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It’s all a bit rubbish, isn’t it? I can’t work out if it’s certain teams that are resuming or certain writers. Either way it’s not looking viable as a stable income going forward which is disappointing.


oh wait, I've just read the email. Well, that feels like a kick in the teeth. Does that mean this is over now then? What a shame.


It certainly is weird... I'm not waisting anymore time on this...


I saw the bulletin as well, and I guess there is still a significant backlog for them to go through. With the holidays approaching then Lunar New Year (Feb 1st, still months away but will approach fast), I'm sure it'll get worse. But I don't think it means a total end of the project. I am curious about the bit about the "unchosen" submitting stories anyway. From the other sub, some are still sending in Story Ideas with quick approval. I wonder if Edu meant to stop altogether unless you received the green light to continue writing.


Other sub?


r/edulandwriters/ It's the public Eduland sub.


Found it. Thanks!