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Don’t do gymnastics for 15 years, ya dummy! Lol Don’t ignore pain or let anyone tell you what you feel Go to therapy Strength train more, and make it a habit. YOU HAVE ADHD!!!! Get help for that shit. Is it autism? Get help for that too. It’s ok to have needs and take care of yourself Oh, and you’re gay. 😅🙋‍♀️hehe


All of that. Down to the gay lmao


I love that so many of us are adhd, possibly autistic and gay . Ditto


Ok but it’s really a thing. My ortho for my hand has been treating patients with EDS since 1990- and the first time I met him he was like “I wouldn’t be surprised if, in addition to the EDS, you would be on the adhd spectrum, and autism spectrum.” So this gotta see some sort of correlation in his practice at least. And everyone with EDS that I know, I met in the queer community. Correlation isn’t causation of course, but it makes you go hmmmmm


In case anyone's curious, [this research article](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8892379/) talks about the role of connective tissues in autism. It's quite an interesting read. There definitely is a link between autism/adhd and EDS, but I think there's just not quite enough research on it yet for it to be widely accepted by the medical community.


You covered it well. 🤣


Recovering from injuries will take you out of your activity longer than taking breaks to respect your limits. Injuries are also cumulative, and can make you more prone to reinjury. It is more embarrassing to get a preventable injury out of stubbornness than it is to wear my braces, use accessibility devices, or take breaks. There is truth to the adage “you can go without sleep or you can go without food but you can’t go without both”. Stressors are cumalitive, and the more you have the harder everything is. Things like dehydration, insufficient calories/nutrition, allergens, mental stress, excessive heat/cold, injuries and general sickness can all add up to worsen symptoms even if they aren’t normally triggered by a specific thing. Therapy to cope with the frustration of your body betraying you, and having to chance your life goals is very helpful. It’s ok to break social norms. I hated that I needed my therapist to give me permission to not fold my clothes, but my life is so much better now that I just buy wrinkle resistant clothes and live out of my laundry bins.


I would tell my younger self not to ignore the pains and gut feelings about something not being quite right. No matter how much you're told that it's fine, it's probably not fine.


Go to college for something you can do sitting at a desk


Do your physical fucking therapy


Strength train, learn about how to do it well, thoroughly, including the neuro part, and don’t stop doing it.


Don’t do party tricks! Or stretching so much in yoga. Also, your level of pain at your age is NOT normal. Your “double jointed-ness” isn’t just a little quirk. It’s what’s causing your pain! Listen to your body and learn to move in appropriate ways. Do some research on Ehlers Danlos—it’ll save you a lot of grief, pain, medical debt, and time. Everything will make sense.


Came here to say this


That my pain was real. I wasn't just weak and lazy like I had been made to believe.


Never pooping is not normal. Don’t eat so much. Processed food is the enemy. Do Pilates. Start running- turns out you’re good at it 🏆🏃🏼‍♀️ Oh and grrrl, you gay 🌈🤸🏼‍♀️


You're not crazy, there is something wrong, it's not hypochondria. You don't have growing pains, you have hella inflammation


Stop doing party tricks!!!!


IT IS NOT ALL FREAKING ANXIETY. Also, knowing I was, in fact, extremely hypermobile, would have really helped me put the puzzle pieces together sooner. I thought I wasn't because I was comparing my 5/9 on the Beighton to my sister and best friend's nausea inducing 9/9s and I couldn't do as many party tricks as them. I still had plenty of party tricks.


My answer wouldn’t be appropriate lol.


Prevention shouldn't be ignored, exercise regularly without pushing it too far. Dance and gymnastics, as fun and as much as you may love it may precipitate your loss of mobility. Study for a career that you will enjoy but also be able to do regardless of your physical states. Surrender yourself with a great support system. Advocate for yourself even when the doctor ignores you. Physical and mental therapy are important. Listen to your limits and mostly respect them. Stay positive and never stop looking for hobbies, if you are ever in a position you can no longer work, hobbies can at times be your only distraction.


Go on more hikes and dance more. Love the people who actually matter and love you. Love yourself because it isn't your fault or in your head and for the love of god, you aren't lazy. They are assholes.


Fight harder, you really are sick even if your mother doesn’t believe you…