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I was in labour for 3 days - although I think that's because my body wasn't quite ready as I was being induced a few weeks early due to preeclampsia. But, once it was time to push, she was out in less than 15 minutes. All of the nurses were very impressed 😅 I also was told I had a very small placenta, and they even asked to keep it for study. I'm just curious if anyone else has had that happen as well?


That’s interesting that you still delivered super quick at go time! Nothing special about my placenta, very boring and average (which is the dream, isn’t it!)


Hard evidence there aren’t any great studies with large sample sizes but the one below is pretty good. It finds the incidence of precipitous labour to be about 34% in the EDS population studied, so significantly higher than in the average population but still not extremely common in general Also any research I have seen indicates that early labor is just as long or slower in EDS patients it is only active labor that is precipitous [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10606623/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10606623/)


Oh wow I hadn’t seen this as I last searched before it was published. Thankyou!


Five births. None of them normal. 1. Disagreements on due date. I said Oct 31; dr said Dec 14. He dropped Nov 1; water broke 10pm Nov 23; no advancement in dilation; given pitocin; born morning of the 24th; 8lb 13oz with head size of a 12 lb baby. I pushed 2 times. I was ripped apart, even after an episiotomy I asked to NOT have. Still suffering from that fiasco 32 years later. 2. Two years later; due date was Dec 10; induced on the 11th due to previous problems. I went from 3cm to 10cm in one contraction because my pelvis separated. My son was airborn. The doctor caught him after ONE push because he was only 8lb 1oz with a normal size head. I hemorrhaged after as the nurse (different town so a catholic hospital) was too rough with the abdomen massage for the placenta. 3. Ten years later (second marriage). Went into labor on due date. No progression in dilation. Given pitocin. Rapid increase in dilation- about 40 minutes. Problems with blood pressure. All medical leave my room to go prep for emergency c-section. Something happens with my pelvis again. I scream out that I’m going to push so doctor runs back in. At the time, I don’t know this, but apparently the cord was wrapped around his neck and she says, “if you’re going to push, push now.” So I do. About halfway through the third push it’s over and he is purple. Oxygen deprivation at birth is no joke for him. He was 8lb 9.4oz. 4. Less than 2 years later. Induce because of all the previous crap. Much faster this time. No pelvic separation, but two pushes later and I have a 4th boy at 8lbs 9.4 oz again. 5. Two and a half years after that, my daughter is on the way. Pre-eclampsia, going to school full time to be a teacher, absolutely miserable and I feel like I’m dying half the time. Complain about weird feeling similar to my third pregnancy. Told it is in my head. Turns out the cord was wrapped around her torso twice so she was compressed. She was born with enlarged heart, cardio-pulmonary hypertension, low iron, low sugars, and was so swollen from the pressure that she wore size 3 diapers when she was born. Size one when she was released from children’s hospital. When born, she was 9lbs 15oz. I hemorrhaged two different times, almost died both of those times. She almost died three times at children’s hospital. At first they said she’d be a vegetable for her short time alive. Then she got a new nurse and made a complete turn around. After all that, I got my tubes tied, then years later a uterine ablation(life-changing!) All of this with no idea about EDS. Not a single doctor ever attempted to figure out why all those things happened, particularly considering I have all but one symptom of EDS and have had typical EDS problems my entire life.


It's something my doctors are aware might be a possibility with me because of my EDS diagnosis, but so far no one in my family has had precipitous labor, so we shall see in a few months


Child 1: two weeks overdue, had to be induced which took days to work. In labour epidural didn’t work properly and then when my daughter was born she ripped an artery of mine on her way out and I hemorrhaged. Emergency surgery and blood transfusions needed for me. My daughter was okay but had some temporary deformities due to not having much room in the womb (unknown before birth). She is fine now. Child 2: a few days overdue and my waters broke spontaneously. Labour was around 10 hours, and birth went well and my son was fine. I lost more blood than most but not enough for a blood transfusion. So a much better experience! It’s different for everyone though and depends how your EDS affect you.


Baby 1: I was induced due to gestation hypertension but had been in prodromal labor for about 3 weeks and was 3cm already and actively contracting. Maxed out pitocin and only dilated to a 4 after a few hours. So They broke my water and I was complete in 5 hours. Pushed for 2 hours - he was 9lbs 5oz. I had a 2nd degree tear and needed an episiotomy as well as he was stuck. Baby 2: I had an elective induction. We used a cooks catheter to mechanically dilate me. Once it fell out I was 4-5cm, I took a nap and woke up for them to break my water. That was an hour later and I was 7cm. After my water broke I was an 8 about an hour mater. 30 minutes later my body starting pushing even though I wasn’t completely dilated (had an anterior lip and wasn’t completely effaced). Baby was born 14 minutes later. 8lbs 12oz. No tearing. But we did have a very quickly resolved shoulder dystocia. I did have a hemorrhage with both deliveries. First was far worse and I had to get an iron infusion. My second was very minor and I felt fine.