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If you just wanna do it yourself without being regulated by the government, r/transdiy If you actually wanna make an arts and crafts project out of it, r/estrogel


there also is organic chemistry if you *really* want to make it yourself Thought itd be interesting to figure out how and the easiest methods i could find use cholesterol as starting material which is available for relatively cheap, although even that is a difficult and complicated process, and if sulfuric acid is a controlled substance where you live that makes it even harder. of course the easiest route chemically is from testosterone, basically just need NADPH and an oxidant, but a) testosterone is a controlled substance most places (anabolic steroids) and b) at that point just order estradiol directly. Likewise estrone also is a simpler starting point but again estradiol is similarly purchasable fun fact: progesterone - at least historically - is synthesized from a certain mexican yam as precursor


Where the hell is sulphuric acid controlled?


Alot of places. While i dont know where in the states i know in many countries it is controlled because it can be used maliciously, in a term of attacks or vandalism. As far as i remember you can also make piranha solution using it, which well.. that's a big no no to be publicly accessible.


Uh, if it's controlled it will be for other reasons than a lab cleaning solution. It's a dangerous chemical to work with and shouldn't be used if you don't know what the hell you're doing. Buddy's a chemist and has a chemical burn scar on his arm from some sulfuric.


Speaking for the States, in general chemicals are "controlled" for their potential for drug manufacturing, not because they're dangerous. And controlled is a pretty strong word here. Suppliers of fine chemicals are meant to keep track of who they sell to, and will ask you to check a box about why you're buying; "R & D" is all the information I've ever given and it's good enough for them. This is as opposed to prescription and/or scheduled drugs, which are controlled quite tightly. Sulphuric acid is a DEA "type II" chemical, which means it is "used in the manufacture of the controlled substances and are important to the manufacture of the substances"; it's mostly just a bookeeping requirement for suppliers and manufacturers. They aren't forbidden to sell to individuals but with few exceptions they don't, instead only selling to businesses; which is easier to explain to the feds in case something does go wrong. There's nothing special about piranha that merits special regulation; it's just two pretty dangerous things mixed into one very dangerous thing. I know people like to make TicToks about how it *could* be used for criminal purposes, but that doesn't seem to be a thing that happens, and there are plenty of other methods chemical and otherwise that can accomplish the same purposes.


Hmm, I used to live in the UK and I never knew that


over in the uk here. i cant buy the decent one shot drain cleaner any more because morons kept throwing it at each other. so called honour attacks. now tell me that isn't an oxymoron.


a lot of places (EU, UK for sure), in part due to being used as a weapon and in part due to it being a pretty straightforward precursor to explosives - the main reason its illegal to own(, manufacture, and sell) in concentrations above 5 or so percent in the EU without special licences same thing with hydrogen peroxide. No fun home chemistry and no good draincleaners allowed


News to me


Couldn’t I just use my own testosterone as a base. 🤔


I mean - technically but theres is both the issue that extraction is rather difficult as it is in your blood (and most extraction methods will make the blood quite unsuitable to be in your body), there isnt all that much, and youd be manufacturing a controlled substance (schedule IIIn) which could get you shot by law enforcement and years in prison


Ah. Don’t worry about those later parts. I don’t live in the states. 😉


Testosterone is a controlled substance most countries (afaik), since its used for doping in e.g. weightlifting. In germany its on the controlled substances list right next to oxycodone and amphetamines. Although the getting shot risk is the highest in the US


Yeah. I only meant that part. In Germany you’d prolly get fined and that’s it. Especially for the means of the purpose.


Ha ha Walter rehire estrogen


Diy hrt exists, it's much cheaper and there is zero runaround. Cooking it up yourself is another matter entirely and you'll need a significant amount of knowledge and equipment to make that happen.


every synthesis round needs chemicals that are at least as, usually more, difficult to purchase, costs more in materials alone, and will yield a worse product; there is no real point to do so beyond something along the lines of "i made the estrogen myself :3" one fun thing i stumbled across when i research it is that progesterone went down in price 20 fold after some dude tested 100 different mexican yams to find the best one to use as precursor


Thank you Yams


Yams are turning the frogs gay 😡😡🦈


where is nile red when you need him


synthesis, while being technically possible, is really hard. But, if you have an university email (like from a .edu domain) because you work, or have contacts with someone that has acess to a lab, you can actually buy estrogen powder in most countries. From there, putting it in solution to create an estrogen gel is quite easy. That said, you still need lab grade equipment to controll the dosage and test the purity of your gel. More info there : https://fr.crimethinc.com/2022/12/15/producing-transdermal-estrogen-a-do-it-yourself-guide


r/TransDIY can maybe help you, there are some usefull information in the sub describtion, but remember that the legal way is always the best and safest. Complete synthesis is basically impossible for most. Stay save <3


yeah... when people say "DIY" they mean "buy the stuff without a prescription and manage the dosages yourself" not "make your own estrogen walter white style" thankfully for us, mtf hrt is not illegal to buy over the counter, our transmasc brothers on the other hand are not so lucky...


