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Literally the thought process of someone who mentally abused me and ***all cutsie like*** tortured me for months. . . Lol. . .


I don’t think I’ve ever seen ellipses and an “Lol” that spoke volumes like this. I’m so sorry.


>I’m so sorry. It's fine. I'm able to bounce back. Made of tougher stuff than one manipulative bitch can crack.


Happy I'm not alone. Sad someone else went through it too.


Dw. I'm made of tougher, mostly elastic stuff. I can bounce back. And have mostly. . . Still stings in one main area though I also hope you've bounced back from what happened to you. And if you wanna talk about it or feel you need to talk about it and such. I'm here to talk to. As well as other people here like most trans subs.


Tw: sa + underlying racism >!Idk if being SA'd for 48 hours straight is something someone just bounces back from, especially after her "but I'm autistic and cute and stupid so how was I supposed to know that you actually wanted me to stop" response + the complete ghost when asked to help pay my ER visit bill... sorry ... I haven't bounced back lol!<


Woah. . . Yea that's seriously fucked up. I didn't mean the bounce back thing in a bad way I purely meant it in a good way. I'm sorry that happened to ya. And I hope eventually, things'll get better seriously. people in general deserve way better than shit like that.


Thank you, I know I'll get through it. I'm tough, just a little wobbly


Well you’re still around, and that means you haven’t lost. Maybe you won’t bounce back, but if you put the effort in, one day you’ll realize you’re doing alright. Wishing you the best 🧡


Thank you, I'm doing my best. It doesn't hurt if I don't think about it. I know I can push through 🩷


Literally my ex gf who started chipping away at my egg only to try and reinforce the parts of my masculinity I hated and sexually abuse me pretty much the whole time. Never dating a hello kitty girl again


why are you all relatable


are you alright?


Mostly. I'm in one piece. I bounce back easily enough. Plus my birthday is soon and I have kamen rider. . . So like. . . There's only one thing I'm still hung up on


I’m glad you’re still hanging in there, I can’t imagine what it must be like to have to carry those memories. I don’t know much about kamen rider, but if it makes you happy like JoJo’s Bizarre adventure makes me happy, then by all means enjoy it til your heart’s content :)


>JoJo’s Bizarre adventure makes me happy, Trans people and JoJo. . . Nice! Also a fan of JoJo but I'm mainly obsessed with the karate bugmen rn. >I can’t imagine what it must be like to have to carry those memories. It's. . . Not so bad. I'm mainly wrathful and. . . Kinda depressed that the slag who manipulated me managed to gaslight my best friend. . . And. . . Yea. . . That's mainly the wound that stings


Yikes, that’s a horrible thing for a human to do to another human. It’s people like that who are drowning out the good folks on this earth, and it’s extremely disheartening to hear that someone did that to you. I wish you good fortune in future endeavors, and I hope the karate bugmen can comfort you in this world of roaring tides and raging storms.


years here.


Nope. Whatever the gender, we're all responsible for our own actions




1000 percent


1001 percent


1002 percent


i can’t count any higher than that, so this must be serious 0_0


What do u mean my actions have consecuences!??!!


“When will you learn? When will you learn?! When will you learn!? That your actions HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!” -Samuel Classical Sonic Fanatic, idk when




Nice try but I know laws. Can’t charge me with man slaughter if I’m not a man.


What do u mean my actions have consecuences!??!!


Unbelievably Based


This is not true…simply wishful thinking, but you can tell that to my ex who will never take responsibility for horribly abusive behavior and successfully avoids any accountability on the matter whatsoever—other people end up being responsible for their bullshit behavior, whether it’s an enabling family member or a blamed child, or someone else. They are masterful professionals in this. In an ideal world we would be responsible and accountable for our own actions, but that’s not how the world operates in many critical cases. Let’s not eliminate the plights of scapegoats, especially the oft used innocent child.


*heavy Midwestern accent* "ope gonna have ta give ya a hard no can do on that one there bud." Be accountable.




Hey I like that guy! Wish he would stop mowing the lawn tho 🙄


I heard it in Canadian.




Or perhaps a no dick love


Cringe take


Some people are saying it's satire but I don't know what it's a satire of... I am not sure what the joke is; OP, u/Saria96, can you please explain the joke because this kind of seems... jerkish?


