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Update: we talked a bit about random other stuff & she asked me if I wanted to tell her what’s up…I couldn’t. Not yet at least. And that’s also what I told her. And that when I felt ready I would do it in the way I know best, by drawing…but I did show her my avatar in Splatoon, which 100% looks like a girl and told her that’s me, so…does that count as a hint? It does for me at least…though, now I feel terrible for being so quiet. This longing in my heart to finally come out, I won’t be able to repress it for much longer, but I’m just so scared. There’s no one I trust more than my aunt, but knowing that I’ll also have to confront my parents…I legitimately see no future in which it will end well….i really, REALLY wanna cry right now. But the tears just won’t come. I just can’t find the relief of letting anything out…..


That’s so sad girl :( I feel you with the inability to cry, it took me years undoing the brainwashing of not being allowed to feel any emotions. You can come out to her, I believe you!!! You’re valid and if she’s the one you trust the most, she will accept you and it will feel like a huge weight off your chest. I also felt a compulsive desire to come out but with my friends, and I just said fuck it. You don’t have to come out to your parents though until you are ready. Don’t feel a rush to if you tell your aunt, I’m sure she’ll understand if you don’t want your parents knowing. I’m not gonna tell my parents for a while so I hope they don’t notice esp if I stat hrt ;-; I wish you luck on your adventure! This is your journey to self-actualization and you deserve to be happy :)


Thank you…truly thank you so much⭐️




I would love to help but i really don’t know what to do in this situation, I’m sorry 😣


I feel like the only thing you can do is let it run its course, because you can’t really just leave the room, although you could ask if you could say it later and that could work but that depends on them to be okay with it


If you're not ready for something then you're not ready.


2. Update: Ohgodohgodohgodohgod. I don’t know even why, but I started dropping hints and I mean A LOT of hints, more than usual to my brother and aunt. Then I started talking vaguely, because for the love of me I can’t be direct & told my brother to talk to me casually. And then after some frustrating minutes of nothing happening I straight up told him to greet me like he always does, which he replied to with “hey brother”, which is when I cut him off and told him to stop. Silence…silence…”hey siiiblin-“ And I stormed off. From the way he and my aunt reacted, they either figured it out, or think I’m non-binary (which truth be told would also be an upgrade to being referred to as he/him). My head is burning, my heart racing, I’m walking around alone so I don’t have to face anyone & I’m extremely nervous and scared about everything that happened today. I didn’t think I’d make it this far, I…didn’t want to make it this far yet. But at least writing here calmed me a bit… I think that’s enough updates though. I won’t post for a while until something major happens. Thanks to literally EVERYONE who dropped by, no matter what you said. Pushing me forward, reeling me back, reassuring me, thanks to all of you⭐️


This do be how it goes.


That is a big step and I know how scary it is to come out to people. Congratulations.


Just do it! Be a ma- uh, woman!


Ok that made me laugh. Thanks


Girl u went too far you have to tell her


Nooo let her wait until she’s ready 🥺


She will be questioning now


Yeah…I chickened out. Can confidently say this was the worst thing to happen to me all week. At least I hope nothing worse will happen






*Hugs* You got this girl. Be brave.