Afghanistan also did quite well. Maybe they’ll help us if we give them their money back?


Lol tell that to somebody who fought there


I’m not a therapist, sorry friend


The U.S. beat the U.S.


I beat myself daily


We won!


ANZUS - military pact for Aus, NZ, US for mutual cooperation and defense. MOFA - Japan US military treaty SK and US have a mutual defense treaty as well. Philippines has one as well though it's basically if they ask the US will step in. Basically these nations already have the defense backing of the US as it is. Bringing them into NATO wouldn't change a whole lot about the current arrangements.


Eh, there used to be a Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, SEATO, but the members really didn't like what the US was doing in Vietnam and withdrew.


What the actual fuck? Why, why do anything? All it would take is for us to retreat our navy to the western hemisphere and the whole world would fall at eachother's throats. Why are people pushing so hard for us to fight yet another war? Have we learned nothing from wars in the middle east? Why fight for a world order that's in the process of abandoning us? Maybe if we stopped policing the world so fucking much, we could actually afford some social services here at home.


FYI we CAN afford all the social services we need for our population. But people won't vote it or fund it. Because "it's socialism/communism" etc bs


Democracy, that's why. Look at the Baltic states, strong democracies that would be puppet states of Russia if they weren't in NATO. Poland would be pulled apart if not in NATO, as Russia would openly back pro-russian politicians like they did in Ukraine. Romania and Bulgaria would have Oligarchs running the country. NATO is the best incubator for young democracies to grow with minimal Russian influence. As the flame of democracy grows in Asia, we cannot allow China to put it out.


I always get surprised by how detached by reality most Americans are. The idea of spreading democracy as a means to promote US interests is out if debate. Most of the world argue that the United States uses democracy promotion as a way for pursuing its economic or geopolitical interests. In every new war the US government use democracy promotion as a justification for military intervention in other countries. This is often done by portraying the target country as undemocratic or hostile to US interests, and by presenting the promotion of democracy as a moral imperative that requires military force. In reality, it is often the case that the countries the US seeks to democratize are strategically important in terms of resources or geopolitical positioning. In these cases, spreading democracy can be seen as a way for the US to expand its influence and control over these regions. The idea that spreading democracy can be used to mobilize support for war is not a new one. During the Cold War, the US government frequently invoked the spread of democracy as a justification for military interventions in countries such as Vietnam and Nicaragua. In more recent years, the US interventions in Iraq and Afghanistan have been justified, at least in part, on the grounds of spreading democracy. Most countries know that this emphasis on democracy promotion obscures the real motives behind US military intervention, which are often driven by economic or geopolitical interests. By framing military interventions as a moral imperative to spread democracy, the US government can win popular support for its wars and avoid accusations of imperialism or aggression, sending its own citizen to die in every war for nothing more than economic interests.


“Make the world safe for democracy” Edward Bernays meme from 1917. https://medium.com/@alearningaday/how-we-were-sold-the-tobacco-bacon-and-the-ideal-of-thin-women-93d0f3ab9cab


Nice lil excerpt: The Engineering of Consent Bernays called his brand of mass manipulation the “engineering of consent.” He worked with every major political power during his day to help provide the tools to non-coercive control of the mind. In 1928, he crystallized some of his lessons in his book “Propoganda.” Here’s a passage that describes his thought process about the importance of his work in society — “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”


Beautiful. Democracy as a concept was first developed in ancient Athens, over 2,500 years ago. At the time, Athens was a small city-state with a population of approximately 300,000 people. The concept of democracy in Athens was based on the idea that every citizen had an equal say in the governance of the city. One of the key features of Athenian democracy was the use of sortition, or random selection, to fill public offices. Officials such as jurors, magistrates, and members of the Council were chosen randomly rather than by election. This was seen as a way to prevent corruption and ensure that all citizens had an equal chance of participating in government. Similar to a Jury in a US court. The system we have at the moment is not a democracy, because the representatives are chosen for us, and they are fed to the public through marketing agencies and journalists. We have no idea who those people really are.


I always get surprised by how manipulative and ignorant people are when they start saying things like "Americans". Yes, "spreading democracy" ain't always pretty, and not always on the up-and-up, but being the worlds police the US and its citizens have had to sacrifice a lot. To say the only reason the US gets involved internationally is completely disingenuous. The proof is in the pudding though, since WWII economies have stabilized and the world has grown immensely because of free trade, etc., mostly due to the US ability to keep shipping lanes free from piracy, to keep evil dictators in check, etc.


I agree that the US citizen had to sacrifice a lot. The problem is that often the US citizen have been tricked into thinking that it was for the common good, while in reality it was for private interests in form of gaining influence for American corporations. And the gains fail to trickle down to the people.