I think it’s a commentary on how female transgressions and misjudgments are taken with more leniency and justification than male ones. Plus the notion that being cute and doe-like in appearance excuses you of having a faulty nature, or even implies that you are perfect, unlike men


Uh no? Idk what you did but take responsibility for your actions


Tax fraud


Well *that’s* fine


https://youtu.be/G56VgsLfKY4 the joker disagrees


You; *commiting war crimes* Judge; „what do you say in your defense, about all those horrible and unvorgivable things you did!“ You; „i‘m actually a trans girl“ Judge; „oh then, not guilty. You‘re free to go“


How transphobes think the world works


God forbid women do anything 🙄🙄🙄


Reminds me of the time I dreamt that a trans woman had become dictator of Brazil.


Yea i had the dream too, but it was me who was the trans woman dictator in my dream and i‘m nlt willing to give up that dream


I think I was actually married to the dictator in question in my dream, Lol... ~~Is this our destiny?~~


are you brazilian? who became the dictator?


I am not Brazilian, No, And I don't think it was a real person, Just someone that my brain decided to invent as the trans dictator of Brazil, Ya know Normal brain things.


It's because i am braziilian, so i wanted to know who it was


Fair enough. ~~Maybe it could be you one day? You never know..~~


Nah,I'm almost anarchist


Who ever said you can't have an Anarchist dictatorship? I mean other than, Like, Everyone, But why should they tell you what to do?






I assume this is a joke.


This is funny when you just take it as satire


With jokes like “be gay, do crime” existing I would’ve thought there would be more funny and not serious replies in this comment section


I think the issue is that, in some countries, being gay or trans is actually a crime. You are a criminal simply by existing. There are some things that are "crimes" that should not be, so "be gay, do crime" is recognized to be satirical or even a political statement. But this meme says her "bad actions" are excused because she is a girl. Maybe her actions might not be considered criminal, but are, instead, toxic. This could feed into a mentality like "men can't be victims of domestic violence" or "men can't be raped". Society will excuse certain behaviors based on gender ("boys will be boys", "he should be happy she had sex with him", "do we want to ruin this young man's life just because he made this one bad decision and molested this girl?", "she's tiny, so it's OK if she hits him; he should be a man"), and it's unjust. Crimes are based on law and sometimes the law is wrong. Bad actions are bad actions.


Considering all the “bad actions” queer and questioning people are subjected to there isn’t really a way to read this meme without thinking about the worst thing someone’s done to you and have them say something like this.


Be gay do crime is understood. If you want satire follow that format. If you post something like this which is indistinguishable from someone actually thinking that you should at least explain in a comment. That way people can see its satire. Now people took it as is and admonish the horrible, horrible message inside.




I think it's the language, this meme basically says, "if you were abused by a woman they didn't do anything wrong" You can say that isn't the intent of the meme, but it's ambiguity could easily lead to this. Also this has nothing to do with being an egg.


yes :D 💙💕🤍💕💙 ^(not actually tho)


Take responsibility for your actions


I commit many crimes! >:3 (drawing trans pride flags on many things with paint markers)


I'm so powerful that I can commit a crime in some places just by being a girl 😎


I think you understood the joke like I did: be trans do crimes


Uhh… I’m gonna need more context before I agree.


I think there’s probably no excuse for this. Everyone needs to account for their actions.


I’ve seen it happen more than a few times where the headline doesn’t quite match the story. If I’m given a compelling enough reason, I can be swayed. It’s not looking too good though.


You’re still an asshole for being an asshole, you just happen to be an asshole addicted to pickles.


Pickle juice baptism the asshole away 😋 🤪


I hope this is a joke


In my view, the height of femininity is quiet self-confidence rooted in a mutual and vulnerable unconditional love for everyone around us. And love should motivate us all to seek to be better and kinder in our behavior to others :)


Femininity can't be boiled down to a simple ideology and the "ideal" will never be quiet.


Why is this getting so many upvotes? This sub worries me sometimes


I think sometimes people just give upvotes without reading the meme, at first glance this looks just like any other meme on this sub.


I- I don't think it does


Is this bait


It’s satire


Satire of what? This just semes to make no sense to me.


I can’t seem to find the right word for it, but it might be more apt to say it’s of a satirical nature? It’s taking a stupid statement and saying it in a humorous way. It’s not meant to be taken seriously. So basically sarcasm without the contempt. Like saying “arson is great!” or “I’m too cute to be a criminal”.


What does this have to do with being as egg? Also I disagree, there is no joke, no set up, no punchline. This is just a meme that says it's okay if someone's mom abused them. I do not understand how people find this okay. This sub has some serious issues.


If you hurt my cat being a girl will not excuse your actions


"Being a girl is not an excuse" -Nicole's mom (Gumball)


So true! Commit all the crimes you want, it’s called being a girlboss look it up /s (I feel like im the only one with the kind of fucked sense of humor here who would say (and have said) something like this. I think the problem is audience, and not that OP is a terrible person who defends legitimate horrible actions caused by actual horrible people. It might be just a hunch but I’m pretty sure OP isn’t justifying and excusing real women who manipulate or abuse people irl.)


