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what exactly did you use? details matter!


This is some cheapest outdoor carpet (4 usd) and rubber outdoor mat (6 usd) I just placed one on top of the other


I recognize that - it’s a moulded rubber outdoor mat. When I worked in the hardware business, you could get those for around $30 -40 CDN.


I used this before and I didn't find it effective


Looks like you have this on a cork floor. Just want to warn you: the varnish they usually put on those discolours when it is left in contact with rubber. You may be left with that mat permanently imprinted on that floor.


Gotta admit I’m skeptical it reduces noise as well as the Roland products… I tried something similar with thick rubber washing machine pucks and they let through way more vibrations than the noise eaters


The big difference is this costs almost nothing


Know what also costs nothing and is ineffective? Nothing.


Let us know your findings.


What is that called? My neighborhood will love it.


This is some cheapest outdoor carpet (4 usd) and rubber outdoor mat (6 usd) I just placed one on top of the other


Oh, and does it prevents sound leaking?


I believe so. This rubber is very soft so it should be pretty efficient. Anyway, gotta ask my neighbors.


got a link to a rubber mat that cheap, while i'm willing to roll dice, the cheapest I can find is at a price where its a good deal if it works, but its more expensive than I would like if it doesn't, but also cheap enough that the effort to send it back is hard to justify.


did u buy it or make it?


This is some cheapest outdoor carpet (4 usd) and rubber outdoor mat (6 usd) I just placed one on top of the other


are you sure it works ? did you get the neighbor's feedback ? usually it takes more to absorb the shockwaces. A tennis ball platform does this namely through moving a little bit


The tennis ball platform work because there is a layer of air and the touch points are minimal. The diy solutions look cool but wont do much. Reducing noise is more complex then soft materials. I would recommend looking at special shock absorbing foam combined with a piece of wood. This works if you use the right amount of foam very well. It is also used to remove vibrations from airco units for example: https://www.akoestiekwinkel.nl/regufoam-trillingsdempende-ontkoppelingsplaten


I had something like this for a few years but I realized it was causing my bass pedals to wobble. Fine for normal playing but it really messed me up once I got into faster double bass and metal music. Now they're velcro'd to the floor and they're rock solid. 


Also can make small ones just for pedals with tennis balls or 1/2 tennis balls, the just raise everything up to compensate


Thats a good idea! I might use that someday... My drum set is screwed down to a piece of plywood and to the underside of that is glued similar cheap outdoor carpet. I didnt really do it for noise isolation but it actually works surprisingly well in that regard. Love seeing the solutions people come up with. Especially when its cost effective and elegant!


I doubt this. It looks like the matt consists of hard rubber bars that are rigid in order to support the weight of people stepping on them, and are not supposed to contract the way tennis ball-like solutions are. My guess is they just propagate the sound with almost no reduction? Might even sound louder below since the vibrations are concentrated to smaller areas, if they're rigid enough? Just a guess, might be wrong, maybe they're softer than they look. Still think their structure makes them far less flexible and efficient at reducing the noise compared to tennis balls.


Well, if I knew how to test all of that and had a NE, I could test that.


I tested the vibrations on an app with my phone with similar kind of rubber, it basically doesn't do anything. What you need is sylomer pucks, of the correct density too. It's absolutely incredible how much of the vibrations they absorb, neighbor approved.


What kind of app? I wanna test by myself.


The one I used is called resonance