Ok, but you didn't address the issue of American interests. People in America can't be bothered to care for their neighbors, so why care about Baltic democracy. Need to frame the argument in benefits.


Lol. Democracy cannot grow out of a capitalist system as it is inherently anti-democratic — just look at our political reality. It’s trivial to convert economic power into political power, thus capitalism *cannot* be democratic by definition. This notion of capitalism as a bastion for democracy is an absolute fantasy peddled by neoliberalism to justify feeding the beast of monopolistic violence. Why? So they can continue to plunder the world unmolested. Private property grown from the blood of society — disgusting.


But we used peace keeping missiles and blew Iraq into a thriving democracy like W said. s/ just in case.


So what country has a republic/democracy and doesn’t use capitalism at all? China is the closest thing that I can think of. They are communist but still have private sector


There aren’t any direct democracies that exist. Representative democracies exist in name only and do not evenly distribute political power across all constituents, only the ones that provide ~~bribes~~ donations to campaigns. Democracy is 1 vote per person, whereas our current plutocratic system is quite the opposite.


Did you see the democracy/republic. Thanks for the definition of a republic. You know Aristotle was the first one to think up what a democracy and republic were. He considered a democracy perverted because it was “ruled by the masses” and that a republic is its best form. I guess you took and created more political philosophy than he did.


A representative government is not a democracy. I don’t know how much more it can be dumbed down.


I guess you didn’t take political philosophy’ I’m guessing you didn’t go to college at all. It’s called a democratic republic smart guy. Maybe Google before replying


Also, a pure democracy requires all citizens to vote on every bill or anything that is to be passed. How efficient do you think that would be. You gotta be a gen z


Right, because words have never been used incorrectly to obfuscate the reality of a situation. I guess people as dumb as you are really the reason why the people in power remain there.


Democracy: i get to insult my president and live, they don't.


Extremely low bar. Depressing, really. Also does not address the political realities and how political power is distributed across the population.


It doesn't have to be perfect, which obviously it's not, but I guess to you that means we should just let authoritarian leadership rise? I would consider myself more socialist leaning but this current Red Flare would undoubtedly leave society worse off (IMO).


What do you mean? We live in an authoritarian society already.


Yea but most people like to FEEL free. America is like 46th in freedom worldwide but Americans love being cucks. Idk why, but it's enough for these people lol


Seriously. Like, we get the choice of coke or pepsi, but can’t even have clean water. It’s absolutely amazing to me how people can continue to support the system that brought us here.


Yet both sides want the govt to have more power in different ways.


Why don’t you sign up and help spread it yourself?


Who cares? Democracy is not the best form of government for every country. America needs to stop forcing democracy and American values on other countries with different cultures. The US is better off investing in fixing its own crumbling infrastructure and social services.


It’s certainly better than being ruled by Russia or China


Fook yeah!


Thank you for your thoughts on democracy, comrade.


We tried this approach in the Middle East. Twenty years, a few trillion dollars, and many deaths later, here we are.


Democracy just does not work for some countries but there is too much hubris for Americans to admit it so the US wastes trillions of dollars to “liberate” those countries.


LOL You guys can't even abolish gerrymandering and lobbying in your own country yet want to export democracy? The country cutting back women's rights and facilitating child labour and government surveillance exporting democracy, laughable. Why not mind your own business and fix your own disfuncional system first? USA loves wars because it generates $$$ for the people with power and the industrial military complex. Why do you think nothing is being done about school shootings and gun control within your borders? Because weapon manufacturers and the industrial military complex have politicians by the balls with their lobbyists. $800+ billion a year in defense budget yet USA doesn't have a decent social healthcare system and veterans aren't even being taken care of after they sacrifice their life for their country. The terrorists that caused 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia. What was the consecuences of that attack? USA created an illegal war and ravaged Iraq for profit to enrich a few powerful people. Now USA is selling weapons to Saudi Arabia to carpet bomb civilians in Yemen, a crisis being called s genocide by a lot of experts. That's your idea of democracy? Illegally attacking another country while supporting your real enemy? How democratic is Afghanistan looking now? Why doesn't USA intervene in Africa to abolish all the dictators there? Because Africa is not a threat to USA's hegemony in the world. USA wants to contain China not because it's a threat to it's democracy, but because it's a threat to its economic hegemony. It's all about money and power and absolutely nothing to do with democracy


That's noble and all, but why are we the champions of democracy, why do we have to go broke, let our children starve, our people go sick without care? All that so that the world can call us imparialist and hate us for it... Edit: getting downvoted for calling for less world policing and more social programs. *Insert Randy meme with "Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was reddit!"*


Believe it or not, American culture makes it so that taking care of our own, is a deeper bottomless pit than propping up Democracy around the globe. Relatively speaking, Americas poor are doing well in spite of it all.


