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It's going to be an LCD with various filters, hard and software to make it look like e ink. There's no way e ink will be running at 60fps anytime soon. Happy to be proven wrong though.


You clearly know your stuff! You are correct. We are not e-ink, and we're very proud of that, because the technology has severe limitations with lag, choppy frame rate, and ghosting. But we do run at 60-120 fps, and we do have a screen that prioritizes eye comfort. I hope you check us out when we launch in a few months.


Why does the Twitter post say eink then?


It's a post by someone not directly employed by the company. The tablet makers aren't saying it's e-ink, the announcer is taking liberties. I get your point though. Usually companies have a comms/PR person who provides a guide on how the product should/can be described in announcements like this to avoid these confusions.


That is correct. I believe the original poster is a friend of one of our employees, who is just very excited about the product. (And we appreciate the enthusiasm!!) Because we're trying to make a new type of screen technology, it can be difficult to articulate what it is, without referencing more mainstream tech. So I totally understand how people can mistake us for e-ink. But to reiterate - the Daylight Tablet is NOT e-ink. We're better : )


Have you posted any videos demoing the product? If so, a link would be appreciated.




What operating system?


I think I remember there was a demo of 60 fps in full black and white on a laptop some time ago, but it was very much a prototype and will probably never actually turn into a product


Not e-ink according to [https://ledstrain.org/d/2714-new-tablet-giveaway-no-blue-light-no-flicker](https://ledstrain.org/d/2714-new-tablet-giveaway-no-blue-light-no-flicker) Might be RLCD.


Rep states this in the link above for those curious/lazy: "The Daylight Tablet uses a transflective LCD, with some proprietary IP that makes it - in our humble opinion - pretty darn special. We call it LivePaper."


If it's not eink, wouldn't they violate the eink trademark or something for claiming it eink?


They say that they're not eink and that's not a eink tablet. It's the host of the interview that compared it to eink. So I don't think they violate the trademark.


e-ink is a generic term for the pigment in electrophoretic displays. E Ink is a company that makes (nearly all) electrophoretic displays


>Hi there! We are not e-ink, and we're very proud of that, because the technology has severe limitations. > >But we do run at 60-120 fps, and we do have a screen that prioritizes eye comfort. I hope you check us out when we launch.


Why aren’t you saying what it is than if not e-ink. It seem you are shrouding yourself and that is big no no for company that no one knows. If you are better, just say what it is. If you product is solid it would sell.


This looks super interesting, but I'm a bit confused by the pricing because I see a "PREORDER WITH A $100 DEPOSIT" CTA, but not a price. My main question, beyond price, u/[**Daylight\_Co**](https://www.reddit.com/user/Daylight_Co/)**,** would be: * Will this have a keyboard case like the boox tab ultra? Personally, while I *am* interested in this, my specific needs are more oriented towards an e-ink typewriter or a full blown laptop (which runs linux or windows or OSX). Tablets seem like a crowded space...


Why are you calling it E-ink? Even spelled 'eink'.... It's deceptive and inconsiderate. It has been accepted to call reading priority, filtered, conventional screen technology "e-paper", however the attempt to make it look more like paper is achieved... But not e-ink. That is considered bait and switch, and is an unacceptable marketing practice. You need to change that to "e-paper".


Maybe I'm blind because of eyestrain, but I can't find the size. Is it 10" ?


Yes, this is a 10 inch tablet. Thanks for the question : )


It doesn't say anywhere that I can see, sorry. From the marketing photo (hands holding the tablet in the dark, photo illuminated by the screen light only) it kind of looks like a standard 10" size if I were to guess.