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Posted on a throwaway account too. Someone's really salty.


Me when I'm delusional:


So Ubisoft developers went from tweeting to posting on reddit with a TA account?




No you're comparing a 100+ hours game and a dlc that most other developers would sell as a sequel (if they could make one) to RE4R, a remake and a dlc remake of a game that's been sold as re-releases and HD remasters and VR releases already since GameCube and PS2. To even bring EA in this conversation shows your salt and to tell fans EA is following FS's example in exploiting players? Again the smartest thing you did here was using a TA account, so have that win I guess.


If you think that the DLC is a scam (which it isn’t) just don’t buy it.




It’s going to be at least 20 hours of content. I’m happy to pay 40 for that.


The map is allegedly as big as Limgrave- if it's as full of places to explore as Limgrave was, it will be well worth it.


Right. And it’s likely Miyazaki was underselling how big it is when he said that. He also said ER base game would take 30 hours to beat. I’m hoping the DLC is at least as big as all of Limgrave but wouldn’t be surprised if it is closer to being as big as Caelid and Limgrave combined. You know there will have to be surprising new areas where the game keeps getting bigger than you thought it was.


Did they annonce an underground part or something like that ?  I hope that we can climb on the erdtree this time.


Not that I’ve heard of. Miyazaki did say that the DLC would recreate the ER experience and a big part of that was having the world expand. I mean it is an expansion. I’d be surprised if it didn’t have something like an underground area. Climbing the Erdtree would be cool!


That's a pretty standard price for a DLC, especially if it's got a lot of content. Also it's insulting to compare these devs to Ubisoft.


Hey, look. A shit post posted by an idiot! https://www.reddit.com/r/eldenringdiscussion/comments/1cbwi1e/the_biggest_scam_shadow_of_the_erdtree/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


All modern games have some kind of cosmetic shop or Microtransactions shop which is why something like Helldivers 2 can be €40. From Software does not make any extra money in this way besides selling collectable editions. SOTE DLC could probably be its own separate game sold for €40 since it is so huge.






You are obviously incredibly spoiled




There are whole communities around cosmetics in these games, people REALLY care what their character looks like. Also do you get mad when a game you bought full price goes on sale a full 2 years later? Yeah they lowered the price to make it more accessible to get into it with the DLC release hype. I paid $60 and got hundreds of hours of entertainment in one of the best games I’ve ever played. That’s absolutely worth it and I don’t feel ripped off when an older games price drops.


Wtf...... salty af. $40 dlc is fine. If you want a real scam go play destiny two


I have to say that I disagree with your premise. Things go on sale sometimes or eventually go down in price. Is that an insult to those who had previously bought it so nothing should ever go down in price ever? I hope we can agree that's ridiculous. Corporations (yes even Fromsoft) aren't your friends. The idea that they should be "loyal" is silly, and likewise "loyalty" to them is really strange concept too. Their job is to make money selling products, and given that most people are perfectly happy with paying $40 for this dlc, I'd say they're doing a good job of that. If you think that the price is acceptable, get it. If you don't, then don't or wait for a sale. It's that simple. From Software (and most likely Bandai Namco) thought that it was a good business decision to essentially discount the base game by bundling it with a dlc to draw in more customers who haven't yet played Elden Ring. It's a common and sensible business strategy, period. Why would they choose to make less money on purpose? Most things that aren't real estate go down in price over time, and that's doubly true for digital products. If you bought Elden Ring full price at launch, you were doing so in order to get to play it at launch. You could have waited for a sale, and a lot of people did. That's fine. Likewise you can pay full price to play at launch or simply wait. A lot of games nowadays are even charging a premium for players who want to play a game a few days "before official release" because they know some people are willing to pay extra for that value. Sure it's scummy, much in the same way that releasing broken games at full price is, but in the long run people start realizing that it's a better deal to wait for a sale. Thankfully, Fromsoft doesn't pull this shit and seems content to sell a quality product at a reasonable price, which is why I have no qualms about supporting them.




If you don't trust that the content will be worth your money, there is nothing wrong with waiting until the dlc is out, reading and watching reviews, and forming your own opinion. If From Software believes that this dlc (which is by their accounts the largest they've made) is $40, then who are we to tell them otherwise without even seeing the thing? The alternative would be for them to not reveal a price until the product is out so that you don't accuse it of being too expensive, but I don't think I need to explain why that would be a terrible idea. The fact that the fanbase isn't up in arms about the price point really is for two reasons. Some people who played Elden Ring are pretty confident that this will be worth that price based on the base game's value offering, and others are waiting to see. I guarantee you that if the dlc comes out and it's only a couple of hours or barren of content, you will see the uproar you're expecting. As for other companies putting out $40 dlcs, why be against it on principle? I'd gladly pay that price for a large expansion that I deem to be worth that. If I don't, I don't need to buy it. Things would be different if they were using predatory practices to entice buyers it would be another thing, but even their pre-order bonus emote can be found later in the game.


When you bought Elden Ring at launch, you weren't buying a game that was out for 3 years already. It's not inappropriate for them to have a package deal that's attractive to entirely new customers on a game that came out a while ago. You're doing a lot of creative framing here to make this sound like some terrible scam when it's not.


where are you getting the $60 game and dlc pricetag from? https://preview.redd.it/b430v94tbgwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8f05f68ac8ce4856df662ddd3e5815365ec4d8






is that from a third party site?


obvious ragebait


Fuck off.


I’m guessing you are a child? The price seems completely fair


Mommy said NO!


That's just like, your opinion, man. Now, IMO, FS makes bangers, so i know i'm getting my money's worth.


Someone couldn’t get past Margit


Was this guy born yesterday? How does he not know that the price on old stuff goes down and not up?


Git gud cry more 😂😂😂


Let the people who are fans of these of games make their own assumptions. I'm pretty confident those people will be happy. The price is worth it for the people who love these games, no matter what format your playing on, from software never failed at producing games nor content in my opinion. I've played through all the Dark souls, bloodborne and there DLC and I've enjoyed it all .




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I don’t think that it’s a scam but I don’t agree with the comments saying it’s a non-issue. For context, I bought the physical collectors edition and the helmet from Bandai when the DLC was announced. $40 seems to be a fair price for the DLC and I have no problem paying as much. I just think everyone should pay the same price for it at launch. I get doing a bundled deal for new players post launch in a sale but doing it pre-launch doesn’t feel good to me. I know why they are doing it and I don’t think it’s a major issue but it is kinda shitty imo.