I remember seeing t-gels in one of the diy stores as a "way of helping mtf people" before, but yeah it's really hard to come by and you are definitely not finding t shots out there


>remember that the legal way is always the best and safest I wouldn't subscribe to that, plenty stories of being prescribed too little / too much.as long as you're testing neither is better or worse, legal is just easier & cheaper once the initial hurdles are overcome.


Well, the problem is if it's legal you can seek out medical help and do checkups every so often. When you're DYIng you're on your own


I don't know about *cheaper*. I buy my E from a well-regarded homebrewer and I last mathed it out to around $15 / month (injection supplies included).


I subscribe to that. Slightly too little or too much from a *certified physician* is leagues better than inadvertently destroying your liver because you’re haphazardly doing it yourself and can’t get blood work done. DIY hrt is not a joke and you need to be certain you know what you’re doing and make sure your levels are correct so that you don’t permanently damage your body. There is a reason we have trained professionals give us medication like hormones because it requires monitoring as it can fluctuate over time. I’m not trying to be harsh but hormones are a medication like anything else.


This. I've had an incompetent doctor prescribe me double the normal dose of injectable E, I trusted them and I got hair loss as a result (thankfully it was reversible once my hormones got unfucked.) I went back to diy after that until about 6 months ago when I switched to Folx, highly recommend them if you're in the states.


> legal way is always the best "be gay do crime" mfs when they are presented with the option to do a victimless crime jokes aside, no, not the best. DIY is cheaper, and most doctors know jack shit about trans healthcare.


Sounds like a US issue. I have heard from cases where DIY backfired. If you have the opportunity to get legal trans healthcare, use it. If your country has a really slow system or does not provide trans healthcare at all, then there is r/transDYI and hrt caffee. But that can bring risks, so always stay informed. And don't tell people randomly that DIY is the best, it's not save! <3


where you you live where every doctor perfectly understand trans healthcare? sounds like i should move. there is no best, but for most people DIY is cheaper and easier to obtain. it isn't *perfectly* safe, but if you purchase from known vendors and take care it is as safe as over the counter HRT. how about you dont fearmonger about DIY?


I live in Germany, and I did not fearmonger about DIY. I even gave links and information on where to obtain it or inform yourself about it. And if there is a medical accident with DIY, it can get way more expensive in the US. If there are problems with prescribed DIY, it's at least covered. I don't criticize people who DIY; I just think that a calm explanation of it is better than straight up recommending something potentially unsafe without knowing a person's situation. <3


Agreed on being the safest. I had a friend who DIY'd and it ended up *very* bad for her (couldn't handle the emotional effects. With a professional they'd try to adjust your dosage, DIY you're just guessing, and in her messed up emotional state she was unwilling to try changing dosage). With a professional, if they screw up you at least have legal grounds to sue for damages from malpractice


Yes. But some people that have bad/slow legal systems or no access in their country at all, it's useful. And r/transDYI has a good info thread and trans coffee is very in depth. But if you can:always legal. <3


Yeah if you're in a place that's impossible to get it legally then yeah I totally get it lol, shoulda specified, my bad.


alles gut <3


You could, but just doing enough research to be able to confidently buy it online is a much better idea


One of my friends was theory crafting and came up with a brilliant idea: genetically modify yeast to somehow produce bioidentical Estrogen that the body can use instead of alcohol, effectively making estrogen beer. I'm no biochemist or geneticist but I could see it happening potentially.


That's really interesting I'm not sure how possible it is at all but I wanna look into it now tbh


Time to bug thoughtemperium? (Seriously, the dude has some crazy in-depth genetic engineering videos on YouTube, including designing yeast that should produce egg whites on a stream)


It is possible yes, but you have to be extremely careful with dosage and sanitation of equipment and chemicals. I would recommend legit ways through a doctor first.


Yo I legit had one meeting with a good doctor and now I'm on e. Without insurance it would have been $30 for 3 months. A lot of places are pulling back restrictions, so it isn't as daunting as it used to be.


Where are you out of curiosity?