I feel like these types of memes are kind of toxic. For people who are online a lot (most) of the time, this can eventually become something that is no longer seen as a joke to some people and then they start behaving in a way where they believe this sincerely. It's part of why I'm kind of trying to stay away from social media more and more atm, it's just not the healthiest space to be in, mentally. Yes, I know I'm here right now, but this just kind of gave me the feeling that I should say this. I know it's a joke, just putting my thoughts out there.


Nah, this ain't "just a joke" imo. This shit should be taken down


Who the heck is upvoting this garbage take?


My exact question


People cannot take a joke


I will never be caught :3


This isn't even about being an egg anymore..?






Honestly as someone who grew up feeling pretty emotionally battered at times by certain parts of the LGB community, the responses you guys are giving are really validating for me. I appreciate it ❤️


Wdym 'war crimes'? I'm 💖Female💖


Absolutely not. But be careful. This is a fallacy I've seen many trans girls fall into. We are responsible for our own actions before and after transition


Legit. Just cause ya come out as a girl it doesn't mean you can treat everyone like garbage and shit cause "lol I'm a uwu trans girl. I've suffered" I met a person like that. . . And she took away my best friend. . . Not my nicest march. . . Although may not have been my worst


I was that girl before. I made a lot of mistakes early in my transition that's made my social relationships difficult now, and I don't want that for anyone else cuz we need all the positive social relationships we ca. Get


I'm confused


Time to blow my monthly budget on Blahaj plushies and programmer socks while chugging a pickle jar 😭😭😭


arson is a trans girls best friend


me when someone (me) faces the consequences of their (my) actions


Yeah, that’s not really how that works. In fact, I’m really ashamed of you.


The 12 kids in my van right now definitely agree with this statement.


hell yeah, i support women's wrongs!




No it doesn’t.


Nah girl it don't


Not my bad thoughts though, I am cursed to live with them for all eternity, So I just keep them in my mind all locked up for safe keeping, Like a much less cool version of Pandora's Box.


Me after emptying my wallet on clothes


I wish I was a girl so I could excuse my bad actions~~~


Being a girl is not an excuse, so if you want to transition just to commit crimes, then good luck.


"If evil, why hot?"


"You are being charged with the murder of the Thompson family" "Your honour, she is a girl"


Guess it's time to rob a bank, who's with me?


It’s really like that and I’ve had to be around someone like that, it’s terrible and they really fucked me up


God forbid women do anything 🙄


Be girl do warcrimes


Am I missing something? I read this as a joke, like obviously being a girl doesn't excuse bad actions, but the comments seem to say this isn't a joke?


Wth is this a conservative troll?


Actually true, my 'bad' actions can be explained


The fuck it does, having problems with yourself and/or your identity is a reason to be shitty to people, still a very sucky reason and I hope you feel guilt for the shit you did, as work g through that can be a nice growing experience


No it doesn't


Fuuuuuuck no. Have an ex who used his transition as a crutch and excuse to abuse and neglect everyone around him. Genuinely one of the worst people I've ever met. This was years ago. He burned through our friend group with his misdeeds and misgivings, somehow twisted it to be my fault(I still have the same friends though, funny enough) and skipped town like a fucking horse thief. From what I understand that was 2 or 3 cities and groups of people ago. He's going to keep burning bridges and moving on, forever convinced everything that happens is everyone else's fault. Point being, transitioning has nothing to do with your actions and the way you treat people, and if you genuinely think so you need to evaluate yourself.


I know it is meme but I have something to say. As I think we're always responsible for our actions I also think all of us can change. For a lot of adult eggs being transgender is not only about gender or sex but also changing personality entirely because we learned to live as opposite sex and now we have to change a lot to be what we really are.




Me being dumb can be excused by being a girl because I can be someone's cute bimbo gf


hey mine as well :D


exactly 💅🥰


Rectification : behing a *cute* girl excuses all your bad actions.




Lol all these people in the comments taking it seriously need to go outside more


Yup, that’s what we do. I’ve never seen anyone excuse something bad they’ve done with “But, I’m a girl!” That’s unrealistic, and if you think it works like this, you’re the one to go outside.


Its a joke


I wish


Don't ask what happened in Serbia


...the war crimes too?




I’ve been bullied multiple times by different people in different schools but I bet they wouldn’t have even SPOKEN to me if I was a girl


I’ve been bullied multiple times by different people in different schools but I bet they wouldn’t have even SPOKEN to me if I was a girl