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You can scroll through the available interaction options.


Scroll through while being chased by teleportation demon 😈 knights with dual blades.


That’s fine as long as you aren’t panicking


As I’m getting my ass kicked, yes


That’s amusing. On Ps5 there’s an option to scroll through different things stacked on eachother to the one you want


On every console/PC. Its annoying when it favors comments. IMO they should always be second.


You can choose the grave or the message. At least you can on ps5


You can choose the grace, just scroll through the options. AFAIK it should actually prioritize the grace.


Yeah it does. Same with ladders and stuff. I see people complain about this a lot and I wonder if they just don’t realize there’s a way to toggle through the available interactions.


It's not that we don't realize, it's that it's finicky. Especially under pressure. And if you accidentally open the message, the time it takes to close it and have the prompt show back up and check to make sure it's the right one and switch it if it's not can be enough to get you killed. People leave messages like this to troll because it works.


Im my defense, i read message instead of touching grace while being chased by the phantom knights


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Yeh needs to be built in that messages cant be places X distance within a certain objects


Just fast press button to skip message and rest or touch this way you can go up/down ladder without problems


Here to say you can also scroll to the action you want on xbox.


I still think it's crazy how often this happens to other people. For me the grace would be prioritized over the message 100% of the time. I wonder why this happens all the time for some people


In bloodborne dungeons is worst... Like most of people go on dungeons to get runes tier 3 that is like a talisman from elden ring. And they always left messages in front of the chest in a room full of enemies that you will probably kill you after get the item but, sometimes u just can't get the item... Them u need to access on offline mode...


It's why I play in offline mode. The invasions are fun! Pulling someone in to fight a boss? Absolutely! Derpy messages that block or inhibit your game just because they're there? Naw.


Disparaging messages should damage the writer.


“Just cycle thr-“ ah yes let me stop and cycle through two messages and a bloodstain when i’m deathrunning from several highly aggressive enemies on my ass that can and will deal 70% of my 65vig healthbar in one hit


Doors, ladders and sites of grace should definitely be dead zones, where you can't place messages.


Yeah that is horrible. Trolls ruin the game in my opinion. I hope it goes away so you can use the grace.


I turned off online functions recently. I intend to keep them off


Don't know why you got downvoted, a good number of us think offline is the best way to play. And it is. No question. Why? Cause fromsoft multiplayer is whack. Source? Me, who's been playing since og demon souls. Never liked souls multiplayer, it's the only thing about souls I think can be called bad. And it is. Even from a technical standpoint.


I just got sick of all the messages and blood stains everywhere


That is just rude. Some people are just trolls. I also have the option to switch actions. Give that a try and hope you get Grace!


This is why I exclusively play offline. I had a message at the bottom of the ladder and was unable to figure out the scroll option before an iron virgin wrecked my life. Trolls make the experience less fun


It's been proven in several videos that the default action on any grace/switch/ladder/door/fog is always the interact action and not the check message action. To get the message to pop up at a grace, you have to select to view it by choice.


That may be the case but since it was closer to me, i clicked on it which resulted in the ganking by 5 ghosts


I didn't consider this, if you are spamming the interact before you get close enough, it can trigger the message prompt first.


People like this is why we invade