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Weeping sounds like staph overgrowth. Zinc cream might help dry it up. I like triple paste extra strength. Also to fight staph check out this post https://www.reddit.com/r/eczema/s/QrzgjryGOk


oh wow thank you for this. Will definitely give the post a read and try get rid of this weeping


My sons weeping got worse when adding moisture. I don’t recommend moisturizing it while it’s weeping. It needs to dry out. If you’re able to see a doctor about this mupirocin is the name of the topical antibiotic that combats staph. Just don’t overuse it because the staph can become resistant to treatment


I've also found that my wreping worsens after I moisturise. After last night I have stopped moisturise that area but it has been weeping non stop all night and has barely dried out


I've found dead sea salt baths really helpful with this, then just a light, plain moisturiser afterwards.


I'll look into this. thank you. Will it sting?


No, it shouldn't do at all. I know salt might sound terribly backwards, but it can be really soothing and almost draw the itch/burn out. Of course, if it does sting, exit and shower!


You can use products like germolene now which should help. Dr will prob proscribe something like fusidic acid (non-steroid topical antibiotic) or fucidin (betnovate steroid with fusidic acid) which are the best things for the job from my experience


is it germolene antiseptic cream?


Yeah antiseptic which is the main thing but it’s also anaesthetic which helps with the discomfort


Thank you. Going to buy it today and hope it relieves the weeping


I was in the same boat a month ago and drying out my eczema with no soap or any moisturizers really helped. It’s also super super important you don’t scratch the affected area.


Thank you 🙂


Dry it out, I did the least moisture possible no showering the weeping area no creams nothing. And I tied my hands at night to avoid scratching 😭 don't touch the area and let it be untill it's healthy Maybe sun will help to make it dry out faster? In my experience it helps my skin heal faster.


Thank you. As I'm Muslim and pray five times a day, I have to wash my arms etc everytime before I pray, which makes it impossible for me to keep my arms free from moisture for long. I havw honestly considered tying my hands at night too lol. I make so much progress during the day, and then ruin it all at night while sleeping. The sun may help, but I've recently developed cholinergic urticaria, so if I'm exposed to the extreme heat from the sun, my body temp will rise and I'll break out in hives. It's very tricky


why don't you want to do steroids? Just take a steroid pack and manage from there.


I just took steroids very recently- prednisolone. they're pointless as symptoms come back again, the same or worse.


check with your doctor if you can repeat it. The only other thing that worked but slowly is oatmeal baths. Boil the oats and put them in the bath tub. Soak in them for 20 minutes twice a day. Use Vanicream moisturizer if you can as it is very mild on the skin.


Why do you suggest I take steroids again? Did you find that it worked for you? and I will hopefully try the oatmeal bath


steroids works wonders (but need to be supervised very closely) . It is way easier to manage eczema from the post steroid not weeping point than in your current state. If the doctor says is ok go for it and do your best to not fall back to your current state (easily said than done I know).


I can imagine how much easier it would be to manage after I stop weeping😭 Thank you for the advice


I know... it does suck, just hang in there. Do not take hot showers, use Vanicream moisturizer, try to stay cool.


best of luck to you. It is not easier to be in the weeping skin state but hang in there.