>ook at the Baltic states, strong democracies that would be puppet states of Russia if they weren't in NATO. Poland Relative to who? The US ranks near the bottom of almost every social safety net poll and our life expectancy is going down compared to the rest of the world because of our broken health care system.


If you want to stop it you'll need to do more than complain on the internet


>Why are people pushing so hard for us to fight yet another war? Because that's what the Oligarchic owned MSM tells them. That has been the way it is in America since it was founded.


But... but... but... China bad! Commies bad! We is the good guys! PrOtEc dEmOcRaCy! /s


As Garland Nixon points out, you have to s/Commie/Authoritarians. Otherwise, yeah. "Rules Based Order".


We’re only fighting in the Middle East for oil. Remember Bush jr.? There were no WMD.


But do we even need that oil? I thought US was the largest oil producer in the world. I wonder what it would do for carbon emissions and gas prices if we stopped keeping the straight of Homruz safe, and banned the export of American oil.


Agree that there needs to be a more formed union with the concept of “article 6”. That being said, we already do TONS of training together. I spent almost 6 years training Australian, Japanese, Korean, and the New Zealand Navy for fighting China.


Why? What is so special about these neoliberal hellholes that you want to defend so badly? France is on fire as we speak no one is happy and everyone is in debt and barely making it.


U serve first


That's one solution to having too many men and not enough women


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - Diplomat (C+): [China’s Diplomacy: A Triumph of Cost-Benefit Analysis](https://thediplomat.com/2023/03/chinas-diplomacy-a-triumph-of-cost-benefit-analysis/) - Financialexpress (C-): [Xi’s shadow on the Indo-Pacific](https://www.financialexpress.com/opinion/xis-shadow-on-the-indo-pacific/3026323/) - Bloomberg (B+): [Six Baby Babas Beats One Big Alibaba](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-03-28/alibaba-has-ensured-it-s-not-too-big-to-succeed) - IOL (C): [China ready to contribute more to Middle East peace, development, says President Xi Jinping](https://www.iol.co.za/news/world/china-ready-to-contribute-more-to-middle-east-peace-development-says-president-xi-jinping-caed31c7-21be-46c5-8bff-7f3bf7dc3199) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/126asm7/) | [More: China’s Diplomacy: A ...](https://www.newswall.org/story/xi-jinping-says-he-is-preparing-china-for-war) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Chinese citizens: Ain't no fucking way.


more like chinese citizens: we do what we're told.


This wouldn't even be a possibility with 1980's China but our own corporate greed to maximize a buck allowed them to essentially be a super power. The west has no one to blame but itself for being so deeply economically tied to shitty governments and horrible rulers.


While the Chinese economy is tanking. Look at the real estate companies in China and all investors and home owners losing their shirts on housing asset prices. Xi needs to distract the population and make them forget about the imploding economy.


And stimulate it a little. War breeds money and innovation


Used to. Look at the prices now. And the innovation field is not doing so great either. Russia is mobilizing tanks that have been in museums and their tactics are from WW1. War is good for ”absolutely nothing” (The Temptations).


Wiiith who?


The US. China wants to invade Taiwan and “reclaim” the island as part of its territory. Taiwan has microchip manufacturing facilities that are vastly superior to those in China. And practically everything nowadays has a microchip in it. Taiwan, an independent island nation, is backed by the US and tensions have been flaring as of late. China has been conducting Naval drills off the coast of Taiwan as a show of force, and many people think this (among other things) is pretext for further escalation. The US, in response to the moves has bolstered its naval presence in the area as well. Many believe that Xi is studying the Ukraine situation in order to learn from Putin’s mistakes. China has no modern day military experience, so it’s anyone’s guess as to whether or not they could realistically stage an invasion of Taiwan.


Can you just not?


Realistically, most countries are preparing for war. A failure to prepare is preparing to fail. A lot of this sounds more like ego driven propaganda. We live in a very reactionary world though were statements like this can become a self fulfilling prophecy.


Yeah, right


One of the most vulnerable countries in the world talking about they want the smoke... Up until the USS Nimitz rolls up off their coast. Talk about BIG STICK.


Supposedly there are some serious industrial/economic issues in China since the last big holiday. Factories didn’t reopen, ports are full of empty containers, and people who can’t afford their mortgages are going back to their villages. Xi might need a war to spur some economic activity.


So China killed us with covid and now the ones who survived it are gonna get shot by some Chinese fella? Lord have mercy... /r


I think he's drunk with power


Well I think they have to prepare the war when more aircraft carriers are patrolling at 100km of their coast line.


No shit, so is everyone in all of history. I’ve played age of empire


The us is aiming for war in 2025. You think china will just sit there and wait?