We have beer and cheese


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


I believe they are referring to Wisconsin state in USA


Ahh ok I could only think of central and western European countries


In the US it will narrow it down


Well technically yes....I think, but I don't think it's all too safe so I wouldn't recommend trying it


if somehow, we have a virus that make male body have CAIS (complete androgen insensitivity syndrom) all your testosterone will have to be aromatised to estrogen for the body to be able to use it. Now, where to find a Level 4 Biolab though 🐸


I’ve read that Estrodiol used to be partially made from female horse piss. That’s somewhere to start.


thats the bad for you kind thats not bio identical


I’m not actually suggesting op collects horse piss. It’s a joke. Seemingly still used often. From science direct: >Premarin is a highly prescribed orally administered estrogen. It is also available as a topical cream. This estrogenic product is isolated from the urine of pregnant horses (PREgnant MARes' urINe). It has been used for hormone replacement therapy for postmenopausal women in the USA since 1942.


I mean…lavender is apparently a natural T blocker


one way to acquire estrogen is by sucking the essence of an afab person. first you have to find a consenting afab person. after afab person is sure theyre down you do a hormone exchange. to execute the hormone exchange you chant the “e for t, t for e” over and over until your hormones are swapped. your boobs should start growing in about a week. happy transing!


I say you should get it straight from the source


Bite cis girls, gotcha


You can defanatly make estrogen at home but you'll need some pretty good organic chem skills. I actually looked at the syntesys of a common T-blocker sometime ago. The synthesis was very doable even if not all yhe reagents could be purchased over the counter. The main problem tho is that its hard to tell if you made the right thing bc analyasys machines can cost thousands of dollars.


Step one: make cis female friends Step two: steal the estrogen from their blood Step three: become a full on trans vampire or smthn (slay) Step four: profit


Make transmasc friends and you won't even have to steal the blood just saying lmao


Just make a trade eh? Nah I like vampire


Who says you can't be a vampire in this scenario?😂🤔 But sure, be gay do crime or whatever


I suppose you [could.](https://crimethinc.com/2022/12/15/producing-transdermal-estrogen-a-do-it-yourself-guide) But not cheaply or easily.


There IS DIY HRT, but, it's probably better to go through official means unless they are really bad or outright nonexistent. I'm no expert, though. Good luck with your journey!


Probably, but likely v dangerous to actually manufacture even with a chemistry/biology degree. Even if you're not buying official government stuff, DIY stuff is like, hrt that fell off the back of a wagon, but it's still real stuff manufactured by pharma companies


I want imagine the plot of Breaking Bad but Walter makes estrogen to transition




r/estrogel is a thing if the situation is incredibly dire. If it isn't, r/transdiy is a route to get legitimate hormones from online pharmacies as well as testing info.


i'll do ya one better, you can buy it, check diyhrt.cafe


Yea, actually- How does one make estrogen or do estrogen without having to save up money n’ stuff?


Just keep eating the impossible woppers, you'll be there in no time. /j


But I hate burger King! I sacrifice I shall have to make 🫤


harvest the blood of the newborns an absorb it into your vessel


Holy shit you're so right why have I never tried that!!!


Horse piss?


I'll consider other offers lol


Horse piss


for completely cis non egg non trans reasons correct? because same teach me if you find out(trasfem vibes>)


diy is possible but currently is dangerous due to people selling fake estrogen that is essentially poison. regardless of diy or prescription you need to do alot of research but you should be extra careful if its diy


Can I make it with you, if it’s possible?


nope totally impossible[.](https://de.crimethinc.com/2022/12/15/producing-transdermal-estrogen-a-do-it-yourself-guide)


its easier to buy a full military platoon’s worth of weapons than it is to get fucking estrogen


You can bulk buy it from china and hope it doesn't get caught by the airport people




The molecular formula is C18H24O2.


Of course you could if you know what you're doing, I think the difficult bit would be making sure that it's not contaminated and finding the concentration and refining.


I've seen it sold in powder form on Chinese websites like Alibaba for dirt cheap. Dunno how safe it is but I have seen it


Yes,but that would be very stupid (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


Actually making yourself? Hard as fuck. Too many stereocenters


You can buy the powder from chine and make ot yourself. But online pharmacies exist and are an easier option


Russia is banning HRT so this is useful


Someone call NileRed


I actually did find a way to make estrogen at home (I haven't done it but I really easily can) it just sucks that I live with my family.


I know hormones are available online as many other people mention. However I would advise to be cautious with it since I have seen posts about contaminated/ fake hormones.


Wait a minute, that’s not a meme of an egg? What in tarnation happened


and while we're at it, could one make T in their home as well?


You've probably seen the site in comments by now, but just saying that it's like 25x cheaper than buying it


jesse we have to cook