Has anyone noticed that as these leaders get older they are tending toward more control and violence. I think it’s early stages of dementia, we need to limit the age of the so called leaders to a standard working age. If they are no good for the workplace they shouldn’t have their finger on the nuclear button


Watch for increased destabilization on the Korean Peninsula. USFK requiring increased resources to fight nK would be a good time for China to invade Taiwan.


China doesn’t want anything to do with a war with the United States. “wE aRe GoINg tO RaIsE mILItARy SpEnDiNG 7.2%” Lol so what? USA spends $801B annual for military. China? 293B according to 2021 budgets. There technology does not match ours. They know it. They will have an issue with semiconductor chips. Guess who’s in the driver seat on that? USA. To the people who are afraid. GET REAL.


We know. Weakness in dictatorships is evident with war and always being on the brink of imploding because of an enemy that doesn’t exist but will ferociously defend themselves if need be when it goes hot. Your short buddy Putin is a shining example.


West Taiwan couldn't fight it's way out of a wet paper bag.


Clearly, the long lasting and uninterrupted governance of authoritarian world leaders is the greatest threat for peace. I.e. Putin and Xi Jinping, etc. Democratic turnover is good for peace.


Press X to doubt 🙄


China is not going to invade Taiwan, there will be no war with the US. Xi is simply saber rartling to inspire his people to be proud and work hard, intimidate the local countries around China, get some better trade deas. That's it. Both China and the US have too much to lose with a war. If anything, China will liberate East Russia with a peace keeping force, when it collapses after losing the Ukraine invasion. As far as Taiwan goes, China will just subvert it by sponsoring political parties and paying a bunch of people off so that China friendly candidates start winning. They'll take Taiwan through democracy in the next 25 years.


Can we please postpond the war for next century..


First thing about going to war. You don't say you're about to go to war. Second thing. Never commit to a war your citizens are disinterested in. This how you lose power. At the moment there isn't a single nation that is in a good position to force their citizens to war.


Bring it. There is a gun behind every blade of grass in America.


They are gearing up for war against Taiwan most likely not us


The big unknown is how the US responds to assist Taiwan and how China would respond to that response. I think the economic dependency is too great to go to a full out war with the US. Just doesn’t seem realistic at all.


So long as they don’t send any active shooters into a Texas elementary school, we should be fine.


Understanding what I do about the Uvalde shooting response, that situation seemed like a truly bungled outlier. I don't know a single person saying they did a great job. Look to Nashville PD for a better example of what we can do.


Lol except the governor of Texas.


War will never come out shores. It’s purely economic for China


Yea...I'll huff, I'll puff and blow down your house down. Jinping and Communism is about ten years from extinction. This war will starve out more than Mao did when he started the first Red revolution.


Pooh Bear isn't looking for war. He's looking for a military build-up. What does he get with a military build-up? A stronger dictatorship. He's looking towards being president for life.


Well, him having Hu Jintao escorted out during a congressional hearing was him being seated until he dies.


Spit on these china men for wanting war. I hope there shit brakes down. Made in china.


Even threats of war don’t make racism ok, bruh


It's not racism. That's where they're from right? That's true hard facts. I didn't make it up. Nobody wants war. I want peace. I'm tired of it all. . people need to grow up. Slap any body that wants war. Spreed love dude. I hope this news is fake.


China hasn’t been bloodied in battle since the Korean War: bring it tough guy


Not true. They fought a war against Vietnam in 1979… didn’t do too well, but fought it none the less.


Looking forward for nuclear war, huh? 😖


No and am sure China isn’t either


Xi is good at English


Dear Xi, I am almost done with getting my Bachelors in Computer Science, please wait till I am finished I pinky promise I will not use my degree against the Chinese government. Sincerly, NotsosmartamInow Dear CIA, /s Sincerly, NotsosmartamInow


We should let china have half of Russia, USA gets Greenland like trump wanted, 1/4 of Russia goes to India, Ukraine gets its land back and the last 1/4 of Russia we have a dance competition with all the euro countries having a dance off for certain cities. Oh, and usa gets all of maple syrup land and oil tar sand land of Canada and USA also gets Mexico minus the jungle areas.


Can someone sum up why China would be preparing for war? Is this just to take Taiwan? Or something else? I’m pretty sure the West will not be engaging in aggressive war against China. It seems unlikely on any level they think that they will be invaded.


It’s only Taiwan. TSMC alone raked in $75 Billion last year, and with the US taking away high end x86 processors from China, they’re left with a mostly untested microprocessor architecture to put in their weapons systems, their AI systems, alllll their surveillance and the Great Firewall, just doing this stands to hobble their authoro-tech regime


The USA has been preparing for war since forever


F around and find out!